Part 28: Iron Dragon's Nest
Last time, we beat up the Prophets, someone stole Yggdrasil's generator, a character from WA1 apparently returned and Janus bit the big one for good this time.
But as far as the drifters know, everything is back to normal and solved.
Update 28: Here be Dragons
MUSIC: Unbeatable Gun Talon
Pearl can't stop chasing her dad in her dreams, it seems...

Daddy... Daddy!! I've finally found you! I've finally caught up with you! Daddy, wait! Don't go!

Pearl finds herself pointing her ARMs at her father.
The dream fades, and she's back in her bedroom.

Urgh... What a terrible dream... Why was I pointing my ARMs at Daddy?
Someone knocks on the door.

Come in.
MUSIC: A Person's Warmth

Are you ready to go? Everyone's waiting downstairs.

Oh, no! Tell them I'm sorry. I'll be right down.

Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine! I'd rather be up and about!

My, aren't we spunky. Well, hurry on now. They're all waiting to see you.

Aunt Shalte leaves, and Pearl gets to her feet.

(I shouldn't worry about that dream I had last night, right?)
It's a JRPG. You absolutely should be worried.

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Hey, it's no big deal. We've only been waiting a week.

Your skills better be up to par.
Says the most disposable member of the team.

You seem to be your old self again. I'm glad we waited for you to recover before we took on our next mission.

Next mission? What is it?

It should be fairly easy. I wanted to ease you back into the swing of things. The clients are from the Ark of Destiny. Let us head there to hear about the details.

Today sure is a great day to take flight! Full speed ahead to the Ark of Destiny!!

Heh. Aye, Cap'n!
Sounds like things are very relaxed and it's not a crisis situation, so instead of heading straight for the Ark I can spend a little time goofing around.
Since its been a week ingame since the last update, every NPC in the game has some new lines. I won't quote them all but there's a few relevant ones.
In Boot Hill

Working with machines all day, I start thinking everything can be expressed as numbers and formulas. Even our minds and feelings... But the thing is, we don't even fully understand how ARMs work.
At Southfarm Station

Disappearances are skyrocketing on the route from Southfarm to the East Highlands. A team of company investigators scoured the tunnel and uncovered a tiny rift in the space-time continuum. Such a small rift normally doesn't exert enough force to pull people in... But when multiple rifts gather, their strength multiplies exponentially. If one of the passengers activated a device that generates such a rift, then perhaps a person could be pulled in.
Don't fuck about with the space-time continuum on public transport. Gotcha.
In Baskar Colony

I still dream of the Blue Menace. The calamity I witness is not wrought out of wickedness, but rather cold indifference. Oh, I do hope it's really over, and my dreams are just a false premonition.

My dreams told me all about your last mission... But I really want to hear
<<the story>> straight from you.
<<The story>>

You bet. Three people tried to demonize Filgaia using the powers of the guardians. But they detested their past selves so much that they lost sight of their own tomorrow. They tried to do what they could to live in happiness, but that became their own day-after-tomorrow. You know, like cloning their own mom, and trying to make her too beautiful, and envying their friends from the past and stuff. It's a sign of strength, not weakness, to realize that the path you've chosen is the wrong one, and, like... find a different one.
I get the feeling Boone is more muddled than Shane about what happened.
In Humphrey's Peak

Do you remember what Father used to

'Looking for a shortcut will lead you astray.' By taking the long way around, you can see and hear things you otherwise would have missed. You may also find an alternate path to your final destination and goal. So instead of just pushing forward, it might be good to bend an ear to your surroundings. And when you do, please think of Kaitlyn and I.

Does Daddy come home because he misses me and Mommy? Or does he come home so I won't miss him that much?

I couldn't tie my ribbon good, today. Does it look funny? It's hard when you can't see your head.
The first thing I'm going to do is something I wished I'd done before heading for Nidhogg Pass - steal some Holy Grails.
I brought this up while I was talking about Amduscias in the Nidhogg Pass update, but Holy Grails give a Medium the Fallen Ward PS, which prevents instant death attacks. It's going to become invaluable.
There are a number of enemies that have Holy Grails available, but the vast majority of them are far too high-level, in endgame dungeons, or love to spam attacks that cause Fallen.
This one doesn't.

Horned Monsters appear just east of Boot Hill, in an area with lots of rocks sticking out of the ground. They're slightly lower level than me, have a weak physical attack and a water weakness, and overall aren't too threatening.
When you use Pickpocket, they have a 20% chance to drop a Potion Berry and a 5% chance to give you a Holy Grail. That sounds low but there's no other enemy in game that has a better chance, so they're probably the easiest place to get some.
That said, even against easy enemies pickpocketing is time consuming and frustrating, especially if you're going for the Rare item. You can only steal once from each enemy, so if you get the Potion Berry that's it, kill the enemy and move on to the next. You're also going to fail to steal a LOT.
Also, don't try doing it from horseback, it always seems to miss. Or at least, sixteen straight fails in a row suggests that.

In the end it took half an hour and 39 attempts to get two Holy Grails. (not counting the 16 horseback attempts) Tedious, but time well invested when it comes to lowering frustration in the future. It helps that you can use Replay on the thief to double your steal attempts per turn.
Including the one Cosmic Cog has, that's a total of three fallen wards available. It's possible to get a fourth one for free a little later.

Next up, the Secret Garden, whose harvest was good but not great. It'll take a long time to breed up those Full Carrots to a decent success rate, as they take a long time to grow and only have a 10% chance of success to start with.
I successfully breed Potion Berries to 100% though. That's Heal Berries, Potion Berries and Revive Fruits completed.
The final thing I want to get done is some more Millennium Puzzles.

MP #13 is near where we were fighting the Horned Monsters, just west of Boot Hill. Noticing that you can start a big chain reaction by matching a green in the upper left makes this much easier. It awards a Lion Shield, which gives someone the Defender PS. I may give this to Boone in the future, as Doc already has it.

MP #9 is Northwest of Humphrey's Peak, and South-west of the Gemstone Cave. Make bridges with blocks to reach other blocks. It helps a lot to look ahead and try to position blocks in useful places while you're building your bridges. For example, if you build a bridge on the lowest platform with green on top and red on the bottom, you're boned as you can't swap their positions. Reward? A LVL Apple.

Search waves reach farther than you'd think. MP #12 is up here but I have no way of reaching it. 

MP #19, north of Claiborne and overlooking the beach near Baskar Colony. Real tight work, as you don't have much space to work with and MUST match a group of three each time. Reward is a Vambrance, giving the ATT Blocker PS.

Finally, as already mentioned, Mp #15 was near Yggdrasil. Takes a lot of care or a lot of trial and error to pass, as you'll need to match groups of three but be careful to do it at the right time. Drill down the middle, but not too quickly or you'll strand yourself. The reward was the 10 Gal Hat, Initiative PS.
If you want to see the puzzles completed in full, here's the video:
VIDEO: Millennium Puzzles #9, #13, #15, #19
Progress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pictured: A good reason to ride horses, encountered while looking for Millennium Puzzles.
These bloody apes have a move that paralyzes everyone, and they're not afraid to use it every chance they get. Currently only Boone has Paralysis Ward available and it wasn't currently equipped.
Riding horses makes you immune to paralysis, making situations like this MUCH easier.
Well, pissed about for long enough. On to the client at the Ark of Destiny.
MUSIC: To the Star Ocean and Rushed Dreams

I've been so busy with the activities of the Order, I haven't had a chance to go outside and look up at the
Funny, you'd think a UFO cult would spend lots of time looking up.

If only I had brought my telescope from my
<<hometown>>, I could gaze at the sky during my breaks. Oh, no... I think I might've left my telescope outside. I hope Mom took care of it.

My hometown of Ballack Rise is north of Baskar past the dunes, but...There's no beach for a ship to land, or a train station in the area for that matter. The only way to get there is by air. If you happen to visit there, tell everyone 'hi' for me.
Sure, but if the only way to get there is to fly, how did you get here? Or, for that matter, how did Doc get there for his introduction dungeon?

Gambling is
<<bad>>, I tell you. But I'm not the old me any more! I'll do much better next time!

Gambling is mostly based on luck, so I'm unable to utilize my skills. That's why I plan to
<<invest>> in the market.

The market is controlled by behind-the-scenes transactions of information and money. It's a game of skill! It's time for me to let loose!
I do not think you have overcome your problem yet...

Now that we have the Galecrest, we can use it to reach one of the treasure chests in the Ark's bowels. Sadly all it contains is two Name Tags.
That was not worth a Duplicator. Whatever, lets go see Lamium.

I understand you have been wounded. Are you all right?

Yes, I'm much better now, thank you.

I am relieved to hear that. Good health means healthy wings to a Drifter.

Well, about you next mission I would like to request... I would like you to dispose of a mining shaft our Order had been operating... It was used to mine for fossil energy, but the cost of running it has far exceeded its potential value... And due to its inactivity, monsters have taken it up as their dwelling. This could escalate into a problem for neighboring residents. I would like you to dispose of it, before the problem gets out of hand.

All right. But please go over the details with us.

The Order member in charge of the excavation site will relate the details to you. I have entrusted this mission to her--the disposal of the mining shaft, the reward, everything.

Understood... We'll do our best not to let you down this time.
How could you let him down? This is a demolition job and you have a proven track record when it comes to Blowing Up His Shit.

Hah hah...Do not be too eager. I am not upset about the previous mission.

Thank you. But I still feel we need to make it up to you.
Once again, he doesn't immediately tell you where this mine is.

The mine shaft we would like you to demolish is located
halfway between Claiborne and Jolly Roger. Helga, who is in charge of the excavation, should be ready there. Please ask her about the details of the mission.
OK. Halfway between Claiborne and Jolly Roger places the mineshaft on this little shelf of land.
The dungeon is called the Iron Dragon's Nest.
MUSIC: Let's Run Around, Let's Look Over There!

I have been expecting you. You are here for the demolition of the mine shaft, correct?

Yes, but you can explain in detail what we're supposed to do?

We have already set up a time-bomb at the very back of this mine shaft. We would first like you to open up the three fire-protection walls inside the shaft, and then activate the bomb. The countdown will begin immediately after activation, and once that time is up, this shaft will be history. That about sums up the work to be done...but there is one big

Once the countdown starts, there is a good chance you will encounter monsters. Unfortunately, there may not be enough time to return until detonation. That is why we could only set the time-bomb, and not activate it. But only skilled Drifters come to mind. Would you be willing to accept this job?

This job sounds a lot more severe than we initially heard... I can't decide on my own. What do you all think?

It's good to let loose once in a while. Sounds like fun. I'm up for it!
Running away from a time bomb is your idea of fun?

It all comes down to money. I'm in as long as the reward outweighs the risk.

With that said, would you mind telling us more about the reward?

The front money is 5,000. You will get an additional 6,000 once the job is complete.

Well... It would be a lose-lose situation for you if we fail to accomplish this mission.

Yes, I understand that.

Then, what would you say to this? We will only accept the reward once the job is complete. But instead the reward money will be 18,000 Gella.
That's less than half of what I need to upgrade Doc's ARM to the next SHOT level. Every little helps, I guess...

Th-That's quite a sum... I can offer 13,000 Gella...

What do you say we take the middle ground of your initial offer of 11,000 and our proposed sum of 18,000? Do we have a deal at 15,000 Gella?

Hmm... Very well... 15,000 Gella it is.
That's the difference between a drifter and a pro. Haggling for every last gella.

The reward money has been decided. Whether we accept this job or not is up to you, leader.

I feel kinda bad now... Okay, we'll take this job! May I ask you one thing? What was being mined in this shaft up until now?

Fossil minerals. To put it simply, what you have in your holster now.


Ah, indeed. Let us be on our way. You'll find out soon enough.
As Helga said, there are a number of fire safety doors to open. There are these strange pads littered all over this dungeon, but they don't seem to do anything.

First door is opened by hurling a crate at this switch. It always takes me ages to remember I can do this.
The next room contains a rope bridge over a huge cavern, and there's something stuck in the wall...
MUSIC: Soaked Through with Fear

What is this place?

This was a scrap yard for ancient superweapons, called [dragons]. To some extent, a burial ground.

A superweapon? Dragons?

These powerful dragons were capable of destroying mountains and ripping through the earth with a single blow. One distinctive quality they had was that their bodies were composed of living tissue and machine. They were a living creature, just like humans or animals, but half machine...

So these superweapons were actually alive...

These dragon fossils are utilized in our everyday lives as fossil energy. For example, even our ARMs are produced from dragon fossils.
So is the Sandcraft.

Made from beast fossils? I shudder at the thought...
It's like we're riding around in some schlocky Halloween car.

Whenever we handle our ARMs, we synchronize with and focus our spirits into its composition. This ritual allows us to activate the ARM without outside interference, thereby firing bullets. This is the reason why ARMs are produced from half tissue, half machine material instead of iron.
... have you considered gunpowder?

Half tissue, half machine... Could such an entity have existed?
Meanwhile, somewhere very different and strange...

Its origin dates from time immemorial... This planet was at the height of splendor. Various forms of technology had reached a zenith, and the boundary between man and god was blurred. It is unknown when or how it started, but a great war raged without end. With war came rapid advancements in technology, which further escalated the evolution of technology. War was bringing about advancement. It was the neosapiens who began to recreate and improve themselves in order to win the war.
Back with the drifters, who proceed though some fairly non-descript rooms.

Oh you did not just steal a Full Carrot from me, you little bitch.
When an enemy like this manages to steal, they'll try to escape on the next turn. Defeat them before then and you get it back.
Fortunately, although Boone was alone here I already had a summon queued up to kill them all with.
More cut-scenes with Siegfried trigger as we open the fire doors.

The warriors who accept the half organic, half machine structure have attained limitless power, and everlasting life. All their fear, anxiety, and weaknesses of the heart have been sealed shut inside their cold, hard, steel bodies. It is this very moment that these warriors became an entity that surpassed neosapiens.


What about 'em?

I was just thinking how the demons and dragons from folklore share the common trait of a mechanical body...

In addition to their half organic, half machine structure, they also possess destructive power unimaginable by today's standards. But also...

I know... No matter how powerful they were, they weren't powerful enough to survive to the present day.
Heading deeper into the mine. The path is pretty linear, and there's not a lot of treasure to be found. This is because there's a subquest to open every treasure chest in the game, so since this place is going to be destroyed they can't put anything missable down here. It was the same for Survey Point #17.

Just like you see here, dragon fossils were excavated from various locales, improving technology for the people of today. Here's an interesting fact. From all the fossils excavated, not a single egg or larva was ever discovered.

So... Uhhh... What's that supposed to mean!?

That there is nothing more, and nothing less. Dragons neither grow or evolve. They existed at their evolutionary apex.

Evolutionary apex? You mean they're born into their final, or ultimate form?

Yes... That's one way to interpret it. However, there is a little more to that.

These warriors, suited with a complete body and spirit, were feared and shunned by neosapiens as demons. But these warriors rejoiced at their fear. This only proved how powerful they were as superior beings. However this evolution of power did not continue forever, and eventually came to an end. Realizing their imminent demise, these warriors took their own mother planet down the path of decay... And so, this planet... The very planet, Terra, where we lived and battled, was engulfed in flames...

No matter how powerful you are, on that is born into battle, eventually fades in battle... These dragons existed both as fighting machines, and as organic life-forms... What did they bring us? What did they leave behind?
Siegfried again. I'm starting to get scene whiplash here.

Many warriors perished. However, the prideful ones did not seek eternal slumber. They abandoned their mother planet, and invaded a world of another dimension, fighting countless battles. There was a time when we battled for control and rulership of ancient Filgaia. We were opposed, wounded and defeated, almost to the point of extinction.. .Even so, we still thirsted for battle! Our extinction was imminent. So, we left behind data of our entire composition, memories, and personalities inside the information library Hyades. So that one day, we may return from the dead... Return to this planet once again to fight for dominance!
After a bit more exploring, we finally come across something valuable

Billy's third tool!
These overpriced brand-name '90s sneakers let Billy jump, though he remains too short to dunk.

He can do a little hop, to get up small steps, or leap much farther and higher if he uses a Jump Plate.
Using the sneakers will let us get up to the plunger connected to the explosives.

Switch, on!

We only have twenty minutes and counting until detonation. Let us take the quickest route back!
MUSIC: Cross this Instant, Now
20 mins to get out. It didn't take 20 mins to get in, so I'm not worried.
All the same, may as well take the shortcuts that Radical Sneaker ownership opens up.

We'll want to skip as many battles as possible, so it's useful that there's plenty of white crystals on the fast route.

With the upper path, it's no problem getting back with plenty of time left, which is just as well.

The time-bomb has been activated. There isn't much time. We must leave here at once!

Uhh... ahhhh... B-B-Behind... you...
Something apparently attacks from within the cave.

You just run for safety! We'll take care of this!
MUSIC: Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland
This ugly sucker has incredible defense. It's good enough that most physical and magical attacks will be bumped down to 0 damage.

He can also paralyze a single character and put out a small amount of magical damage. It could take quite some time to defeat him if you don't figure out his trick.

It's not that hard to get though. You see this message at the start of every turn.

Spectre/Light Gems do no damage to him, but it seems to shock him enough for him to drop his guard.

And in this form, he is very vulnerable.
He'll only stay like this until the next turn, when the light frightens him back into defensive mode, but so long as Pearl keeps using Spectre on him the others can attack freely.

The one catch is that while vulnerable he can use Cocytus to hurt everyone, but it's not too much to worry about. An easy and quick kill.
Meanwhile, somewhere weird and abstract...
MUSIC: A Needle in the Heart, Broken and Washed Away

I have descended to this world once again, so that I may fight for a planet where I may exist. However, what is it that you seek? Do you wish eternal slumber?

N-No... I haven't completed... my work yet... I must... regain... memories...

I... wish to be... reborn... Most... beautiful... and powerful...

What we seek... is a complete body... and spirit... Surpassing the power... of beasts... and the wisdom of humans... To become... superior beings...
Hey, remember the shields everyone was fighting over in Chapter 1?

I have here bodily blueprints for my followers: demons... Once they are set free, they will instantaneously devour your bodies and wipe clean your spirit, to try and control you... However, should your spirit overcome that of my three followers, there may be a chance to salvage it. You have shown great devotion to my advent. Do you wish to live on by becoming one of the loathed and feared demons?
Well, I already loathe them, so being feared too would be an improvement.

I... do...

Yes... I do...

We... all do...

... as long as demons... signify... superior beings!!
The shields glow, and the scene fades to white.

Meanwhile, the drifters are admiring their handiwork.
MUSIC: From Beyond


What was that...? I know I've felt that chill before...

It's similar to the fear of the medium. Just as when the Eternal Sparkle took shape by the power of the demons... I hate to admit it, but every prediction or guess that I make leads towards something terrible.

Just cut to the chase. What was that?

I... don't know... Guess we'll have to rely on Granny again...

Tch... Something's up again? Gimme a break... Before we go looking for new trouble, let's go get our reward from that Ark of Destiny Order.
He's got a good idea. We have to return to the Ark to find Helga, but she readily ponies over the 15,000 gella. We can also get one more treasure from the vaults with the Radical Sneakers.

It's a duplicator inside that chest. I guess that compensates for the Name Tags earlier.
Next Time: We find the Goddess

Today is March 3, Lizardman Day. Legend tells of a lizardman who appears to save Filgaia in times of crisis. So all the children of Filgaia make lovely little lizardman figurines to show their thanks.

Today is March 4, Salamander Day. I think there are many people who like salami, but probably not salamanders. Salamanders supposedly like salamis too, but I haven't seen any coming after my salami sandwich yet. I wonder why?

Today is March 5, Rodeo Day. Rodeos originated as a way to train horses caught in the wild. Today is the birthday of Marvin, the great dealer who made rodeo into a sport. The contestants ride in this order: saddled horse, horse (no saddle), crazy horse, bull. Lately though, nobody has been skilled enough to pass the crazy horse and the excitement has faded. For all real men out there, get your booty on that horse and start training!