Part 21: Faraway Lands
Last time, we found out Maya has super cosplay powers and Doc realised something important about gems... though he did not spell it out for us. Today, we do a job for the church and sail the ocean brown.Update 21: Daddy Issues
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

Pearl is staring at the photograph she found in the Leyline Research Facility.

There is an awkward silence for a moment...

Commenting negatively about emotions is apparently Pearl's berserk button

Another awkward silence. At this point, the door opens and someone comes right on in unannounced.

He's referring to Albert, the boy we saw repairing the save point a couple of updates ago. He works for that Ark of Destiny cult.

That line seems out of character for Pearl, but I'm entertained by the mental image of her trying to pull off an intimidating scowl.
Albert's still hanging around by the save point.


Nothing bad could come of a bunch of wackos getting a spaceship reactor! Lets do it!

And if there's one thing we live for, it's ruining the Prophets' day.

We can leave Humphrey's Peak now, but it might be a good idea to ask Albert just one little thing...

Important information to know.
On our way out, we can drop into the angsty poetess' house for a strange domestic scene.

Looks like Martina's been "adopted" by a Crazy Lady.

The next dungeon, "Faraway Lands," is just within sight of the first millennium puzzle we did.
MUSIC: Fate Breaker

On our way in, we catch Pearl's dad mashing buttons on a computer console. He vaults the railing and scarpers before the drifers arrive.
Oblivious to who they just missed, the drifters are impressed by their surroundings.

A fun little dungeon, for now the main goal is to ride this elevator. Unfortunately the power is out, so like in every RPG ever we'll need to search for the way to activate it.
A few interesting enemies in here.

Vacuumon is a pain if you're not careful. He'll usually cast Grav, which can take out a big chunk of HP, but he also has a much more annoying move - Eject. He can, at will, end the battle and send you back to the start of the dungeon. The good news is he's so feeble its easy to kill him before he uses it, especially given his Electric weakness.
He also drops Warp Stars, which instantly teleport the party to any train station. Nice for getting about quickly.

The Unknown is a bit weird too.

They resist all kinds of elemental damage, and physical damage does pretty much zilch. In fact, their DEF is 999.

They also have no direct damage attacks. Instead, their only attack inflicts the Bronze (AKA Countdown) status. The victim's RFX is drastically reduced , their DEF is boosted, and in four turns they will turn into a statue.

The trick is to remember you have non-elemental arcana! While they resist all elements, they have a tragically low magic resistance and non-elemental damage goes right through them - the Devastate arcana in the screenshot was cast by Billy and his magic is pathetic. Doc's "Lock On" ability is also great since it ignores defence.
Anyway, the elevator room has three floors and three doors to choose. The bottom one is a dead end for now while the top one leads to a sealed door, behind which lies a Full Carrot, a Name Tag and 5500 Gella.
Full Carrots are kind of excellent. Like a Mini Carrot they give FP when used, but they give a full 100FP. That is stupendously useful, and there's no reason why you would ever use one by itself instead of having Pearl Mystic it to give everyone 100FP.
The only thing stopping you is relative rarity, and this baby is going straight to the garden so I can start breeding it and get stacks and stacks of these things!
Back in the central room, the middle door brings us to the furnace room.

Stepping on the switch to open the doors and throwing in a few tindercrests is enough to light it.
A generator can be heard operating in the distance.
We could return to the elevator now, but if we keep following this path...

We can find a Gimel Coin in that bottom chest, and swing our way over to a pair of Heal Berries and a pair of Lucky Cards. Which brings us back to the dead end on the bottom floor. Nothing else to do here, so might as well take the lift.

Dropping down from this net is enough to open that door. There's another way out of this room, but it's blocked by a box we can't push.

Fortunately the Tool Fairy always provides.
The Mighty Gloves are Doc's second tool, and allow him to pick up certain kinds of blocks. He can't walk while carrying them, but he can rotate on the spot to place the block elsewhere.
Unfortunately we don't get a chance to try this out straight away, because...
BOSS BATTLE: Vacuumon (?)

Definitely a head-scratcher, this one. He gets boss battle music and everything, but he's just a single regular Vacuumon, and easily defeatable on the first turn.
Well, there are some differences. He has about twice the HP (still a pittance) and he has less moves than a regular Vacuumon - his ONLY move is Eject. So if you don't defeat him before he gets his first move, you're going back to the start of the dungeon. Buuuuttt... Pearl and Billy can easily do that on the first turn. Billy can 1-shot him with a crit.
I know someone's playing a joke here, but I'm not sure who the victim is.

Now the Mighty Glove-equipped Doc can move that box out of the way.

The pressure plate controls the door. Mighty Gloves make it easy to move the box up onto the ledge and over to the plate.

These boxes slide until they hit a wall.

Lining them up against the northern wall and pushing them onto the pressure plates works well. The treasure chest in the room has a Duplicator. Heading off to a side room gives us a couple of treasure chests - one has a pair of Mimics, who are now pretty easy and drop a Robber's Ego. The other has a Gimel Coin.
Robber's Ego is kinda of cool, as it teaches the Disarm PS. At level four, it increases the chances of successfully disarming a trapped chest by 50%, which is tremendously useful. Billy gets it and will probably keep it forever.

This is kind of weak. You just need to lift up boxes to make a path through this big stack, putting boxes in front of you behind you until you reach the other side. Then you hit the switch and come back the way you came to reach the door that opened.
Another little dead end holds a Gella Card and a Dragon Fossil.

Because Doc can't walk while holding blocks and can only pivot on the spot, we can't put the left block on the left switch because the distance from box to switch won't allow it. Moving each box to the switch diagonally opposite it works better.

After passing through one last empty room, the group finally reaches the Kizim Fire.

I'm glad you didn't say "frozen." We've already had someone dicking about with the save points, an environmentalist message and a lot of muttering about fate and destiny. If a catman and a clown girl turned up, I would be outta here.

Boone's concern is completely unjustified. Since when has uncovering ancient miracle technology ever gone badly for anyone?
We snatch the Kizim Fire and leave, but in the previous room...

MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God
Well, we shouldn't be surprised.

Asgard teleports in, and his eyes flash red
MUSIC: Crossfire Sequence

Asgard retains his tricks from the previous battle. Barrier Knuckle and Iron Fist for single target damage. He can still erect a High-Power Barrier, shielding himself from all damage until he chooses to lower it. (exception: Lock On, since it ignores DEF)
As for Barrier Flood...

He can use it at will now, but on the other hand it won't instantly kill us like last time. But, on a third hand, it does a meaty amount of damage - a good 500HP per person - and he's not shy about using it.

Even though nobody's below half health, we're all looking pretty beat-up at the end of turn one.

Everyone gets back up, and Doc pushes his glasses up.

So as if things weren't bad enough before, now we have to deal with Melody too!

She's not as tough as Asgard, but still pretty dangerous and impossible to hurt while he's still about - any attacks aimed at her will be redirected at the big guy, and he's spending half the battle almost totally invincible anyway.
Eventually the inevitable will happen. I'm not sure if it's triggered by damage or turns, but Asgard will use a new move: Wide Barrier.

Son of a...
... for those keeping track at home, I'm pretty sure this is the last time the game will pull this bullshit on us.

They raise their hands for the killing blow...
and a gunshot is heard.

Asgard slumps to the floor, electricity crackling over him.

MUSIC: Ready! Lady Gunner!!

It's Trenchcoat Mask!

Well obviously the meaning of dual guns is MORE DAKKA. Lets try that out!

Take two, and most of his unfair crap has been disabled! In fact all of his barrier systems are down, and all he has to attack with is Iron Fist.
Consider this your licence to go to town on him however you like. Since Doc's HP was already low from the previous battle, I cast Valiant on him and let him do the rest.

The two of them teleport away in defeat.

MUSIC: Leave then Return Again

Werner silently walks away.

So... what was your motivation for going into the wilderness again?
We're booted out of the dungeon, and return to Albert at Humphrey's Peak

Well, we got our 3000 gella advance, but how are we going to cross those flowing sand dunes safely?
Heading back to Jolly Roger seems like a good start, but there's something we should do before we go - check up on Martina again, who's got away from the Crazy Lady and is standing outside by the dried-up fountain.

Regardless of Cheville's feelings, Martina will have moved on by the next time we return to Humphrey's Peak.

... that's enough

If we return to the Unclean Mark, (trap-laden dungeon where we first met Melody) we can put our new Mighty Gloves to good work. Shifting this block on the pressure plat open a door to a treasure room. Inside there's a Duplicator, a Name Tag, a Grab Bag and the Elder Record.
The Grab bag is kinda nice - a consumable item that gives a fixed amount of XP. I use it on Pearl, who is lowest level and could do with a little boost.
The Elder Record is awesome, as it teaches the FP Save PS which cuts the cost of Arcana. The Moon Spark medium already has this, but now I can give it to someone else too.
I also drop into the Secret Garden to plant that Full Carrot. Hopefully I'll have a treat waiting for me next time I return.
To Jolly Roger then. Anyone know about crossing the ocean?

Informative, but not immediately useful. Lets try the ARMsmith.

We'll chuck a level of SHT on Doc and Billy's ARMs, and have a chat.

Hear her out.

Fifteen Dragon Fossils? Exactly the same amount as we got for defeating Diobarg! What a complete coincidence!
I'll help you complete it.

She's right, dune monsters can be very mean, and healing a sandcraft is tricky. I'll show why later.

This means that is we teleport by using a Warp Star (for example) the Sandcraft will move to the nearest beach. Convenient.

MUSIC: Wound Backwards in the Dirt and Sand
So now we have a sandcraft! With sand travel comes a completely different battle system and party setup. It's not even slightly like battling on foot or on horseback.

The turns system has changed - now everyone takes their turns immediately after being picked, instead of acting on a round by round basis. This means people with high RFX scores move much more frequently than the rest. You can see the turn order in the bottom right.
Also, everyone shares one FP gauge. Most actions require FP but do not consume it, like Arcana, but each role has a 25FP Force Ability that's pretty damn useful. We can quickly charge FP by skipping turns.
There are four main roles - Helmsman, Gunner, Harpooner and Deckmate.

The helmsman is in charge of positioning in the battle. They can move the sandcraft to the side of or behind the enemy, and fire off flash bombs to distract enemies and lower their evasion. The game defaults to putting Pearl in this position and it's a good fit, as the helmsman needs high reflex and evasion scores.

The Gunner operates the main gun, and is really the only source of damage. They can shoot the main gun, or use up FP to shoot all ammo at once. They can also prepare elemental ammo if we have any. Doc is in this role by default but I stuck Billy in there for now. He'll do comparable damage while acting much more frequently.
Annoyingly there's no indicator of how many shots are left in the gun, which means I get caught out a lot by forgetting to reload! It doesn't help that the gunner relies on the deckmate to do that.

Operates a small harpoon we can use to bring enemies in to point-blank range, reducing their reflex and increasing damage. I've never found this very useful as it seems to be inaccurate, and as soon as the enemy gets a turn the harpoon falls off anyway. Still, useful if you can use its force ability with just the right timing. Billy's in here by default, but with the reshuffling I did now Doc's stuck here.

Carries out three important jobs - reloading the main gun, helping the others pilot (increasing their RFX) and the Force Ability is the only means by which we can repair the sandcraft. Boone is perfect for this role, since repairing needs good magical power.
Talking to Emilia lets us upgrade our sandcraft.

Each sandcraft upgrade (gun, harpoon, frame and engine) requires a certain amount of Dragon Fossils. Personally I'd choose to grab a few cheap upgrades and save up for the top-tier stuff, as piloting the sandcraft isn't a HUGE part of the game and you can get by with lower level stuff most of the time. The thing to bear in mind is each part has a weight, and if that surpasses the Payload of the engine, the sandcraft's max HP will start to drop.
There's also elemental ammo for 1 fossil per round, but I'm yet to see the point of blowing fossils on them.

VIDEO: Sandcraft Battles
Overall, Sandcraft battles are initially interesting, but can become tedious because they never really evolve as you upgrade the sandcraft or meet new enemies. It's the same old tactics over and over, and some of the techniques (like reloading and everything to do with the harpooner) are just too finiky and unreliable - all they do is get in the way. Healing is awkward too, but by far the worst aspect is that any actions you take to get in a better position or harpoon the enemy are negated once they get a turn. (the harpooner even needs to spend a turn retracting his harpoon before he can be useful again) A lot of time is wasted looking for a good window where your Helmsman, Harpooner and Gunner move before the enemy does.
... and then once you're in the perfect position to slam all your ammo into the enemy's back at point-blank range, you find out you forgot to reload.

Well, here's the island where the Order's temple is. Next time, we do a little more work for the wackos who actually believe that humans came to Filgaia on a friggin' spaceship, of all things...

Well, I'll be damned.
One last neat thing...
All of the drifters are level 25 now, which means they start battles with 25 FP and can use their force abilities in the first turn.
This turns Pearl and Boone into magical wrecking balls, as a first-turn Mystic or Extension can put a huge dent in enemies. It's nice.
A Day A Day posted:
Today is January 6, Avocado Day. The rough skin of avocados looks very similar to my own. So, I have a habit of collecting avocado peels just in case I need to make a stand-in dummy of myself. You just never know, you know?
Today is January 7, the Day of Multigrain Bread. On this day, we eat bread made from seven mixed grains for our health. But I've heard that some people lose their teeth by eating hard bread. There's also a tale about someone who ate so much, he turned into a giant robot! Such stories scare me, but I think they're just lies told by grown-ups trying to hog all the delicious bread for themselves. Sigh... I wonder who's telling the truth?
Today is January 13, White Meat Day. In other words, it's a day for eating chicken wings and pork chops. In the commercials they say eating white meat will make your legs beautiful. But in reality, it makes your legs fat. Just look at me. If I only didn't believe such a lie.
Today is January 14, the Day of the Sun. It's a day to celebrate the recovery of the Guardian of Light, Stare Roe, after the winter solstice. That reminds me. Last year, when I washed and hung my mother's socks out to dry in the sun, Stare Roe appeared in my dreams and told me they still stink. Don't you think that was a rude thing to say!?
Today is January 16, Back Talk Day. It's a day a wily stranger replied to an interrogator's question, 'Who are you!?' He replied with a calm and gentle answer, 'A stranger.'
Today is January 19, the day of the singing contest! I want to be the best singer so I trained myself to purr like my little kitty does when I pet his throat. But petting a human's throat is a ticklish and strange thing to do...
Today is January 20, Manliness Day. I've come to think that being called 'manly' is a bad thing, like how the words 'naive' and 'innocent' mean 'airhead' when used in a bad way. Is this what they mean by growing up?
Today is January 21, Caramel Day. Caramel is the name of a girl who took revenge on the chieftain that killed her parents, by hiding inside a hole of a rare confection to approach him. Thereafter, Caramel became the pronominal name of the loyal and dutiful daughter. That's why a girl's face is printed on caramel packages like this one. See?
Today is January 23, Odd Number Day. Even though half of all the numbers in this world are odd, why are odd numbers called 'odd?' Is it implicating that half of everything in this world is odd?
Today is January 27, the Day of the North. There was a man who kept treading north and north. He kept going and going until he realized he was walking on top of the sea. When I asked him what the secret of sea walking was, he simply said: Before your right leg sinks, stick out your left leg. Before your left leg sinks, stick out your right leg... As I thought to myself, 'What kind of crack is that?' Maybe it's possible if you just believe. Am I being fooled?
Today is January 29, Cow Day. In olden times, animals called cows roamed in the fields of Filgaia. The meat of these animals were so delicate, they were taken away and altered by demons to become their food source. Today is a memorial for the long lost cow, to remind us how cold-blooded and stingy demons are, not leaving one cow for us humans.
Today is January 30, Shark Day. Sharks are magnificent animals, but encounter them at sea and you are dead meat. So what good are they you ask? Well, they make great food items and ornaments... You get the picture. I'd leave them alone if I were you, though.