Part 15: Sand Canal
Update 15: Sewer level in disguiseWhile the Sinister Trio is off being hopelessly cryptic, the Drifters are getting mad.

MUSIC: Preparations for the Valley of Bygone Days and Tomorrows (god I love these titles)

I dunno, stealing power from an ancient deity? I'm sure there must be a completely innocent explanation.

But you'll mindlessly go along with it as usual, just like you always do.

Everyone just waves their hands and sighs.

Once again science trumps religion in the Getting Shit Done stakes.

Doc suddenly gets up and runs outside for no real reason.
MUSIC: Eyes of the Guardian

Sorry Doc, you completely lost me, that was almost gibberish.
The cutscene ends on that ignominious note. The task is clear - get to the next continent over, in the west. Shouldn't be too hard right? We've already established that there's an intercontinental railroad, after all...
Ha ha no, we're doing this the hard way. You there! How do we go west from here?

I see, very interesting. Tunnel full of monsters you say?

Sounds like this is the way to go.

The Sand Canal is located at the westernmost reaches of this continent.

This thing pokes its head around the door as we enter, but otherwise does nothing.
It'll be the least of our problems. In the very first room, we encounter three... strange individuals.

This immediately begins a boss battle.
MUSIC: Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland

So, a trio of lightsabre wielding robots. These three can actually be a little tough if you get unlucky.
* The Huskarls act to impede your actions. The nullify your protective Acana and heal each other. They seem to be highly organized.
Well, calling them organized is maybe stretching it, but they do have a few new tricks.

All three get Wizardry Brand, a pretty strong physical hit. But better than the alternatives.

Wizrapt gets access to an annoying physical strike called Weasel Size. It cancels whatever action the character is taking this turn. Not so bad if he hits Pearl or Billy with it, as they will have already moved, but it can ruin Boone or Doc's day.

He'll also always cast Protect to ward off your magic damage

Vendidurt's special sword attack is Brass Zapper. Hard to tell, but it seems to just be a more powerful hit.
If you cast any buffs on yourself he will also Erase them, so no setting up shields.

But the big problem is definitely Jasna. His Deathbringer attack INSTANTLY kills whoever it touches, a major problem. There's really no recourse here except to revive the unfortunate target.

He can also heal himself and others, which seems like it would be annoying but is actually a blessing. Any time he spends healing is time Not spent instantly killing you.
The tactics really come down to dealing with Jasna as quickly as possible, before he has a chance to completely destroy you.
By the way, a Huskarl (aka Huscarl) is an old Scandinavian word that basically means "bodyguard." As far as I can tell their individual names are completely made up, or so badly mangled by two translations as to be unrecognisable to the layman. I eagerly await your corrections.

If we actually hurt them much in that battle, it doesn't immediately show.

They clomp away, leaving some stunned Drifters to wonder what that was.

MUSIC: Losing One's Way in Darkness, Losing Something in Darkness
We're now free to explore the canal. The rushing tides of sand, grates and machinery leads me to believe this is some kind of sewer or sand treatment plant, though why you'd need something like that is unknown. Perhaps it's left over from when there was actually water.
Here, hitting that switch with a Steady Doll lets us coast over the gap on this block. Right on the other side there's a sealed door I unlocked with a Duplicator.
The rewards were a Holy Root (heals all status ailments, but I'll be taking it to the garden) and a single Name Tag.

Opening that door means curving the boomerang round that pillar. Easy with the right timing.

It might look like we need to operate that machine to lower this bridge...

But it's actually as easy as ramming the thing. A nearby chest had two Lucky Cards.

Really, who sets out to construct a giant waterfall of liquid sand?
The door you need to progress is hidden behind this thing, but heading past it to the other side of the room rewards us with a Gimel Coin - perhaps a decent idea to save now.
Heading under the waterfall brings us to a room with... joy of joys... the huskarls.

They turn around with dramatic cape sweeps and try to intimidate us.

Unfortunately for them, the battle is identical to the previous one, and their honour is besmirched in humiliating fashion.

BOSS BATTLE: THE HUSKARLS (last time we swear)

For Jasna, Wizrapt and Vendidurt, this is business as usual. Jasteuch brings one new move to the fight and it's pretty potent.

A huge magical blast that hits everyone. Does about as much damage per person as a Wizardry Brand hit, but you can't overlook it. However, he'll only use it once every three turns.
Of course, Jasna and Deathbringer are still threat number 1, and absolutely must be dealt with first. Jasteuch is in second place. Once you have those two down, the rest is now fairly rote. King Arthur's Power Rangers fall for the last time.
If you wish to see them in action, here's a video of the final fight.
VIDEO: The Huskarls

The boss battle may be over, but we're not even close to being done here. There's still quite a lot of exploring to do.
Corridors extend ahead of us for a while, with a side room that contains a trio of Gella Cards and a Heal Berry.
The next room is quite large and time consuming.

A series of blocks are floating about in the sand, and you have to step from block to block to traverse this huge sandpit. There's three different sets, all switch activated, and you'll need to get all three moving to find the exit. Takes a while, but not too hard.
There's some decent treasure around the edges of the pit too, like 4000 Gella, a Duplicator, and two Seed Powder which cures the Glass status ailment.

The very next room has another set of traps, in the form of pillars that rise from this sandpit. There are three sets of pillars - white, blue and black - and they raise/lower in that order. Keeping the right order in mind and looking ahead will reveal the right path, though you may need a lot of trial and error as the layouts can be confusing and the platforms cycle quickly. Fortunately falling in doesn't hurt you and returns you to the door.
There are two of these rooms. Very difficult to show in screenshots, so here's a video instead.
VIDEO: Rising pillars
A small alcove between the two rooms nets us a Gimel Coin and a Soul Feather, a piece of gear that prevents the Glass status. I give it to Billy, as he has the most PS to spend.

At the top of the second pillar room, there's this button, but we need to fall on it from somewhere and there's nowhere to fall from.
A little further on...

MUSIC - He Who Holds the Word of God

Finally, something we agree on.

The green guy at the back apparently doesn't warrant an introduction, and I'm not sure I wanna know.

OK, I'm already regretting asking you to explain anything.

See, creationism and evolution CAN co-exist if you try.

If stronger bodies and greater powers means looking like that little guy behind you, I'm not yet convinced.

Hey now, lets not jump to any conclusions...

Oh. Seriously?

Yeah, demons tend to look pretty goofy. Who wants to live like that? And you're losing creationist support again if you want to turn everyone into demons.

Leehalt waves his hand, and Janus teleports in.

The prophets teleport out, along with their floppy green friend.

BOSS BATTLE (kinda) - Janus
MUSIC - Crossfire Sequence

It's Janus again! He's still got a lot of the abilities he had in the past, not that he needs them this time.

He does have a new attack - Proton Beam only hits a single target though.
Well, that's not his only new attack...
On the third turn, he'll use another ability - Ultranegative Rainbow

A massively powerful attack that won't kill - at most it'll reduce HP to 1. After the turn where he uses this, a cutscene immediately starts.

With that, he teleports away. It's not quite an unwinnable battle, but you'll need to go in with a definite plan in advance or be on a New Game+. And the only reward for doing so is a little XP and Gella.

Exhausted, the drifters stumble out of the other end of the Sand Canal.

No! No more breaks! This LP is slow enough as it is!
With this, the villain's goals are revealed, their motives laid bare...
They want to turn the planet into a Shin Megami Tensei game. Given how much P3P is contributing to keeping me from updating this LP, I can sort of understand, but you are yet to see demon designs in this game. It's not pretty.
Next Time - We got back to the start for Billy, and grab a new guardian.
While looking though a page with pictures from this year's Tokyo Game Show, I came across this...

It's nice to see that some people are willing to put some time and effort into a fairly obscure game from eight years ago. Shame there's no Pearl though...

Today is September 15, Hijiki Day. Hijiki is a dried, stingy, black seaweed. It contains a lot of fiber and is good for your digestion. Just another piece of food trivia for the curious eater.
Today is September 16, Log Bridge Day. Ever get the urge to jump up and down on a log bridge? Now you can! Remember to write your will before you do, though. Jump at your own risk.
Today is September 19, Pot of Hell Day. Although this isn't widely known, there is a gigantic cauldron in hell that boils sinners for eternity. The broth that seeps out of the rich and chubby sinners makes a good soup base.
Today is September 20, Street Preaching Day. Two bugs multiply into four in one day. They further multiply into eight. If it takes thirty days to cover Filgaia with bugs, how many days will it take to cover half of Filgaia? The Ark of Destiny preacher said that the answer is 29 days. I wonder what he was trying to prove.
Today is September 21, Underfloor Day. Listening to women's heels tapping while I was beneath the dance floor is a beautiful memory I will never forget. P.S. Don't ask me why I was there.
Today is September 24, Horse Day. A horse owner said in his speech, 'No horsing around on horse day.' ...End of story.
Today is September 25, UMA Day. When you see a Chupacabra with bathing suit tans, you know fall has come. For those wondering what UMA means, it stands for Unidentified Marine Animal.
Today is September 26, Abnormal Weather Day. The professor's abnormal weather ran away from him, because it felt that the professor's love was too much of a burden. For the sake of the professor's eternal love for her, abnormal weather returns to Filgaia once every year.
Today is September 30, Time Axis Day. Two men named Time Axis and Earth Axis challenged each other to a duel. The winner was Earth Axis! You can't see a time axis, but you can tell where an earth axis is located by the flags at the north and south poles.
Today is October 2, Shades Day. A marshal who always wore sunglasses was nicknamed Shades by his boss. Shades even wore his sunglasses at night. During an investigation in a dark dungeon, he was caught in a trap he couldn't see and died in the line of duty... Shades Day was named to mourn for his death. So please, don't wear your sunglasses at night.
Today is October 3, Nutrition Day. I'm going to eat a balanced diet of chicken breasts, chicken wings, and chicken drumsticks. It's important to eat from all the different food groups, right?
Today is October 6, Outlaw Day. To become a great outlaw, I was told you must first get rid of your likes and dislikes, and eat a balanced diet. I have no problems with that! That doesn't sound like a way to become an outlaw though. Oh, well.