Part 20: Gemstone Cave
Last time: we got a new medium, Janus pulled some bullshit out of nowhere, and we solved a puzzle. Today, we're going mining for diamonds.Update 20: Maya the Teenage Bitch
A couple of updates ago, we were told there was a large vein of gems nearby that could offer some clues about why the world is decaying. Where is it again?

Fortunately jumping the ravine is child's play for our horses, and searching this cliff face reveals the mine entrance.
MUSIC: Lets Run Around, lets Look Over There!

With that we're free to explore the Gemstone Cave, a disorienting series of snaking tunnels. It is unbelievably easy to get turned around in here considering how much you need to rotate your camera to navigate about these ledges and the lack of landmarks.
I've clearly been playing Minecraft too much, as I was constantly struck by an urge to put MORE TORCHES EVERYWHERE all through this dungeon.
It's worth noting the random enemies in here straight away.

Rock Baboons are pretty tough for their level, having a meaty physical attack called Drill Arm and a large amount of health. You can't come close to killing these guys quickly without powerlevelling.

Hodacs are just as difficult, being both strong and durable. These enemies always appear in large groups of three or four as well.
It's a tough prospect facing these two, but there is something we can take advantage of.


They will always default to attacking each other if they can, and ignore us until we're the only targets left. Thus, siding with the underdog in these battles and then turning on him will get you through much more easily.
Hm, when I say it like that, it seems a bit bastardly.
A couple of rooms in, we encounter...

Oh man...

Whoa! Slow down there! Just how many motivations do you have, Pearl?

Welp, looks like it's time to chase Maya through another ruin. First off though, we'll get a treasure she missed.

Blowing up these rocks under the platform she stood on gets us access to 5000 gil.
Pearl has some questions in the next room.

Somehow I doubt anyone's told Maya she's collecting blood clots. Speaking of which, we find her again a little deeper in.

She shoots the ceiling and drops a massive boulder in our path.

Luckily for us, we already know how to shatter this thing. Remember cracking Trask's shell?

Using Pearl's Tindercrest to heat it and Boone's Freezer Doll to cool it allows Doc to blow it up with his bombs.
Not pictured: Billy being useful.

The next room has a chest on a platform we can use the Steady Doll to reach, getting us a Gella Card. More importantly, there's a secret part of the mine hidden away behind a cracked wall.

There's some treasure and gems here, like a Gimel Coin and a Revive Fruit, but maybe more importantly there's another bombable wall, leading to a double-secret passage.

It leads outside, to an isolated crop of land. The mine is the only way to reach this area.

The funny thing is, there's not really anything to do here except fight some tough enemies. Grabsks can cancel actions with their attacks, and love to victimise Doc with it, while Kobolds have Leyline Cannon - a powerful Earth attack. They're a real pain to fight, though Pearl can at least wreck the Grabsks with electrical damage. Once they're down the entire battle gets much easier.
(challenge: find the Kobold in the picture. Great use of brown on brown on brown, guys)
Regardless, it doesn't look like we should be here yet. Maybe somewhere to bear in mind for later? Back to the cave...
A bit further in, Doc has some insights to share.

The next room is full of holes.

Damnit Maya

Well, we have to fall down a hole to proceed, it's just that Maya kicked us down the wrong one. There's a path back up to the upper room so we can try again. This bit's pretty annoying, but if we want to take the time we can try out different holes and find an Amulet (Nullifies status ailments while you guard, a steal at only 1 PS point) and a Lucky Card.

Upon finding the right hole, we get to watch Maya suffer.

The next room is pretty sprawling, but there's a pair of Heal Berries to be found. As we try to leave...
MUSIC: That's Just a Rumor...!

A book falls at Pearl's feet, and they look up to see...

MUSIC: There's Only One Family Named Schrodinger
VIDEO: Witch Maya Battle

So book cosplay is her superpower? Why isn't this girl working for British Library Special Operations?

The Schrodingers are fun to fight. Though finishing this battle really comes down to defeating one of them, and it's not Maya.

Maya's tough, but Todd - who was already dangerous in the last fight - has got a lot tougher too. While he has no new moves he'll now very frequently use Psycho Crack to confuse your characters, and still automatically tosses heals on Maya or Alfred when they're attacked. You will want to bring him down first.

But you can still set his afro aflame!

Shady and Alfred have increased stats, but no new abilities to worry about. You don't even need to defeat them to finish the battle.

Maya can't quite cast all kinds of spells, but she does have water, fire and wind and makes them target everyone to boot. She's also got a single target dark spell, and can put out quite a lot of damage.
She's technically the only enemy we need to defeat here, but defeating Todd first makes that a LOT easier.

For our troubles, we get a free Duplicator. Nice.

The Schrodingers dogpile Maya to keep her from casting Dragon Slave or whatever.

A sulky Maya starts heading for the door.

MUSIC: In a Cold Sleep

She reaches out to grab a nearby gem, but since it's one of the white ones that refill your encounter gauge it immediately disappears.
... does this mean the Schrodingers have an encounter gauge of their own? Do NPCs have to fight random battles? A strange lack of gameplay and cutscene segregation here.

Maya and her friends leave.

We're brought back outside the mine, and can return to Humphrey's Peak. As we arrive, we get a cutscene...
MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God

Hm, I wonder who Melody is in this picture?

A completely un-animated Melody slides toward Malik, who dodges out of her way.
I'm not sure if this is meant to look comedic, but it definitely does look cheap.

Melody spends a little time shaking in the corner, then turns about and starts lecturing Malik.

These guys keep saying "evolved." Things aren't necessarily more evolved if they are incapable of surviving in their natural environment.

I hate the prophets for their ability to use ten words where one would suffice.

Balazs is behind the pillar if you missed him.

That's it for now. Next time: we travel to Faraway Lands.
One last thing though...
Technically I did this after the first cutscene of the next update, but it'll fit better here. I took a trip back to the Secret Garden, and picked up the harvest.

Not bad. Also did some breeding. After you breed a plant, Florina will say a sappy line that corresponds to how strong that breed is and the chances of its harvest failing. Once she says...

... this breed of plants is at 100% and will never fail to grow again.
I achieved this with Heal Berries today, and Florina has a reward for the first time you manage this.

This gets us the Dried Flower gear, which gives a medium the Green Thumb PS. At rank four, that PS DOUBLES the effectiveness of berries when the character with it uses them. This is an excellent PS to give to Pearl for use in conjunction with Mystic. Not only will she heal much more, but the PS activates FOUR times when she uses mystic with a berry, increasing her XP for the battle by 40%. Insanity.
The only problem is that you can only get the Dried Flower once, and once you give it to a medium you can never remove it without destroying it. Once a medium has it, Pearl needs to keep that medium. This and a few other gears can screw up your end game plans if you haphazardly assign them to the "wrong" mediums. While the final boss is defeatable regardless, bonus stuff could become pretty difficult without the right setup. It's kind of a pain.
A Day A Day posted:
Today is December 24, Fairy Godmother Day. For all the boys and girls who were good this year, the fairy godmother appears tonight and let's you see the dream you've always wanted to dream. Maybe that's why the fairy godmother wears fluttery clothes so she can cast hypnosis on you when she waves her arms in front of you.
Today is December 25, Glove Day. Imagine a picture wearing only gloves and compare it with a picture wearing only a pair of socks. Which one is more exciting? As an example, imagine a cat wearing socks and a dog wearing gloves.
Today is December 28, the Day of Light. You often hear heroic tales ending with the hero disappearing into the light. If you think about it, being a hero is a terrible occupation that won't let you go peacefully in your sleep when you die.
Today is December 29, Smoked Ham Day. Eating too much smoked ham gets your belly out. That is the law of the conservation of energy... Why is there such a law!? This is a story about a girl who went delinquent because of ham...
Today is December 31, New Year's Eve. Feeling that tomorrow is a new year gets me excited. Maybe it's because I can leave my unlucky year behind and make a fresh start. In that sense, you can call New Year's Eve the day with the highest population of people with depraved thoughts.
Happy New Year! It's a day to give annual allowances to the children. Which fits your description? The giver or the receiver? I don't have any relatives to give to, but there is nobody who gives to me either.
Today is January 2nd, the day we get back to work. Any skill you work on today you'll improve greatly. I've decided to work on my finger snap.
Today is January 3rd, the day for words that seem similar, but mean different things. Tidbit and trivia seem similar, but aren't the same. Accent and dialect is also subtly different. Yoke and yolk are, of course, completely different. As I go into deep thoughts, it's a bit sad that I can't remember my earlier thoughts when I come up with newer ones.
Today is January 4, Elw Day. It is a day we celebrate and show our prospect for the Elw. Oops. Did I say that right? Inspect... Suspect... What's the word I need? Re, re, re...respect! That's it! Ahem... RESPECT for the Elw.
Today is January 5. I'm taking a nap. When you're sleeping on a chair, do you ever feel your head bobbing up and down like you're rowing a boat? The nodding action looks like a rocking tiger and it's believed to bring you good luck in the New Year.