Part 13: The Unclean Mark
Update 13a: The radio said "No, Janus. You are the demons"With a new chapter comes an update to the intro movie! Not as much of the movie changes as I'd like, so rewatching the whole thing isn't strictly necessary
All that changes is the animation that takes place shortly after "I will make it though this desert storm, safe and warm," which used to be Pearl and Janus duelling. Now...

This scary-looking guy turns up,

and so do the mysterious robed people.

Sinister seems to be the watchword here.
Here's the full video if you want to see it. Since it's mostly the same as the previous version, I added the Japanese vocal track from the soundtrack instead of the English one for a bit of variety.
VIDEO - Intro (Chapter 2)
MUSIC - Impatience Leading to Trouble

Doc's dream returns, still just as cryptic as before.

Back at the Claiborne saloon...
MUSIC - A Person's Warmth

Are you kidding? Were you there when we slaughtered hundreds of jellies for gems?

Pearl seems to be offended by the concept of financial reward.

Ah, dual-classing as a Sniper/Archaeologist.

So it doesn't only appear in folklore then?

There's probably someone in Claiborne who knows which way to head...

If we hadn't already bought horses, we would have been forced to at this point in order to progress, as they're the only way to jump the crevasse.
On leaving town, another cutscene starts.
MUSIC - Soaked Through with Fear

Interesting-looking location here. Pretty high-tech...

YOU - run my bath. YOU - give me a backrub.

For clarification, the Slickster is addressing the robed woman here. I don't think he'd get away with talking to his boss that way.

The strange man by the door turns to leave.

This doesn't seem promising.
Outside, the drifters have to make their way to Little Twister.

Riding out to Westwood Station and jumping the crevasse west of it takes us to the Little Twister area. The directions said "ride west from Claiborne" but 'west' is a pretty big area and if you're unlucky it could be some time before you find the town's location.

Searching will sometimes turn up items though, in this case 3500 gella.

Fortunately I already had a good idea of where the town was.
MUSIC - Bad Guys & Bad Land

A brown and dusty town where most of the buildings are boarded up, it's pretty clear that Little Twister is a seedy place that's seen much better days.
Incidentally, in the Japanese version this town was called "Titty Twister" after the strip club in From Dusk till Dawn. It's not hard to see why this was changed for the English language versions.
Town seems to be entirely populated by drifters...

... one lazy-ass Sherrif...

... and barmaids.

Point to a 500 Gella bottle.

The ruin - The Unclean Mark - is located roughly northeast of Little Twister.
MUSIC - Losing One's Way in Darkness, Losing Something in Darkness

It's a pretty linear twisty passage with a few side rooms - no mazes here.

Inside though, we quickly meet a missing person - Angela's barmaid.

The lovely lady ignores Boone and approaches Doc.

The group forms up again, but Doc is hesitating.

Claudia just nods.

Opening the door to the next room is as simple as bombing these four switches. They'll reset if you don't hit all four quickly enough, but that shouldn't be an issue here.

The very next room has a sealed door we can open with a duplicator, leading to a treasure room containing...
3000 Gella
A Dragon Fossil
3 Heal Berries
A Heart Leaf - a decent piece of Gear that gives the Misery Ward PS to a Guardian. Misery is a fairly annoying status that seals off your Arcana and Force Abilities, and limits all FP gain to a measly 1FP per action. It won't get you killed by itself but it can be a serious nuisance.

A little further on we find this narrow walkway. Someone has to hit that switch to open the door behind us.

What a helpful girl. She carefully walks over to the switch and pulls it for us, opening the door and...

This is enough to knock us off the platform, which just sends us back to the door, so not as bad as it could have been...

Yeah, you'd better, this place is dangerous.

Pressing on brings us to a side room with a few treasure chests. Three of them are real, but the upper left one has a TERRIFYING SECRET you've probably already guessed since this is an RPG.

Say hi to the Mimic, probably the toughest non-boss enemy so far, but that's only because it has more HP than a regular enemy. Its Gimmick Hand attack is pretty decent too, but getting past it is just a case of blasting it until it falls apart.
The reward for facing it is rather nice - two Duplicators. The other chests also contain a Gimel Coin, three Lucky Cards and two Gella Cards. I will, of course, forget to use them on the bosses.
Mimics aren't the only enemies in here, though they are the most notable. Pordages reappear and are trivial to deal with now.

Not much to say about Orcs - they'll appear in large numbers, but aren't hard to take out thanks to their Water weakness. The worst thing about them is their out-of-control bellybutton fluff.

Gerbugs are flying insects with earth elemental weaknesses. All they did to me was a basic attack.
The next room looks like a dangerous situation.

We have to actually talk to her before she'll step on the switch though, and as soon as she does she quickly heads for the other side.

The floor starts to fall away, and if you don't run so will you!

Whatever that is, it takes off about 80HP each second, so scream and get out of there!

The trap in the next room is a wall that pushes you into a pit. Bombs are the best solution. Hit a section of it with enough bombs and it disappears.

The door up ahead needs that block placed on the switch. Unfortunately we can't push or pull it for some reason, so we'll have to take the side door for now.

This room is annoying. It's just like the first one - light up all the crystals to proceed, but with more crystals to light the time limit is much tighter.
You can save a little bit of time by placing bombs between pairs of gems instead of one bomb per gem. If you don't succeed, just keep waking in a circle placing bombs, and you'll soon do it quickly enough to hit them all at once.

Hitting this switch lowers the central platforms, allowing us to proceed.

She walks ahead of us...

How come SHE didn't set off these spikes!?!
You know what lady, I'm starting to think I don't like you.

Eh, I really shouldn't but there's no choice here. You can try to leave, but's it's not so much a "but thou must!" situation as it is a "but we must!"

Fine, fine, anything to impress a chick...

The answer to "how stupid do you think I am?" is "very."

Doc says what we're all thinking.

MUSIC - He Who Holds the Word of God

I'm just uncommonly suspicious of people who are trying to kill me.

Doc, them's fightin' words...

Everyone reels a little from that information.

Ugly and incompetent? Why don't you call her fat too?

MUSIC - Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Be careful - this lady is in full-blown Woman Scorned mode. She should only use one attack, but for the purposes of this battle that's all she needs.

Eliminate Scanner is a powerful single-target magic attack. I'm overlevelled and it's still taking off nearly half of Doc's health per hit.
Fortunately she's so incensed with Doc that he is the ONLY person she'll attack while he's still alive. This simplifies things a lot, as buffing his magic defence and healing him will get you through this. Without the need to watch anyone else at all, you can easily wear her down while she focuses on him.
But if Doc dies, you'll face her other attack - Annihilator, which will probably kill the rest of your party in short order.
If you want to see the battle, here's the video. Watch in awe, as I snatch victory from the jaws of incompetence!
VIDEO - Robed Woman battle

She tries to teleport away, but it fails.

As the room starts to shake, she repossesses Claudia and runs off with her body.

The drifters chase her deeper into the ruin, and...
MUSIC - Soaked Through with Fear

No wait, we already knew that from a previous cutscene.

No wait, we knew that from a previous cutscene too.
Uh, developer guys? Dramatic revelations don't really work when you've already revealed them in a previous scene.

MUSIC - Crossfire Sequence

Say hello to the NEW AND IMPROVED Janus 2.0!
Now that he's wielding the Dark Spear and not his bayonet, he's got a pair of new attacks.

One is naturally a slash with the spear. Not crippling damage but he will use it as a counter, so that damage can rack up.
The other is the fruity but dangerous Negative Rainbow.

Hits all for non-elemental magic damage. It's a good idea to put Protect on at least Billy to help him resist this. Thankfully, Janus is still getting used to his demonic form and can't use Negative Rainbow in consecutive turns, so he is forced to alternate between this and Dark Spear.
But all his demonic power can't stand against the might of being three or four levels overlevelled.

Dude, only a noob blames his ping. l2play
Part of the reward for beating Janus is a Baselard, a piece of gear. I'll explain later. Here's the video.
VIDEO - Demon Janus battle

His presumption earns him a slap.

They both teleport away, leaving the drifters to take care of Claudia.

MUSIC - Impatience Leading to Trouble

Well the 700 Club's been trying to tell you for ages, but would you listen? Nooooooo...

He smacks the ground, hard.

Speaking of puppets on strings, the mediums come out of everyone's bodies to tell them where to go to progress the plot.

Indeed. You have to be careful and pick just the right suckers to do it.

The next morning...
MUSIC - Bad Guys & Bad Land

Smooth, Romeo. Real smooth.

Smile... booty... nooooooo!!!

That's our Boone! (laugh track)
Next time: We take a break from spreading our wings and flying freely, and follow our guiding star instead.
(P.S. the traps she leads you into are typically dodgeable if you know they're coming... I fell into them for comedic effect

And now, to explain that baselard we found, here's a feature about...
Inertia Cancelling
If you've watched the videos or the screenshots carefully, you might have seen the following when characters are about to act -

Note the CANCELLABLE above Doc's HP. Characters in this game can use Inertia Cancelling when their turn comes up to immediately cancel their action and pick a new one. This costs 25 FP, so it is not cheap, but in an emergency it can be a lifesaver if things have gone horrifyingly wrong and you need to quickly change plans.
The Baselard gives a medium the Power Cancel PS, which allows you to reduce the cost to zero for four PS points. Free inertia cancels can add a lot of flexibility to a character, but personally I don't think it's worth it.
IMO if you're needing to inertia cancel frequently to take care of emergencies, Something is Wrong with your levels, mediums or PS setups, and taking up a gear slot and 4 points with a baselard won't help. Better to fix the underlying problem, don't you think?
Fortunately Baselards are not uncommon, so you don't need to sweat whether you've stuck them on the right medium or worry about discarding them. If you have spare points you might as well use it though, and late in the game when Full Carrots are freely available... this may change.
Oh yeah, almost forgot.
A Day a Day posted:
Today is June 19, Sound Day. Sound is a vibration in the air. If an identical vibration is generated at the same time, they would cancel each other out. Deep bass really shakes things because bass is uncommon in the natural world.
Today is June 20, Mach Day. It's the birthday of the inventor Mach, who created a flying machine that flies at the speed of sound. When an engine is classified as mach 2, it means it has the power of 2 Mr. Machs.
Today is June 21, Battle Axe Day. There was a young man who accidentally married a battle axe, but regretted it for the rest of his life. The story was misconstrued somehow and battle axe became a euphemism for a nagging woman.
Today is June 26, Nervous Twitching Day. Today we honor King Arctica and Emperor Junevieve, both of which achieved their status by perfecting the art of twitching nervously.
Today is June 27, Giant Stag Beetle Day. General Bartholomew loved stag beetle so much, he made stag beetle armies and stag beetle poems. In return for his love, a giant stag beetle threw himself in front of a flying bullet to protect the General and was killed in action. Today is a day to honor love that crosses the wall of species...
Today is June 29, Twin's Day. Considering the fact that twins can synchronize their minds, twins boast the world's fastest communication speed. Today is the day this theory was established and caused a major sensation at the annual Telepathic Mage Convention.
Today is June 30, Scout Day. There once was a commander who tried to send his troops forward without deploying scouts first. When the commander checked up on his troops before the advance, all of his soldiers were eating cookies and would not move. The scout had baked cookies for everyone, bored from having so much free time. Scout Day was named by them to remind us of this lesson.
Today is July 4, Courage Day. Once there was a boy who mustered up the courage to shoplift a toy called Deluxe Justine. He proudly placed it on his shelf like a trophy. The next morning, the boy was utterly surprised to see Justine standing by his pillow. By the third day, the toy even grew out hair. So the boy decided to repent. He found the courage to return the toy to the shopkeeper. Remember kids. Shoplifting is stealing.
Today is July 7, Long Distance Couples Day. Long distance relationships are especially difficult for couples in love. They're impossible to sustain expect for dreamers, but dream too much and you'll go delusional. And, some say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. By the way, I love acting like a know-it-all.
Today is July 8, Adventurer Day. Adventurers are rare people fated to die unless they continue adventuring, just as sharks must continue swimming to survive. To protect this rare species from extinction, radio programs release bits of adventure rumors to spark the adventurer spirit. Just the other day, they broadcasted news about another floor discovered in the Ruins of Memory! But this could be just another groundless rumor.
Today is July 10, Nut Day. Yes, we're talking about those nuts you find lying around ARM shops. Take some of these nuts and put them between two slices of rye bread. Enjoy the crunching sensation with every bite.
Today is July 12, Paw Day. This is the day we honor Dan Dairam. Girls prance around sporting cat-ears and cat-paws today. I wanted to dress up, too, but there are strange participants lately who go around taking pictures of cat girls, so my parents won't let me. These weirdoes say, 'Dan Dairam loved girls, so Dan Dairam is our guardian, too.' Perverts!
Today is July 13, Pirate Day. A pirate festival is held at Jolly Roger today. Jolly Roger must be swarming with sweaty Rogers today. Who are the Rogers? Rogers are what we call people from Jolly Roger. Residents of Little Rock are called Rockers. Residents of Little Twister are Twisters. I thought everyone on Filgaia knew that.
Today is July 18, Brick Day. Like the many shades of flesh, bricks also come in many colors. I think the description, 'Wearing a brick-colored jacket' on this wanted poster of Janus is a poor choice of words.
Today is July 19, Talk Day. Today is talk day and not stalk day. I'll shoot anyone who tries to stalk me, so beware. You have been warned.
Today is July 20, Squash Day. I had a friend who used to blend squash into his drinks before imbibing them. When I asked him why he liked it, he just said he likes things squashed.
Today is July 21, Wavelength Day. Radio waves got good vibrations. Shortwaves got good vibrations. Microwaves got good vibrations. Do you have good vibrations?
Today is July 24, Pin a Banana and a Fish Day. Pin a toothpick or fork on a banana and a fish and place it in a cool, dry place. Your late grandpas and grandmas will come to visit today.
Today is July 26, Talk Like a Hobgob Day. Gob-gob! You talk dis way. No speak sense. Hard speak. Me hate. No speak dis way, me come after you. Gob-gob!
Today is July 27, Baboon Day. A girl, whose face was a red as a baboon's behind, sacrificed herself to save Filgaia. She stopped Filgaia from going ba-boom!
Today is July 28, Doll Day. People freak out when they see a doll crying tears of blood, but when a statue of a guardian sheds bloody tears, they call it a miracle. Is it just a matter of what it's made out of?
Today is July 29, Cruise Ship Day. The world's largest luxury liner sank into the sea of sand on this day. Survivors of the accident shared their dramatic tragedy with the world. Based on their story, a movie was made about an impoverished noblewoman who threw into the sand the purse that her fiance gave her.
Today is July 30, the Day of the Living Dead. Flowers are beautiful and are loved by all. But the living dead are ugly and are hated by all. This Day of the Living Dead was named to abolish discrimination against all.
Today is August 4, Secrets Day. A young man who joined a spy agency liked to write comic strips. His comics were filled with awful, rotten jokes, but they let him post them on the wall of his favourite bar. But one day, he was accused by his superiors for releasing confidential information. They claimed he let slip that the intelligence bureau was run by a pack of fools. He was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.
Today is August 5, Pug Dog Day. Pug dogs are dogs that are good at licking off pugs. They're also called depuggers.
Today is August 6, Watermelon Day. To all farmers and hobbyists: Don't forget to water your melons today. Just a friendly reminder from your local agricultural center.
Today is August 8, Infinity Day. Turn the number eight on it's side and you get the symbol for infinity. Nifty, isn't it?
Today is August 9, Coveralls Day. Why are coveralls called coveralls even though they don't cover your arms or your head? They sure don't cover all.
Today is August 12, Coin Day. So, can you spare any change today?
Today is August 13, Frog Day. Grab a partner and leap over his back. This is the proper way to honor frogs on this blessed Frog Day.
Today is August 14, Corset Day. Someone came up with a corset fortune reading on this day. If the flab that was pushed out of the corset was heart-shaped, your luck is good. If the flab was ball-shaped, your luck is bad. For most people, this fortune reading turns out bad, so I don't trust it one bit.
Today is August 17, Star Festival Day. Once, a guardian from the stars landed in front of a starving young boy. Introducing himself as Rigdobrite, he ripped a chunk of his own flesh and offered it to the ailing boy. As a token of his gratitude, the boy became a baker and made Rigdobrite flavored cookies. Since the cookies tasted like shrimp, Rigdobrite became known as the Shrimp-Flavored Guardian.
Today is August 18, Harness Day. Regular maintenance of saddles and horseshoes is important. Harness day is a reminder so you won't regret it in an emergency. Remember though, it also takes away your excuse for blaming your failure on lack of maintenance. Everything in life is give and take.
Today is August 19, Hiking Day. Hiking on a day like this? You've got to be kidding! One minute out the door and you'll be burned up in a jiffy. Who came up with this holiday, anyway?