Part 43: Sacrificial Altar
Last time, Siegfried and the Deus Ex Machina went down for the final time, ending his threat to Filgaia. With that over with, surely the dramatics are over and people can settle down for a period of peace?Hahaha no.
Update 43: Suicide is Pointless
A new chapter brings a new intro movie. This time it shows the Schrodingers...

and the mystery girl who's been turning up in various weird places.

Here's the video. This time, I've used the English version of Advanced Wind that appears on the Japanese soundtrack.
Well, I should say Engrish version. It's quite different from the song in the English versions of the game.
VIDEO: Chapter 4 Intro

MUSIC: From Beyond
The morning after the party, Pearl awakes to find everyone's upset about something.

Probably because you would have done something stupid and irresponsible wi... oh.
Never mind.

Hint hint hint

What? Your grandson is about to go kill himself (for god knows what reason) and you don't even care?

It's not you, Mrs "Welp my grandson wants to die so I'll let him."

It's out of the way, but before heading to the Sacrificial Altar I stopped by at the Secret Garden to pick up the harvest.
While I was there I managed to breed Full Carrots to 100%. One more part of this game broken. That just leaves Mega Berries, Holy Root and Tiny Flower to go.

The Sacrificial Altar is directly north of the Colony, in the center of some plains that are only accessible by air. How Shane got here is anyone's guess... I suppose the Hydra gave him a lift?

MUSIC: Wings Ensnared with Rusted Chains

Shane's picked a pretty murky and dark temple.

The first barrier in our way is this huge pit. There are pillars up the middle though, and if we move some blocks into position...

We can galecrest across.

There's a sealed door in the next room that leads to this treasure room. Inside: a Mini Carrot and a Growth Egg.

These rooms contain four doors, four pairs of torches, (which start off lit) and the following clue:
The phoenix's wings act as your guide. Extinguish all the flames and let them be. The flames will eventually lead you.
Extinguishing the torches and waiting for about ten seconds causes one pair to relight - this marks the door to head through.
After passing through a few of these rooms, we finally catch up with Shane.

MUSIC: The Barriers Blocking Your Way

You want the power to fight? Just ask for a medium or something! I mean, nobody's really using Lucky Hand or anything...

You understand that you're in a place where you're going to need to sacrifice yourself, right?

Well, so that he has time to get power so he can help his brother fight, Shane summons a deadly monster and makes his brother fight it.
Wait a...

MUSIC: Blood, Tears, and the Dried-Up Wasteland
I'm going to look stupid saying this after complaining in my last few posts that the game is too easy, but the bosses in this update took me by surprise. I suppose Siegfried lulled me into a false sense of security. The Hydra has two attacks and a heal.

Hydra Combination is its physical attack - the damage isn't great, but it also poisons.
Maelstrom is its magical attack - it hits everyone for some nasty water damage - Pearl took 936 at one point. I confess I actually got careless and let Pearl die because I underestimated this attack (it's a generic arcana used by many enemies) and wasn't watching HP.

It can also heal itself. While the number in that shot may not look impressive, at the start of battle it can actually heal itself for all its health.
Its healing power is degraded the more you cast fire-elemental arcana on it though, so after a few castings it'll be less impressive, and you can get it down to 0 with enough casts.
It's not actually weak to Fire though - its weakness is to Ice. Once its healing is under control, exploiting that can bring it to a quick end.
Shane is long gone by that time though.

Bombing this crack in the wall opens the way to a treasure room with a Potion Berry, a Lucky Card and a Talisman guarded by four Imitators.
The Talisman gives the Resurrection PS, which grants up to a 12.5% chance of automatically reviving when killed. It's four levels and four points per level though, so I wouldn't say it's worth it.
The description suggests it is an additional chance to revive, which suggests characters always have a slim chance to revive, but I have NEVER witnessed that so until I hear otherwise it's a dirty lie.

A couple of rooms later, we come to this apparent dead-end.
The white breath shall vanquish the darkness, and expose the path.

Sweeping the Freezer Doll's spray across the pit reveals the path, but it fades away after a few seconds.

We have to carefully walk around, using the freezer doll to map out the next few platforms.
I like this room. It's not like its brother in the final dungeon, which is a horrible room... but I guess I'll get to that piece of hell when I get there.

MUSIC: The Barriers Blocking Your Way


Shane has summoned a palette-swap! Another boss that took me by surprise, too.

Its most important ability is Flaming Zone, which boosts Fire damage while reducing Ice damage. All its damage is fire and its weakness is Ice, so that's inconvenient.
But still, the Ice weakness is still worth exploiting, right? I have Boone attach Ice elemental damage to the entire party.

I forgot about his counterattack.

The weakness is a trap. He'll counter all Ice damage with this very powerful attack.

He can also use Volcannon Trap for significant damage.
With my hubris now in check, I started taking this seriously. Billy's Fire Ward is activated, (like it always should have been) making him virtually invulnerable to the enemy's attacks. I let him and Doc keep their Ice attachment, but get ready with the Potion Berries.
Shame I don't have more Fire Wards, but with a little care the rest of the battle goes smoothly.
VIDEO: Salamandra battle
Yeah, I could have done it better. Considering this video my penance for my overconfidence.

MUSIC: Only You Can Cross Your Own Barriers

Kid if you start turning people into stone statues I am gonna be pissed.

Shane falls to his knees. Boone rushes up to help him, but is knocked back by an invisible wall.

"I want to fight alongside you! So I'll unleash a dangerous power so I can fight with you! But since I can't control the power I'll kill myself to stop it! That will somehow let me protect Filgaia by endangering it!"
... Shane, I know the demonic possession can be rough, but did you think this through for even one second?

Afraid nothin'! You are downright eager!

MUSIC: If You Realize the Strength to Break These Chains, then...

... I mentioned this the first time we saw him, but it's moments like this that make me think Shane was originally supposed to be the girl-next-door for Boone or something.
The extremely stupid girl-next-door.

The Surge of Gaia slowly dies away.

MUSIC: That Which One Aspires to and Seizes
With the contrived and stupid crisis resolved, everyone heads outside. Hey, look who it is!

Pearl finally got to hug her daddy!
But before everyone can get too happy...

it gets dark all of a sudden.

MUSIC: Succubus Princess

She turns into static and vanishes. Light returns to the area.

MUSIC: Impatience Leading to Trouble
Back at Baskar Colony, Shane is being given some bed rest.

Doc does not seem to like that idea.

MUSIC: You Look Defeated when Sad

He's got a point... on the other hand, the thing is full of demons.
Before the argument can progress any further, the entire village shakes violently.

MUSIC: A Needle in the Heart, Broken and Washed Away
Outside, a huge pillar of light appears over the dunes.

Lets do that next time!
P.S. I misremembered the events in this update last time, and blamed Shane for everything that's coming up. Turns out it's not his fault.
He's still bloody stupid though.
Next Time: The Previous Game Reference Pillar
But first, a bit about Beatrice.
It may seem that the final enemy of the game comes out of nowhere, in the great tradition of crappy JRPG villains. This is mostly true, but in her defense she's been hinted at frequently throughout the game and been brazenly onscreen a few times, following us about. It won't mean anything on first playthrough of course, it's just a bonus if you replay.
Here's a little selection of her appearances.
Update 8

Seen in background, being harassed by Romero and Dario. She apparently shocks them while Janus talks to Pearl.
Update 17
You can read about her in Duran's Diary in the Leyline Observatory.
Duran's Diary posted:
She came by again last night. Whenever I'm lost in my labyrinth of contemplation, she reaches out her tiny hands...
Who is she? Actually it may be wrong to define her as a real person. As long as I don't tie myself down with logic, she is just she...
I'm at a point where I can't live without her anymore... I can't continue my research without her... I can't concentrate...
I want to know more about her. I'm more interested in her than I am in learning the mechanics of the generator.
You are still fuckin' creepy, man.
Update 18

Seen wandering around the first time you visit Uncle Gob under Humphrey's Peak
Update 23

Near the well when Janus is threatening to flatten Boot Hill. There's also a book that alludes to her powers in one of the buildings.
Another World posted:
The human brain does not make use of its full potential. There is another world that can still be tapped from the brain. It is possible to study how the brain works through electric signals. The brain is a sea of electric signals where thoughts, memories, and dreams are all merely electric signals reacting.
There have been extreme cases where the memory media of information possess a structure similar to the memory storage area of the brain. Therefore, it can be said that dreams are electric signals connecting to the brain, just like projecting an image on screen.
Perhaps with further research, it may become possible for the brain to act as the media itself, receiving signals from other external sources. Developing this other world of the brain has just begun. I believe this may open up infinite possibilities.
Update 30

Seen lurking about at the back of Laxisland.
Update 33

Beatrice's giggle is heard just before Humbaba attacks, and at several other points when the drifters or Prophets are discussing something.
Update 39

And of course, her presence becomes obvious once she breaks Malik's mind by reviving his mother.
She can also be seen from the chicken coop in Claiborne and Pearl's balcony in Boot Hill. (and on the balcony in Gunner's Heaven, thanks for the reminder meteor9)
A Day A Day