Part 84: Guido's Hollow ~ The Last Gasp Of A Dying Age

I told Artix that Level-5, in its infinite wisdom, backended 100% of the story of this Avatar Story into the second-to-last thing they ever released for the game.
He replied, more or less, thats the Level-5 I know and love!
Clench people. This ones a doozy.

We begin this penultimate chapter in the far northwest corner of the world that is conspicuously empty in the NTSC version. An entirely new location has suddenly opened up on the map now that weve unlocked the ninth Avatar Story mission.
Holy shit? Original content? Like for real? What is this new devilry?!
Well, Level-5 was apparently holding out on us this whole time. Or rather, I suppose they were stalling for time to get this final dungeon finished. You see, the Avatar Story was released on a per-episode basis from March to August 2011nearly a full year after the NTSC-J version of White Knight Chronicles II was released in 2010. They had a solid year to work on this addendum to the story, and instead, we get this.
Though thats on top of the monthly free DLC quest and weapons/armour updates too. The North American and European versions only got about a third of the total free DLC material that the original Japanese version did, all told. Because D3 was even more lazy than Level-5 itself was and just literally gave the fuck up about localizing anything after the original v. 1.10 patch came out.
Most of those DLC quests, however, are just low-effort time wasters with the same materials just shuffled around to new locations and are completely disconnected from anything in the story despite involving certain elements or characters from the storyline at times. So theyre all completely skippable, yay!
BUT ANYWAY! As I said, a new location has appeared on the map, the ruined fortress of Guidos Hollow. Lets see now if theres any story to be found herein now that were two chapters away from the close of the game and the LP along with it.

So Cyrus has led us deep into the frozen northlands into territory claimed by neither Faria, Balandor, Greede, or Yshrenia. What we find up here is a recently uncovered ruin from the Dogma Era that is curiously still active. An expedition lead by the Royal Science Academy has been probing the fortresses depths with heightened interest now that were facing an alleged extra-dimensional apocalypse, and Cyrus believes that there may well be something, anything, really, here that could help avert the impending disaster.

We begin this chapter with Eldore and Yulie back in place as our #2 and #3 characters, though as weve all seen they dont matter outside of gameplay, so theres really no point in even mentioning them, is there?

Cyrus leads Framboise and Orren to the gates of the frigid fortress.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Echoes of the Past (Unreleased Track)

AREA MUSIC: Infiltration (Disc 1, Track 12)
So Guidos Hollow gets the badass important things are happening area music playing over it. I suppose its only natural, seeing as how our last full-scale Dogma Era dungeon (not counting Vellgander or the Garmatha) had this music too.

So as youll see on the map Ill be posting for this place at the bottom, Guidos Hollow is actually a decent-sized environment. Its not monstrously huge or anything, and its made up mostly of narrow hallways and chambers, but at least its an actual dungeon this time instead of the Garmathas corridor to the final boss.
The objective marker on the map points us to Framboise, Oruro, and Cyrus have all gathered, and where well get out to-do list for this episode. Its not going to be as drawn out and bullshitty as the last one was, I promise.

So this place is kind of cool, all told. Its got these neat purple fires blazing all over the place and blue energy pulsating along the walls and doors.
Balandors kind of colonized the place already, setting up tents and supply posts all over the place.

And this games cup runeth over with really dumb retcons.

These shots arent really doing this place justice at the moment, but well be seeing some better angles of it fairly shortly, especially once we get outside and have a look around.

If it means we can get another step closer to ending this madness once and for all, then sure, why the hell not?

So Guidos Hollow essentially one giant square. Theres about 9 rooms in total connected by long hallways.

In the centre we find the main courtyard of the fortress, where the majority of the boss fights in the spat of DLC missions that take place here occur.

And just like last time, we come across an argument between a soldier and a really fucking dense scientist.

So the outside courtyard is where Guidos Hollow comes to life almost.

Though, par for the course in this game, all the interesting stuff is tucked up and away at an angle that you need to fight with the camera to tilt it up and look at all of it.

Theres four of these towers with bridges between them and everything. Also par for the course, we never go beyond the ground level of this dungeon, so instead of having four whole towers full of potentially interesting stuff to explore as the capstone for the game, especially after the pointless, underwhelming grindfest that was Vellgander we get another kind of pointless underwhelming dungeon.


So once again, the game gives you NO indication of what the fuck youre supposed to do to complete this chapter. Theres no objective markers, and no one you talk to gives you any concrete hint as to where you should be searching for this key.
According to the Japanese wiki I used to get through this level, you need to go around and open up chests located in specific areas across the ruin.

You hear a roar from deep within the chest: My name is Guido! Guido Kantarabe!
Wait, Kantarabe? Why does that name sound familiar?
Then it asks you if you wish to release the power trapped inside?

The chest pops open and a rush of energy flies out of it.

The screen then fades to black. Yep, its miniboss time!

So theres actually three chests per area that you can pop open, they all do and say the same thing. The only difference is what kind of Ark Incorruptus they spring on you as a miniboss.
This one spits up a Tier 3 Sword Incorruptus.

But after practically climbing up a mountain of these fuckers to get to Madoras in Vellgander, this is old hat for us.

So down it goes.

On to the next area.


A plot bullshit chest!

So this chest throws a Tier 4 Sword Incorruptus at us.

Just like fighting gigases, combatting Knights has ALSO lost its allure. Thank god were almost done with this gongshow.

Hes technically right on that one. The Arc Knight wasnt a wholly modern creation, it was merely co-opted and heavily modified from an existing Dogma Era-created Knight by Framboise and her team.

And thats about it for NPCs you can talk to in the ruins. Theres only three more out there, but theyre spread out on opposite ends of the fortress.

Once you pop, the fun dont Lets be honest, the fun never started in the first place.

This chamber shakes things up a bit in that our miniboss is a pair of Tier 2 Ice Elemental Knights, one wielding a sword, and the other wielding a hammer.

Nothing worth commenting on.

Its the same thing in the other chamber directly cross the way, only theres a spear-wielding Knight this time in addition to a hammer Knight.

And sure enough if you look down into the abyss between the centre platform and the side walkway in this chamber, you can see a bunch of floating blocks zipping around in the darkness, propelled by some unknown force.

Now, weve got to head outside and take out a couple of Ark Crystals to get the last bits of the fortress up and going.

Again, these outdoor parts of the fortress are pretty cool, at least in my opinion. Just like deserts at dusk, also have a thing for snowfield landscapes and this snowed in ruin almost justifies this places existence to me. Too bad that this part is only like 10% of the total dungeon, if even.

So thats why Im taking as many screenshots of it as a I can to drag it out.

So yeah, Ark Crystals

Meh. Whatever.

Weve ALL about had it with this games 31 flavours of bullshit, havent we?

AUGH! Fuck you, Level-5, fuck you so much for couching an atmospheric shot like this in a bog of stupid and incompetence!
This game could have been SO GOOD! It really could have been! HOW?! How do you fuck up something that has EVERYTHING going for it BY DEFAULT?!

Just one more update. One more

And once we take out that one last set of Ark Crystals, weve killed everything in Guidos Hollow that there is to be killed, so its time to head back to the basecamp and see what Oruro, Framboise, and Cyrus are up to now.

And thenHOLY SHIT! Another cutscene! Jesus, Level-5s just splurging on this one, arent they?

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Enternal Engraving (Disc 2, Track 20)

Framboise sighs at the futility of it all.

And heres where Id like to pause and do a bit of backstory explanation which the game most assuredly does NOT do. I yanked this off a Level-5 approved Lore website hosted on Sonys own Japanese PlayStation site. This entire area, Guidos Hollow, is a really fucking obtuse attempt to actually tie the game to both the White Knight Chronicles Episode 0 prequel manga, and the White Knight Chronicles Origins PSP game, when previously it had been content to just ignore the both of them completely.
So, you see, Guidos Hollow goes by another name, a name that would probably be a little more resonant to people who have played this game and paid attention to its batshit bonkers plot than Guidos Hollow might. Because, you see, we just so happen to be in a little place called: The Athwani Royal Palace.
Way to bury the goddamn lead, Level-5.
Dont believe me? Here, Ive got maps:

These two maps come from the White Knight Chronicles Origins game itself and the official site for White Knight Chronicles Episode 0, respectively. The first one shows the territory on Dogma Era Nadias claimed by Athwan and Yshrenia. Yshrenia lays claim to the eastern half of the continent, the territory that makes up Balandor, Nordia, Albana, Greede, and the Van Haven Waste on modern Nadias. While Athwan controls the frozen northwestern edge of the continent, ie: the spot we find Guidos Hollow in at the end of the game here. And Faria, or rather, the land that would become Faria 10,000 years later, lies as neutral ground between both empires.
The Episode 0 map even identifies the fortress, which looks a lot like Guidos Hollow, as the Athwani capital. It makes a similar point to pinpoint the location and name of Vellgander as Yshrenias capital as well. And what brief snippets Ive seen in of the manga in my quest to supplement this chapter with everything that SHOULD have been included in it do indeed depict Vellgander as something very closely resembling the Lost City of Not Actually Appearing In This Game glimpsed in the post-game CG cutscene. So at least theres that.
Before doing this, I was under the impression that the gulf between the PS3 and PSP games/manga was a complete continuity nightmare rather than just a major continuity nightmare. Way to go, Level-5! You successfully lowered my expectations!
Now, who the fuck is Guido Kantarabe? youre asking, in between your usual chorus of what the fuck am I still doing here?s. Well, I will tell you.
According to Episode 0, Guido Kantabe was, in essence, Yshrenias Dr. Cid, a technological genius who forged their greatest mechanical accomplishments, namely the Knights (and monoships, the site makes a point of mentioning monships too!). Now why has the Athwani capital come to be known in the modern era as Guidos Hollow? I have no fucking idea! BUT! According to the sources Ive read online, Guido apparently kind of had a little Oppenheimer moment when he saw all the atrocities Madoras was conducting with the Knights hed created for him. He wanted the technology hed spend all these long years of his life creating for Yshrenia to be put to a peaceful use, and was horrified that Madoras so quickly and easily perverted everything he made into weapons of war.
So then one day, during the height of the Dogma War, Guido defected from Yshrenia to Athwan, with the help of Wylde, the original Pactmaker of the White Knight before Leonard. But because this is White Knight Chronicles, and everyone who isnt a villain or Orren is a shade of capital-I Incompetent, Athwan proved to be no safe harbour for him, and he was eventually captured by Madoras and imprisoned beyond the rift for all eternity. Wylde himself was later captured and executed by Madoras, who then instituted the policy of having infants with as-yet unformed conscious minds pilot the Knights rather than full-grown adult soldiers so as (in his diseased mind) to ensure their loyalty to Yshrenia.
Because THATs not explained in-game either.
Now, its not 100% confirmed or anything, but the fact that they share a last name lends some heavy credence to the idea that Oruro is a descendant of Guidos. Again, this is never mentioned in-game, nor is the connection made, to my knowledge. Its more of Akihiro Hino just plopping stuff down and going eh, heres this, you figure it out.
Because this would be a really great character development and motivational piece here for this guy whom weve only met twice so far and had been kind of a standoffish dick to us. Hes a direct blood descendant of the man who cursed the world in the first place by bringing the Knights into existence. So he could be on a mission to defuse the threat of the Knights once and for all and finally make amends for the shame that has been looming over his family for 10,000 years now.
But nope. Thats not important enough to be mentioned anywhere in the game. You need to scour the Internet, buy a PSP game, and read a whole two-volume manga to get the whole story on whats up with this one place and that one guy who appears for like ten minutes tops thats actually very important to the lore of this whole series.
Jesus fucking Christ, Level-5, I came here to play a game about giant medieval fantasy robots, not go on a fucking scavenger hunt to make sense of your fucked up plot.
Im starting to develop an irrational hatred of the number 5, just because its a part of Level-5s company name.
Now, Id be a little more forgiving if all these things were some after the fact retcon and what was on screen was originally all there was to be had before another author expanded upon it. But no, Episode 0 was published online for free 15 days before the original White Knight Chronicles was. In 2008. This Avatar Story chapter came out in August 2011.
Level-5 had a three year cushion to reconcile its pre-published prequel with its central installment, and it failed. Good fucking god, it failed.
Thats like if Star Trek: First Contact was still about the Enterprise crew travelling back in time to ensure Earths first warp drive flight was a success like history records it being, only no mention is made of Zefram Cochrane, nor does the man himself appear in the movie despite being a Pretty Big Lore Thing in the world of Star Trek for the 30 years in between then and when he first appeared in the Original Series and was explicitly called out as being the man who invented warp drive and flew Earths first warp-powered flight.
Is this stupidity, or laziness? YOU DECIDE!
But alas, Ive done this games job enough in the exposition department for now, lets see what little it has left to say for itself now.

Seriously, the Arc Knight is a non-entity in this game, so theres no fucking way that Level-5 would turn around and point the finger at you the player and go THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!, even though it would not surprise me if they did, given how much they hate their playerbase.

A swirling cloud of dark magic bullshit begins to form in the POV shot overhead.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Tense Battle (Disc 1, Track 30)

And heres our arbitrary boss battle for this chapter, an Ifreet. Or rather, the Ifreet bounty pallet swap Agni.

Oruro dives out of the way

And Agni crashes down right on top of him anyway. So long you useless geriatric tool!

No, Im kidding, he survives. But it would be completely in this games wheelhouse for him to up and die after only telling barely half a story that would have made the world a little more interesting.

Agni roars, and its boss fight time. See you in 23 screenshots.

And from there, we transition to the rest of this updates story, as everyone gathers around the big giant gate in the far hall.

The old fart comes to a halt before it.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Scar (Disc 2, Track 13)

And yet, Orren steps up regardless.

And then the shot transitions between Orren and Framboise, in a way that means Fuck me, I dont know.

Its not like that one at the end of the storyline that crossfaded between Cisna and Grazel to symbolize that they were the two key players of the games plot and their war was finally coming to a personal head, but whatever.

Maybe its to symbolise their solidarity. Who knows.

What else could you do at that point, other than find small solace in that it would soon be over, for real this time.
Everything hinged on one final fight.
I was just gonna dig until I hit daylight.