Part 45: Demondor Pillar - Rear
Last time, Asgard and Billy had a chat and solved most of Billy's personal problems. It's about time.
The drifters also destroyed the Demondor Pillar's link to Hyades, though Doc did
not seem too happy about that.
After that, there was another siesmic event near Humphrey's Peak...
Update 45: Up the Back Passage (obligation met

MUSIC: From Beyond
The normal residents of Humphrey's Peak definitely noticed something's up.

(This surge is even more powerful than before... I feel an evil presence through the Ark Scepter... No, this is much too big... I'm sure the townsfolk are feeling this, as well.)

: What is this strange presence I feel?

I just saw a huge pillar of life appear in the
southeast. What do you suppose that is?

That's what we're here to check out.

We'll take care of it! So please, don't panic!
Four people live here, not counting Doc's family. I'm not sure a panic would be a huge problem anyway.
Oh wait, Uncle Gob. I guess they might blame the "evil gob" and murder him. Serves him right for being so picky about maps.

Doc ignores everything and heads straight for his house.


What's wrong? You're not yourself...

Forgive me...

Hey! Are you all right?

I... cannot fight alongside you... I... have lost the will... to fight...

I understand that the Demondor Pillar is a terrible, dangerous device that summons monsters... Even still, I would like to analyze the Demondor Pillar and investigate what's beyond it -- Hyades... I am not worthy enough to fight shoulder to shoulder with you all, for the sake of this planet... For the sake of Filgaia...

You don't need to be worthy to fight - just a reason to live... At least that's what I've come to realize...

Then, please... give me a reason... I've kept my oath to my professor, and have searched and searched for the cause of Filgaia's decay... And from there, I took to the wasteland as a Drifter in search of a way to revitalize the environment... I have discovered the cause of Filgaia's decay, but as for revitalizing the world's environment... I am at a complete loss. All I can think of... is relying on the wisdom stored within Hyades.
And studies show that people who do that tend to fuck up spectacularly.


Deep down... I know what must be done, now... And I know how I've been bound by the chains of the past... But the truth is... I do not have the strength to break them...
There is a bang from outside. With no time to lose the others nod to each other, and turn to leave. Pearl waits for a second.

We're going to press on... I know you'll be right behind us. I believe in you!

You must track down the cause of Filgaia's decay... And find a way to rejuvenate Filgaia to its original state. When you and Catherine become parents, won't you want your children to have a safe and bright future?

(Professor... What am I supposed to do...? This assignment is far to great for me...)
Back with Pearl and the others, we need to ask around just a little to find our next target.

I wasn't the only one who saw the mysterious light coming from the
<<hills>> to the southeast!

: In order to reach those hills, you would need to take a mountain path far southwest of here. What kind of disaster is waiting to happen in a deserted place like that!?
It certainly is out of the way. The target is located here, on this rough ground Lombardia can't land on near the Abyss.

To reach it, you need to land on this patch of smooth ground southwest of it and summon horses.

You can then ride along this narrow mountain path to reach the Demondor Pillar - Rear.

The rear entrance is much like the front entrance, but it has tougher enemies and now we're down to three party members. (and that rat Doc kept all his mediums.
The thing I miss the most is his armor-piercing damage though, as these guys have good defenses.

Pearl needs to changecrest across this gap.

The next room introduces these strange pillar monsters. They hurt if you walk into them, and react differently to a number of different tools. The Freezer Doll freezes them solid, the Tindercrest kills them outright, and the Boomerang makes them retreat into their holes and act as little platforms Billy can jump on to with the Sneakers.
Which is how you get up to the higher platform and reach the door.

Oh hey, stepping up onto this raised platform doesn't seem like a terrible ide...

... oh.

Oh, no!

It ain't gonna do us any good panicking...

Oh, man... Something's coming! We're already packed like sardines, here...

MUSIC: Blood, Tears and the Dried-Up Wasteland
Nebiros is a very considerate boss.
How do you wish to die?
Drown in a tidal wave.
Get smashed to bits by a hurricane.
Get crushed and swallowed by the earth
Burn to death in agony.
Burning to death would be quickest, right? No? Well, I have more fire wards than anything else so I'll say that anyway.

At the start of each turn he'll ask the question again and use an appropriate attack. The thing is, each time he asks he only offers three options, so the choice you're best protected against may not be offered, and he can do a lot of damage. (and I left the medium with Protect on Doc...)
Pick the choices you're best protected against and you'll win out in the end.
VIDEO: Nebiros battle

MUSIC: The Barriers Blocking Your Way
After beating the boss, Beatrice warps in.

How dare you still defy me!

Pearl runs toward Beatrice, but bangs her head on the curved roof of the dome like a dumbass.

Ten years... No, I have been eagerly waiting one hundred years... This time for sure, I'll see to it that I secure my own planet...

I have an idea... Let's do something

What do you mean!?

You will be an offering to the monsters summoned by the Demondor Pillar... Think of all the fun and excitement you can have in there... Fear is the best medicine to loosen your heart, and extract your memories...
Looks bad. Meanwhile, back at the house...

Oh, it's you, Kaitlyn...How long have you been here?

How long are you going to sit there, Daddy?
MUSIC: You Look Defeated when Sad

Daddy... can't work with them any more.
Kaitlyn looks down for a moment.

Daddy... Is your job to find out about old stuff? Or is it to beat up the bad guys?

My job from now on is to protect you and your mother. That's why I'll be here from now on... Right by your side, Kaitlyn.

Is that your new job, Daddy?


If that's your job, you get paid money, right? But I don't have money, so I'll give you my most favoritest thing...
MUSIC: Night of the Legends

Do you remember this, Daddy? You bought me this ribbon when I was really little. It's filled with lots and lots of memories of you and Mommy. It's my most favoritest thing.

It's my most favoritest thing, so... so... protect all my favoritest people, too... Daddy, Mommy, your friends, our neighbors and everyone in the whole wide world...
Doc silently stares at it for a while.

Is the ribbon not enough?

Oh, Kaitlyn... That's plenty. It's more than enough. Protecting you, your mother, and everyone else is more than enough reason to live... and to fight. Why... Why couldn't I figure out something so simple?

Kaitlyn, you hold onto this ribbon and protect it. This ribbon also has many of Daddy's important memories of you. Take good care of it.
Doc heads straight for the door, and meets Catherine coming in.

Honey, what's wrong?

I have both you and Kaitlyn. And I have this moment. In order to bring forth another moment tomorrow, the day after, and in the future, I must go!

Kaitlyn! Make sure you only have one important thing from now on!
MUSIC: Gun-Equipped Cavalry

Take me to the others, Lombardia!
Did I ever mention Doc is my favorite character?

MUSIC: Soaked Through With Fear
In the trap, Pearl and Boone are trying to break down the walls. It is futile.

You'd be better off saving your energy. Our team - how many of us are we? You believe in him, don't you? Then let's believe until the end...
MUSIC: Only You Can Cross Your Own Barriers

It's been quite some time since the activation... I just hope they're all right...
Doc can't changecrest across the gap like Pearl did, but some nearby spires can be blown up with a bomb, leading to an alternate route.

He can still get into battles, but thankfully he meets smaller groups of enemies, and although their defense is high he can use Lock On to bypass it.

He quickly comes across a strange device. All it takes is the right bomb in the right place to free the other group.
We can now control both groups, using the tool-selection menu to switch between characters. The door out of here is locked, and coloured yellow.

Moving Doc onto the yellow pressure plate opens that yellow door. However he is trapped here, since he can't open the blue door and go through it by himself.

Thankfully Pearl soon finds a blue plate she can stond on to let Doc through, and he can move on and find a yellow plate to open Pearl's next door with, and so on and so forth. The treasure chests contain a Lucky Card and a Revive Fruit. Doc also finds 25000 gella and a Potion Berry, and Pearl finds Adventure 8 and a Gella Card later on.

Hitting the gem is a matter of freezing the pillar monster, then throwing a boomering at the pillar - it'll bounce off and fall on the gem.

Eventually Pearl will reach a room with three colours of switches. The only door in Doc's way is a red one, so sitting on that will let him through.

Sorry to keep you waiting!

You're late! But I'll let it slide.


Forgive me... I am not in a position to ask this, but I would like to ask for your help one more time. I need your help to destroy the Demondor Pillar. Please, just for now... as a comrade of yours...

Don't be so selfish! 'One more time?' 'Just for now?' Who do you think we are!?
MUSIC: That Which One Aspires to and Seizes

We're a team! And a team always sticks together... Isn't that right?

Now that you understand, let's all go together!
Doc can now place these three boxes on the three switches. Once this is done a secret passage opens up. A treasure chest inside gives us a real treat - a Prism Crown.
This gear gives a guardian the Elemental Ward PS, which for a mere 16 PS points gives complete immunity to all eight elements. A real bargain. Pearl will get this one.

The next room is a bit of a maze, and snakes loop around the walkways to knock unwary drifters into the pit.
The red pillar monster is immune to tindercrests and boomerangs, but bombs will kill it for a few seconds.

To open the door we have to destroy the transparent pillar in the centre, but bombs and tindercrests do nothing. However, it can be frozen, and once that's done three bombs can shatter it.

The next room contains the control device.

Everyone gets out their ARMs, but Doc runs ahead.


Allow me to put an end to this...
MUSIC: If You Realize the Strength to Break These Chains, then...

Memories are like building blocks that keep piling up... Great memories you want to hold onto, sad memories you want to forget... They just keep piling up and are meant to continue rising so that you can bring forth a new tomorrow. I finally understand now... It is all clear to me... Memories are not meant to be chains that bind you to the past!
He fires. One shot is all it takes to stop the device.

My chains have been severed. I am now determined to fight for the life that exists today, and for the planet. I owe this all to you, and to all who support me.

I'm sure everybody has the power to break the chains... But I'm glad we were able to help you realize that...

Yes... You, my friends, and my family have all supported me dearly.

Sorry to throw a damper, but we've got a problem...
Mist has started to pour out of the device.

It appears this Demondor Pillar is independent from others... Even though the receiver device has been destroyed, it hasn't suspended all its functions...
There's a door upstairs, behind the device. Inside...

MUSIC: Succubus Princess
A room that would be perfect for an insane boss battle, if only one existed here.

You called backup to bail you out? Shrewd humans...

Humans are not necessarily a strong race. That is why we know how to change weakness into strength. We are at a point of no return - we have been brought to bay... Our only choice is to be strong and hang on.

Well that goes for me, too. It's not like I have many chances to create my own world...

Create... another Filgaia...?

My last opportunity was ten years ago, when I used the Yggdrasil System... I gave one of the programmers a dream and controlled his spirit, but it ended in
<<failure>> at the last minute.

I probably didn't have a chance anyway, since the System was designed to rejuvenate Filgaia, not create it... It couldn't handle the overload of output and went berserk. Plus, the System's data bank lacked the necessary information to create the planet. Can you guess where the Yggdrasil System tried to supplement this missing information?

From people's minds... The malfunctioning Yggdrasil thought it could feed off people's memories for the planet's structural data... The reason nobody has any recollection of the moment of Filgaia's decay is because it was devoured by Yggdrasil.
And there you have it, the reason why everyone lost their memories ten years ago. Yggdrasil hoovered them up while trying to figure out what it should be creating.
I'd be fine with it if it didn't fall for the "copying data is the same as deleting it" fallacy Hollywood movies about hackers use. Use CTRL-C not CTRL-X, idiots.

If that really happened ten years ago... Then why does my father still remember the System breakdown, when he was involved in the middle of it all!?

Is this the father you're referring to?


How outrageous of him to think he could seal the Hyades by faking electric signals.

No... What did you do to my father?

This time for sure, I will create my own Filgaia. I have learned much from the Yggdrasil mistake ten years ago - I have a new plan to create my own planet... The Yggdrasil System's generator I have obtained has been adjusted to create this new world. And the missing structural data is taken from people's

Not just memories that exist in their minds... But also memories of the original Filgaia embedded genetically... But the thing is... in order to extract memories, I needed to take off the hoops from the minds to make them defenseless...

That's why I created the Demondor Pillar, to create monsters and install fear inside people's hearts... But you... Forget it... I'll take care of this personally... I'll make humans perform their miserable last dance in the castle of dreams...
With that, she teleports away.

People's memories are about to be deprived again... just like ten years ago... Daddy...
MUSIC: Stopping a Deluge with One's Palms

'Looking for a shortcut can lead you astray...' But still...

I have no idea where we should go to save your father... We're in a real fix here!

When the dream-demon showed us his image, did you notice a tiny flower resting by his side? That flower might be a clue to his whereabouts. Like the area surrounding Yggdrasil, maybe?

Hmm... He did not appear to be outdoors... Perhaps he is in the care of somebody...?

A tiny flower resting by Daddy's side? Was it a white flower...? Then...

Does something come to mind? Knowing Werner, he may have very well used the flower as a clue to his whereabouts!

Well... Uhh... The white flower does ring a bell, but I can't pinpoint what... White flower... Tiny, white flower...

That tiny white flower is Mom's favorite flower. And the person who would sometimes place it on her grave was... Let's go to Boot Hill. There must be some kind of message from my father waiting for us there.
Next Time: It's kind of a dick move.
A Day A Day

Today is April 3, Fate Day. I sought to seek my fate today, so I picked a leaf of Agastia, but all that was written on it was 'Better luck next time.' Does it mean the answer was scratched off when I picked the leaf?

Today is April 4, Vigor Day. What is vigor? Vigor is... I've gained strength! ...But it was just my imagination!! That is all! As the Drifter defeated the evil alien, she shouted those very words. Today is the day that battle was fought.