Part 17: This Reminds Me of a Puzzle
Music: Crossing Over the Sorrowful Land

Welcome to Southeast Filgaia, the final continent! Southeast Filgaia is in a better state than most of Figaia, with lush green fields and an impressive number of trees.

That certainly is an odd rock formation. It doesn't seem to do anything, though.

After following the path south, we hit Honeysday pretty quickly.
Music: This Downpour is a Blessing from the Heavens

We've arrived in Honeysday, so let's see the sights!

This is the best Memory Bird.

Oh man, I don't know what this is, but it looks rad as hell.

As we approach the center of the village, our sightseeing is cut off by some dialogue.

Cafe Owner: Sorry to disappoint ya, hon. But right now, there's almost nothin' left to cook... We got ourselves a serious food shortage in the village right now. So as much as I'd love to, I can't make anythin' for ya.

You're in luck, Dean! Honeysday just so happens to have a horse!

Cafe Owner: Well, if yer gonna do somethin', then do somethin' about them gobs in the shrine to the east. They keep comin' and stealin' all our food, the little bastards. That's why everyone here's starvin'. Even I haven't had nothin' but water for the past two days...

Cafe Owner: But there ain't no one here who can go up against the gobs. All the men are away workin' -that just leaves women, children, and old folks. Not much any of us can do about it.

Cafe Owner: Johnny Appleseed? That's the name of that boy who used to live in the shrine, ain't it?

That's a strange coincidence. Maybe I'm just mistrusting, but I would assume this person is making things up to give us extra incentive to go to the shrine and clear the gobs out.
Cafe Owner: Yeah. Kid just waltzed in here one day. Called himself Johnny Appleseed. Or was it "the future Johnny Appleseed"...? I forget. Anyway, he stayed here for a little while, then he suddenly disappeared. Apparently someone saw him near the shrine once, but that's the last anyone ever heard of him.

Cafe Owner: Hmm... 'bout ten years ago, I s'pose.

Cafe Owner: If yer goin', please take care of them pesky gobs, too, will ya? If ya manage to bring our stolen food back, I'll treat ya to the best darn fried noodles this world's ever seen.

I like the way you think, Greg!
Cafe Owner: Oh, that? That's my husband's, but the gobs stole a spark plug right out from it. You know they're just tryin' to cause trouble. I mean, who the hell steals a spark plug?

Cafe Owner: My husband don't need that thing, anyway. If you can get that spark plug back, it's all yours.
Oh, hell yes.

We could help these villagers with their food problem, but I think we should do sidequests instead! But first...

Flower-Tending Girl: If you do, then please, feel free to look at these all you want. They're all blooming as brightly as they possibly can right now...
That's Mariel. She'll be involved in a couple of sidequests later, but for now she's just tending to the flowers.

Bowtie Boy: It'd be easier to get by if I could just eat the grass like all the animals I keep... Maybe the occasional frog, too...
This asshole is Jude Maverick, from Wild Arms 4. He'll give us a sidequest later, but at the moment he's worthless to us.

Rascally Youth: I got something I need to have transported over to the guild in Laila Belle... Trouble is, it's kinda fragile. If it takes any kind of shock, like in battle or something, it'll break into pieces.'ll need to avoid fighting anything from here to Laila Belle. It'd be quicker for me to handle this, of course, but... Well, some other work came up. Let's just leave it at that. So how about it? Will you take it?
Rascally Youth: Here's what I need transported to the guild - this egg. It's a monster egg, but it's fragile as all heck, so be careful with it. Oh, and if you screw up and break it, come on back to Honeysday, okay? I've got a few backup eggs here to work with. Good luck.
Obtained Humpty Dumpty!
Alright, we need to walk from Honeysday to Laila Belle without being attacked OR attacking in battle. So what we need to do is get a character with high enough RFX to go before all the monsters, and then flee as soon as we get into battle. This would be trivial if we waited awhile and leveled up way higher than the monsters, but this quest is only available at this point in the game, so we have to do it now.
That was Jet Enduro, by the way.

COME ON. I just want to help out Jet, and you keep throwing all this text at me!

She walks past the party, toward the center of town.

God damn it, Dean.
Music: You're So Close Yet So Far Away

"But I love being a nuisance to everyone I meet!"

Music: Only Within My Heart

I hate this scene so much. It triggers when you try to leave Honeysday, so I always have a task at hand (either delivering the Humpty Dumpty, or heading for the shrine) and it interrupts it with completely unrelated bullshit.
Dean is an annoying pest who expects complete strangers to confide in him, and Rebecca is unreasonably jealous as usual. "Oh no! Dean always helps people when they cry, this is an established fact which I have commented on in the past. But now that I find out that he's trying to help Avril after she cried, it's like he's a totally different person!"
Music: Crossing Over the Sorrowful Land

Anyway, the enemies here are a little too quick for us, so I set Rebecca up with a ridiculous RFX stat. First I learn Add Badge Slot (bringing her total to four) and Ley RFX Up. (I'm not sure if this is considered for the initial turn order, but it doesn't hurt.)

And then I equip her with three Thief Badges, which I purchased in Honeysday. I also put in the Speed Skates, which gives her a RFX boost when the initial turn order is decided. The Rapid Shirt also provides a significant RFX boost.

Now Rebecca goes first in every battle, allowing me to flee immediately. Three Thief Badges is probably a little overkill, but they're only 300 gella, and it's better to be over prepared than under prepared. I also put a Rabbit Badge on Greg, which prevents us from dropping gella when we flee from battle.

After setting Rebecca up like that, it's just a matter of walking from Honeysday to Laila Belle. Since I made sure to purify the Sol Niger, encounters aren't a problem in Starlit Path.
Before we head for the Golem Hunters' Guild, there are people to see in Laila Belle!

Woman Drifter-in-Training: I need to go sign up with the Hunters' Guild so that I can run all over Filgaia as a Drifter!
Yeah! Become a Golem Hunter so you can spread your wings and soar across the wasteland!

Up-and-Coming Business Lady: And even though I was giving him my death stare, he just smiled and handed me the handkerchief I'd dropped... ... Just remembering it gives me the shivers... Not even macho merchants can withstand my piercing gaze!
Middle-Aged Butler: I do hope the young mistress will not let this trouble her too much. That Drifter boy doesn't know our mistress for the shrewd businesswoman she is. In his eyes, our mistress is simply a lovely young girl.

A nice detail, Greg leaves your party when you enter the Guild, because he's a wanted criminal.

Red-Eyed Receptionist: Your work exceeded my expectations. Allow me to give you some of my most treasured items as a show of respect for your skill.
Obtained Ambrosia!
Obtained Frey Amulet!
Obtained 3000 gella!
Red-Eyed Receptionist: Thanks to your delivery of the Humpty Dumpty, it looks like my research is ready to move on to the next step. While the power hidden within the egg is unquestionable, the Humpty Dumpty's beautiful form is truly a divine work... It provides me with a great deal of inspiration.
The more attempts you take, the fewer rewards you get when you finally succeed. So even though you can go back and get another egg from Jet if you fail, it's better to just load a save.
While we're here...
Red-Cheeked Parrot: I see you've collected 7 medals. In appreciation, allow me to give you the moon-shaped badge, sparkling with psittacine fashion sense.
Obtained Silver Moon!
Red-Cheeked Parrot: I'll have another reward for you once you've collected 12 medals.
The Silver Moon increases Max MP by 25. While in the Laila Belle area, I stopped by Provectas and talked to the NPC I mentioned earlier in the thread.
Underachieving Security Guard: My friends and I were talking about this TV show they had on a while ago. For the first time in the history of the network, the humans they had on the show actually defeated the monster they were fighting...or so I hear, anyway. I wonder if they deliberately put a really weak monster on the show? Probably just a gimmick to drive up ratings.
Back in Southeast Filgaia, if we follow the path northwest from Honeysday, we come across the train station Meisis.

Kanon is inside, so we can check our progress with the Sol Nigers.
Crimson Warrioress: Right now, 7 of the Sol Nigers on Filgaia have been freed. There are 18 left to purify.
Wow, only 7? It feels like I've purified so much more...

Rugged Train Workman: Some unknown architect took the problems devised by a puzzle aficionado and brought them to life within a mysterious alternate dimension. If you run into one in your travels, I think it'd be well worth your time to try it out. I'm sure whoever made them would love to see his creations tested by anyone who thinks they might be smart enough to challenge him.
It's Brad! Speaking with Brad has activated the Puzzle Box sidequest. There are 20 Puzzle Boxes hidden across the world, which we can now find using the search system.

Puzzle #1 is northeast of Meisis. When you search in the appropriate area, a crystal appears which warps you to the puzzle when touched.
Video: Puzzle Box #1
Music: How Long Will This Puzzle Box Continue

The goal of the Puzzle Boxes is to clear all of the colored boxes and then reach the exit. When two or more like-colored boxes are lined up, they vanish. You fail the puzzle if you or a box falls off the platform, if you end up with only 1 box of a particular color, or if you cannot reach the exit after clearing all the boxes.

If you press the square button while in a Puzzle Box, the camera changes to give you a clear view of the entire puzzle, and gives you a few self-explanatory options.

This puzzle is pretty easy, as it is the first one. You just have to push all of the blocks from one side to the lower platform, and then push the other blocks onto them. It is impossible to screw yourself out of reaching the exit.

When you clear a puzzle, a treasure chest appears beside it on the overworld.
Puzzles Cleared:
The Art of Wild Arms

That's a lot of cameos.