Part 26: Yggdrasil
Last time, we fought our way through Nidhogg Pass and Leehalt injected Pearl with Nanomachines, temporarily disabling her. Today, we go tree climbing.
Another long one, hope they're not getting too long...
Update 26: Running, jumping, climbing trees
MUSIC: From Beyond
Janus is just minding his own business, hanging out in the control room, when Melody drops in to bug him.

How can you just waltz back here without shame? You fail to carry out orders and return empty-handed from Fortune Gear. Furthermore, you failed miserably at the Infinitum, and you lost Asgard! What are you thinking!?
Malik appears too.

Something's fishy about your actions, lately. I hear you successfully managed to extract the guardian energy at Fortune Gear, but you absorbed it into yourself. And although it has not been confirmed, I hear you actually lent a hand to those Drifters at the Infinitum. If there's anything you would like to admit, explain yourself now.
The Demonic Drifter looks away and ignores them.

Will you play dumb? Then, it is inevitable...

We shall ask your body directly, then. We shall make use of Gias.

Kanda... Es-trata... Amantos...

Resist any longer and Gias will blow away your body!
MUSIC: Soaked Through with Fear
They're about to make good on this threat when Leehalt teleports in.

The damage to your body... No... it can't be...

Stop the interrogation. The Drifters will arrive shortly and penetrate...
Leehalt looks to Janus.

No need to speak... Prove your innocence with action.

That's what I was counting on... Heh heheh heh... This place is going to be a war zone.

Prepare for download... Will it be our plan, or Filgaia that goes under? No one can predict the outcome, now.
Meanwhile, back at the lodge...

What is that?

It's a capsule filled with anti-nanomachine compound. It should drive away the nanomachines Leehalt injected, and return her body back to normal. However, it will take some time...

I haven't been able to comprehend anything you said back there, but... Is this the same power as the prophets--the power granted by Hyades?

(nods) Humans came into contact with the information library Hyades, which was left behind... That is where the wisdom stems from. Generation after generation, humans analyzed Hyades and applied the acquired technology towards the rejuvenation of the world. As the last of the Council of Seven, we attempted to rejuvenate Filgaia, building upon our predecessors creation, Yggdrasil.

That Yggdrasil that became known as the Yggdrasil System. But the environment we live in is still covered by wasteland and desert seas. Does this mean that the project was a failure?

That... was not a failure. We carry the burden of sin that cannot be wiped clean... The fact is... This land, the seas--they are weltering because of the sin the seven of us committed...
Maybe Doc asks for more information here, but Werner doesn't seem to be forthcoming. Somewhere else...
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

MUSIC: A Person's Warmth

You're finally up.

You had us worried sick.

It has been three days since you fell into a coma. But I am glad you are all right...

I'm sorry. I'm always holding us back...

Is something the matter?

Umm... Where is he?

Your old man left early yesterday morning.


Wait...! That means...
... he's ditched you again!

He did not give us much detail, but your father is headed for the Yggdrasil System.

I have to go there, too...
Pearl tries to get out of bed, but stumbles, and is caught by Billy.

What, are you crazy!? You know what kind of state you're in!?
While typing this up, I'm a little surprised that Billy suddenly gives a shit. Guess her teamwork speeches are getting through to him.

Sorry... I'm a little shaky, but I'm all right...

Do not strain yourself. The effects of Leehalt's attack still remain inside your body. It is uncertain when you will fully recover.

That's even more reason we have to press on... We have to hurry.

Don't worry... See... I'm okay...
We're inside Werner's shack at Greenlodge. Pearl gets a moment to chat to the others.

This hole-in-the-wall shack ain't so bad. We can use it as a base in our efforts against the prophets.
Indeed. That first aid kit on the table acts as a free Inn, in case we need to take a break from exploring around here.
Doc explains how Pearl has been afflicted with an unusual status effect:

Your father said that the effects of the nanomachine have exhausted your VIT gauge to zero. Which means your VIT gauge will not restore even when we camp, or acquire gems on the field. It may take some time, but you must wait patiently for the medication to take full effect. You can still use Heal Berries to replenish lost HP, but please be aware that you are in a very serious condition.
He's right. No VIT means no after-battle healing. After spending the entire game leaning on that particular crutch, it's easy to get caught out by not paying attention to Pearl's HP. Still, not as bad as it could have been.

W-Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a sec! I want you to prepare yourself before you step outside. Don't freak out, okay?
Just outside...

Don't freak out, huh...?

Yeah, it knocked our socks off when we first saw it. I thought I was hallucinating.

You should have seen the flabbergasted look on Doc's face.

This is real. It's not a dream. At this very moment, at this very place, the Filgaia that once was extends as far as you can see...

I wouldn't call it flabbergasted. I was just in awe... Anyhow... Do you still remember the memory fragment that Lamium, the founder of the Ark of Destiny explained? What will we find at the foot of the great tree?

'A world of green and blue'...

If such a world of green and blue exists on Filgaia... then this must be the only place...

Then... Yggdrasil exists... We're almost there...
Greenlodge is just a little shack, and looks suspiciously similar to the Secret Garden... only without the garden.
However it does have a hidden potion berry in a crate, a save point and a creepy hologram we can't use yet.

There are two points of interest in this heavily wooded area: Millennium Puzzle #15, and Yggdrasil itself.
I'll cover the Puzzle later in a compilation video, but suffice to say the reward for finishing it was a 10-Gal Hat! It confers the Initiative PS, which increases the chance of a preemptive strike.
With that done, it's time to head for Yggdrasil.
MUSIC: Fallen Shadows of the Fallen (Sinful) Trees
... I'm so glad I did this LP. I would never have paid attention to these track names if I hadn't.

Gimme a break...

Yggdrasil is operating...

Yes, the prophets' scheme has been set in motion...

We have to stop it! Or else, this planet will stop breathing! C'mon, let's go!
Yggdrasil is littered with these wall-mounted cannons. They'll blast you if you walk directly in front of them.

You need to keep an eye out for them and destroy them with the boomerang. Fortunately, the boomerang's range is longer than theirs.
There's treasure in this room too - a Duplicator and three Lucky Cards.
... I really need to start using those things. I'm usually so focused on my tactics in boss battles that I completely forget.
Speaking of which...
MUSIC: Impatience Leading to Trouble

The land, the seas... and all life-forms... This planet is so unsightly and distorted. This planet is like a pupa, and someone needs to help it develop into a beautiful butterfly.

And that someone is you?

Yes... We are the only ones capable of that. It is an easy task for us to transform the vessel in which a life-form takes shape. Ten years ago... the Yggdrasil experiment ended in tragedy as the explosion blew our bodies into pieces. Even so, the wisdom of Hyades helped to restore and condition our forsaken forms, allowing us to live on. Even though our bodies were no longer suited for this planet, we clung to our will to live. Malik has managed to retain his original figure, although ten years have passed. But Leehalt wasn't interested in appearance. He opted for strength, keeping restoration to a minimum.

You're obsessed with beauty, I see. You have abandoned your previous figure for a new one.

I had the power to become the butterfly! I didn't want to live a lonely, desolate life as a pupa, inside a dark depressing cocoon anymore!

You only value physical beauty. It is your perception of beauty that is depressing. I know of many people who live diligently with a positive mindset, and many who are always eager to do their best. The superficial beauty you talk about does not even compare to the beauty of others. You are pathetic. I would appreciate if you leave this planet alone. You can take your pitiful values and shove them!

How dare you lecture me about beauty!

You intend to evolve Filgaia with the lost wisdom of Hyades? That is merely a misperception. It's like painting a lousy picture with expensive paint. And that lousy painter is you.

MUSIC: Black as Sin, Red as Blood
There are two things to remember about Melody.

Firstly, she LOVES to use poison in this battle. She'll counter all attacks with poison, and poison someone on her turn as well for good measure.
It is, in fact, her only attack.
Secondly, if you try to attack her you get this message.
Melody's barrier fends off attacks that do less than 350 points of damage. Your ARMs and Arcana attacks must exceed the barrier limit in order to defeat Melody!
What it means is, 350 damage is subtracted from all attacks. Not a problem for Doc and Billy, but Pearl and Boone are restricted because her magic defence is very high.
There are a few ways I can think of to approach this battle.
1) Make a point of getting enough Moonstones to give everyone Poison Ward. You are now invincible, hooray! Only downside is it'll probably require farming them and may take a little while longer because sitting at full health means you don't get Valiant boosts.
2) Give poison ward to a dedicated attacker, and don't let anyone else attack. Very slow and boring but dependable.
3) Attack freely but dedicate characters to using antidote and clearance constantly.
Personally I went for...

4) Who cares about poison?
Sure, it can be painful, but it's fixed at 20% MaxHP a turn and thus predictable. And once we're poisoned she can't do anything else to us. We have five turns until we die - instead of constantly putting out fires, why not concentrate on kicking her ass in that time?
If you don't make it in time, you can mystic a Potion Berry and keep going.

Especially since Boone can give everyone Valiant and it'll be boosted by all the poison damage we're taking. So much for the 350 damage shield - we can make short work of her.
VIDEO: Taking down Melody

Ugh... My stamina is diminishing... Could this be because Filgaia is eating away at my body?
She teleports away.

Whoa... I didn't know you could be so harsh, Doc...

Yeah... I would've been crying home to mommy if I had been lectured like that.

Was that a little too childish? My apologies. I vented as I did back when I was a student.

(Better be careful not to piss this guy off...)
MUSIC: Fallen Shadows of the Fallen (Sinful) Trees
Moving on, in the next room there's a green pole above each square. We need to light up the ones on top of red squares.
Poles toggle on or off when a tindercrest passes through it.

The quickest way to do it would be to throw a crest down the red/blue alternating north and south edges, and then along the two rows with three reds in them.
A side path leads to a treasure room - a pack of four mimics holding a Mini Carrot, and two Gella Cards.

These vents blow you off the walkway, but Boone can freeze them.

This is getting... creepy.

I see you made it past Melody. But I will not let you through. There is still much I need to do. I must create life... So, I will not lose... Watch me in action, and try to recall who I am...

Wh-What are all these!?
MUSIC: Soaked Through with Fear

Oh... Right now, they're just vessels of flesh. Even though they appear the same, I do not consider them perfect clones until they're endowed with memories. My next goal is to regenerate memories. To revive my lovely Mama, the one who loved me...
... small shred of respect... lost.

Oh, man...You are just nasty! A lowlife! Scum! I don't wanna know what you're planning to do with them later, but resurrecting the dead!? That's blasphemy! You need to get a good spankin' from your mother! A lowlife like you needs to be taught some manners!

Bite your tongue...! Having a lughead like you disrespect Mama is blasphemy!
Malik retains his advantage from the first time we fought him - he's "fast" and blurry, and we need to cast Decelerate on him in order to hit with regular attacks.

He also has Tri-Injury, which inflicts Amnesia (no XP) Disease (no healing) and Misery; (No Force Abilities or Arcana) and Annihilator, a decent magical attack that hits everyone.
Simple enough to counter. Boone gets Flash Hit so he can cast clearance on those with bad status, Pearl heals the damage and the others attack.
Except... unfortunately, I'd forgotten about this.

Oops, that's everyone except Doc confused. Fortunate that I left a Confusion Ward on him. I have another one I can enable on Boone, so this was salvageable, but a bit more messy than I had planned.
Well, it all worked out anyway. It helped that confused characters can still choose to attack the enemy - he was defeated by a confused Billy.
VIDEO: Messily taking down Malik

I am losing... my strength... How ironic that I must cease to exist on this planet in return for accepting power from Panakeia fluid. But I shall not die! I shall return to prepare a new world... Ahhh hah hah hah hah...!
He teleports away.

You know, with a pretty face like that, I suspected he might have perverted tastes... And I couldn't be more right.
I'm not sure where you're drawing that conclusion from, Boone, and I don't want to get involved.

Well aren't you the genius.

C'mon, let's get goin'. This place gives me the creeps.
Yeah, we can't move on quickly enough.

Midway down the next corridor, these walls appear to trap us. They're easily destroyed with a few bombs.

The pressure plate needs a block on it, and there's a sliding block on the other side of this collapsing walkway. Galecresting across and rearranging the two blocks lets us push the slider over to the plate.
The side door leads to three Lucky Cards, two Gimel Coins and a Potion Berry. There's a few more chests on the main path after this, with a Baselard (Power Cancel PS) and a Potion Berry.
Finally, we get to the third prophet...
MUSIC: If Tails, Despair if Heads, Hope

What is it you want, Werner? Are you here to make amends?

If I could, I would. But as a spirit of the past, it is too late to atone...

Even so, you dare stand in my way?

Why do you wish to activate the Yggdrasil System? What are you planning to do!? You know as well as I do that regeneration is impossible with this system. You will not be able to evolve the world! Yggdrasil is a transgression--an ill-fated tree... I will not let you forget that it was the seven of us who transformed Filgaia into a wasteland of desert seas!!

What? What did you just say!?

(Yes... We're all in this together...)

Nonsense, Werner. There is only one way to activate Yggdrasil... By downloading! To bring forth to this planet the one responsible for the wisdom of Hyades!

Are you planning to summon the legendary demons to Filgaia!?

Precisely...Not only does Hyades contain the wisdom the demons left behind... It also stores the personal data of the demons themselves! We shall use the life energy collected from this planet to bring them back to life! The legend will become reality!

It is no longer the wisdom left behind by demons that will evolve Filgaia... It is the demons themselves who will lead Filgaia to its predestined form!

Are you trying to go down in infamy by summoning demons!? Dream on!

And you will stop me?

No! It's just that the demons have already...
Pearl decides to intervene.

Run, Daddy! Hurry! Stop the prophets from carrying out their plan! We don't really understand what's going on here, but you do! Go on ahead! Go and save our Filgaia!
Werner runs past Leehalt while Pearl keeps him busy.

We're not going anywhere! If you want to go after my father, you have to get through us!

I didn't expect a tomboy like you to be Ekatrina's daughter...

You knew my mother?

Of course... I abhor her just as much as your father. Heh heh heh... You seem to be full of vigor. Did Werner give you antibodies to ward against the curse? Such a laudable flower you are. But flowers are meant to bloom, then wither...

I'm sick of listening to you!
This battle proceeds exactly like the previous Leehalt battle, only he'll (VERY occasionally) use Eliminate Scanner to so some damage instead of skipping his turn. If you can beat him then, you can beat him now with much the same tactics.
VIDEO: Taking down Leehalt

It's not enough... We were so close... But I must do whatever it takes, until the roots of Yggdrasil draw enough energy to download...

I have increased the Yggdrasil operation to 166 percent. We won't know whether it will reach its required value first, or malfunction. All we can do now is pray...
Malik teleports in too.

We have already paid the price in carrying out our goal! We can't let it end here, or else our flesh and blood would be for naught!

We have granted the Dark Spear to the sacrificial lamb, just for situations such as this... At the very least, he should shield us from this perilous situation. Come forth, Janus!
As soon as they flee, Janus teleports in.
MUSIC: Crossfire Sequence

So the loyal lapdog makes an appearance...

But we all know you're walking the wrong path. Janus Cascade... What are you conspiring with your wicked power!?
He stares at his pocketwatch.

After acquiring the demon's power, everything just stopped. That's when it hit me. How boring unlimited power and everlasting life can be. Up until now, there was so much I wanted to do... I was so desperate and busy trying to cross everything off my list. But I have all the time in the world now. I can just put off what I could do today until tomorrow. I have attained transcendency. Each time I remind myself of this, everything I've wanted to accomplish all seem insignificant. That's why I've been devising something big... Bigger than you can ever imagine...

It's not uncommon for a dog to bite the hand that feeds it. I don't mean to speak for the other blokes, but Filgaia sure is a stinkin', messed up planet... And who better to fit the role of ruler than me? What do you think of that, Princess!?
No time for a break, the Janus battle starts immediately without a chance to regain health or reset FP/status.

He's still got his Dark Spear melee attack, Proton Beam and Negative Rainbow. Uncomplicated attacks, but damaging. But with no fresh ideas, this really is something of a foregone conclusion. It's a shame, considering.
VIDEO: Taking down Janus

Heheheheh... HAH HAH HAH HAH!! My body is overflowing with light. Show me the light and guide me as the ruler!
Goodbye and good riddance. I'm sure it won't turn out that he's not really dead.

He has been defeated--along with his evil intentions. But... The evil swirling around Yggdrasil still remains!
Not much further to go! There's a few more puzzle rooms on the way.

Simple memory test - stepping on the pressure plate makes the eight columns light up in a random order. Activate them in that order to proceed.

Using the Steady Doll to knock the block one square back, then throwing a boomerang so it hits the block and falls on the orb, opens the door.
A side route leads to a treasure room - mimics protecting a Cait's Boots, two Gella Cards and 10000 Gella.

This shover starts moving as soon as you enter the room, and there's not enough time to walk or run all the way. The only way to do it is to Galecrest as soon as you enter to speed past.
The treasure chests contain a Gimel Coin and, fantastically, a Booster Kit. Now we have up to 30 points on the encounter gauge!
With that one last prize secured, the Drifters finally catch up with Werner Maxwell.
Ready for a plot twist? You should probably get ready for a plot twist.
MUSIC: A Needle in the Heart, Broken and Washed Away


The Yggdrasil System was constructed to rejuvenate the environment of Filgaia. It was the collective efforts of science, magic, the wisdom of Hyades, and technology spanning over a hundred-year period.

And that fateful day, ten years ago... Leehalt, Malik, Melody, and the rest of us were to have accomplished a triumph to go down in history. But the outcome proved otherwise. The activated Yggdrasil did not supply the earth with energy, but did the exact opposite! It began devouring the remaining energy of the planet from its roots!

I'm sure you've witnessed the surrounding environment of Yggdrasil. The flush greenery, the deep forests, the crystal clear lakes... That beauty is a sweet tune that can only be played by sin! Ten years ago, there were no wasteland or desert seas on Filgaia!!


It is true that the great war of ages past has left battle scars from the use of science and magic. However, plenty of verdure did cover the lands, and the oceans were blue. The truth is... it was the Yggdrasil System and the Council of Seven that drove Filgaia to its deathbed.

Daddy... No... That can't be true!

The Yggdrasil System was out of control. It consumed all the energy it could from Filgaia. The generator couldn't handle the load, and ultimately exploded. I thought all seven of us perished, but... It appears Leehalt, Malik, and Melody miraculously survived and restored the System to its current state in the last ten years.
He gives the terminal a whack.

Damn it...! The Hermes Trismegistus!? Pretty clever, Leehalt! You may have fallen, but you're still one heck of a programmer. Gematria, Notarikon, Temura...No, damn it! How can I break into the System!? At this very moment, just as the time of the accident, Yggdrasil is still ingesting the last remaining energy of Filgaia. The area surrounding Yggdrasil is the only place where water and verdure are preserved, because that is where all the planet's life force is focused! We can't afford to wait any longer.

This is the terminal cable that connects to the Yggdrasil System. The make-up of this machine differs considerably from other ARMs. It's the same system as your Airget-lamh... It is an ARM that only you can operate. Squeeze the terminal cable tightly and yearn for Filgaia!

Huh? I know you're desperate, but gimme a break, Mister...

Do as I say! We don't have time!
He gives it a squeeze.

Like this?

Yes. Just as when you're aiming the Airget-lamh, envision the system as an extension of yourself. Not a mass of iron, but a part of your body... Billy... Communicate your spirit into the System's structure. Just as you do when interface with the Airget-lamh. Yearn for Filgaia! Not the planet covered in wasteland and desert seas, but the Filgaia filled with verdure and oceans!

Filled with verdure and oceans!? What, like the surrounding area of Yggdrasil?

Not an artificial place like that! You know it as a Filgaia back when it was full of life! It's a Filgaia that only you know, a Filgaia from your memory!
Something on the cable glows, and everything whites out.

What the...? Why does it look so familiar? Where have I seen this? From a distant memory...?

Memory...? I don't have any memories! I don't need 'em! How can I have a memory I don't even know about!? Why...? Why...!? What's going on!?


We were able to override the System. The reprogramming worked.

Billy... Billy! Are you all right?
Billy jumps up and confronts Werner.

What the hell was that!? Why do I have memories of a previous Filgaia? I want answers, Mister! Who the hell am I!?

You are a life born on Filgaia. Are you not satisfied with that?
Suddenly, the entire tower shakes.

It appears to be from above!

It's probably the top floor, where the core generator is located. But the system override should have made it in time!

Daddy, wait!
He's already run off.
OK! The final stretch of this long dungeon! Only one puzzle remains.

Stepping on a tile toggles its colour, and the colour of adjacent tiles too. Turn all the tiles red.
The ideal solution is to step on the tiles in this order, where 123 is the top row and so on...
6, 7, 1, 9, 4, 4, 5, 6, 3
Not that I actually did that. I just ended up stepping on tiles randomly until a solution presented itself. Only took four more moves though.
In the generator room...

... the name "generator room" has become a misnomer.

The generator... The core generator has been gouged out.

Does this mean there is someone else within Yggdrasil besides us and them? We cannot carry out the download procedure in this state.

Who would want to steal the Yggdrasil's generator? This is a product bestowed by Hyades, understood by only us... Do you mean to say there is someone else who has access to the forgotten wisdom!?

Leehalt, what did you... What the...?
MUSIC: he Who Holds the Word of God

Heh heh heh heh... It is all over for us. All our hopes have been severed. There is no future... However, Werner... There is still one duty we must carry out. That is revenge... I was always envious of you. Your work, the fruits of your research--you were always one step ahead of me. And you even took Ekatrina, the only woman I ever lost my heart to. I won't let you say you didn't know. By stepping all over me, you were flaunting your superiority. You did it all for self-gratification!

That's ridiculous! I...

This time...I thought for sure I would be able to surpass you with my work. Never did I imagine you would come back from the dead to stand in my way of evolving Filgaia.

Stop being so selfish! Don't force your distorted reasons and excuses onto my father! The true reason you're so warped is because you're just weak and insecure!

The offspring of Ekatrina... Too bad you look just like your father. Your mother was beautiful...

It's all over now. We have nothing to lose, so let's get started... Even if my body should decay from the Panakeia fluid, I will at the very least carry out my revenge. I do not care if I am nothing but a fleeting, shooting star... I do not need a tomorrow... We shall fight solely for the moment!
The final battle of chapter two. Alone, these guys had their own mechanics, but as a group they simplify things dramatically.

All three have the same move - Eliminate Scanner. Single target magic damage.

A decent opening move is to Extend a Protect to the party. But you know what? We don't need to if we don't want to.
Truth is, I'm just sick of these guys.
VIDEO: No kill like Overkill

Melody, I'm sick of your narcissism.
Malik, I'm sick of your immaturity and creepyness.
Leehalt... I'm sick of your nasty, greasy-looking hair.

But mostly, I'm sick of "evolution" and endless technobabble.
Oh, and also that when it boils down to it, you're apparently willing to effectively genocide an entire planet so the three of you get to stay alive. That too.

Kindly bugger off.

No... Don't look at me! Don't look at my ugly self...!

I don't want to die... I DON'T WANT TO DIE...!!

It's over... My demise is the death of this planet... Heh heh heh... Heh... Gwahhh!!
MUSIC: Leave then Return

Without any hope for tomorrow, you can't win for today.. It's really sad when you have to hurt people, just because you can't accept the future...
Outside, on the hills near Yggdrasil.

You're not going to say, 'It's all over...' are you? I understand that it was you and the Council of Seven who made this world into a wasteland. And that the tragic accident happened just ten years ago! It was only ten years ago. Why doesn't anyone remember!? The environment was withering into a wasteland before our eyes! Don't you think it's odd that no one noticed such a serious incident ten years ago!?

I believe it was eight years ago, that the professor and I began our research into the cause of the planet's decay. At that time, we were trying to figure out when the decay actually began... If the sudden decay of the planet occurred ten years ago, the professor and I wouldn't have been researching such a thing. Could it be that the moment of decay has been erased from the memories of all people on Filgaia?

And one more thing... Why do you keep the truth locked up inside your memory-your memory alone...!?

You are under the influence of Leehalt's nanomachines. I have given you antibodies to ward off the effects, but you must rest for them to take full effect. You fought well... So, you must rest. Even a Drifter must rest her wings.
And with that he buggers off again, leaving many more questions than answers behind.
Next Time: Chapter 2 epilogue
A Day A Day

Today is February 28, Smile Day. My great grandpa used to say, 'Chapapangas come in by a merry gate.' So I've kept a smile on my face all day long today, but everyone looks at me as if I've gone nuts! How rude of them!
Today is February 29, which only comes once every four years. Since it's a leap year, I did some research on what a leap year is. All I found out though, was that nobody knew who started it. This isn't fun. I'm gonna go to Jolly Roger to see the sea of sand.

Today is March 1, Parchment Day. Chewing parchment is a great sensation. And chewing promotes good health for the body and mind. That's why I'm against the use of papyrus and slates.

Today is March 2. Today is... Today is... Oh, my! Today's nothing special! I'm so sad. Why did you have to catch me on a day like this? I'm so ashamed, I'm going into hiding. That's all for today. Good bye.