Part 82: Orren To The Rescue

7/10. Were almost home folks.

So Framboise, though her own stupidity, was sucked into the dark world at the end of the last episode, and its up to us to rescue her.

This is one of the shorter chapters of the Avatar Story, all told. Theres no sub-quests for us to get bogged down with, its just rescue Framboise, the end.
Seems straight forward enough, but this is actually a maze dungeon with a gimmick meant to artificially pad out the run time.
So were back here on the Magic Plane where we fought the Madoras Phantom, and Yulie got the Moon Maiden and Orren got the Arc Knight. Weve long since established that these weirdass folks hail from this alternate reality. So were in enemy territory for this mission officially.

Here at the start of the level, weve got a couple of dormant Skeletons just lying around who we can talk to for reasons. Theyre going to explain the situation and the gimmick of this chapter to us.

Thanks creepy fuck off skeleton.
So the map for this mission is nothing short of useless thanks to the random teleporter maze thats the gimmick for this level. This platform here is the home platform, for lack of a better term. The objective marker never moves from this platform, so just like in Chapter 5, its absolutely useless.

So each platform we warp down to has a bunch of Shadow Warriors. Thats about it.

When we clear out the enemies and warp up to the next platform, the gimmick of the chapter unfurls before us. Theres two portals on this larger platform, a light one and a dark one. One of these portals advances is to the next portion of the maze, the other one warps us back to the start of the maze. Which one does which changes every time, but the skeletons lying about on the platform give you helpful hints as to which one is the one you want.
Basically, if you know the Kanji for light and darkness, you know what one to pick.

It doesnt respond to you. Apparently its lost its soul to the void already.

You hear a faint voice from the creature's soul.

It seems the teleportation was successful.

And theres also gigases here too occasionally.

You hear a faint voice from the creature's soul.


And then its a matter of doing this a few more times until you make it to the central platform where the boss for the chapter is waiting.

Nothing to do now but run forward a couple of steps, aaaand

Well, we found Framboise at least.

Our mysterious Man-Shem, now identified by the subtitles as Azel emerges from the ether before them.

And now someone is about to get his silver ass ruined.

Behold our boss battle for this chapter: Azel and a group of Ogres. Its not unlike the final battle we fought with Shem in the Nordia Tunnels.

Azel is a bit more of a challenge than Shem was, though he wields the same weapon she did: the Lux Sword.

Taking out the Ogres first is a must, as they respawn every so often, so its best to clear the field and give yourself some breather room to take on Azel.

Just like Shem before him, Azel also transforms into a Knight when you defeat his humanoid form.

Azels Knight, called Azels Knight in-game, sports a slightly modified version of the Khshathra armour set with a halo similar to Shems Knight.

I let it stomp around for a little while as I deal with the Ogres.

Azels Knight, which Ill just call the Onyx Knight, wields the Knight sword Granhades, the big purple evil-looking sword near the end of the Knight sword line.

Round Two! FIGHT!

I dont know what the hell is up with him, but Azels Knight has some kind of massive damage attack that can damn near kill everyone in the party, even when theyre modded out to near invincibility status.

I mean, look at this. Caesar and Kara are in the red. That NEVER happens anymore. Can you imagine playing this mission straight? Its got to be damn near impossible.
Thanks, Level-5!

Alright, Im tired of this omnicidal jackass. Lets end this.

Also, heres the official artwork for Azels Knight:

And then he died.

The red Ark Core flies free of his grasp as he disintegrates into energy.

And it rolls across the ground back to Framboise. Christ, this thing is like the fucking One Ring, I swear to god.

Saving the world three times in a row? Hell yeah, Im down for this. Though Im gonna start demanding an official World Savior discount at every shop I visit now.