Part 22: Survey Point #17
Last time, we got a quest to deliver something to the crashed spaceship the Order of the Ark of Destiny calls home, and bought a sandcraft to get there. Today, we meet with their head honcho and find out what makes him so crazy.
Update 22: You probably should have mentioned it explodes before now
Inside the crashed Ark of Destiny...
MUSIC: To the Star Ocean and Rushed Dreams

I thought a central office of a religious order would be more...

Yes... I had expected a more courtly and grand temple, but this is as if we're exploring a ruin.

I guess nowadays, you kinda have to take it to new heights to secure followers... I can see why our faith is on the decline.

No wonder they were so generous. They're in the right business. Maybe I should change careers.

Then, whaddaya say you team up with this future priest and we make a fortune together? I have some know-how and background about this kinda stuff, you know?

Stop it with your nonsense. Let's just hand over the Kizim Fire and complete our mission.
There's a few ladies in robes wandering around.

We have been expecting you. Our
<<founder>> awaits in the
<<celestial chamber>>.

Lamium is a great man. He has opened our eyes to his dream. He is a leader we all look up to.
<<Celestial chamber>>

Just keep heading straight from the entrance. Don't worry, you won't get lost.
We're supposed to head straight to Lamium, but naturally first we're going to explore his spaceship and rob him blind. Staircases on either side of the room lead down to a lower level that's just bristling with prizes!
Well, except...

Four of the six treasure rooms are behind sealed doors. And after that, many of them require tools we do not yet have.

The first room contains this blue save point which does nothing when you activate it.

There's a treasure chest up there but I can't reach it!

No easy way up here either...

And we can't hop over these platforms to reach the chest without falling down.

A further three sealed doors are blocked off by this wall of... orange jello? Whatever it is, we can't get through.

However, we CAN get past these heavy blocks using the Mighty Gloves, allowing us to reach a pair of chests containing the Map Scope and ten Dragon Fossils.
The Map Scope is nice, as it projects the map onto the HUD while we explore.

Not exactly perfect, as you can't always easily distinguish between land and sand on it, but pretty useful.
We can also get into another room and grab three Warp Stars without needing to use any tools at all. As for the rest... we'll need to keep an eye out for useful tools.

I am in charge of organizing all the excavated artifacts. Everything you see here has been collected by order of Lamium.
This shall be the fall guy for our theft.
Time to go see the Pope, or whatever.
The drifters head for the bridge, and pass the Kizim Fire on to an Ark of Destiny member.

A job well done. Thanks to you, the Ark has taken another step towards the future. A small step, but absolute, nonetheless. Here is the reward we agreed upon. Please accept.
We got our reward of 5000 Gella

Thank you very much... We're all glad to help. If I may... Is this energy crystal really going to prove useful?

Of course. But before I explain, you must understand our dogma.

Many doctrines of salvation speak of fulfilling one's spirit in order to attain salvation after death. However, the doctrine of the Ark of Destiny views the pursuit of mundane benefits as supreme, and we work and devote ourselves to it every day. There are many who shy away from us, interpreting our goal as merely money-making... To demystify our doctrine, only when peace of mind and tranquility are attained in our everyday lives can spiritual fulfillment be achieved.

So, it is not about seeking spiritual shelter, but taking care of your everyday life, first and foremost.
You know, on second thoughts this is a dogma I think I could get behind.

There are many factors that threaten our everyday lives, but most of it can be blamed on our wasted environment. And we humans are not strong enough to face and accept this harsh environment. I do not possess a gracious disposition as to throw away my will to live. I have found the means from this planet, for people to improve their future. That is why I have created a
<<movement>>, putting to use ancient artifacts for the good of today.
Messing with ancient artifacts has gone horribly wrong for everyone else who's ever tried it, but these guys mean well, so I think maybe they're in the clear.

Applying the technology of these artifacts to improve the lives of people... This is a grand dream that cannot be realized by my powers alone. Fortunately, I have colleagues here who sympathize with my ideology. Each one of us may only be a tiny drop, but as we gather together and are guided in the right direction, we can become a torrent... This is what I firmly believe, and the reason I lead this movement.

Interesting...So that's what the Ark of Destiny's doctrine is all about... It's completely different from ours. It's more practical--more down to earth, you know?

We share the same basic ideology as Baskar. One thing that sets us apart is that we are more like volunteers, rather than a monastic order.

Could this building really be...

Yes, we were able to excavate the Immigrant Ship from folklore, and are using it as a shrine. Just as our forefathers of mankind pioneered the way to this planet, we, too, are aiming for a new frontier we call the future. We not only view this ship as our shrine, but as a symbolic representation of our materialized will.

Frankly, I'm surprised. I thought your explanation would deal with some kind of dream world, but... (she gasps) Ooops... I'm sorry...

Hah hah hah... Sorry, I have no dream. My duty is to fight to attain repose, and not to look away from reality. Consequently, we have no dream--only harsh reality. Even the management of the order is not cheap.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that...

No need to worry.

Speaking of dreams, however... This will stray from reality, but would you be interested to hear?

I suppose indulging his long lectures is the least we can do after swiping his stuff and casing the joint to come back later.

The lost technology from the ruins is essential in keeping this order alive and operating. We outsource various Drifters or conduct our own research to excavate these artifacts... Some of the more substantial discoveries stem from dreams I experience.
I thought you said you didn't have dreams.

A dream? That sounds just like my kid brother.

Sometimes, in my dreams, a
<<girl>> appears and blesses me with advice.

A girl gives you advice?

Yes. I do not know who this girl is, though... However, her words are always accurate and true. For example... this Ark of Destiny we use as our shrine was granted by her. I call this girl that guides me in my dreams, 'The Saint'...
Before Lamium can explain whether he actually means Roger Moore, a minion runs in.

Is something the matter? I am in the middle of speaking to my guests.

Well... uhh... An unexpected situation has...
She looks anxiously at Pearl and co.

It is all right. Please continue.

I have just received a report from Survey Point #17, currently being excavated. Apparently, someone has broken in, wreaking havoc.

(The prophets!?)
Oh boy...

This is a terrible situation... According to the Saint, this is where the energy crystals, [Aguelite] and [Germatron] are located... If they fall into the wrong hands...

Are you all right?

I think I know exactly who these intruders are...

...? Are they Drifter acquaintances of yours?

B-B-But we're not associated with them in any way!

If it is all right with you, I would like to ask you to stop them.

Well... I do feel kinda obligated to...

However, we will only accept this as a formal assignment.
Good old Doc, got his mind on what's important!

Rightly so. I will offer 10,000 Gella for this mission. I believe that is a fair price.

Err... I feel really terrible about all this...

I, too, was a Drifter before I opened my eyes to this dogma. I fully understand your pride and honor as Drifters. That is why I think you deserve that amount. However, I do expect you to perform up to its full value. I look forward to seeing what kind of a job 10,000 Gella will buy me.

That's a lot of pressure... But we'll do our best...
Nothing keeping us here, so we can head off to the site as soon as someone tells us where it is. It's important to know.

To get to the survey point, head south from the Ark, and land on the first beach you see. Once you land, you will see a bridge, but do not cross it--just search around that vicinity.

I took a trip back to Jolly Roger for a moment to get repaired - you have to return to the shop where you got the Sandcraft to get it fixed. Of the upgrades I can currently afford the best one is probably the Bunker Cannon II, since it increases the ammo capacity to 6. Didn't buy it just yet but probably will next time. After that it's saving up for the Ark Smasher.

Following Albert's directions takes us (very vaguely, "Vicinity" is slightly larger than you think) to Survey Point #17.
MUSIC: Scars of Leftover Memories

I thought it'd be a lot more hectic around here, but it's pretty quiet...

The workers must have evacuated before we arrived.

That's perfectly fine with me. I won't have to hold back.

I'm not really looking forward to seeing her, but it's a job we took on...We have to stop Maya. We can't let her get the [Aguelite] and [Germatron] energy crystals.
It doesn't take very long before we find our targets.
MUSIC: That's Just a Rumor...!

You've got to be kidding me! You're like a bad rash. Or maybe you're a Schroedinger groupie?

NO! Not at all! What about you!? You can't seem to stop getting in our way, can you!? You know very well that there's evil lurking behind the scene on Filgaia! You have the power and strength to fight, yet you choose not to fight the enemy. Don't you want to fight for the good of the world!? We're not supposed to be fighting each other!

Fight for the good of the world, huh? Why don't you leave that to a superhero? Sorry, but I'm not interested. I'm only interested in gems. One of these days, I'll find a gem so big, I won't be able to carry it.

Ah-ah! Not a word! I'm only interested in collecting gems and that's that. You can't convince me otherwise. Now that you know, if you still want to meddle in our affairs, feel free to hunt us down.

And somehow, if you're able to bring us down--maybe, just maybe I might lend an ear to what you have to say.
They walk on ahead.

So, we can't talk it over like mature adults... We have to fight her, huh?
A few rooms over, another usual suspect teleports in.

He pauses for a moment to muse to himself.

Even if life can be created, without providing memory, it's nothing but a vessel of flesh... Is it impossible to attain memories from the past, even with the wisdom we so worship?
MUSIC: Gun-Equipped Cavalry

Who goes there!?
He spins about and sees everyone gathering.

Heh! So, there is no honor among thieves. You're after the [Aguelite] and [Germatron], aren't you!?

H-How did you know!?

I'm here to stop people like you from getting the
<<two crystals>>! So just pack your bags and leave. Or else...
<<Two crystals>>

I bet you're here to extract the combined energy from the Aguelite and Germatron, right? It's so obvious. But the thing is, the Aguelite and Germatron were brought into this world for me to possess. Now that you understand, leave. Or else...

Damn... I'm outnumbered... Come forth my
<<artificial minions>>!
<<Artificial minions>>

Artificial!? What, you mean you created these creatures!?

Indeed! The research conducted by the Council of Seven highly surpasses the science of today. Attack, my minions! Listen to the Donkey's orders and eliminate the enemy!
The donkey? Since when is a Democrat capable of leadership?

Wow, this is just barely worth mentioning.
They all have a physical attack. In addition, the Donkey can inflict Disease, the Hound casts Decelerate, the Feline casts Quicken and the Flier casts Eraser to remove all buffs/debuffs on us, including ones the hound set. 
Malik seems to hint that the others are following the Donkey's lead, but they're not. Whether you kill it first or not, they're pathetically easy.
Congratulations Malik, you have succeeded at wasting everyone's time.
I hope you're happy.
Though since you used the distraction to escape, that was probably your intent.

Why didn't you help us!? You could have fought alongside us, you know!?
She has a point, you know.

Such a rambunctious lassie... You won, didn't you? All's well that ends well.

Yes, but Milady... I do not believe that man has given up.

Yeah, it ain't gonna be easy standin' up against him.
Oh god no. He might send an artificial elephant after us. Or a giraffe or something.

C'mon, sis...

... Well... You do have a point, there... Okay, then... We'll unite for the time being.


But don't take this the wrong way. We're not joining forces for the sake of Filgaia, or
<<anything like that>>.
<<Anything like that>>

You really are persistent. I have no intention of exerting my strength for the sake of others. The only reason I'm joining forces with you is because... I don't want the Aguelite and the Germatron falling into the hands of that man.

That's fine with me. I'm just happy that we'll be working as a team for a change.
Pearl extends a hand, but Maya does not shake it.
With that settled, we head deeper into the ruins as a team. "Team" meaning "we do all the fighting while the Schroedingers spectate."
A few rooms later, the path splits in two and seems to be blocked.

It splits off into two paths...

And each path seems to be blocked by its own barricade...

I think the candle stand holds the key to making our way across. So, I'll take the upper left path.

Then I'll take the lower, right path. But I just want you to know, that I always take the top bunk, so I'm making the sacrifice here. You better not mess up.
Lighting candles with the Tindercrest lowers walls, so Maya can get to switches that lower walls, so Pearl can light more candles and so on. Teamwork!

Looks like we'll need to work together again.

Actually, I'm a little reluctant. After all, all my victories and glory have been won by myself alone...
Alone? You have an entire posse following you everywhere! You have a friggin' samurai butler!

Go through hardship together, and share joy together! That's how it goes.

Hmph! That's something someone who can't accomplish anything on their own would say. If you seriously mean that, then your life is going to be filled with complaints and bitterness.

Uhhh... You think so... That wouldn't be good...
A nuisance this one, because it's easy to get trapped. The candle near the centre of the screen lowers the raised wall directly below it. If you don't get around that corner behind Pearl quickly enough you're going to be trapped. Fortunately jumping off the walkway resets the room. Throwing a tindercrest diagonally from the corner will give you enough time.
But resetting the room will give Pearl a chance to bug Maya again.

To be overly positive during times of adversity is annoying, you know? The person in question is probably too high on endorphin to notice, but it's just such a pain for us. It may look like she's acting positively, but in reality, she's just being Miss Aggravation!
Getting to the switch at the end of the walkway lets us into the next room.

Okay, it's time to get all chummy! As long as we share the same interest, our bond is as strong as steel!

You don't have to sound so sarcastic...

You know what? You're an incurable fool. A bond based on nothing will and can be broken without reason, at a blink of an eye. But our bond now is bound by a common goal--although it's just temporary, it's still reliable. Is there any other point in arguing!?

Well, uhhh... Err... I... uhhh...

It's not that hard to understand. You and I are on good terms while we look for the Aguelite and the Germatron. Come on, get a move on! Let's go!
Aaaagh I hate this bit.
Pearl needs to hit candles with the Tindercrest to let Maya progress.
Maya needs to press switches to let Pearl progress.

But as soon as the first candle is lit, the spiked blocks will start chasing us.
Pearl can hold them back with the tindercrest, but needs to constantly spam it and she needs to protect Maya too. All while finding time to light the candles too.
If either Pearl or Maya is harmed, you teleport back to start and the room resets.
It always takes me a few tries to get this right, especially since tapping down to aim for the lower block often makes you walk off the platform if you're not very careful.

Once Maya catches sight of the exit, she dashes off without pressing the final switch to let Pearl through.

Hey! What are you doing going off on your own!? I thought we were a team that shared a common goal!?

Tripping me up with my own words? Okay, fine... Go team, go... Hurray...
Despite her sarcasm, Maya does come back to let Pearl out, thankfully.
In the next room...

Why do you seek the Aguelite and the Germatron when you don't even understand its true value!? We are the only ones who can give life to and rejuvenate this dying planet!

But denying the life of others for that cause is wrong!

We are not denying it. We are expelling it by evolution. Yes... The seven of us... our dream was to rejuvenate Filgaia... To stand by Yggdrasil, and to perform creation based on re-creation is what remains to done!

Coming through... Make way!

W-W-Wait! Where do you think you're going!?

Well, it sounded like it was going to be a long conversation, so we'll just be on our way. Plus I'm not interested and don't really understand what you're all talking about... Ta-ta! Good luck!
Oh Maya. Never mind the Aguelite and the Germatron, you have stolen this entire update.
The Schroedingers head into the next room, leaving some annoyed Drifters and a Prophet.

I can't stand here and do nothing after being made a fool of! I shall delay my original plans! But that's all right... Once I take care of you here, you will not be able to hinder our plans in the future! Unfortunately, I have other business to take care of, but I have just the right duo to keep you company!

MUSIC: Blood, Tears and the Dried-Up Wasteland
These guys are actually pretty potent! Humpty (the white one) is a great defensive caster, having access to Shield, Protect, Reflect and the potent and nasty Critical Heal. He can only use Critical Heal on Dumpty, but it heals him back to full health. We need to take Humpty out first.
Dumpty (the black one) is a powerful attacker, having fire, water, wind, earth and dark arcana that hit everyone for substantial damage. You'll want to give everyone as many Elemental Ward PS as possible.

While it's possible to spike Dumpty to death in one turn, I'm missing the Full Carrot needed to do that quickly. (I planted it in the garden) So I had to take the slow, painful route - taking out Humpty first while Dumpty exploded and drowned me.

Starting with an Extended Protect takes care of a lot of Dumpty's damage. So long as we're careful we're free to attack Humpty for a while.

With only 3600 HP and no way to heal, Crits and Lock On can bring Humpty down pretty quickly if you're lucky. Once he's down you just need to withstand Dumpty's attacks until he's dead. Persistence and cautious healing makes this easy.

I love it when Doc combines Lock On with Valiant.
Our prize for winning: a Duplicator and a Mini Carrot.
Shortly after, next door...

MUSIC: From Beyond

It's about time... He must have had a lot to say.

Maya... You...

Well, now it's our turn to settle it.

We have no reason to fight! This isn't the time or place!
Maya throws the Augelite... or is it the Germatron? to Pearl.

Whoa... What's this for?

That is the other half of my loot. I bet the only reason why you're here is because the supervisor of the excavation site asked you to stop us. As you know, we came here for the Aguelite and the Germatron... But... We only have the Germatron. While on the other hand... You now have the Aguelite... Do you understand what I'm getting at?

We both... have a reason to fight?

You catch on quick. That's what I like about you. You're sharp-witted.

But, Maya...

You sure are slow to catch fire! Like I said earlier, if you want to interfere in my business, you'd better be prepared to bring us down! And I will do the same by crushing you to the ground, no holds barred!
Time for boss number three!
MUSIC: There's Only One Family Named Schroedinger
VIDEO: Battle

Today, I am the 'Fighting Artist'! Based off the famous literary novel, "The Plot to Kill"!
Whoever wrote that was a genius with titles.
These guys again! Alfred and Shady haven't changed since their first battle. they do fairly mediocre single target damage, and are not all that threatening.
Todd... has almost completely changed. He can still heal his allies if we attack them so he needs to go first, but his other moves are different.

Divide Shot flat-out halves your current HP. Meteor Dive is just a strong hit, but nothing to sniff at.
But at least he can't confuse anyone anymore!

He is yet to figure out a way to fireproof his afro either.
Once Todd is down, Maya as a few words for us.

You took out Todd... Not bad... But once I defeat you, we'll know for sure who's the strongest!
Both of Maya's moves are physical attacks. Phalanx is a multihit combo that she'll use quite frequently. Pike Thruster is about the same.
It seems that Todd's defeat gives Phalanx a big damage boost. It hit for a lot more after he went down - 562 and 610, when before it had been in the 200s. She took Doc out easily with that.

In retribution, I had Billy unload a valiant-boosted Gatling on her.

I've been... defeated... AHHHHH!! This is so humiliating!! This wasn't supposed to happen...
MUSIC: Parting--Bonds--Setting Out

Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff... Why? Why do we have to fight like this?

There's no particular reason...But if I had to give one... It's because I love gems... I told you before, remember? I don't want to lie to myself about what I love most... I can risk my life over anything that sparkles... Gems are my personal reward for doing my best and working hard...

You've gotten stronger. Much stronger than the first time we met.

I had to... In order to make it this far... Just like you, I was doing my best and working my hardest...

This time, you win. So this belongs to you.

But don't misunderstand me. You have my respect, but that doesn't mean we're a team. Next time we meet, I'll show you a stronger me. Don't you forget that.

Maya... Okay... Well, when that time comes, I, too, will be stronger than I am now.

Oh... I forgot to tell you...

Whatever you do, make sure the two crystals don't come in contact with each other. Or else this ruin is gonna go kaboom.
The ruin shakes. Maya almost snaps her pike in two.

Run for it!!
MUSIC: Cross this Instant, Now
Pearl throws down the crystals and books it. You can try to go back for them, but party members will protest.

A promising priest like me can't call to the heavens from here! The love that I preach isn't meant to be heard in a dusty hole! Let's get outta here!

All this trouble, and yet I'm gettin' nothing out of it... Why does this always happen!?
Note the countdown timer in the bottom left. Fifteen minutes is a VERY generous amount of time. I had 13:40 remaining when I reached the exit.
Still, there is a deafening explosion and the screen turns white. And we find ourselves back at the...
MUSIC: To the Star Ocean and Rushed Dreams

Hmmm... Let me see if I have this straight... You successfully protected the Aguelite and Germatron from falling into the wrong hands, but due to your mishap, you caused an explosion. And the intruders were able to make their escape during the chaos. Is that correct?

Yes, that's exactly what happened.

Well, the workers were safely evacuated, and there were no reported injuries, so let's overlook this incident, shall we?

Thank you very much!

Regarding your reward... Taking into consideration the damage we incurred, the balance is zero. Do you object?

As long as you overlook what happened, that's fine... We're really sorry...

Please, be at ease. I have taken a liking to your team. You are all faithful, trustworthy , and foremost, full of energy... An ideal team of Drifters!

W-We are...?
Woohoo, another exposition dump!

Yes. I believe I mentioned to you before, that I, too, used to be a Drifter before starting this Order... That was a good ten years ago... Being the stubborn man that I am, I could not team up with anyone. That is why I have much admiration for your team. Of course I continued my adventures alone. I still remember how tough, and how lonely it was to work as a lone Drifter. Then one day, I became lost during my adventure and for many days, I was hovering between life and death. I had lost all sense of time or day, and in an unconscious stupor, I found myself in front of a large tree. But looking back now, that was probably not a big tree...

This was where I came into contact with various artifacts, sources of past wisdom, and many documentary records. These are what helped me found this Order. But above all, this was the very first place the Saint guided me to. Oh, forgive me. I seem to have gone off on a tangent.

No, not at all. We were just amazed at your story.

A very interesting story, indeed. If you don't mind, please continue...

I do not mind, but that is basically the end of the story.

So then... How'd you find your way back?

After being blessed with the artifacts and the knowledge, I was found semiconscious in a village called Boot Hill.

(Boot Hill!? That's my hometown!)

To this day, I haven't the slightest idea why I was found in that village... Apparently, I was found lying unconscious by the foot of the entrance. Thanks to the friendly villagers who nursed me back to health, I soon left the village in search of the ruins. Yes... It was the excavation of this very Ark of Destiny. After that, I gave up on being a Drifter, and guided by the Saint, I started this Order. The rest is history...

The crucial turning point to your story seems a little too vague... So, where is this big tree that you were supposedly guided to? As far as I know, such a place doesn't exist.

That I do not know. Everything was enveloped in mist, obscured and blurred... But there is one thing that I do remember...The place where the Saint guided me, and where I gained the artifacts and the wisdom... was a world of green and blue. That was the impression I got. It pains me not knowing what it means or signifies...

'A world of green and blue...'

Sounds almost like a dream... Wait, was it a dream?

But one thing for certain is that this incident was reality. As you can see, I have excavated the Immigrant Ship, and I am leading this Order as we speak... So, that is the basic account of my story... Forgive me for rambling on as I did.

Not at all. Information about ruins and artifacts are valuable for Drifters.

I'm glad you understand. Oh, and one more thing. I will grant you access to the Order's library for your perusal. It houses much information about ruins and artifacts. I hope you find it useful.

Thank you very much. Well, we should be on our way.
Lamium suggests we should check his library, so lets see what it has. There's gotta be info on something we can steal recover down there.

There's a number of useful books in here, but one stands out.

Hey... This is a member's list of the Council of Seven...

The [Yggdrasil Project], which began approximately one hundred years ago, was a project of planetary proportions. It says here, the Council of Seven was replaced a number of times over the course of one hundred years.

Let's just cut to the chase. Who were the last seven council members?

The last seven council members... Yes, here it is. This was ten years ago... Leehalt Alcaste, Werner Maxwell, Pete Inkapilia, Elliot Enduro, Malik Bendict, Melody Vilente. And... Duran Bryant.
Some interesting names there... in fact, only one of them isn't important to the plot.

So my father was part of the Council of Seven... And also...

Yeah... Leehalt, Malik and Melody... Now we know for sure that the prophets were part of the council. And that the photo is a picture of the Council of Seven.

So the prophets used their technology to maintain or recreate their appearance of ten years ago.

I now know that my father belonged to the Council of Seven. Let's go back to Boot Hill to look for more clues. From here, Boot Hill would be on the
eastern plains region...It's near a beach to the

(He has the same last name as mine... Is that just a coincidence?)

What's the matter? Your stomach hurt?

Wh-Whatever!! I'm not a kid...

We know where we're goin' next, so let's just get movin'! This place makes me uncomfortable!
Good idea. Next time, we head back to Pearl's hometown.
But for now...
Here's the other books in the library, if you wish to read them.
The Doctrine of the Ark of Destiny posted:
The religious order, the Ark of Destiny, headed by its founder Lamium, has only been in existence for about ten years.
Its new ideals, activities, and ways of life are geared towards the goal of pursuing a future. The doctrine does not look to intangible, spiritual entities. It is about applying yourself as a life-form of this planet, and what we must do to live strongly.
Each one of us plays a leading role in this doctrine through our actions. We hope you will join us today, to help us find a tomorrow.
Blazing a Trail to the Future posted:
The Order of the Ark of Destiny challenges us to find the path of living. We must consider what we live for here on this unforgiving world of Filgaia. We must become strong, and to help foster strength, we pursue various methods of bolstering our own fortitude.
One of these projects is the excavation of ruins. We feel that proper use of relics of the past will help lead us to a better future. We attribute this to the roots of our founder Lamium, who was a Drifter before he formed the Order.
In his travels through the wasteland, he discovered that in order to support great ideals, other powers are necessary. We must take the powers responsible for the ravaging of our world and blaze a new trail with them. We, the Order of the Ark of Destiny, scour the vast wasteland for ways to bring about a bright future for all.
Ships' Graveyard posted:
The friction of the sand combined with menacing monsters has sent countless ships and the people on them to a sandy grave. Indeed, the crossing of dunes is something that comes with a great deal of risk. This leads us to the reason why we, the Order of the Ark of Destiny, constructed our temple complex here on Yard Isle.
This region used to be ignominiously known as the Ships' Graveyard due to the high number of wrecked hulls that washed ashore. But one day, the island's history charted a new course when a Drifter discovered a new ship in the wreckage.
You see, the ship he found was one of the kind that our distant ancestors referred to as a soaring ship. With this crystal of ancient wisdom at his fingertips, he set out on a mission to save the planet. That Drifter was our founder, Lamium, ten years ago. And the soaring ship was converted into the Order's temple, becoming the center of all its activities.
A new ship is about to launch from the island once known as a graveyard. The future of Filgaia is tied to the place where the Order of the Ark of Destiny was founded.
The Rainbow to Tomorrow posted:
Seven Experts, specializing in science, magic, and various other fields... At times, they were referred to as 'the Rainbow.'
They were the Council of Seven, which researched ways to rejuvenate Filgaia over many decades. This research first began when the first group came into contact with the information library Hyades, left behind by the demons. The members of the council were interchanged depending on the direction of the research, or with changes of the time.
Many different phenomena were solved due to their work. The countless hours and efforts put in by these specialists to analyze Hyades is finally about to pay off. The environmental rejuvenation, planetary energy production and supply -- all of this was a vision every council member shared.
The seven colours of 'The Rainbow' will soon change into a single ray of hope.
Legend of the Evil Serpent posted:
Nidhogg is a greedy evil serpent. It heads to the grove with its jaws wide open, looking for prey.
Nidhogg is a greedy evil serpent. Darker than the night, its jaws belong to two heads, acting as one.
Nidhogg is a greedy evil serpent. Two giants wield their sword to exterminate the evil serpent.
One of the giants heads to the forest with good intentions.
One of the giants heads to the forest with evil intentions.
However, neither of the two giants knew there were now two Nidhoggs.
By knowing there are two Nidhoggs, one can infiltrate the core.
Nidhoggs are greedy evil serpents. They head to the grove with their jaws wide open, looking for prey.
These two giants were never to be seen again.
Evil Corpses posted:
The demons from folklore may have physically disappeared from the planet, but their malice is said to live on within the earth, devouring the planet. The demon's threat is said to exist in the form of shields. Some even theorise that these shields are actually transformed demon corpses.
Once these shields are activated, they are said to devour any surrounding life-forms, and transfigure their bodily structure. It is believed that the monsters that roam Filgaia today are the direct result of these shields, which affected life-forms during the great war.
If these shields still exist today, they may bring about a new threat. Even after a thousand years, are we still unable to escape the threat of the evil corpses?
The Saint's Guidance posted:
Most of the excavation sites operated by the Ark of Destiny are ordered by the founder, Lamium himself. The founder possesses a special ability, through which he can locate excavation points. According to the founder, this is not his personal ability, but a form of divine revelation.
He claims that a girl appears in his dreams, informing him of the location of undiscovered ruins. This goes against the Order's principle of reality over ideals in terms of taking action. But the fact of the matter is, many rare artifacts have been excavated as a direct result of the founder's dreams.
Could this simply be explained as a miracle? What does this Saint, the girl who appears in the founder's dreams wish to entrust us with, and where does she wish to lead us?
if the Saint wishes to guide us to the future, let us walk there on our own two feet. That is the way of the Order's doctrine.
Tell me, Goons... from what you've seen, is the Order of the Ark of Destiny proactive and positive, or creepy and dangerous?
A Day A Day posted:
Today is January 31, Dune Day. The sand sea, Dune, was named by a midwife, a profession in which naming is half of a job description. So the midwife strikes again, riding the waves of the Dune.
Today is February 2, Fountain Day. Unlike modern fountains, ancient fountains ran on man power. Men with great lung capacity were signalled to blow inside these fountains from the inside, making the water come out as fountains. The rich owners of such fountains observed their beautiful fountains and powerful men (working underground) like ant farms you make with fish tanks.
Today is February 3, Schturdark Day. You often find sea turtles engraved on water jugs. I wonder why that's so? Is it meant to seek the guardianship of Schturdark?
Today is February 4, the Day of the Gong. There was a liar in Laxisland who spread a lie saying, [Bang a gong and make a dragon appear.] One drifter took these words seriously and banged a gong. Lo and behold... Yes, as you already know, a dragon appeared in front of him. This was the occurrence, a few years ago today...
Today is February 5, Canvas Day. There once was a painter who created magnificent paintings. But whenever he finished a painting, he ripped it apart with his palette knife. People said that he did it because he was a perfectionist. Actually, he did it because he just liked the sound of ripping canvases...
Today is February 8, Gentleman's Day. It's rumored that anyone who pulls a rabbit from a hat becomes a gentleman. Wait a minute... That's what you need to become a magician! Oops!
Today is February 9, Music Box Day. It's amazing that the seemingly random array of bumps can play such beautiful melodies... There is still hope that my random array of freckles will enhance my artistic skills someday.
Today is February 10, Bathtub Day. It's another one of those once-upon-a-time stories, but bear with me. There was a brother and a sister who fought over what to play with in the bathtub. Either a rubber ducky or a toy boat. Ages later, the brother and sister were reincarnated in the form of a rubber ducky and a toy boat and were reunited in the bathtub. Don't ask me how they found out who they were, but that's why today is the day we honor bathtubs.
Today is February 11, Massage Machine Day. The massage machine belonging to a rich lady of Humphrey's Peak had no power cords attached to it. So how did it work? There was a small man inside the machine massaging the mistress. He was in love with the mistress, but he kept his presence unknown until she died. This is a day to commemorate this show of pure love. A statue of the machine was built, but it was taken down for being an eye-sore.
Today is February 14, Dentist's Day. My parents want me to go to the dentist today, because it's Dentist's Day. This has got to be a plot... A planet wide plot even! Oh, no... I've stumbled on a terrible secret. A hit man is coming for me! Someone please help!
Today is February 16, Dice Day. If you have worn-out dice, you must bury it if the last roll was four or better, or throw it to the rooftop if rolled three or lower.
Today is February 19, the day the famous swordplay novel 'The Plot to a Kill' was written. It's the best-selling hit novel that's even got its own fan club. You've probably even heard its name before. I'm a big fan too, so I joined the fan club. The club chairman, whose pen name is Cat of S, always writes a passionate clubzine for the members. I haven't met her personally, but she seems like one of those otakus that I'd rather stay away from...