Part 44: Demondor Pillar
Last time, Shane did something stupid and only the power of brotherhood could prevent it from becoming something deadly.But the villain has revealed herself, and caused a disturbance out to the southeast.
Update 44: Asimov's first law - Don't Be A Whiner

As Shane said, the disturbance - the Demondor Pillar - is located at the end of the peninsula southeast of the colony.

MUSIC: Wings Ensnared with Rusted Chains
The creepy interior of the tower seems to mix biological and mechanical architecture. Pearl doesn't seem to care for it.

We'll frequently come across spires like these. If they're cracked, a bomb is enough to break them. If they're not, they must be frozen and heated to make them crack, then blown up.

Wow this room is annoying.
We obviously need to use the changecrest to teleport over to where that white gem is, but neither of the nearby platforms are at the right height to hit it.

It takes some trial and error, but if you find the exact right spot on the stairs, you can blindly fling a changecrest at the right height to hit the gem.

By the way, there seem to be a LOT of Ambush and Danger! battles down here, and they LOVED picking on Billy. I don't usually spend points on Eagle Eye, but I gave him it just to stop the constant Danger! battles.

This room is fun. Moving platforms, and a number of floating white gems.

The platforms get much faster as you go, but if you have good timing you can easily cross.

Once in this big empty arena, we find the first boss of this dungeon.

MUSIC: Blood, Tears and the Typical Boss Theme
Don't know exactly what this is, but he's a decent battle.

Screaming Mad - a dark-elemental attack - returns.

Phantom Hazard's back too - also dark damage, hits all. You know, I think the last time I saw these two together was back with the Ring Keeper. Memories...

He also automatically heals himself when dealt physical damage, which can put a crimp in Doc and Billy's damage.
He has loads of elemental resists, so Dark Lucied might be powerful here. However he also has a weakness to Light Damage which we can fully exploit. He won't heal off of Light damage, so once it is Attached to Billy and Doc they can fire freely and bring him down quickly.
... and of course, there is an even easier and faster way to destroy him.
VIDEO: Gespenst Ganked

MUSIC: The Barriers Blocking Your Way

You'd think the clone of an ENTIRE PLANET could have a bit more self respect. That's the closest thing to being a god you'll get in this kind of game.

Pearl forces the two of them to break up.

And you are shouting at the others about this because...?


Right now your reason to live is to throw a boomerang at this hidden gem so we can get into the next room. After that, you're on your own.

Snakes circle around these platforms, and you need pretty good timing to get past them without getting hit and knocked off the walkway.

The lower platform is too far away to just jump onto, but if Pearl Galecrests off the walkway she skips over the first part of the gap and then falls onto the platform. The chests contain a Gimel Coin and the Power Boost, gear that increases your damage when at critical health. Like most other SOS-type PS, I'm not too fond of it but in certain situations it's great - especially combined with Valiant.

Galecresting is used again to cross this gap - using the sneakers on the jump pad takes you the rest of the way.

MUSIC: Only You Can Cross Your Own Barriers
The next room contains this strange looking... face?

Pearl aims her ARMs at the device, but Doc does not agree and steps in front of her.

Before he can finish, a pink barrier appears behind him and knocks everyone away from the device.

This doesn't seem like an unreasonable request. Unfortunately the method for making such a thing... not so reasonable.

Oh fu...
Forget about this guy?

Asgard walks straight past the Drifters and gives the barrier a mighty whack. It drops instantly.

He then reaches right past Beatrice and places a hand on the device, frying it.

ONE demondor pillar? There's more?

With that, Beatrice teleports away.


MUSIC: Crossfire Sequence

In previous fights with Asgard, he's fought very defensively - using his skills to reduce and nullify damage.
Not this time. This time he's in all-out-attack mode.

Barrier Storm does a ton of damage - well over a thousand for everyone, and much more for Billy with his weak magic resistance. Though the damage can be very random.

Barrier Flood is also powerful, as it takes off 50% of all characters' current HP. Though it's not so bad as it cannot kill you, and he seems to use this the most often.
He can also instantly kill the party, so you might want those Fallen Wards.

With this in mind, I loaded characters up with SOS skills, including the new SOS Power Boost for Doc, and cast Valiant on everyone.

Not bad I guess. A little bit on the disappointing side.

To safely keep Doc at low health without needing to heal him, I had Billy cast Distortion. The shield it offers does not bring them out of critical or reduce the boost Valiant offers.
... looking at it in hindsight, I was really being reckless in this fight. He could have killed the entire party with a single Barrier Storm. Lucky...
VIDEO: Asgard

MUSIC: The Barriers Blocking Your Way

MUSIC: If You Relize the Strength to Break These Chains, then...

I have to give him credit, that is not a bad

With that, he disintegrates.
Farewell, Asgard. In the end, you were a pretty cool guy.

Pearl puts out her hand to shake Billy's, and he almost accepts but...

he thinks he's too cool for her or something.

And so some of Billy's personal issues were resolved, but...

Doc doesn't seem too happy about something.

Outside, while the Drifters are leaving the pillar, the ground begins to quake again.

Next Time: An obligatory joke about anal
One thing I'll cover though...
Why is Doc three levels above everyone else?
As of the end of the Asgard fight, Pearl is level 49 and almost 50, Billy and Boone are level 50 and Doc is level 53. How come?
It's all to do with the PS he has equipped. Every time a PS activates in battle, the character using it gets a 10% bonus to his XP for that battle. Doc has several PS that activate very frequently.
Depending on the situation and his level of Luck, there's a chance Weakness, Critical Hit and Def-Null can activate when he attacks. Auto Reload can activate when he runs out of bullets.
Most importantly, FP Plus will activate every time he earns FP without fail. And he earns FP every time he attacks or is attacked.
For that reason I end up with XP multipliers like this...

and he just runs away with the levels.
A Day A Day