Part 17: Leyline Observatory
Last time, a long, long time ago
Update 17a: Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo
We're a bit aimless at the moment. None of the protagonists ended the last update with a next step in mind, but some people back in Little Rock have suggestions.

A laboratory eh? Not been in one of them yet. Lets check it out.
While I was here, I upgraded my ARMs a bit too. Doc and Billy got a level of CRIT each before I ran out of Gella.

We need to ride north past the last dungeon and then west to get where we're going, but there's a semi-hidden place we should stop off at on the way.

It's Billy's tutorial dungeon! The front door is already open so there's no real need to climb to the top if we want to check this place out, but the only real reason for coming here is up there.

Remember falling down a pit while trying to get to this treasure chest? Well with Boone's Steady Doll, we can easily reach it now. The reward is quite nice.

Beyond that there's absolutely no reason to return here unless you really like climbing on nets.

The Leyline Observatory is found by these steep cliffs at the far west.
MUSIC: Fate Breaker (one of my favourites)

As everyone enters...

Billy suddenly experiences a series of visions.

Most of the Observatory consists of long corridors with a couple of dead-end rooms attached. There are elevator doors at the far end, but they won't open yet.

Locker rooms usually contain a few books, a few chests and a lot of lockers to ransack. There's an awful lot to find in this dungeon even though it's fairly short and simple. These treasure chests gave us a pair of Heal Berries and a Lucky Card. Most of the lockers only contain decaying lab coats and fermenting pairs of old socks, but one has a useful tool!

This is one of Billy's tools, and while it's optional it's very useful. All it does is scan an area for treasure and highlight it if it exists. Very useful for hidden stuff.
One of the bookcases has information on this facility.
Leyline Observatory posted:
The Leyline Observatory is funded by a special organization, where we research and study [leylines], an energy network that sustains a planet.
By analyzing leylines, we strive to refine the energy that sustains this planet. If successful, we will be able to deter the decay of the planet, and breathe new life into the environment.
May our blood and tears become the blessed rain, and our toil the light that warms the flowering greenery.
We must bear the fruits of our research.
The other has a memo addressed to the night shift staff.
*Four of you will be assigned the night shift this month.
*You must activate the elevator using your name as the password, before you begin your shift.
That's pretty bad security, I mean all you need to do is find out the name of a researcher and you'd have the run of the place.
Unfortunately, we don't know any names...
*Bryant, please let Inkapilia know.
*Bendict, you're last so please empty the trash before you leave.
*Any questions, please ask Vilente, who comes in before Bryant.

The room on the other side of the corridor houses this huge motor and a computer terminal. We'll need to input a password here to get to the next level. Well now, lets try...

What? Knowing this lot, it could have worked.
OK. It's fairly easy to figure out the order people probably arrived in (Vilente, Bryant, Inkapilia, Bendict) but that's not all that important as we're not given any clues about what position we're looking for. Trying each name in turn suffices anyway.
"Inkapilia" gets us in, starting up the motor and opening up the elevator.
With our current Migrant Level we can dodge a lot of fights in here for free, but XP never hurt anyone. (the enemies who give the XP do though)

Cursed Corpses show up again, along with a pair of book-type enemies - Targums and comic books. At first glance I thought that was Romero and Dario until I took a second look at "Dario." Regardless I think those guys should probably have their own manga.

Of the two, Comics are probably meaner. They get Glassblower, an attack which applies the "Glass" status. Note that Billy has been turned to glass.
This is mean - it stops actions, sets FP to zero, and makes it possible for the victim to be shattered in one hit by a physical attack. On the small plus-side magic does no damage and it only lasts one turn, but that's all it needs sometimes.
They can also use HP Robber to steal enough HP to heal themselves to max, but with only 110 HP and a fire weakness, you should be able to 1-shot them.
In comparison Targums get a wide selection of elemental attacks (Petrify, Cremate, Vortex, Inspire, Pressure, Refrigerate) but nothing that really complicates matters. It's strange to see that these enemies have pretty bad synergy, as the Comic's glass attack makes players immune to Targum's attacks and they don't have a physical to shatter with. (Corpses and Bonedrakes however DO)

Bonedrakes have a ton of HP but, being undead, get a Light weakness. And their attacks - a breath attack and a charge - aren't much to worry about.

Anyway, one quick elevator ride up later...

And we're in another corridor. The elevator at the end of this floor requires an ID card.
The first room drops us a Dragon Fossil, three Magicleansers, (cures Glass) and three Call Whistles, but there's nothing else of interest besides a long-winded book.
Veins Circulating the Subsurface posted:
Underneath the crust of Filgaia lies a network of leylines, which act as blood vessels to supply life energy to the planet. Atop these leylines lie geologic stratum strong points, called leypoints. It is interesting to note that many guardian shrines can be found atop of leypoints.
Not only do leylines circulate the life energy of the planet, it is also assumed that they connect to leypoints to amplify the energy mutually. In this sense, the leylines and leypoints are similar to blood vessels and organs in a living organism.
This comparison paved the way for the Filgaia theory, which views the planet as one single life entity.

But in the next room the treasure radar tells us to check out the table. Sure enough, there's an ID card.

Oh, and someone left these computers on, with pieces of experimental data still onscreen.
*The experimental record data was damaged.
*By piecing some of the words together, it seems to have something to do with environmental data and stimulation patterns dating back 1,000 years ago.
*It appears the scientists were trying to revitalize or transform the environment artificially.
Curiosity satiated, we can use the ID card and head up in the elevator again. The third floor is much the same. Side rooms house books...
Artifacts over Memories posted:
Artifacts left behind from the great war brought about a new power to the human race. Machines, capable of activation through the use of will as an extension of oneself...
Artifacts from
Otherwise known as ARMs.

That's the worst acronym I've ever seen.
Today ARMs commonly refer to portable machine weaponary, but originally it encompasses the technology used to make them. To this day, no one knows who these memories belong to. But the fact remains, that we have come to depend on its powers.
Duran's Diary posted:
She came by again last night. Whenever I'm lost in my labyrinth of contemplation, she reaches out her tiny hands...
Who is she? Actually it may be wrong to define her as a real person. As long as I don't tie myself down with logic, she is just she...
I'm at a point where I can't live without her anymore... I can't continue my research without her... I can't concentrate...
I want to know more about her. I'm more interested in her than I am in learning the mechanics of the generator.
Heya Duran, you're kinda creepy and should probably get out more. Disturbingly there's also a book called Adult Mag right next to the diary which is sealed and needs a Duplicator to open, but...

Yes I tried using Doc instead of Billy, and it says the same... maybe it's not specifically talking about age?
There's also some decent treasures - another Dragon Fossil, a Holy Ankh, (gear that protects against Bronze status), a Gimel Coin, 4500 gella and a Gella Card.
The last room on this floor is just full of computer terminals.
MUSIC: You Look Defeated When Sad

Boone, I refer you to Duran's Diary, featured above.

Setting aside the bad grammar, he's right. We can check them out.
Machine 1 posted:
Will the seven of us earn a place in history as the creators, or as immoral sinners? That will all depend on the completion of the sample. The seven of us have come this far, so that we can deliver another tomorrow for the planet...
Machine 2 posted:
Implantation of the sample completed on time. Adjusting time schedule by 02. Everything is proceeding smoothly. The project was feared to be blasphemy against divine nature, but the favorable progress helps to ease our collective conscience. This is a significant leap forward to the theory. The outcome will be proven once the project begins to take shape. Adam Kadmon is about to be born.
Machine 3 posted:
Son... My only regret is that I was unable to show you a world full of verdure... But wait... I will overlap the new world formation onto your figure. A new life... A life that must carry the burden for generations... Adam Kadmon... You are our only hope... Guide this Filgaia so that it will once again be filled with greenery... You are the world's hope... I am counting on you - for all children of this planet...
Sounds like some horrible crime for and/or against nature/characterisation was created here.

Billy carefully gropes the wall, opening up a secret door.


Five huge test tubes.
A giant cultivation device for organisms. Many tiny adjustment dials surround the pod.

I'd like to, but the passage though that door is barred by lasers and needs a password. I've actually got a little bit stuck each time I come though here, because it's easy to walk right past those bookshelves without noticing them.
The Guiding Word posted:
The Guiding Word...
is the magical password.
The Guiding Word...
is my name, and the key to open the gate.
The Guiding Word...
will be lost in the sea of words, if we rely on conventional wisdom...
This gives us the password...


Not much in here. All there is is that thing on the table.

She's right, it does look familiar. Maybe I should get out the Right Half photo I found back in the Gob's Hideout and compare.

How her father flew into the wasteland, leaving her and her sick mother behind, never to be seen again... Many months of sorrow passed before she finally gave him up for dead. But the double pistols she wields, and the technique required to handle them, are the only memories she has left of him. Although these memories are distant, they are close and familiar to her, even now...

Billy awkwardly looks away

Pearl chooses this moment to freak the fuck out.
MUSIC: The Stage is Full of Miscast People

That part autoscrolls so reading Pearl's muttering is a little tricky...

Doc silently suggests that Billy shut's up.
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God

Asgard's eyes flare menacingly as she speaks his name

In other words the recurring boss gets stronger every time you fight it. This is surprising how?
Crossfire Sequence
Hey! Isn't that Janus' battle music? Give it back!

This guy's reasonably tough, with significant attack and defence stats and some annoying moves.

Both of his main attacks are physical hits - he has no arcana. When they hit they hit pretty hard. (or would if Doc wasn't defending and dodging...)

But this is what will really drag out this battle. This move makes him entirely immune to all forms of damage for several turns, giving him free reign to whale on you while you just have to turtle down.
The break you'll get is that he'll sometimes waste a turn on his "Optimise Data" move, which doesn't seem to do anything - if it does anything, it lowers the shield.
I think I got lucky here, but he's not too hard. Once you defeat him, the script reveals that no, sorry, you haven't.

Asgard punches the ground and...

tears that sucker apart.

Bitch I shot the crap out of you how does this happen
Fortunately, unlike some undefeatable bosses I still get full XP and Gella for this battle.
MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God

But suddenly!

MUSIC: That's Just a Rumor...!

Melody rejoins Asgard, whose eyes glow red again.

Tell her she's not pretty and see who's more dangerous...

Everyone has a long staring contest and...

Smoke bomb.

And like that, they're gone.
That's all for today. I'll leave you with YET MORE BOOKS, if you feel like reading them. This dungeon probably has the highest concentration of them in the game (aside from a certain temple)
In the Beginning posted:
The progenitors of the human race are said to have arrived on this planet long ago, on a ship that soars the heavens. However, there is no mention of where our forefathers came from.
Without any absolute evidence backing up this folklore, many have come to view it as a mere fairy tale. On the other hand, there are those who take the folklore seriously, citing the fact that the human race seemed to appear in history overnight.
I strongly believe that solving the mystery of the ship that soars the heavens will one day shed light as to the true origin of the human race.
Formerly Known as the Chock posted:
The end of the great war gave birth to the fundamentalism of nature, Baskar. Secret ceremonies were held using the power of guardians, and two sects of baskar were established. One as a religious group for those who had nowhere to turn to, and the other as restorers of the decayed environment.
Shortly after the flames of war had died out, it is said that Baskars tried to rejuvenate Filgaia through the use of guardians. Guardians, which were considered to be the power that sustains the world, were attempting to do just that.
The Baskars were said to have set up chocks, a structure signifying the belief in guardians, over the leypoints. These chocks were used to suppress the expansion of the wasteland, and at the same time, amplify the guardian's powers, while supplying energy to the world.
However, the spreading of the wasteland was more severe than expected, and the chocks only worked to delay the decay, instead of revitalizing the environment.
These chocks later became referred to as guardian shrines, and play a ceremonial role today. The rejuvenation of Filgaia would have to find a new, different approach...
Beyond Oblivion posted:
Demi-humans may look and think like humans, but they are different. Demi-humans called Elws are said to have once existed on Filgaia. These Elws are said to have fought off the demons using the power of guardians. Originally, the Elws were a peaceful race, but led by the blacksmith warrior Vassim, they fought to save the planet.
Other men who were said to have been revered on an epitaph are Fulcanelli, who performed the secret ceremony, and Blavatsky, who had insight about Filgaia.
After the end of this bitter war, the Elws vanished, and no one has heard from them again. According to one theory, since the Elws were closely tied with nature, they are believed to have died off from the decay of the planet.
Are the Elws extinct? No one knows for sure. The demi-humans Elws have long been forgotten in the pages of history. Perhaps we will remember them, when this planet returns to verdure.
The Filgaia Theory posted:
'How can Filgaia possibly be a living planet?' The theory that tries to answer this extremely simple, yet difficult proposition is the Filgaia Theory.
In order for life-forms to continue existing on Filgaia, it is necessary for the life-form to regulate itself. Every species of life-form work together as a single organism to control the planet's environment. Surprisingly, there have been cases of self-cleansing, where foreign elements have been expelled.
This function is very similar to ours. From a universal standpoint, Filgaia is regarded as a single life entity. Currently, the Filgaia Theory is moving forward with systemization. by regarding the planet as a life-form, there are also plans to heal or revitalize the environment. We look forward to providing the results of this research.
Wavering Wisdom posted:
Its discovery was a coincidence. The first group of scientists, which later went on to form the first council, came into contact with the wisdom, deep within a ruin.
The ruin was called Mimir's Well, and was set up as a base of operation to analyse the wisdom. The wisdom was determined to be a crystallization of wisdom, dating all the way back to the great war. Due to its advanced and dangerous nature, the wisdom was concluded to be technology of demons from folklore. This wisdom, or artifact left behind by demons, was accumulated and stored inside an emulator zone - a memory area similar to human memory.
These can also be considered as memories left behind by demons. The scientists named the information library that existed inside this emulator zone [Hyades].
Hyades, and the wisdom left behind were analyzed by the group of scientists for many years to come. Their goal was to utilize the power that once destroyed the planet to try and rejuvenate the planet. Wisdom is something that wavers. Its value and its use are not meant to be used in one place.
The Truth that Gave Birth to Life posted:
The many secret ceremonies stored inside the information library Hyades gave people the means of creating new life.
Golem. This is said to mean, 'unborn child.' A steel machine that carries out orders in a detailed and precise fashion.
Yes, it is a machine... However, not only does this mechanical golem carry out orders, it compares past memory and data to perform the most appropriate action. It has a will of its own. In fact, it is safe to say it is a life-form with its own personality.
It is not a life born from life, but a life born from truth... That is a golem. How close is the truth to God?
I slightly regret adding A Day A Day, as it makes my slow pace really obvious. But perhaps I should be regretting my very slow pace. Ah well. Sorry about that, I will try to pick up some speed.
Today is October 14, Sardine Day. How can we tell if we're supposed to take care of things on their day, or eat them instead? Maybe I can switch them around. First, I'm going to shower my sardines with appreciation today, and eat some dragon on Dragon Day.
Today is October 15, Pancake Day. Frying pancakes makes them very good and sweet. Does that mean frying things makes everything sweet? I tried frying spaghetti, cabbage, and shoes but they didn't come out sweet. What did I do wrong?
Today is October 19, Hypocrite Day. It's a day to find hypocrites and kick them out. I find no problem with hypocrisy as long as you do good in the end, but that's just me. I should keep my mouth shut before someone comes after me.
Today is October 20, Gimel Coin Day. Gimel Coins are handy items. You have one too, right? I use mine for opening wine bottles, brushing my hair, and opening letters. Each coin weighs ten grams, so it's useful for scales, too.
Today is October 21, Evil God Day. Today, I thought about the existence of evil gods and came to the conclusion that they are quite lovable. Just imagine an evil god psyching himself up saying, 'I'm gonna do evil today!' See? Isn't it heartwarming?
Today is October 22, Carpet Day. Carpets are things to cover your floor. They are not pets riding on cars nor are they cars that are called pets.
Today is October 23, Sign Day. The first signpost on Filgaia was born somewhere in Little Rock. When the sign reached adolescence, it fell in love with a female board in Baskar and had lots of children.
Today is October 24, Break Dancing Day. Whip out the old cardboard and do the worm! Do the windmill! Do the helicopter! Do the bronco! Whoo-hoo!!
Today is October 29, Toy Day. Collect all 12 Saint Guardian action figures and get a free Guardian of Mud [Grablugable] doll! I wish I'd known that before the offer expired... Sigh.
Today is November 1, Dry Bones Day. There was a dog that buried dry bones. Worried that someone might come and take them, he stayed close to watch guard. The dog was later found as dry bones himself.
Today is November 6, Smoked Fish Day. The smoked fish refrigerator is powered by Alslate, Guardian of Snow, and Nuashocks, Guardian of Lightning. They're busy powering it right now so you can't summon them. By the way, they get really mad if you call them the Electric Fridge Guardians.
Today is November 7, Harmonica Day. You're considered a master harpist once you learn how to play chords. But how do you play chords on a harmonica? You can blow multiple holes if you hold the harmonica vertically and blow with your mouth and nose, but that doesn't seem right...
Today is November 10, Reading Day. I bought a book titled [Me and Me] today. I expected it to be about split personalities, but it was about a boy and his cat named Me. I think the cat deserves a better name.
Today is November 11, Rubber Band Day. Until rubber bands were invented, people had to use strings to bundle things up. The old-timers say there's no better time than now. Imagining life without rubber bands, I have to agree with them.
Today is November 13, Yeast Day. Today is the day I learned for the first time that a fungus called yeast made bread expand. I decided to give it the nickname, 'Feastmaker.'
Today is November 18, Jacket Day. The law states you must buy jackets on jacket day. My parents won't buy me one though, saying that I have enough insulation through fat. Is that something a parent should say? I was so hurt, I'm packing up to run away from home. Please don't stop me.
Today is November 19, Instrument Day. Have you heard of a brand called Fengalon Instruments? The company was named after the wind guardian Fengalon. If you own a Fengalon instrument, check the white tiger mark on it. Marks with eyebrows on it brings good luck.
Today is November 23, Good Guy Day. I couldn't decide whether you're supposed to be a good guy or to go commend a good guy today, so I'm going to ask my guardian to choose for me.
Today is November 24, Immortality Day. It's the day a man seeking immortality turned into a mineral. Surprising as it may be, I wonder if any of my relatives are minerals, too?
Today is November 25, Brain Day. Medical research says there are electric waves running through our brains. Is there a way to gather the waves to create electricity? I tried running a pole like an electric dynamo to test my idea, but failed miserably. How sad.
Today is November 26, Pen Day. Today I'm grabbing my pen to pen a story about pig pens. Pig pens are not pens that look like pigs. Please don't pick up that pen to stab me.
Today is November 28, Sword Day. A sword and a dog had a fight. Sword won the fight. Sword was the name of the dog. What was the name of the dog? Think about it carefully...
Today is November 29, Tree Day. It's the day the tree of Agastia and the tree of Sephiroth fought over who's the greatest tree. After a long discussion, the two decided that the tree with the most mushrooms to lure Drifters wins. But since the trees couldn't find edible mushrooms, it ended in a tie.
Today is November 30, World Peace Day. I wish all mankind would become like me... Imagine it. A peaceful world where everybody spends their lives observing holidays... For today, I'm spending all my time conjuring up concoctions to make my wish come true.