Part 31: The World's Footprint
Last time we made friends with a dragon, and it was kinda neat.
Today, we piss about for a while trying to avoid going back to the main plot. Hey, this one is kinda long again, you may want to get a sandwich.
Update 31: Exposition Expert Extraordinaire
First order of business: appease that bastard Gob. I was lucky in that I only missed one square on the map, but it's a tough one to spot. Here's an illustration.

It's easiest to see on the minimap in the bottom right, since the scale is larger, and the square is transparent so while moving you can see the landscape through it.
With that filled in, I can finally return to Uncle Gob.

Congratulations, gob-gob! You have traveled the entire map! Your dedication and time has paid off, gob-gob! Uncle Gob would like to give you a special something, gob-gob! I have treasured it for years, and though it might be a little smelly, I'm sure it still works, gob-gob!
Oh boy! What is it? Gold? Special ARMs, or gear? A hidden medium?

... yeah, not really worth the effort of finishing the sidequest. An EX File Key is an item you can only use after you finish the game. I'll leave its exact effects until that time, but suffice to say there are fifteen of them scattered around the world, and they're pretty much the game's way of keeping score when it comes to sidequests. Some are easy to find, some are extremely hard or time-consuming to get, I'll be getting as many as possible.
EX File Keys: 1/15
Now that we have a dragon, I can also chase up a number of Millennium Puzzles.

MP #3 is on an island north west of Yggdrasil. Despite being in a location we couldn't reach until now, being number 3 it's one of the easier ones.
Reward is the Pocketbook, which gives the Gella Boost PS - after battle there's a 25% chance of doubling earned gella. We already have this on Billy, and the interesting thing is they stack. If two Gella Boosts activate after battle, 1 gella will become 4.

MP #5 is just south of Humphrey's Peak, in an area with no roads leading to it. Deceptively tricky, the key to success is realizing that there's only two reds - one on top of a pillar, and one on the bottom of the opposite pillar. You can't afford to leave that top red stranded, so bringing down the southwestern pillar is your top priority.
Reward is a Holy Grail - Fallen Ward PS. This brings my total to three and Pearl already has that Ward on Cosmic Cog, so now everyone can have 100% protection to instant death!

MP #6 is north of the Dragon's Lair. We don't need the dragon to get here, but hey, I was busy with more important things last update. You can approach this a few different ways, but the important thing to remember is to avoid matching any of the four blues in the centre - you'll need them for the towers in each corner.
Reward is a Duplicator.

MP #7 is out on another island in the middle of nowhere. Important to note that there's three of each block colour, so you'll have to match them in threes. Beyond that this is much easier than the similar puzzle #19, thanks to having more free space to move in.
Reward: A Weather Vane, giving the Eagle Eye PS that helps you avoid Danger! and Ambush battles.
VIDEO: Millennium Puzzles
Progress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
That's enough Millennium Puzzles for now. There's somewhere else I wanted to check out now that we have Lombardia.

MUSIC: Scenery Called Everyday
Ballack Rise is located on the top of some cliffs, and completely inaccessible by foot, horse, train or sandcraft.
... wait a minute...

Never mind that! How the hell did you get here before me? How did you even get here? Does everyone have a dragon now or something?

I'm good at findin' stuff, but this village was tough.

I can't believe I dropped my mom's birthday present! Those flowers are prolly all crunchy by now. Aw, dangit! I totally blew it... royally!

I'm so sorry I couldn't find your present... Hmm... That's it! Give your mom this flower here in my bag. It wasn't expensive or anything, but it's pretty, right? It'll warm her heart, I'm sure. If I could give you this for you to give your mom, I'll be happy. Tell her how much you care, okay?

Thanks... Martina, right? You're cool. I bet it's rough travelling all by yerself. But you're awfully nice. I'm sure you'll be able to handle anything comin' atcha. Oh, yeah! I heard the grub at the saloon in the town under the dragon hill got awfully good recently. Your mom's a good cook, right? Maybe it's worth checkin' out?
Martina, if your mother was here she'd be VERY ANGRY to see you talking to boys. VERY ANGRY INDEED. She may even take away your teleporter.

Ballack Rise is just a single large building, with a warren of passageways and rooms winding through it. It's the place that Doc saved in his intro dungeon.

Welcome back, stranger! Did you find what you were looking for? Without a
<<destination>>, you're just wandering aimlessly.

What, mine? I want to see the future Ballack Rise as an even better place to live.
There's a telescope on the top too, just as that kid Marty at the Ark of Destiny said.

Be careful when you're checkin' out the telescope up top. I 'member a grown-up gettin' cussed out after he got caught spyin' on somethin' he shouldna.
It's worth exploring the area fully, as there's some treasure to be found about here - a Grab Bag, two Mini Carrots and a Duplicator.

Inside the Inn...

When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a scientist. Before I knew it, I had added this and
<<mixed>> that... and I became a

Believe it or not, people often like my experimental cocktails. I lay out a theory and before I know it, I find a new discovery! I feel just like a scientist.

I really want to add some beakers, a microscope, and wear a long white coat! Then I could make the place look like a first-rate laboratory!
Just make sure you don't mix up the Citric and Sulphuric acid when you're making cocktails, and I think you'll be fine.

You should definitely check out the guest room upstairs, as there's a Migrant Seal hidden behind a bed.
That's it for Ballack Rise for now, but there's something nearby to check out. This is the town Doc saved, so that dungeon should be nearby too...

Aha! It's like I never left.
Naturally there's not a lot to do here now, but there is a loose end we can tie up.

Remember this hidden room near the monster's nest? That hologram is of interest to us.
A powerful and wicked presence emanates from the holographic archive. You sense something moving towards you from the darkness!
I am not afraid! Lets do this!
Boone uses the Kramer Dolls to activate the hologram, and...


These things don't seem up to snuff. They can use Agony Effect on me, but it does 0 damage. A single round of attacks is enough to massively overkill them.
... that was easy.
I am the grand duke of vengeance, Arioch. Even though I may succumb ninety-nine times, I shall continue to rise in order to pierce thee with my blade... My spiteful revenge is unforeseeable, and I shall creep upon thee silently, wherever thou may be, under any circumstance, without warning... Let it be known that my revenge shall cease with your demise, or with my one hundredth defeat...
This is another sidequest, and a rather long and laborious one, which is why I wanted to start it as soon as possible.
Arioch starts at level 1 and can attack in any dungeon like a normal random encounter. Every time you defeat him, his level rises by one. We have to defeat him 100 times, so by the end we'll face level 100 Ariochs.
... yes, I know he appears in groups of four and we should only have to face 25 battles to defeat 100 Ariochs. That's not the way it works. 
Anyway, after you encounter him in a dungeon he won't attack you there again. You have to leave the dungeon and go to a different one. This makes trying to find him so you can fight him pretty damn tedious, but I'm going to get it done, probably by doing it in sets of 5 Ariochs per update.
I spent some time fighting battles now and defeated a few more, so...
Defeated Ariochs: 5

You can tell what his current level is by Analyzing him. The EXP and Gella reward is equal to his level.
One more sidequest before proceeding with the plot. Numerous sources around Filgaia said Balal Quo Naga used to live at a ring of stones south of Little Twister before he moved to Dune Canyon. After we defeated him there, he has returned to his old haunt.

Lombardia can fire missiles into the ring to provoke him. Once the sand starts boiling, we can return with the Sandcraft to finish the job.
Something huge slides towards the Sandcraft through the quicksand. Engage evasive maneuvers to avoid incoming object?
The approaching menace collides with the hull and morphs into a dull-colored beast! You know about this monster, and you are about to get a taste of its terror!

VIDEO: Balal Quo Naga was here
This Balal Quo Naga is a whopping level 60 to my 37, has a ton more of every stat than before and can now cast Quicken to give himself more turns too. He's clearly much more difficult than last time.
> Feint and pursue target
> Fire all ammo at once

... this is farcical. I know this is an easy, often badly balanced game, but he only has 250000 HP and all I did was upgrade my cannon with the resources I was given. No special farming or anything!
Our reward for beating this "boss" is enough XP to get everyone to level 39 and another EX File Key.
EX File Keys: 2/15
Right, I've delayed it long enough. On with the main plot.
Over in the Baskar Colony shrine...
MUSIC: Preparations for the Valley of Bygone Days and Tomorrows

Granny, you in here? I'm comin' in.

The fact that I cannot teach you any manners shows how I am going senile with age...

Brother! What are you doing here?

I'm glad you're both here. We can all plan together.

So, what is it now?

The guardians sent us a warning of fear and anxiety through the use of the mediums...

Guardians are the powers that sustain the world. If the guardians are sending a warning, that means... A big disaster may be nigh here on Filgaia... There was a great war that threatened the existence of the planet long ago...
The camera pulls back and fades out. When it comes back to the scene...

... and that was that. Ever since, we... ...
Everyone is fidgeting, and Boone is asleep on his feet.

It appears we are not used to long lectures such as this. Even for me, three and a half hours of...

... You are all incompetent!! That's it from me! No more!!

Sorry, Granny. Don't get so mad... C'mon, you're ruining your reputation as Miss Grudiev of one hundred years ago. You go, belle of earth elemental!!
This is not the time to get cheeky!

It's too late to try and humor me. I'm not telling you anything! Nothing! Nothing at all!

Please reconsider. Your knowledge is indispensable.

I told you already, I know nothing. But if you want to know, go to the [World's Footprint] and find out for yourself!

The World's Footprint...?

Shane, take these dimwits to the World's Footprint, will you?

Yes, you. I am talking to you.

But I'm still a trainee as a [pillar]... Would it be all right for me to venture out of the colony?

Filgaia is in imminent danger! It is a pillar's duty to do whatever he can in times like these!! You have my permission. Take this big fool to where he needs to go!

At once! I can't believe I get to actually help you, Brother... We head
12:00 straight from Infinitum... The World's Footprint is located past the dunes. Let us be on our way.

We're countin' on you, Shane!
Guess what Shane? You get to ride on a DRAGON!

North of Infinitum is a fairly large area, but a little searching uncovers the temple.
MUSIC: This Chest, and Echoes of the World's Heartbeat

This was originally a shrine of the guardian lords, but their powers are long gone. But it's still regarded as significant in a different sense.

In a different sense?

Yes. This shrine houses mural paintings, which recount the history of Filgaia.

Similar to a historical museum?

Yes, you could say that. Let us then perceive the details about the great war, which took place on Filgaia...
Are you ready for some infodumps? Hope you're ready for some infodumps!

This stone slate is covered in mud, but Boone can clean it with the Freezer Doll.
Mural Chamber ahead. Respect your forefathers and proceed quietly.
In other words, sneak to the door, or it'll close.

First, let us go back approximately 2,200 years... This is a painting of when the [neosapiens] first came down to this planet.


They are believed to be the progenitors of humans.

So that ship floating up top is the Immigrant Ship?

Yes, but even before their arrival, an indigenous race called the
<<Elw>> inhabited Filgaia.

Elws are mentioned in folklore, just like the demons. They are said to have been a beautiful race, with long, pointy ears. Many traced of their everyday lives are excavated even to this day. This was when the two races... two different cultures came face to face.
That's it for this painting. So the Elw were the original keepers of this planet, and humanity's ancestors were settlers...
Huh, and I thought the Baskar were meant to be the Native Americans reference...

There's a sealed door behind those blocks, but I can't do anything with them at this time.
Further in...

This painting illustrates an event 1,300 years ago. The Elws had welcomed the immigrant people with open arms. The Elws and the neosapiens lived harmoniously on this planet for a very long time. However, that all came to an end. Perhaps overcoming differences in race was much too difficult. The two sides, filled with contempt and hate, began to battle it out. Thus began the great war... which pushed the planet to the brink of extinction. The neosapiens utilized the power of science and technology for weapons, while the Elws used the roar and terror of the guardians. The hostilities of war spread throughout Filgaia...

How ironic that the guardians' first enemy was none other than our forefathers...
By the way, some of the enemies in here are just weird.
Further down the path, there's a room with nine buttons and some instructions on a tablet.
3 - 3
N - S 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 2
W - E 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1
If you make the camera face north and number the buttons like so, you can hit them in the order 2-2, 3-1, 2-3 etc until the door unlocks.

The great war raged so long that the people forgot how the war started in the first place. The war finally came to an end, approximately 400 years before the present. The neosapiens and the Elws signed a cease-fire agreement, and the fires of war over Filgaia were finally extinguished. This war that was thought to be never-ending left battle scars all over Filgaia...

At least they were smart enough to end the war before they lost the planet in which they lived.
A side room on the way to the next painting gets us some treasure - two Warp Stars, two Lucky Cards and a Gella Card.

To the Elws, who were deeply attached to and relied on the planet's life, these battle scars were a serious threat to their existence. The population of the Elws began to diminish at an alarming rate. And so, the neosapiens and Elws decided to join hands once again, this time to rejuvenate the planet.

However, it was too late. Approximately 150 years ago from today, the birth of the last Elw signified the end of the Elw race. The remaining neosapiens repented for all their sins, and vowed to do everything in their power to revitalize the environment. Amidst the fervor of pro-environmental sentiments, the last Elw
<<Mariel>> gave rise to the Baskar creed.

It is said she parted company with the Baskar after a bitter disagreement. However, the Elw race are said to have great longevity. That is why to this day, we continue our efforts, and pray that our separated paths will one day cross, yet again...

So ultimately, it was our forefathers who drove away the indigenous tribe from this planet...

It may be that our very existence is unhallowed.

Are we even worthy of fighting for this planet?

Heh! Dwelling in the past ain't gonna change anything! I hate this kinda stuff!

Wait... Billy's right...

We can't change what happened by sulking over it. Hold your head high! We may be tainted, but that's one more reason why we have to protect the planet! In place of the Elws, we're the ones who have to deliver a future for this planet today!

I think that's our only way of making amends...
I like this approach to humanity's responsibility to the planet. Much better than, for example, Chrono Cross's "you suck and you should feel bad but never do anything about it" approach.
Another treasure room on the way to the next painting holds a Weather Vane, (Eagle Eye PS) a Growth Egg and a Gimel Coin.

This painting depicts the event of approximately 100 years ago. I'm sure you all know what this signifies.

The Yggdrasil System, correct?

The Yggdrasil System was created to revitalize Filgaia's environment. However... My brother told me a bit about what happened...
To clarify, he painting likely depicts the beginning of the Yggdrasil project 100 years ago. The catastrophic event that withered the planet and wiped everyone's memories... that was still just 10 years ago.

As long as we live on this planet, we're the ones who have to protect the planet's future...

However, looking back at history, there is only mention of neosapiens who threaten this planet. I'm not quite sure what this means... Perhaps we are meant to harm the planet once again...

Within these mural chambers like only facts about the past. It is up to the people of the present to figure out how we want to interpret this. We may still be in the dark now, but I'm sure we will find the truth within them.

'Looking for a shortcut can lead you astray...' That is what my professor always used to say. Yes, I understand now. I am always jumping to conclusions...

Is that it for the paintings?

No... There is actually one more in the back... Yes, I believe this would be a good opportunity to see the last mural.
One last puzzle remains, and it's deceptively simple.
Yellow are the people aboard a white ship. Silver and green are the Elws. Ignite the white ship and paint it red. People are people, and Elws are Elws.
People are people, so the yellow box goes on the yellow square. Elws are Elws, so the green and silver boxes go on the green and silver squares.

As for the White box, if you place it on the red square and hit it with a tindercrest it turns red.

This is the last painting.

But it's... blank.

This mural depicts the future, which lies in wait. It is up to the individual to see this as despair and hopelessness... Or as a future which has yet to be painted.

Of course, I'd like to see something painted on there.

Yes, something great and exciting.

Yeah, yeah, but what's with all this rubble? Why's this the only place that's all messed up?

This wreckage is of an idol modeled after the supreme guardians, the guardian lords.

Guardian lords?

[Raftina], [Justine], [Zephyr], and [Luceid]...Guardians who preside over the unlimited power of the heart, which everyone possesses... They reigned over all guardians, but disappeared before the planet began decaying... Right?

See? I've been studying!

We do not know the whereabouts of the guardian lords' lost powers, but we must find them someday. The teachings of Baskar state that a future for the planet will not arrive without them.
Already WAYYYY ahead of ya.

A future for the planet... It was just the other day I left my town to become a Drifter, and before I know it, I'm involved with the future of the planet... This is a very serious situation. It's so serious, I can't seem to comprehend everything, but I do know that we have to do something!

I'm not sure how helpful this was, but this is the last of the murals. We should head back soon.
It's time to return the way we came.
But in the very next room...

No...It can't be...No way...
MUSIC: He Who Holds the Word of God
Oh guys...

guys guys guys...

What have you done to yourselves?
This is not "superior beings!" You look ridiculous!

Muh hah hah... How nice to see you again...

Leehalt... Melody... and Malik...?

A-A-Are these the enemies my brother has been fighting? The ones who threaten Filgaia?

Here is a little something to celebrate our reunion.
MUSIC: Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland
An interesting trio that caused me a few problems. The big troublemakers are Scarecrow and Leonhardt.

Leonhardt has a couple of attacks, but the main problem he poses is Critical Heal. It's vital to kill him quickly, but he has a permanent Reflect that cannot be erased, so only ARM damage can accomplish that. Fortunately he also has the lowest HP of the trio.

Scarecrow can also give himself reflect, but it is not permanent. More troublesome is his Hellsize Masquerade, which instantly kills a character. Getting Fallen Ward on everyone was a really good idea.
If you don't have wards, repeatedly Erasing his reflect can help out. He seems to put priority on that, and will keep recasting it instead of attacking.

Steamgear is the least threatening. He has a strong physical attack and a weak magical one, but the main problem he could pose is his ability to inflict Confuse. Which he never even tried to. If you have Fallen Wards though, you can pretty much ignore Scarecrow and take this guy out second.
The reward for this battle is Adventure 5. Who knew demons liked children's fiction?

Not only did you lose your soul, I see that you've lost your human form as well!

We have given up and disposed of all of that. Along with our weaknesses... thanks to the demon lord, Siegfried.
MUSIC: Blue Destiny

Are they the ones who can unleash the power of guardians in this present day? But Filgaia is impoverished... The power of the guardians must be limited. Surely you should be able to defeat them?

No, Sire... If only we were graced with the power of demons as you are, these rogues would have been long gone.


However, we still have other matters we would like to take care of before we dispose of them.
You know, I'm probably annoying someone by making fun of these guys. Like everything else in this game these designs are probably a reference to something awesome from WA 1 or 2.
Doesn't mean they don't look stupid.
EDIT: Turns out they're not a reference! Good for WA 1 and 2, I guess.

These rogues have taken everything away from us!

These rogues insult us!

You seek vengeance? Interesting... I shall bestow the power of demons upon all of you...

And to you... I shall instill fear. You will have front row seats to witness this planet's transformation. Until then, continue to struggle as you do now...
Siggy and the Prophets teleport out.

Th-That's the Blue Menace that appears in my dreams...
MUSIC: From Beyond

We found out who the guardians' enemies were. And how Baskar came about. We got a general idea of the planet's history... But what good does that do us!? The guardians have declared the demons of folklore the enemies yet again, but we're dealing with the present now! (We don't have time for this...Putting Shane in danger wasn't good, either...)

Will you cool it for a minute! Having you fret isn't going to solve a thing! This planet's enemies are not the demon artifacts. He may be only one, but a demon has risen from the ages of folklore... How do we face him? What do we do? The power of the guardians defeated him in the past, but how effective are their decayed powers now? That's it... The power of the lost guardian lords... If they can be awakened, then maybe... ... ... Erghhh! Trying to figure out everything at once is making my head explode!
Don't worry, like I said I'm WAYYYYY ahead of ya! See? Raftina and everything!

('Looking for a shortcut can lead you astray...') What we currently know... is that a demon is trying to do something with this planet. Do you remember the words that blue demon knight, Siegfried said to us...?

This planet will transform... Do you think that refers to the evolution of Filgaia--what the prophets wanted?

In a broad sense, yes. However, we are dealing with demons who are said to have left behind the wisdom of Hyades. There must be a more definite and concrete malice behind his words...
Halle shakes her head and starts to leave.

Where you goin', Granny?

An invasion from another world can only be dealt with by the power that sustains the world, guardians... With such limited options, there's really no use thinking about it. Plus, I'm sure we're all hungry. We can't come up with good ideas on an empty stomach. I'm going to fix some dinner. Join me if you like. In fact, I suggest you spend the night.
Later that night...

(This planet will transform... I've heard those words before... Yes... They're the exact words I asked my professor about, that day, that moment...)
MUSIC: Impatience Leading to Trouble

Listen up, young one... There are those who view the work of archaeologists as pointless, but that is untrue. If we are able to investigate and pinpoint the cause and origin of Filgaia's decay, we may be able to find a way to reverse it. Just remember, looking for a shortcut can lead you astray...

The more we investigate, the more inscrutable it becomes... Filgaia has been decaying ever so slowly, since ages ago. That is certain... However, take a look at these marks. There has been a drastic change in the past several years. This in itself is the current state of decay. ... It's quite odd, really... I can't recall such a grand change happening. Perhaps I am becoming feeble-minded with age...

Good heavens! A nanomachine...!? I cannot possibly calculate this with my knowledge.
... it looks a bit big to be a namomachine, sir.

But... Even with such advanced technology, were our forerunners unable to rejuvenate Filgaia?
Alarms are sounding.

Make haste, young one! The security mechanism seems to be activating each block. Quick! You can run past it!


Stop calling me professor, you imbecile! As the groom to be for my daughter Catherine, I am to become your father-in-law, you know!

This is not the time to be arguing about these things. The security mechanism is catching up! You're not thinking about...

Someone must stop the security mechanism... Plus, it may take more time than expected to solve the mystery of Filgaia's decay. It may have been wiser for us to look for a shortcut in this case. We took too much time. I am much too tired, and my body is old and decrepit... Young one... I leave everything in your care... The fate of Filgaia... and... Catherine...
Something explodes in the distance.

The only regret I have is that I will not be able to see this planet transform. Listen well, young one... Unlike myself, you still have time on your side. You must track down the cause of Filgaia's decay... And find a way to rejuvenate Filgaia to its original state. When you and Catherine become parents, wouldn't you want your children to have a safe and bright future? Take good care...

(That's it... We may be able to find out something if we search that ruin... However... ... No... this isn't the time to be wavering... I must be strong...)

What's the matter? Can't sleep?

No, I'm fine.

I was doing some thinking... about my memories of the past... But now I think I have an idea what the demon is up to...


What Halle said about finding a way for the guardians to face the demon... Apart from that, I believe we need to find out more about the demon's objective, and intentions. ... I will explain in detail tomorrow morning when everyone wakes up. It's funny how sleepless nights are the most productive.
The next day...
MUSIC: Long Days of Rest

There was a ruin that my professor and I investigated, that contained a device capable of transforming the planet. It was an old device that hardly even functioned. But for us, who haven't the foggiest idea what to do next, I believe this may prove to be a good lead.

I think we should go there. But... Are you all right, Doc? You look a little down...

Sorry to worry you. Yes, I am fine... It's just that I have bitter memories of that place... But really, I am okay.

Okay... but don't strain yourself.
Doc holds something out.

It is an old ripped piece of a map, but the location of the ruin is indicated here. It is not much to go on, but let's do our best to pinpoint its whereabouts. And... What do you say we start gathering information on the guardian lords Halle mentioned? My professor and I always used to gather various data, even when there seemed to be no relation. Looking for a shortcut can lead you astray. I suggest we visit as many locales as we can, before we reach our destination.
Next Time: Wayyyyy ahead of ya, Doc.

Today is March 9, Speed Day. According to a notebook I bought at a market in Little Twister, the fastest thing around is the BPM rate of a cabbageworm's humming. Believe it or not.

Today is March 10, Silk Day. Today is the day that the hero of Filgaia defeated the bug monster Kaikola. Seeing the error of his ways, Kaikola turned over a new leaf and taught people how to make silk.