Part 18: Campfires and Kids
Last time, we explored a scientific research outpost, and got ganked in a cutscene by Melody and Asgard. Fortunately Maya and her cronies were around to save our butts.
Sorry, this one is about 95% cutscene!
Update 18: Daddy's home...
The first thing we see is a dream...

MUSIC: Healing the Scar

"You knew? Well, your mother was a beautiful lady, and her nerdy husband couldn't really keep her satisfied, so of course I was happy to..."

Milady, she has awakened.
Looks like everyone's recovering at some campsite.

Can you take over guard duty?

You got it.

How are you feeling?

Huh...!? Well... Uhh... All right... I think I'm fine.

How's your arm? Try moving it.

I think it's okay... Just like normal.

Good...I was worried.
... Maya smiling is an unnerving sight.

Well, now that you're feeling better, I think you should go back home. The wasteland's not for you.

How can you say that!?
MUSIC: You Look Defeated When Sad

A Drifter confronts two obstacles the longer they continue their journey. One is the artifacts of prehistoric culture that far surpass the technology of today. I'm sure you're well aware. And the second one is the cause of Filgaia's decay.

You'd be all right if you stick with measly undertakings, but once you get yourself involved in those two matters, there's no turning back. Moreover, if you're not careful, you might just lose your life - like you almost did just now. It's not too late for you. Now is the time to turn back.

No! I won't turn back!

Oh? Is there a reason why you go overboard and act so recklessly? Do you mean to tell me the justice you're looking for can only be found by facing danger!?

I have to face danger... if I want to find...

Just pack your bags, and don't get involved in matters where you can't...

I have to face danger to find my father! There's no way I'm turning back!
[Maya walks to her group.]

Next time you show your face and try to get in our way... I, Maya Schroedinger, will crush you to the ground, no holds barred. Just remember that.
Maya leads her group away, but her brother hangs back a little.

I'm sorry... But don't be mad at my sister. My sister's a little... you know... She comes off as crass, but she's trying her hardest to be nice. I'm sure she said what she said because she's taken a liking to you. Nobody wants to see people they like get hurt, right?
After that he runs off after Maya. Later that day...

I'm sorry... I said something selfish... I probably shouldn't be the leader of this team...
Yeah, probably. Give Doc a turn, he's the only one who understand this anyway.

My father's been missing for a real long time now... I'd given up on him, but once I found out he might still be alive, I kinda went in over my head... Then, Maya drilled me with her lecture, which made me realize she's probably right. It's too dangerous to get involved any further. So, let's call it quits and go our separate ways.


You are dissolving the team so you can head out on your own to search for your father's whereabouts? Is that what you are trying to say?

I just...

That, in itself, is selfish.

Why not lend an ear to your comrades and hear what we have to say? If I may, I believe that the lost history of Filgaia, which I am in search of, can be found where you are headed. Ever since the first day I met you, and travelled together as a team with you as our leader, I have encountered many different events. All these events were stimulating - something I could never experience had I worked alone. Even if you try to stop me, I intend to travel by your side. I am going to continue to chase my dream.

Hmm... When people face decisions, they sometimes hesitate and don't feel like moving from their spot. In this kind of situation, I think it's the leader's role to stand behind that person and give them a boost. I don't know if that would define you as a brilliant leader... But as a good leader, at least. You actually make travelling the wasteland kinda enjoyable. We can't think of anyone else we'd rather have leading us. We all knew there was danger involved. We wanted to do it.

Well, we've come this far. Let's see this through to the end, together. And once we're all done... Let's make sure Granny coughs up a hefty reward. After all, she's the one that got us into this!

Thanks for your kind words... But...

Well, to tell you the truth, I said that to convince myself as well. I'm scared, too, you know? Janus, and that golem thingy...And that weird threesome...

But by working together as a team, it gives me courage - like I can and have to do whatever it takes.

A married sniper who talks in big words; a sulky lookin' punk; and most of all... A leader who's not always confident, but is capable of bringin' it on when it counts. We're all so different, but we've done pretty good so far.

You know... I kinda like this team. Maybe it's because I trust everyone's skills, but its more like... fate? Nah, that's not it. Just like our leader said, it's a bond. We're not tied together by fate. We're tied together by a bond. That's how we made it this far. And we'll continue to be together. Ain't that right, leader?

Thanks, everyone...I'll do my best...
Pearl looks over the other drifters, and her gaze falls on Billy for a moment, but he refuses to take part in this hugfest.

Even if we stay together, the path we travel will be difficult. That will not change. Some of the clues we have so far are the photo, which was torn in half... the evolution of the planet that the prophets mention, and scraps of information found in that laboratory regarding a plan to rejuvenate the world. Basically, the key point is: 'Global Environmental Control.'

Looks like we'll have to prepare to face even more danger in the future.

We may be able to find more clues in my research material regarding the history of the planet. I propose we head to my home. It is located
south of here, in a town called Humphrey's Peak.

Yes, that sounds like a good idea. And spend some time with your family. It gets lonely being away from home.

Yes... Thank you.
Later that night, everyone is asleep except for Billy...

Where are you going? Leaving guard duty? That's not very admirable.
Right now, you could greatly accelerate the plot of this game by yelling "PEARL YOUR DAD'S HERE!"

Oh, it's you. I hear you're Pearl's father. Shouldn't you be trying to stop her?

What? The silent treatment? Ah, forget it... I quit.

Solving the mystery of this planet? No, thanks. That ain't for me. I'm just a Drifter. I only work for profit, so I plan on bailing.

That's what I suggest you do. I endowed you with the [Airget-lamh] so that you can survive on your own. You are unable to handle any other ARM. However, you have the Airget-lamh. Use its power to survive the wasteland. Even if you find yourself alone in this world, just remember there is a reason for your existence on Filgaia.

...? You sure like taking care of me. I mean, you did teach me how to fight and to survive on my own in the wasteland. But save your meddling for your daughter, not me. Or else she'll get herself into something she can't handle.

I am a cursed father. It's too late to face my daughter now. It would bring about more pain if she ever saw me. I must track down the unseen speculation that veils this world. I must atone...
Also, it would bring the plot crashing to a halt.

Who are you, really? You're a father to Pearl, you raise me and teach me how to survive the wasteland, and you search for answers to the mystery of Filgaia? What goes on in your mind? What is it you know? Wait a minute... Maybe you know why I don't have any memory of my past, too!

There you go again, clamming up. Have it your way. I've had a change of heart.
Billy starts heading back to camp...

I was gonna hightail it on outta here, but I think I'll pretend to be friends a little while longer. That way, I'll be forced to track you down, no matter what. I'll save the Q & A session 'til then.
Track him down? What? Why? He's right there!

I'm not sure how this relates to the boy who has no memories anyway.
The next morning...

Humphrey's Peak is located
south of here. Just cross the bridge and stay along the shore. Is anyone listening to me?

Hey, what's this? Looks like a letter addressed to us. Is this your writing... Billy...?
MUSIC: The Stage is Full of Miscast People
*snatch* *rip* *tear*
You'd never know he was ripping up the letter there if you couldn't hear the sound effects

HEY! What do you think you're doing!?


...Don't tell me you were thinking about leaving a note and sneaking away.

I said, whatever!
Billy Enduro: still not quite as obnoxious as Squall, but getting there.
Though Squall wouldn't have put a pink love heart on the letter. I'm at a loss about whether that counts for or against Billy.

I know you were always on your own, but you're not alone anymore.

Yeah, I know...
You're looking... mighty determined there, Pearl.

It's much more beautiful to be with someone than to be alone. I'm a firm believer in that bond.

Okay, okay...! Now let go of my hand!
I'm starting to feel a little bit bad for Billy, to be honest. I know I have a limit of how many friendship speeches I can endure too.

As Doc said Humphrey's Peak lies to the south, just behind those stone pillars.
MUSIC: Scenery Called Everyday

It seems to be a pretty classy and well off place... well, in comparison to the rest of the world.

So this is Humphrey's Peak... It's pretty.

Yeah, this place is nice. Might you be a... landowner?

Oh, no, no... Nothing like that. My house is the one with the blue roof. Please, let me introduce you to my wife and daughter.

I'm home, Kaitlyn. Have you been a good girl?


Have you kept Daddy's promises?

Yep! I didn't catch a cold, and I've been helping out Mommy, too! But I still hate celery.

The let's promise on your ribbons that you'll be able to eat celery next time.

Okay, I'll try my best! I promise on my ribbons!
And if you can't I will take them from you and BURN them! 

Funny how it never really bothered me until I saw this still, but GOOD LORD lady those HANDS

I thought I heard Kaitlyn all excited. Welcome home, honey. But what a surprise. You always write us beforehand, letting us know when you're coming.

Yes, I just stopped by to do a little research. Oh, yes. Let me introduce you to my travelling companions.
Boone immediately shoves Pearl out of the way to get to the new hotness.

Boone Carradine, a Baskar by your side. I am available twenty-four hours, seven days a week for your guardian consultation needs, ma'am. At your service.

And this is Billy. Doc's been teaching us so much about everything.

I'm Catherine. It's nice to meet you all. Please make yourselves at home.

Hi, I'm Kaitlyn. Mommy and Daddy's little girl. Thank you for looking after Daddy.

I'm sorry, but we need to take over the living room for a while. We need to do some research.

I understand. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

About the research?

No, no... I will never be able to fill Father's shoes... How about some tea or coffee? Kaitlyn, will you help Mommy in the kitchen?

MUSIC: Preparations for the Valley of Bygone Days and Tomorrows
With the little lady (and her daughter) exiled to the kitchen, the men can get down the the real work. Also Pearl was there.

Well? Are we getting any closer to solving the mysteries of the world from the words of our forefathers?

Who knows... All I see are words. Am I supposed to know what they mean?

Yeah, I hear ya. Books without pictures are boring.
Someone get these guys a Hooked on Phonics or something?

Hmm... How about you, Doc? Anything?

According to my documents, there have been many attempts to alter our environment throughout the ages. However, the method was not evolution as the prophets stated, but rejuvenation... And this massive undertaking called the [Yggdrasil Project] was most likely the biggest of its kind. A great deal of money, technology, and time was invested into this Yggdrasil System.

When did this project start?

Hmmm... This book fails to mention it. Oh, but there is a section here about the experts who carried out this project. Let's see...It appears they were a party of seven, each with their own area of expertise, such as science or magic. The members of this organization were replaced according to what specific field was needed at the time. However, this organization always consisted of seven members, and later referred to as the [Council of Seven].

The Council of Seven... Council of Seven... Seven... Seven...

What is it?

Ummm... I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about that name.
Pearl gets a moment to wander about and talk to the others.

Your old man was a scientist, right? Maybe that has something to do with it.

Seven people, huh? Well... we're four, and the prophets make three, which makes...

Hey guys, I think I've come up with something!
BZZZZ WRONG. Sorry Boone.
Inside our inventory, we can take out the photograph we found earlier.

That photo of Daddy...It's got seven people in it!

And your old man was a scientist, just like the Council of Seven...

This is...

So if our leader's father was a member of the Council of Seven... Would that mean this massive Yggdrasil Project was about ten years ago? I've never heard anything about it.

Let's not jump to conclusions. Just because there are seven people in the picture doesn't make them the Council of Seven.
One of the things I like about this scene is the characters do figure something out for themselves from evidence, but don't jump to the first conclusion they see and tear off in the wrong direction.

Uh... You know... This is gonna sound really stupid, but doesn't this guy here look familiar?

Hey, yeah...I've seen him somewhere.

So, who's he supposed to look like?

I think it was Malik or whatever. You know, one of the prophets.

One half of this picture was kept at Pearl's place. Is that correct?

I remember seeing this photo about ten years ago, just when my father disappeared.

So ten years have elapsed, yet the man in question has not aged.

Could it just be a look-a-like?

Or maybe there's some kinda hidden secret behind this...
Meanwhile, far away...
MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God

It's me, Malik. See? Look at me and try to remember...

Even if the cloning is successful, it is meaningless if there is nothing within... A mere vessel of flesh without memories is worthless.
Wife? Girlfriend? Who knows...
The next day, back at the house.

Ahh...I slept like a log after reading all those books yesterday.

So, how did your research go?

We seem to have dug a deeper hole than before.

Maybe we're not seein' the whole picture 'cause we're trying to get down to the nitty-gritty? Well...uhh... yeah... Let's just summarize what we know up to this point. The prophets are trying to evolve the planet using artifacts. And I'm sure them extractin' the guardians' life energy has something to do with this, too.

The goal of the Council of Seven was to rejuvenate the planet's life...There must be some kind of connection between the prophets and the council! And this connection might have something to do with my father heading out into the wasteland...

Hmmm... The planet's life... Say... Not too far from this town is a mineral vein full of gems.

Are we headin' there to get some spendin' money?

No, nothing like that.
Of course not. If you want gems you can sell, just go kill thousands of jellies!

They say the crystallized gems we see inside ruins and caverns are actually shards of the planet's life. They may not provide an answer, but we might find some clues. The truth of the matter is, there is too much we do not know.

I'm sorry to interrupt... but hearing you talk about guardians made me realize something. Honey, remember our wedding?

I don't remember.

Well, Kaitlyn... That's because you weren't born yet.

Oh yes, of course... Around these parts, it is customary for a couple to visit the Guardian of Luck to wish for good fortune.
Catherine's husband almost immediately left home to go risk his life on a daily basis in remote corners of Filgaia. I'm not sure whose idea of fortune that is.

Another guardian shrine! That means they might be headed there!

So we have two good leads... The mineral vein of gems, and the guardian shrine. This is big... What are we waiting for!? Let's get this show on the road!
Everyone except Doc clears out.
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

I was surprised you mentioned that.

Yes, I know... Normally, I wouldn't want you venturing into dangerous territory. I wonder why I said that?

Maybe because Daddy looked like he was having a lot of fun.

Did I look that way?

Come to think of it, maybe you did. Watching you searching for the truth yesterday, reminded me...

...of how we were before?

It wasn't your fault about Father... So, please...

Yes, I know... Right now, I have companions to help me along. Perhaps that is why I looked like I was having fun.
Finally, we can explore again. For now, Kaitlyn has the most useful information.

Daddy always takes the train to work. That's why Mommy and I see him off at a station
west of here.
Always good to know of the location of the station.
Outside, we see some geek screwing about with the save point.

There, that should do it. I was called in for repairs, but it should be fine now.

Oh, so that's how they maintain these memory figures.

These memory figures, essential to a Drifter's travel, are one of many artifacts excavated from ruins. We members of the Ark of Destiny maintain these figures for free.

You guys sure do a lot.

Some consider us a religious order, but we don't exactly place our faith in any

Instead of relying on something we can't see, and praying for better life on this planet... founder Lamium tells us that we must live each day to its fullest in order for the planet to reach its ideal state. I have also heard that the founder Lamium is guided by the voice of a saint... Our basic principle is to live ungrudgingly, so that we can devote our efforts to our everyday lives. So in a sense, we are kind of like a volunteer group. If you have a chance and are interested, please stop by our temple sometime.

We're indebted to these memory figures. We'd love to stop by one day.
Don't take the personality test, Pearl
One last thing in Humphrey's Peak for now.

If we head down here, we can find a secret passage under the bridge. It leads under the town, and after following a few blind twists and turns you'll find this guy.

Unky Gob!

But being a goblin, gob-gob...everyone would throw rocks at me when I walked outside. It was really sad... gob-gob. So what I would do is... gob-gob... take out a map and imagine I was travelling. Would you mind showing me your map, gob-gob? I won't stink it up. You'll be doing me a favor, gob-gob!
We show him our map, and...

You've completed 6% of the map. I wish I wasn't a goblin so I can travel as much as you did, gob-gob. Keep at it and try to cover the entire map, gob-gob! Something good just might happen, gob-gob!
Another sidequest! And it's a bit of a pain. We certainly won't stand a chance of finishing this until we get a few more forms of transport, but may as well start it now.
Speaking of sidequests, now that we can reach a train station without backtracking through the Sand Canal, I can head back and check up on some things.
Dropping into Little Twister lets us meet the little runaway.

My grandmother mentioned this town by a slip of her tongue once... I thought maybe it had something to do with my father's bankruptcy...
Could be, kid. Just... stay away from the creepy guy in the long brown coat, okay?
We can also head over to the secret garden and check on our harvest.

Not bad. Not bad at all. I put most of this into breeding the plants so they'll have a higher success rate in the future.
There's one last sidequest to start today, and it's back with Kaitlyn in Humphrey's Peak.

Daddy, I have a favor to ask you. Mommy bought this book for me, but the next chapter is sold out. I really, really want to know what happens next, so can you find the next chapter for me?
This gives us the Adventure 1 item, the first in a sequence of eleven books we can read to Kaitlyn. The remaining ten books need to be found elsewhere in the game.
These short stories are about a young boy and Marivel, the Crimson Noble from Wild Arms 2. Personally speaking, I don't find them all that gripping, and I don't think I'll archive the stories themselves in this thread. It's plain text and a little music, so there's absolutely nothing I can add that doesn't already exist on gameFAQs.
I will be tracking down all the books though.
Next Time: We go find gems. Or we go get some good luck. Honestly I've not decided yet. I'm not going to make a formal poll over this, but if anyone wants to spend the next 24 hours influencing me, go ahead.
ADayADay posted:
Today is December 1, Wishing Day. Every time you hear a story about magic items granting wishes, don't you ever wonder why nobody asks to increase their number of wishes? If you thought so, then listen to my story. I met a fairy that came out of my calendar the other day and told me she'll grant my wish. So I asked her to increase the number of wishes she grants to five. She replied, 'Okay! Your wish has been granted,' and disappeared... It appears that the fairy accepted to grant the next person's wishes five times...
Today is December 4, Image Training Day. During lunchtime today, I got really sleepy so I tried to imagine stabbing myself in the leg to wake up from the pain. It didn't work... So I gave up and continued to eat my soup, but my hand slipped and spilled soup on the leg I imagined stabbing earlier. Was it a mere accident or the product of my overwhelming imagination?
Today is December 5, Tenderloin Day. The tenderloin of a livestock is the region of meat along the backbone. By this definition, the tenderloin of a cake is the creamy frosting on top.
Today is December 8, Wrestler Day. Inside of your wrists, there are tiny wrestlers. These wrestlers help you lift weights, hold pencils, and use your ARMs. Today, we show our appreciation for these tiny workers. As a side note, there are tiny mechanical wrestlers inside machines to make them work.
Today is December 9, Itching Day. Even the grand priestess of Baskar can't win against itches. If we make a ranking diagram it will look like:
2)Grand Priestess of Baskar
Using the diagram, I hypothesize that itching is the apex of the biological pyramid.
Today is December 14, Cardboard Day. Cardboard is a good insulator. Try covering up broken windows with cardboard the next time you accidentally ram into one.
Today is December 15, Canned Meat Day. The inventor of canned meat is a brave man. If I were him, I wouldn't dare risk canning a luxury food like meat... I'd cook it on the spot!
Today is December 17, Curry Day. Curry is a mysterious food. I get sudden cravings for curry all the time. I called this the curry crush syndrome. Do you have any food like that?