Part 29: Balal Quo Naga
Last time, we exploded one of the Ark's mines again, deliberately this time, and the Prophets decided to become demons.Today it's a short one, we fight serpents and goddesses.
Update 29: Boss Gob could kill this guy
We could go straight to see Halle in Baskar Colony, but there was something I wanted to do first.
Dune Canyon posted:
Steer your ship north of the cape where the giant's statue stands, and you'll come to a strait that connects the inland sea and the open seaway. This is also the hunting ground of the monster Balal Quo Naga, where many vessels and Sandcraft meet disaster... Balal Quo Naga used to lurk south of Little Twister near the sunken reefs, but... In recent years, it followed its prey to this strait and made this area its new home. This ferocious monster has shut down scores of trade routes and has taken the lives of hundreds of sailors. Somebody must do something so the people can get on with their lives...

There's an inland sea on the map, but we've never been able to access it because each entrance is blocked off with rocks.
In Humphrey's Peak

We do have a good reason to check the area out though.
In Jolly Roger

You bet.

Hey, we're heroes, right! Of course we can take it on, no matter how monstrously powerful it may be!

Balal Quo Naga lives at the southern entrance to the inland seas, an area currently blocked off with rocks. As we approach, the rocks begin to shake and the beast emerges.
Something huge slides towards the Sandcraft through the quicksand!

This guy is pretty much the main boss battle for the entire ocean, and the only mandatory Sandcraft fight.

He has a meaty physical attack, and annoyingly can use Critical Heal, healing himself for ALL of his HP every two or three turns.
His most powerful attack is a real monster:

Current Spark deals over 80% of our HP in damage, and is pretty much the game telling you to hurry up and kill him faster next time. Because honestly, that's really easy.

Helmsman > Feint and Pursue Target
Gunner > Fire all ammo at once
Done and done. The beast was both monstrously powerful and utterly, utterly trivial.

I suppose it's weak because it's been available to fight since we got the sandcraft at least five levels ago, but that's still hardly an excuse considering this is the part of the game where you'd need to fight it. It's not like the game has shyed away from letting me get in over my head on land.
In the end it all comes down to if you upgraded your gun or not. If not, you simply won't have the burst damage needed to kill him before he gets off a Critical Heal.

Reward is very nice though. Everyone got two levels out of this completely trivial encounter. I have more than enough Dragon Fossils to buy the biggest gun now, though based on what just happened I may not need to. Maybe I'll put those fossils into another part of the ship - the frame or the engine.

Balal Quo Naga's death throes break the rocks, opening the way to the inner sea. We'll check that out in a future update.
The fight with Balal Quo Naga was so fierce that it crushed reefs and altered the very shape of the land. Bits of wood and cloth were scattered among the chunks of broken rock, like the aftermath of a great shipwreck. Most of the baggage was smashed to pieces, but a single suitcase floated defiantly. Pearl tried to retrieve the luggage before it sank again beneath the waves of sand.
This gets us a Suitcase. Lets head back to Emilia.

Her present is the Goddess Idol, a very important item.
It's part of a required subquest we've not been introduced to yet, but we can start it now. If we head back to the Fallen Sanctuary, where we got our Mediums in the first place...

There are jump pads in the area with the carvings, and we can use the Radical Sneakers to reach a set of four more mediums.
Yes, the Baskar religion requires its high priests to have old '90s trainers just to get to the altars. Halle's sneakers are

Boone can use the Goddess Statue at these altars.
The monolith is decorated with runes symbolizing Raftina, the Guardian of Love. One can cause the guardian to materialize by focusing everyone's willpower together with the Goddess Idol. Will you show your will to the guardian?
The visions in your minds are bound together. A faint light purges your soul of stagnation. You feel a presence of limitless kindness and passion. The power of love tests your mettle. The bearer of the Ark Scepter's light must have the strength to fight that which has no form. Fight, and show your strength to Raftina!

MUSIC: Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland
A dangerous boss with some neat tricks. She's also about nine levels higher than me, so I'm doing this early.

She'll use Copy Ability on her first turn. This lets her copy some of our abilities, specifically all kinds of attack Arcana.
(Mechanically this is just window dressing. I tried removing all mediums that had attack arcana, and she was still able to use them. But it would have been interesting if, say, you could remove all but the fire medium and then cover everyone in fire wards)
The thing to take away from it is she can attack with all elements (except maybe Dark)

She'll also cast Weaken on all of us, giving us weaknesses to all elements. Thankfully it doesn't override any wards we have, but its still a big increase in damage for her.

Finally, she'll start spamming us with elemental spells. This is brutal - look at the 906 damage Boone took. The only thing saving Billy is that I'd cast Protect on him.

Reflect will save your life. Her arcana are reflectable so you can deflect the worst of her damage and focus on doing some of your own!
Eventually she'll use her Summon - Sacred Blood.

She cuts though the screen several times, and raises her sword. You don't see numbers, but apparently this move restores about 4000 HP to her.

Her one remaining attack is a strike with her sword, which feels like a break from the elemental chaos being thrown around.
Its important to make sure Reflect is maintained. (Doc died at one point when I didn't notice it had worn off) Aside from that, keeping the damage up and healing occasionally will bring her down.
VIDEO: Raftina Battle

Oh come on, that's less than half the XP that wimp Balal Quo Naga gave...
Well, our reward is the Love Charm medium, a rather nice one and the first Guardian Lord we have. It will go to Boone, as it also increases his magic stats.
Weaken (32FP): Forces an enemy to be weak to an element. Fantastic arcana that can help your damage skyrocket, especially since many bosses are more vulnerable to it than you'd think. The one catch is the caster needs to have access to that element - if Boone has only Love Charm and Aqua Wisp equipped, he can only force an enemy to be weak to Ice or Water, not any other element.
Copy Ability (64FP): Many enemies have special abilities you can copy. I tend to not get much use out of this, since it's expensive and its value varies wildly depending on the enemy, but maybe I'll find somewhere where its severely breakable.
Status Lock (38FP): A wonderful ability. Makes the target immune to all negative statuses except for Fallen. Absolutely invaluable in some situations.
Requiem (24FP): Instantly kills undead enemies.
Personal Skills
Inoculation: Protects against status effects that persist after battle - Poison, disease, misery and amnesia. A great gear slot and PS point saver.
SOS FP Charge: When knocked to low HP, this can greatly increase your FP.
Life Charge: Restores up to 20% of your max health every time you guard. Neat, I like it.
Rather than attacking the enemy, Sacred Blood heals us by FP%. If summoned at 100FP, it's a 100% heal.
She also lifts status effects if summoned at over 25FP, and revives dead characters at over 75FP. Extremely useful.

In addition, Guardian Lords are golden, not silver like the others. Each lord we get lets us convert two silver mediums into gold ones, conferring better stat bonuses.
Next Time: We do something else. Hmmm...
A Day A Day

... maybe she has a point. What should I play?
Well, there's always evil Nega-Okami

or Rapid Reload

or Dragon Force is an old favorite...

or I could just continue with the main plot of this game and go see Halle.
Thoughts, goons?