Part 57: Final Final Boss and Ending
Update 57: A World Beyond the HorizonFINAL BOSS BATTLE: NEGA FILGAIA PHASE 10

MUSIC: The End of the Beginning
If it's a nightmare you seek, then a nightmare you'll get...

One that never ends, and one you cannot wake from. Rot in my endless nightmare!!
Apparently this is what the "life force" of a world looks like.
I'd say it's a good thing they forced Billy to take a human form.

A rather strange fight, this!
He's weak against all kinds of elements... but not for long.

First thing to remember - GREAT DRIFTERS STEAL

There it is!
EX File Keys found: 15/15

On his turn, he will summon one of four tentacles to help him out. He'll also summon the corresponding tentacles early if you hit him with elemental damage, so don't do that.
Each tentacle attacks for him, as well as removing two of his elemental weaknesses and giving him a stat buff. These advantages are removed when the tentacle is destroyed, but if you hit him with elemental damage after they're gone he'll re-summon them. So don't do that.

I suspect this name is mistranslated, as some other tentacles have names that come from plant genus, but Oricoflagamus only seems to turn up in webpages about Wild Arms 3. I'm no botanist so I have no idea what it should be, correct me if you know.
EDIT: Spacebard and Polsy tracked it down! It should be Orychophragmus, a family of plants that includes Chinese Violet Cress. Yup, we're being attacked by cress.
Its presence removes Nega Filgaia's Water and Dark weaknesses, and gives its magical power a boost. (which is bad as when it starts attacking, Nega Filgaia exclusively uses magic and is quite mean with it)

It attacks every turn with Sediment of the Styx, wherein it floods the arena with dark water and tries to drown us. It does both Dark and Water damage to everyone, though apparently being warded against only one element is enough to reduce the damage from both.

Named after a genus of plants that includes Mayweed and Chamomile. Yeah it sounded a bit more formidable before I told you that. Just remember it's a huge root that's longer than 10 Boones.
It removes Nega Filgaia's Earth and Ice weaknesses, and boosts its DEF.

Hrimthurs' Eternal Ice Wall - I'm not sure what Chamomile has to do with the guy who built the walls of Asgard. (he got totally cheated by the way)
Still, this deals both ice and earth damage.

What's a Krukmer? No idea. Regardless, it removes his Light and Thunder weaknesses and improves magic resistance.

Apocalypse's Thunderclap is its attack, dealing both Light and Thunder damage to the whole party.

Another genus of flowers, this one contains orchids. And we all know what orchids do: remove weaknesses to fire and wind, and provide a massive Reflex boost. Nega Filgaia is now the fastest character in the battle.

Tsohanoai's Solar Wind - Tsohanoai was the Native American god of the sun. Not sure what that has to do with orchids either, but it sure is a fire and wind attack.

Quite a formidable lot, especially since once all of its tentacles have been formed at least once, it will start to use its own supermove - Seyfert Microcosm.

A huge energy field forms above Nega Filgaia...

And inside, a trio of tentacles rush through the void, before reaching a bright light.

Whatever it does, it kind of hurts, especially since its about to be followed up by all four tentacles carrying out their own attacks.
From now on you can look forward to seeing this attack every turn. Really, your best chance is to kill him off before he even gets a chance to use it - very possible if you throw everything you have at him.

Doc fires everything he has...

So does Billy (badly timed since Matricaria just appeared and gave him extra DEF)

Boone does a VERY nice job summoning Zephyr, which is enough to kill off all the tentacles, restoring the elemental weaknesses and removing Nega Filgaia's MAG, DEF, MGR and RFX buffs.
And Pearl?

She pulls out her dual pistols and blasts twenty rounds into the body of Nega Filgaia.

Well done, you just killed an entire planet.

My Filgaia and I have been defeated... But your Filgaia will come to an end as well... My Filgaia, and your Filgaia... Everything is composed of opposites: Day and night, positive and negative... Everything is structured to cancel each other out. Just like my Filgaia in the dream world, and your Filgaia... The connected world will also perish with my demise... They will eventually expel each other... Everything will come to an end... You... me... Everything will be engulfed in nothingness... Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee...
Some time later?

MUSIC: The Greatest Smiles in Memory
VIDEO: Ending, credits and epilogue
Where are we?

Hold on, didn't we cut Filgaia's link to Hyades?
... this isn't going to be addressed, is it?

What? The hell does that mean?

Pearl takes out the Old Terminal her father once used to project his form. Hold on, wasn't that damaged by Beatrice?
... this isn't going to be addressed, is it?

Yeah! Wait, what? No! You can use it sure, but it's still just a memory of a generator, not an actual generator! Hows it going to make something in the real world?

I agree, it will be. This is like getting a god out of a machine, only the machine is imaginary.

The terminal glows brightly, and...

MUSIC: The Greatest Smiles in Memory (midpoint)

Pearl gets up and looks over the balcony, at Lamium's dead body.


Crap, someone's shooting at her!

Albert, the kid who introduced us to the Ark in the first place, is on the ground floor. His aim is uneven and nervous, but he is definitely shooting at Pearl.

He keeps missing, but the surprise makes Pearl fall backwards. Probably a good idea.

Pearl hesitates for a moment, then as one the group draws their ARMs.

But Pearl lets the bullets fall out of their chambers.

MUSIC: The Greatest Smiles in Memory (midpoint)

See, this is why you don't give cultists guns. It never ends well.

MUSIC: Elegy for the Villains


There is a clatter as the rest of the drifters unload their ARMs.

VIDEO: Credits including the song "Wings"

MUSIC: To the End of the Wilderness
VIDEO: Epilogue
A wanted bill is posted in the side of a dilapidated house in Little Twister.

The Drifters are suspected of murdering the Order leader, and assaulting the Order members.
Minor injuries: many.
Seriously injured: none.
As key suspects to the crime, their whereabouts are still unknown...
Hm, we should probably bear the value of that bounty in mind. It might be important someday in a really stupid way.
The poster blows away. Elsewhere in town...

MARTINA! The hell are you doing running away from home again? Don't tell us you're here to visit your aunt or something.
(she is, she tells you she wants to in chapter 4)
What are you running from anyway?

Oh, hey! It's those two!

Martina tries to run, but looks behind her and ends up running straight into someone.

The two thugs run away, and the drifters find an out of the way place to confer.

And with that the drifters leave town, outlaws and wanted men. I guess they'll be fine - they have gods and a dragon on their side after all - but have we really accomplished everything we wanted to?

Who can say?
And that's the end of the story, the game... and almost the LP. There's just one thing left to check out...

Upon completing the game, we're given the option to save an "EX File." Load it up and we're given...

.. a nice piece of art and...

Four options to spend our accumulated EX File Keys on. the cost of all four options adds up to 15 - the max number of keys.
Yes, I know it says I only have 14 EX File Keys. I completed the game again with my level 80+ characters and forgot to steal from Nega Filgaia.

Those options then...

Opening Movie - costs 8 EX File Keys
Watch the various versions of the opening movie. Made obsolete by Youtube. To my surprise, there are a few movies I wasn't aware of. One where Asgard gets a second or two of screentime....

... and of course the ones with the whistle versions of the themes and - again to my surprise - Japanese lyrics.

Exit Movie - costs 4 EX File Keys
Watch the various versions of the closing movie that plays after you save and quit. Made obsolete by saving and quitting, as as far as I can tell they're all identical except one is a whistle theme.

Status - costs 1 EX File Key
Displays your character status as of the end of the game. Made obsolete by loading your game and looking at your character status.

The only reward worth a damn is starting an new game with your levels and gella carrying over, but... it costs two EX File Keys and I only have one left!

No matter. The game doesn't ever save the fact that you've USED those keys, so quit to the title screen and reload and...

They're all back. So all you ever need to unlock everything is eight keys. And all you ever need to unlock everything you'd WANT is two.
EX File Keys. It's a mug's game.

Still, going back to the start of the game with high level characters is kinda fun. All you keep is your levels and gella though.

All other items, gear and mediums are lost. Well, except from the Sheriff Star we got from Ragu o Ragla. In theory you could complete the game four times, picking up a Sheriff Star each time, and let all four characters get one. I won't be doing it.
And that's it! I really enjoyed making this LP, in spite of any complaints I really love this game, and I hope you enjoyed reading it...

Huh? You can use smilies?


Happy now?


Well, you could always just show them now.

Ah, how could it hurt? Go ahead.

Our memories, into the future...