Part 42: Deus ex Machina part 2
Last time, Dongs were disintegrated. It looked painful. Billy's a clone of the entire planet, somehow. We took care of the nanomachines, but the final boss still needs to be dealt with.
Update 42: Daemon ex machina
MUSIC: The weight of a Heavy Life, the Meaning of the Meaning of Life
With The Nanomachines destroyed, Dongs disintegrated and Billy having received virtually all the character development he will ever have, we can proceed deeper into the Deus Ex Machina.

The metal platforms fall away as we pass over them, and this wall starts quickly closing in, ready to push us into the pit. While it's hurt by bombs, Doc can't put down enough bombs to destroy it quickly enough.

The Freezer Doll gives us the time we need to blow it up.

A few rooms later, we reach the penultimate room before the boss.

That area seems to be locked by shutters as well. I'll read out the access code, but it's a little more complicated than before. Okay, here we go!
Yeah, a bit more tricky, but not too hard. The door opens.

If the information from the computer is correct, that conceited demon should be in that room. Be sure to take all precautions. He's able to use the Teardrop to heal himself.

It makes me so angry just remembering it! That Teardrop was supposed to be mine!

It might be a good idea to steal it from him before he can use it. You guys have any other tactics?
Gee, that sounds like a hint. Siegfried awaits us inside the next room.
MUSIC: Blue Destiny

You made it... my little spawn...

NO!! We are not your spawn! We are the life-forms that inhabit this planet! We are the children of Filgaia!

Think about it, my spawn...You possess the same agent as mine inside your body, and have the power to wield ARMs of dragons, just like me.

However... You are one of my inferior species who do not rank with warriors or knights. You are the descendants of those who were not granted the power of nanomachines.

Only those with power are just?

Our ethics may be the same... We take up arms and fight one another, but the difference is that I shall prevail... There is nothing different about what we do.

That's not true!

Oh, but it is... You and I are the same. We live, grow, rest and die for battle. There is no distinction or boundary between you and I. If I must bring up one difference... it is that your inferior forefathers chose to coexist with Filgaia! I am not one of them. Even if the planet itself tries to eliminate me, I shall use every ounce of my power to beat it down! For as long as I have power, I will bring Filgaia to its knees! Hwah hah hah hah hah!

To walk hand in hand, and to live the best you can is a strong bond you will never understand! I won't let you make a mockery of life!

MUSIC: The Lance of Palerider
Siegfried is fast and powerful - even faster than Pearl. Proton Beam does a decent amount of damage to a single character, Dark Spear Nemesis is a much weaker physical hit.

Sieg Impulse is one of his nastier moves, doing slightly less damage than Proton Beam but to all four characters, but Mysticing a Potion Berry is an easy enough response.

He also has Janus' old standby, Negative Rainbow.

Siegfried can also heal himself to full by using the Teardrop - the first thing I have Billy do in this battle is Pickpocket it from him.
Unfortunately he's not vulnerable to Weaken, so we have to do this the old-fashioned way. Beyond that, he's vulnerable to both Fragile and Feeble Mind, so you can get decent damage onto him however you choose to do it.
His damage can be a problem if you get careless, but at this stage in the game a boss needs to do something more complex than straight damage to really be a threat. Still, a fun boss to battle.
VIDEO: Siegfried battle
MUSIC: Impatience Leading to Trouble

Ugh... Yes... That power... The power of battle and destruction... That power you have used on me speaks, and makes us the same entity! Heh heh heh... HAH HA HAH HAHHAH!

We're not like you at all! There's a big difference between our fight and yours! We fight risking our lives to protect what's important to everyone! But your fight brings forth extinction and destruction. That's it! We're not the same as you... You're a hideous demon! Just a spirit from folklore!

Demons can't bring forth a future for the planet... The only ones who can are the ones you renounce... Humans!

It takes great power to bring forth or shun a future... And... It is only natural for humans to seek power... As long as humans have a dark and fragile heart, I will not perish... This is far from over...
There is an explosion and Siegfried vanishes.

Hey, are you guys still there? All of a sudden, the power level of all systems went way down... Did you guys do something?

We defeated the demon... Siegfried...

Hmmm... Maybe that's the reason. Anyway, retreat to your entry point. Once we're ready to make our escape, I'm blowing this Deus Ex Machina to smithereens!

Do you always have to be so rash!?

We were able to neutralize the nanomachines so there's nothing to worry about, right? Plus, we don't want something so massive crashing into a nearby town. Don't worry. I have everything under control.

Fine... We're leaving it in your hands, Maya...
MUSIC: If Tails, Despair if Heads, Hope
Time to backtrack through the entire dungeon. Once we reach the control room we find the Schrodingers waiting for us there.

Huh, looks like she's dropped her Calamity Jane persona at some point.

Hurry to the escape point. Leave the rest to us. Will you get moving already? I can't see the keyboard when you stand in my way like that.
We keep backtracking and eventually find the room where Lombardia dropped us off. As we arrive there, a cutscene shows the events in the control room.

Okay, I've just confirmed that they made it to the escape point! Once we're done setting the self-destruct system, we'll have to make our escape, too. Huh, sis?
Maya does not reply.


Yes, yes... We'd better start preparing. Everyone get ready.
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

What about you?

Listen... In order for everyone to escape, someone has to stay behind and operate the machines, right? And there's only one escape pod, so one person has to stay behind. And as the leader of the group, it's my duty to bring up the rear.

B-But... Sis!
She removes her glasses.

Hmm... There's this one gem that I really want right now... It has a beautiful blue sparkle, which doesn't even compare to the Teardrop. That's going to be our next target. I promise I'll meet up with you, so hurry on without me...

Okay... But you better... You better keep your promise!

We're still gonna go have a lot of great times together, right?

Of course. Our next target is out of this world. The gem's name is Filgaia. An aqua planet that sparkles a lustrous blue.

Milady... I have much admiration for your caliber... I had devoted this sword to the late Lord Schrodinger... But I now wish to devote it to you, Maya Schrodinger as my mistress... Please accept...

Todd Dukakis... Do you promise to subdue all obstacles that stand in our way with this sword?

Though I may be incompetent, I shall give my all for Milady!

Then, Todd... Please escort everyone to the escape point.
They obediently run for the exit.

Well, well... It's not in my nature to be looked after by everyone. Everyone risked their lives to come save me... Now it's my turn!
She punches a button, and alarms sound. Further downstairs the Schrodingers catch up with Pearl's group.

You made it! I was getting nervous there for a second.

Hey, where's Maya!?

Please wait a little bit longer! My sister will be here! I know she will!
Siegfried appears deep in the Deus Ex Machina, in a room full of inert dragons.

How can I succumb to an inferior species such as them... However, they have yet to realize the true terror behind my half flesh, half machine structure... The power I have lost can always be regained and absorbed... By the power of these Fafnir dragons, I shall become a dragoon... I will be invincible!
MUSIC: That's Just a Rumor...!
He turns to see Maya... is that a dragon's horn she's holding?
... you don't do anything by half, do you Maya?

Oh, I see... Not only can dragons fight as their own entity, but they can also be combined into armaments. Your bodily structure sure is handy, isn't it? But I'm not gonna let you have it your way.

Why do you waste your life by returning to the field of death?

A Fafnir horn... Clever... In my weakened state, you might actually be able to defeat me... But how do you plan to control it? You may be able to handle typical ARMs, but it will take a spirit on par with my half flesh, half machine structure.

Now I see... You, yourself, are a spirit generator that cannot be rivaled by any demons...

Even an idiot would have figured that out... I'll make you regret you even met me!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! EAT THIS!!
Everything explodes, and Maya is left alone in the hangar.

Oh, no... I may be too late... But this was the only way... The only way for everyone to escape safely... It... It never crossed my mind until now, but am I going to die? It all seems surreal...
She spots the paperback book Pearl returned to her.

Wish I had finished reading it...
Rocks fall as the screen fades to white. The explosions are apparently heard downstairs.


My sister will come...
Nope, she's not dead! Though it looks like Maya's still in great peril. Bursts of fire block the corridor she was escaping through, but...

She turns into Wonder Witch and freezes the area.

The roof above her collapses but she turns into the Fighting Artist and kicks her way through it.

The 'Disaster Girl of the Wasteland' never quits! And neither will I! As the protagonist, Martha Jane Connery, I will make it out of here through hell or high water!

Everyone piles into Lombardia, and she transforms into Dragon mode.

Prepare the Gun Blaster! We're getting outta here!
Lombardia apparently blows a hole in the wall to escape, despite there being an entry hole directly behind her. Well, whatever works for you I guess.
Outside Deus Ex Machina, Lombardia turns to look over the facility again, and Pearl notices something.

A giggle is heard.

The Deus Ex Machina explodes, but something flies out of the smoke.
MUSIC: The Lance of Palerider

The strong will dominate the weak! Overruling this premise signifies the denial of the future! Seeking battle and victory, I wish to continue the existence of the human race!

Enough with your selfish gibberish! Everyone's crying out for justice over your evil ambition!

Justice!? You tickle me with your dull sword! A sword is only as sharp as its wielder! You honestly think you can pierce my desires with that!?

I've been on the side of justice all along! I don't want to look back anymore... Justice will guide me forward!
What? Did someone call me?
The second Lombardia boss battle, and not all that different from the first. Dragna Sieg puts out about the same damage and has much more HP than the Wyvern, but he's not hard at all.
The biggest threat is going to be mistiming Mighty might. Since he has a lot more HP, it's possible to fail to kill Dragna Sieg before that wears off. Once it drops you become incredibly vulnerable and he's free to whale on you for something like five turns, so you can be put in great danger there. I prefer to whittle him down for a while and use Mighty Might toward the end of the battle to turn a likely killing blow into a certain one.
As long has Mighty Might hasn't dropped though, his damage is pretty sad.
After battering him for a while, Lombardia pulls up alongside Dragna Sieg.
MUSIC: Gun-Equipped Cavalry

Now's our chance!

Combine our forces with Lombardia's! Focus on one point!

May all our mistakes and sins burn in the flames of atonement, and light the way to our future!
To be fair Doc, they were mainly Pearl's mistakes and Boone's sins.

May our swords vanquish the darkness!
Lombardia uses her breath attack, and blows Dragna Sieg out of the sky.

Hwah hah hah hah... You consider that a sword of justice...? Your sword is dull... much too dull... One day, that blade will turn against you...
... the game never shows it, but I assume he explodes or crashes and dies here, because he never turns up in the story again. Kinda strange that we don't get an explosion though.
I suppose a plume of smoke will suffice.
MUSIC: Walking into the Heart of the Sunset's Light
(It's over... We won, right...? ... Even though the sword of justice may be dull, it can and will pierce if we believe firmly, right...?)

Well, we've done our part. We'd better get going...

What, like now!?

We're going after our next prize. See ya.

Our next target is going to be quite a venture, and it may take some time.

Heh, at least I'll be entertained for a while.

So... After being coaxed in by Granny, we came this far and ended up saving the world. Let's go back to Baskar to cash in, big time!

Never did I imagine our encounter on the train would lead to this...

Even though the four of us met by coincidence... and had our own reasons and motives... we were able to accomplish a goal together...

I don't think fate had anything to do with it! We did it by our own free will! Okay then, let's all report back to Halle!
They walk away, and Billy falls behind the rest of the group. Pearl slows down to stick by him.

Hey, come on! We're going back as a team, right?

A team...? Is that what we are?


Yeah...I guess...
Sorry Billy, you can't leave. Pearl will NEVER let you leave. YOU'RE HERE FOREVER.

Pearl pauses and looks up at the clouds.

A team always sticks together... Right, Daddy...?
A prompt to save, now? We just finished the game, didn't we? Must be some postgame stuff...
By the way, it now takes 23 seconds to read the memory cards. (81 saves)
End sequence time!

MUSIC: A Party So Long as the Stars Exist
The party in Baskar Colony seems pretty low-key - Boone plays the guitar while people sit around and celebrate. Only Billy is sitting off to the side by himself.

After a while, Harold - one of the tribal elders - gets up to do a little dance.
VIDEO: Harold dances for you

It's just as embarrassing as you might expect.

Something starts glowing in the sky.
If those are nanomachines, I hope Billy did a really good job rendering them inert...

After a while, Pearl heads off to seek some solitude.

(So peaceful... It's hard to believe we were fighting so frantically moments ago... It just doesn't seem real... I can't believe a cub Drifter like me got involved in a battle over Filgaia and won with the help of many comrades... I fought to save the world... Maybe it's natural that it doesn't feel real... I mean, this was like a fantasy straight out of a picture book...)

Then, what kind of things do seem real? ... Nothing comes to mind... I guess these things aren't supposed to...

Hey, havin' fun!? The star of the party shouldn't be sittin' out here by herself.

Yeah... My face was getting all hot. I just needed to cool off.

Oh, okay... By the way, have you seen Shane? He's been gone for a while...

Shane? No, I haven't seen him. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Billy, either.
I wonder where they went?

Yeah, you're right...

I'll help you look.
Pearl jumps off the rock and stumbles slightly.

Umph... Looks like I'm okay.

Hey, have you been drinking!?

Hah hah! Whatever!
What happened to your love for "grub and ale" Boone? You ARE becoming your granny!
Oh, and you'd think that if they can make three avatars of Pearl piloting Lombardia, they could make one of a drunk Pearl.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the village...

I knew it!

There you are... I'm not too comfortable with festive occasions, myself...

You sure are amazing... We're about the same age, and you fought to protect Filgaia...

All I did was tag along with some pretty skilled guys, and that was the outcome. A battle to save the human race? Pshhhh... I ain't qualified for that...

I didn't have a single memory of the planet I wanted to protect...

But even so, you fought, and emerged victorious.

I have been raised to act as a pillar to protect this planet. But all I do is relay divine revelations from my dreams... That's all... It is my duty to protect the planet, yet I can't do anything about it. I guess the only thing we have in common is that neither of us have any memories of this planet.

No... memories...?

I have been raised as a pillar. Therefore, my life centers around this colony here. The only other outside world I know is the outskirts of the colony, and maybe a few shrines... The rest, I just use my imagination based on the stories of Filgaia my brother tells me. I don't know anything about this Filgaia I'm supposed to protect. So in that sense, I have no memories of this planet. Do you think that one day, I, too, will be able to risk my life and fight for the planet as you and my brother did?

You can't avoid battles when the enemy comes right at you. And as long as you're not scared, your body will react naturally. That is if you have no reason to back off... That's what it means to fight. As long as you have the will to move forward, anyone can fight. Actually, maybe you fight to move forward...
Pearl is wandering about, calling for the two boys.

Here comes the loudmouth. I'd leave now if I were you.
Billy quickly leaves, but Shane stays. After a moment he looks up, and suddenly sees something in the sky.

Dream child...
This... doesn't look good.
After a moment Pearl finds him.

Oh, there you are. Your brother was looking for you.

Are you alone? Anyone else with you? That's funny... Where could Billy be?

Um... Pearl...?

What's wrong? Do you feel sick? Then you should...


Y-Yes!? <hiccup>

I am all right now. I will do whatever I must do to fulfill my destiny! I will protect this planet!!
Shane walks past her, and leaves town.

Did he have too much to drink?
Pearl does not realize it yet, but the train of plot just jumped the tracks and is going to drag the entire game down into the Canyon of Silliness. Yes, even moreso than usual. And it's...
Next Time: Someone does something really stupid, and it's not Pearl.
A Day A Day

Today is March 30, Ghost Day. I've been thinking about what the difference between a ghost and a guardian is all day long. And I've come up with a major discovery! It's all right to have a guardian of a ghost, but there can be no ghost of a guardian.