Part 23: Boot Hill
Last time there was a UFO cult, some fancy martial arts and an explosion. This time, we're following a lead to Pearl's home town of Boot Hill.
Update 23: Doing Admiral Akbar proud
To get to Boot Hill, we need to sail around the south of this continent until we reach a beach. Boot Hill is a little to the north-east of there.

On the way, we can search for and find this slice of nostalgia.

Sadly the only thing to do here for now is slaughter Gobs by the thousands, which would be completely pointless if they didn't drop Dragon Fossils. And everything drops Dragon Fossils now.
What I'm saying is, there are better ways to spend your time.

MUSIC: A Person's Warmth
Boot Hill is located a bit to the north. There's a beach right next to it, but that's an inland sea.

It's good to have you back. We were all worried about you. Everyone in the village cares about you very much. Don't forget that.
Aww. Don't worry, we'll always be Just Friends.

A few years ago, I helped a guy who was on the verge of death, just outside this village. Funny thing is, I had a
<<strange dream>> the night before.
<<Strange dream>>

A long-haired man was lying on the ground. And this dream was in full color! So the next day, out of curiosity, I went to that
<<spot>> where the man appeared in my dreams. And, lo and behold, there he was!

I can still remember exactly how I found him. Don't ask me why he was there. All I can say is that he just appeared in my dream.
Woah! Do you realise the amount of sweet cult-money you're missing out on? That other guy hit it big with his dreams.

That day when the demi-humans invaded our village, I was away on personal business. I just want to make it clear to you and everyone that I was not hiding in fear behind the counter! I really don't want any rumors about me spreading around the village...
I don't care about your hilarious cowardice. Just upgrade the ARMs.
I got a SHOT and CRIT upgrade for Billy. Both now level 4.

I've been farming for thirty years now, but over the past decade, the harvests have dwindled. Did something happen ten years ago that could damage the quality of the soil?

So you just show up without dropping us a line, eh? How can you be so inconsiderate!? Or are all Drifters like that?
If you must know, She's been saving the world. You're welcome.

Today is February 21, Germ Day. I can still remember it now... When I was still a child, I came home for dinner and sat at the table without washing my hands. My mother scolded me for not washing and I replied, 'It doesn't matter because I'm using a fork.' She then told me a frightening fact: "Germs jump up from your hands onto your fork to get into your mouth." Wow! I was scared to death by that.
Holy crap. You're A Day A Day?
You're finally here! It's about time! It's only been ten months since you started the thread...
Hey, I've been following other LPs writing playing WoW playing CoH playing Persona obsessing over Deadly Premonition drawing really fucking lazy busy.
Well, I only have two months of Days left.
Eh, we'll figure something out, I guess.
Inside Pearl's home...

Uncle Tesla... Aunt Shalte... I'm... home...

Oh, Pearl! Thank goodness... Thank goodness you're safe!

Are you hurt?

I have countless numbers of nicks and bruises, but all in all, I'm fine. I'm still living it up as a Drifter.

So, you're still following the Drifter's path. That is good to know. Although this might worry your aunt even more.

Oh, please dear...

Let me introduce you to my travelling companions.
Did I say companions? I meant harem.

The main reason I came home today was because there's something I wanted to find out about Daddy...

My brother Werner?
No, her real father. Todd Dukakis.

I... saw Daddy... He's alive.

I threw out most of your father's belongings, thinking he was dead. All that's left is this notebook he used to carry around.

May I have a look?

By all means. Much of it, I do not understand.

Hmmm... None of his notes tell us anything new... Hm?

What? What is it?

There is some new information about the Yggdrasil Project. Hmm... The [Yggdrasil System] plays a major role within the Yggdrasil Project... This system was responsible for promoting environmental life energy at an explosive rate. The planetary energy produced from this System was to be distributed to the entire planet, through microscopic machine colonies.
Microscopic machine colonies?

What does that mean, microscopic machine colonies? Ah, forget it. Go on.

Ahem... The Yggdrasil System works the exact opposite of a regular tree. Instead of taking in nutrients from the soil as normal trees would... the Yggdrasil System was supplying the ground with nutrients, in order to promote the revitalization of the planet. I see... Hence the name, Yggdrasil System.

Can you explain that in words we can understand?

Yggdrasil is a name that appears in ancient mythology or folklore as we know it. It is a large tree located in the center of the world, said to create and protect the world. At the foot of Yggdrasil are deep forests and blue lakes as far as you can see.

Hey, wait a minute! The Yggdrasil is a big tree? With deep forests and crystal blue lakes surrounding it? That's just like...

... what the head honcho at the Ark of Destiny said.

Uh... Then that Yggdrasil from folklore actually exists? I mean... the Yggdrasil System that Daddy was involved in must be out there somewhere!

Thanks, Uncle Tesla! I knew I'd find out something if I came back home.

Did you find an important lead?

If the Yggdrasil System exists, then that's where I can find Daddy. I know I don't know for sure, and I might have said that on a whim, but I want to believe it's true!

So, we look for the Yggdrasil System, then? Of course we are all with you on this. A system that can rejuvenate the planet... By looking into this, we may be able to track down the cause of Filgaia's decay.

Thanks, everyone! I knew you guys were coming all along. After all, we're a team, right?

So, there we have it. We'll be outside getting ready.
Boone, Billy and Doc leave, leaving Pearl alone with her Uncle and Aunt.

Pearl... Assuming you find your father, what will you do then?

I don't know... I don't know what I want to do, or what will come of it. I had a chance to talk to him...But I got all confused and flustered, and I said just the opposite of how I felt at the time. It's not about what I expect or what I want to happen after I find him... I just want to see him, and talk to him. There's so much I want to talk about... And after we talk, then we'll decide what to do...

I understand. Fly to where your heart leads you. You're not a little girl anymore. No matter what happens, I believe you've got the strength to accept it. Now, take to the sky!

Thanks, Uncle Tesla. But even though I'm not a little girl, and I'm all grown up... Can I still come back here? I love both of you very much, and this house, this village... everyone... I can still come back, right?

Of course. You'll always be our little girl. Don't worry about not having a place to come home to. Just hold your head high, and continue forward, that's all.
Pearl looks down for a moment.

I'd better be on my way.

Did you say your goodbyes?

Yeah, kinda... I think I feel better than the last time I left, though. I was a little nervous about returning home, but I'm fine.

Hey, don't worry 'bout us. If you wanna take your time, go ahead.

Thanks, but I'm itching to get moving. Let's be on our way.
No point hanging around Boot Hill any more, but we'll grab some treasure and some knowledge on the way out. There's an interesting book in one of the houses...
Another World posted:
The human brain does not make use of its full potential. There is another world that can still be tapped from the brain. It is possible to study how the brain works through electric signals. The brain is a sea of electric signals where thoughts, memories, and dreams are all merely electric signals reacting.
There have been extreme cases where the memory media of information possess a structure similar to the memory storage area of the brain. Therefore, it can be said that dreams are electric signals connecting to the brain, just like projecting an image on screen.
Perhaps with further research, it may become possible for the brain to act as the media itself, receiving signals from other external sources. Developing this other world of the brain has just begun. I believe this may open up infinite possibilities.

(Mom's favorite flowers... I see them offered here sometimes...)
There's also a Gimel Coin in a crate behind Pearl's house, a Name Tag in the feed bin next to the fields, and a Heal Berry you can get by running into a tree.

Billy's radar is useful, but it does seem to bug out on animals quite often. There doesn't seem to be any way to get treasure out of this chicken...
We try to leave town, but...

What time is it, Mister Wolf!?
MUSIC: Soaked Through With Fear

Janus Cascade... What are you doing in my village?

Oh...So, this is your hometown, huh? I had no idea. I needed to take care of some business, so I just followed you here.

Come to think of it, this is a really nice place. Hey, Princess. I wonder what it'll sound like when such a nice town like this is completely flattened?

What are you planning to do!? I will defend this village with my life! So, if you lay one finger on...
She's not kidding! She fought Gobs man! Gobs!

Hey, ease up, Princess. I have absolutely no intention of duking it out with you.

So, why did you follow me here?

Oh, I just came to gather some info, that's all. Say, wouldn't you like to know what we're doing next?
Doc leans over to whisper to Pearl

(Careful... This is probably a...)

Yes, a trap. But even if it is, you'd still try to stop us. No?

What... are you planning?

We're headed to the last pillar point, or guardian shrine, as you call it, to extract life energy.

You still haven't learned your lesson from last time, huh?

I guess not. The guardian energy is too good to pass up. It gives the body plenty of zip! We... Actually, they are planning to create something with this guardian energy. I don't know if it has something to do with that evolution they're always ranting about, but... I'm pretty sure it goes against your pristine morals as defender of justice, or whatever. So, you'd better stop 'em, Princess.

Fine! We'll take care of them.

That's the spirit. Defenders of justice have to step up to the plate when the whole world is about to fall into crisis, right?

Wait. Why are you telling us this?

Oh... Did I forget to tell you? It's a trap.
He teleports out. Pearl turns to Boone.

Where's the last guardian shrine?

Sorry, but for a guy like me who hasn't kept up with his studies, I have no idea... But... I'm sure Granny would know. Looks like we have to rely on her again.

Okay, Baskar Colony it is. We gotta do all we can to protect the last guardian.

I never was the sharpest tool in the shed... But I'm smart enough to know this has gone too far! I'm not gonna let them get away with this! For all the pain and suffering they put the guardians through... I'll make 'em suffer a thousand times more!
Onward to Baskar Colony. Southfarm Station is far to the east of Boot Hill, and provides a quick and easy ride back to Midland.

I stopped in at the secret Garden while I was in the area, and was quite disappointed with the harvest. But it was enough Revive Fruits to max out their breeding, and almost enough for Potion Berries. With that in mind I expanded the number of plots for Mini Carrots and Full Carrots. After that, the Colony isn't far away.
On my way to see Halle, Boone stops in to chat with Shane.

I have more nightmares recently, but I always
<<feel better>> when I remember the stories you tell me.
<<Feel better>>

Okay. I've been saving this one for a time like this. This team of Drifters under a young woman with shady ties is bent on following us all over the place for some reason. She's quite a number. She can take the form of characters of books she's read, and can use their powers just like the books. Her magic even rivals our own. You know, Filgaia is full of incredible people.
You can return to update Shane on what's been happening at many points in the game. I've just not covered it because I'm hardly ever back here. Doesn't really affect anything, just flavour text.
In the shrine at the back of the colony...
MUSIC: Preparations for the Valley of Bygone Days and Tomorrows

Hey! You in here, Granny!? Your cutesy-wootesy grandson is home! You could at least come out and greet me!

Quiet!! You of all people should know how sacred this place is!

Okay, okay... But more importantly, how many guardian shrines are there? And where exactly is the last guardian shrine?

I see... So, the last guardian shrine is in danger... Our predecessors speak of five guardian shrines on Filgaia. One is the unified sanctuary to the south, not too far from Baskar, called the [Fallen Sanctuary]. [Lunatic Garden], home of the Dark Guardian, [Glimmering Emblem], home of the Light Guardian... [Fortune Gear], home of the Luck Guardian, is the fourth. And the last shrine belongs to... Dan Dairam, the Guardian of Time. It is called, [Infinitum].

So, where is this Infi... whatever?

Settle down... and listen well.
If you listen closely to the cat and cog, the sound is that of paradise.


Well, WHAT!? What the heck does it mean!?
I'm with Boone. The hell does that mean?

You never cease to amaze me with your lack of knowledge... This verse states that the shrine of the Time Guardian, Infinitum, is located
west of here. Furthermore...
I was going to call her out on somehow getting "west" out of that, but apparently some mythologies associate West with Paradise, so I guess she gets a pass?

We don't need any other explanations, Granny. Thanks. You heard the old lady. Let's get movin'! We gotta beat 'em to it!
The others head out, but...

Halt. I don't know what your hurry is, but a rushed job may go sour.

Ah, c'mon Granny! I don't have time for your lectures.

Even though my worthless grandson returned safely...

Wh-What is it, Granny...?

You're doing better than I expected. I was worried you might give up with your sad excuses.

Ah, Granny... You're the one who laid the tracks, so that I'd make it this far... How can you have the cheek to say that?

Yes, that may have been the case. You were riding the tracks of my hidden agenda, but only in the beginning. Unexpected incidents happened, and you were even derailed. But right now, you are riding the tracks that you yourself have laid, traversing the wasteland by your will. No one knows what will happen next. That is why you must be true to yourself, and make your own decisions until the very end. That is what you have been seeking all along, isn't it?

I don't know... Is that supposed to mean I should come to accept my lineage and destiny?

Maybe... maybe not... I do not have an answer to that.

Hey, that's not fair...

Your lineage and destiny as a Baskar... The freedom that you speak of... Weigh these two on a scale and come up with your own answer. The freedom I have granted allows you to make your own decisions.

So, the ball's in my court now? Ah, whatever. This will be the last of this burden.

... You're not considering something stupid along the lines of 'we all die together' or 'die a martyr' are you? Spend the night at the colony tonight. You need to cool off that hot head of yours.
They stay the night, but Boone doesn't seem to be able to sleep.

My lineage... and my destiny, huh...
When the morning comes...
MUSIC: Walking Into the Heart of the Sunset's Light

I'm well rested, but we still lost a full day. We should hurry.

Don't worry about it. After you guys fell asleep, Granny and I came up with a plan. We'll use that to show 'em up!

But a plan is just a plan... And we are up against Janus and the prophets. What exactly are we planning to do?

Oh, it's awesome... Here's what we do...

The camera zooms into the fire, and back out again. Boone doesn't share the great plan with the player, which would seem like a good idea.

You're not still half asleep are you?

Is this plan even feasible?

I don't know... But I do have faith in it. I want you guys to believe, too.

Okay... This will work if we all do our part.

But most of the burden will be on you.

Ah, it's all good. We have the trump card right here. My lineage and my destiny... They should do the trick!
Next Time: The trap is sprung at Infinitum.
Finally, I took some time out to get some Millennium Puzzles done. While I'll try to attempt them in numerical order, the numbering system is insane and some - like puzzle #3 - are impossible to reach until much later in the game.
VIDEO: Millennium Puzzles #2, #4 and #8
#2: An Amulet, a piece of Gear that gives a Guardian the Status Guard PS. Decent but not quite worth slogging through a higher level area to reach.
#4: A Growth Egg. Increase the number of summons a character can use by 1. Not terrible.
#8: A LVL Apple. As name suggests, increases a character's level by one. I'll save this for later if things get grindy or someone falls behind, no need to use it just now.

Today is February 20, Weather Forecast Day. We cheer for the weather report man, for his bold act of making a memorial day for weather forecasts that are never correct!

Today is February 22, Cat Day. There was a boy who loved the purr of his cat. But one day, the cat died and the boy was saddened. On one stormy day, he went out to listen to the thunder (which reminded him of the cat's purr), but was struck by lightning. Cat Day is a memorial for this sad story.

Today is February 23, Gob Day. Gobs and gobs of gobs. Gobs or gobs? Which gob are we talking about? One gob means sailor. The other gob is the creature with the awful smell. It's all gobbledygook to me.