Part 3: Doomed to Obscurity
For the boy, we're going with the name Billy.UPDATE 3: Robbing Ozymandias
Whenever you load a saved game, you're treated to a short opening animation, as if this was an episode of an anime. Interestingly, this video changes in minor ways as you progress though the game.
Here's the video as it shows now.

Which is a week after Pearl's attempted Suicide By Gob.

He's not a treasure hunter, he's a thief!

MUSIC: "Scars of Leftover Memories"

Most of the dungeons in this game have vaguely ominous names like these. It can make it tricky to remember which one is which. I like this name though.
Trying the door won't get you anywhere.

Most of the puzzles in this section are platforming puzzles. You'll need to loop and weave your way around this pyramid to gain access.
Note that Billy jumps off a platform in the third shot. When you approach a drop, the character will teeter on the edge until you press X to drop down.

And a kid will. Pressing Square makes Billy use his tool - a Boomerang. This breaks down the barrier and lets us in!

Hey hey! Treasure!


While Billy is plunging to depths unknown, someone comes out of hiding.

He looks entirely too cheerful as he runs to the front door and picks the lock.
Billy must suck as a thief and treasure hunter if it was that easy.

Inside the pyramid, Billy drops into a chaotically designed room. The purpose of this place is to teach you to rotate the camera, as you'll need to to find the path though it.

The path is easy to follow, and will lead you to the green switch in the third and fourth shots - hitting it with a boomerang lowers a section of wall.

You can now walk over it and get to the door. The two treasure chests in the room contained a Heal Berry and 600 Gella.

There's monsters too, of course. These weird... things... are really no threat at all though.

Their sole attack is Hard Touch, where they flail their tentacles at you. It does next to no damage.

On the other hand, Billy can easily one-shot them.

These passages descend deeper into the ruin. Not much in them though, except...


This place is full of traps, though most of them are these spears. They're easy to recognise once you know what they look like.

Sneaking close enough to spring the trap (but not be hit) and then destroying it with the boomerang is a good bet, but if you're feeling adventurous you can just sprint through.
In the next room, Billy encounters a few people who, quite frankly, remind me of Muppets.

The two groups awkwardly ignore each other for a moment until a bald guy runs in.

Unless, y'know, he's going for the same treasure as you Billy)

Kovahn reaches out and stops Goodwin before he can finish.

But that's that. You can continue with the dungeon now, but these people have more to say if you talk to them.

"I'll stand here and let you save him instead!"

The next area features a pair of large metal nets suspended over a pit.

Pressing X under a net makes Billy jump up and swing hand over hand under it. If you head to the edge of the net and press X again, you can flip him up onto the net and walk on it.
Walking on top's faster but you don't get random encounters while hanging, so if you want to avoid them it can be worth your time to do it the slow way.
Using this net will let you drop down to the treasure chest which contains a Mini Carrot.

Then you need to backtrack to the entrance. As you might have guessed, spikes will shoot out of the floor if you walk over those holes.

Dropping onto the central block instead lets us get to the other net and the exit.

This dungeon LOVES it's platforming, and you'll spend a lot of time hanging from and walking on nets. This room is pretty typical - clambering on these nets will get you to the treasure chest (Heal Berry) and let you drop down to the exit.

It's still throwing spears in your way too, and doubling them up to try and trick you, but I think I have this sorted. I don't think spears will be of any further concern to us...

In my defence, you can't see the holes they come out of at that angle.

You deal with these with the boomerang, just like the other ones.
The chests contain a Gimel Coin and a Revive Fruit. I don't know why the game is giving me Revive Fruits, because you can't use a Revive Fruit on yourself on account of deadness.

Downstairs, the green haired kid is tapping the ground.

He starts searching the crates.

Incidentally, this explains why Kovahn interrupted Goodwin earlier before he could tell Billy this. They're totally taking advantage of him here.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Something drops down from the ceiling!
MUSIC: "Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland"

Like the Hobgob Boss, Tatzelwurn isn't too hard. He's also not nearly as cool.

He has two attacks, but neither are really reason to worry.

However, once he's near death he will start to use a skill to heal himself. Unfortunately, since he is faster than Billy and will always move first, this makes him impossible to kill by conventional means.

The trick here is to use Accelerator, Billy's Force Ability. This ability costs 25 FP, and ensures that he WILL go first in this round.
We're using it here to make an ordinary attack.

This gives us two attacks in a row before it can heal, and kills the beast.

Though actually the damage is irrelevant. The Tatzelwurm is scripted to die when you use Accelerator

Our rewards include a Dragon Fossil, a rare-ish item that will be pretty useful later.

"You won't be rubbing it in when you're bullet-ridden, treasure-less body is found, will you?"
Billy goes to leave, but...

Oh shi-

He gets away, but the stairs up are blocked.

Oh you are shitting me.

"How long has been been since you last played with these things?"
"A week. But I think I've really grown up a lot since then, which is why I had to come get them NOW!

"And I'm going to spend it with Pretty Pony Princess Penny! Pretty pony! Pretty Penny!

There are some more rooms with nets next, but they're pretty much the same as before.

The one wrinkle is that you need to hit some switches with your boomerang to lower those vertical nets. In this shot, we're actually higher up than the switch. We have to throw the boomerang at the wall - when it hits it, it'll stop and fall down onto the switch.

On the next floor, there is another brief tremor and everyone pulls a constipated expression.

(all these inner monologues... I considered naming this guy "Whatever")

Hello, shoehorned plot point!

MUSIC: That Which One Aspires to and Seizes

And so they made it out OK. Pike was not slapped, despite certainly deserving it.

And there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on!
Billy gets a lot of hate. Much of it is deserved - he's that frustrating angsty archetype that really infests JRPGS. But at least he's not the main character.
Bonus videos
In this video - climbing the pyramid, the net rooms, and the boss battle with Tatzelwurm.
By the way, I'm still getting those weird e-mails. I guess I might as well share them.
FROM: A Day A Day (
SUBJECT: Butler Day
Today is May 3, Butler Day. Butlers are handy people who handle all of your general affairs at home. They can even help you sleep better when you tell them to count sheep for you. I wish I had a butler...
FROM: A Day A Day (
SUBJECT: Angolmois Day
Today is May 4, Angolmois Day. The King of Angolmois felt that he was behind the times. To change his image, he tried to show himself as hip to the people. He listened to new music, drank with next-gen monsters at the clubs and... Was he successful? I'm too scared to say it...
I don't know what they're talking about. Any ideas about this King of Angolmois fella?