Part 27: Epilogue
Update 27: Epilogue: Janus, the Demon Prince of Filgaia
The Prophets teleport back to the generator room. They're not dead? Damn.

Looks like...we were all able to...escape from that battle...

But...we used such...excessive, reckless power...Our bodies may...disintegrate at...any moment...
Considering I hit you with everything I had, they damn well better.

What have we... accomplished...? What will we... leave behind...? Ultimately... nothing... As the ones... entrusted with the word of the gods... there is nothing... so regretful...
Something starts glowing in the shell of the generator. A loud heartbeat issues forth.

Oh... my... Could it be that...

It's downloading... Did we make it... in time...?

It's a miracle... It's a miracle... But the fleeting sparkle... still lacks the energy... to bring forth the... entity...

Is that all you blokes can say? Calling everything a miracle?
MUSIC: A Needle in the Heart, Broken and Washed Away

Janus? You're alive... But... how?

During the battle with the Drifters, I pretended I was dead, allowing me time to fission my body. What the Drifters thought they defeated, and what you thought was dead, was just my duplicate figure.

So... even we were... fooled by the sacrifice's... allegiance...?

I will not let him... betray us... Gias... crush... him... Kanda... Es-trata... Ama...

It's not working, pale face. Out of magic, huh? Gias can't help you, now.

We were to exploit... the sacrifice... Not the... other way around... The sacrifice... bested us all...

Sacrifice, sacrifice! SHUT UP! What do you mean by that!? You are the ones I used as prey in order for me to become the ruler! You can all die in peace now... The future of this planet lies in the good hands of Sir Janus!
The spot of light leaves the shell, and forms into a faint humanoid shadow.

Huh? What's this slug doing here? AH HAH HAH HAH HAHHHHH! You blokes crack me up! You shortened your lives just to summon this slug!?
So, it is you... You must be the sacrifice.

Are you calling me your sacrifice!? Whatever, slug head! I've never seen the likes of you, but it's time for me to rid this world of demons. It sure feels nice to do good for the world!
The game goes into battle mode, with both sides controlled by the AI. A shame, I'd have loved to control Janus for a bit!
Janus slashes the Dark Spear at the shadow a few times, but on the third try...

The slug deflects his attack, knocking the Dark Spear out of his hands. It sticks into the ground far behind him.

I get it... You don't want to be sliced to death, but clobbered to death by my bare hands. Why, I'd be more than happy to take up your request. If there's anything else I can do, please let me know.
It gestures with its hand.

Oh? What now? You raise your hand to deliver my final blow? Why don't you surprise me.
The spear shoots toward the shadow, and directly into Janus' back.

MUSIC: Blue Destiny
The Dark Spear leaves Janus's back, and is caught by the shadow.

I don't get it... I don't get it at all...

You... were the chosen sacrifice from the very... beginning...

Every would swing the Dark were gathering energy from the inside... You must have... felt the massive... life force... energy... when the Dark Spear... pierced the guardian's altar... That... torrent of energy... I know... you felt it run through... your body... via the Dark Spear... With it in hand... you have not... became a formidable being... You have been... bewitched by the Dark Spear... to become... the sacrifice... You played an... impeccable fool...

So this foolish... lapdog was... just meant for... fodder...?

You can take pride in knowing that you shall not be slain by the Dark Spear ever again. You can boast about that in the otherworld.

There is no... otherworld... That's why... I chose to be the ruler... of this world...
And that's the last we'll ever see of Janus Cascade. 
I'm not kidding or trying to be misleading or meta. He won't be back.

Are you the ones who have summoned me to this land once again?

I am Siegfried! I have returned to wage war on Filgaia and its spawn!
End of Chapter Two
A Day A Day