Part 20: Mt. Chug-Chug
Music: The Mountain of No Return
Before we get started, let's check out our new party member!

Chuck's Personal Skill is Damage Up. The lower his HP, the more damage his attacks deal.

He's equipped with the Moon Medium, another support Medium.
Moon Medium
RFX/EVA Bonus: Increases RFX and EVA.
PS Observe: Provides more detailed information on enemies when using the Analyze command.
PS Status Lock: Makes the character invulnerable to all negative status effects.
PS Ley RFX Up: Adds a +25 bonus to RFX when the character is on a ley point.
PS Hex Cleaner: Cancels any negative status effects when moving into a HEX.
PS Ley EVA Up: Adds a +25 bonus to EVA when the character is on a ley point.
Dispel Arcana: Cancels all effects placed on the targex HEX.
Replace Arcana: Trade places with the occupants of the target HEX.
Gather Arcana: Gathers all allies or enemies into the same HEX. Targets one ally or enemy HEX.
Isolate Arcana: Characters in the target HEX are moved randomly.
Land Steal Arcana: Moves all status effects on the target HEX to the user's HEX.
Ley Change (25 FP): Changes the elements of all ley points in the following order: Water > Wind > Fire > Earth > Water
Invincible (50 FP): Adds Invincible status to the HEX until the next ally turn.
Intrude (75 FP): Allows for two consecutive actions.
Celesdue (100 FP): Adds All Stats Down status to all enemy HEXes.
For now, I leave the Moon Medium on Chuck and stick him in the party in Greg's place.

If we tried to come in here earlier, the Kobold wouldn't have attacked, so we wouldn't have found the key.

This room has three exits (two of which we can reach at the moment) and a very complicated looking minecart puzzle.

There are even platforms you can raise and lower with this crank.

There's a wall to be destroyed with a mine cart...but there's no mine cart in this room.
Oh well, I guess we'll have to try those other rooms.

This room has two chained chests, one of which can be opened by repeating the explosive crate trick from before. It contains a Lucky Card.

We can see the Sol Niger from here, but we can't reach it. It's just sitting there, taunting us.
When we approach the other exit to the mine cart room, the party begins to discuss Nightburn.

A couple of rooms later, we come across this. When we step on this button, a gate on the far end of the room opens. But if we step on any of those yellow panels, the door shuts.

We just have to jump over them, it's not difficult. In the next room...

Gaunt Worker: H-help!
Imprisoned Farmer: Let us out of here! Please!

We can't get the door open from here, but we can use the Detector to see there's treasure to be had on the other side. Dean's just too polite to ask the prisoners to pass him the items through the bars, though.
We continue through a couple more uninteresting rooms, (collecting a Dragon Fossil and 2 Duplicators in the process.) and then...

I find this funny, because I almost never use her in battle. She is totally unneeded.

I just wanted to make her more comfortable by offering to be her brother! That wouldn't make someone uncomfortable, right?

I finally found a mine cart!

There's no track switching to be done here, you just need to push the mine cart and it goes along the track and stops in a nearby elevator.

The elevator moves us up a floor, to a room we haven't seen before.

First we need to push the mine cart, which makes it travel along the track and stop on a platform which can be raised by a nearby crank.

It breaks through a barricade and comes to a stop on the other side of the fence.

Over here, we can adjust the track so when we push the mine cart again, it breaks through the second barricade.
The chest contains a King's Crown, which is a great badge for Dean. Unfortunately, I forgot to equip it to Dean while I was in here. The King's Crown makes your first attack in battle a critical hit.

After we move the track and push the mine cart through the second barricade, it stops on the other raised platform, which we can now lower.

Pushing the mine cart from here puts it in another elevator.

And now we're back in Area 02. We push the mine cart onto the rising platform and work the crank.

It moves around the entire room, and...

Alright! ...So we just went through this entire dungeon for the purpose of breaking a single barricade, didn't we?

No time to feel like we wasted our time now, we've got a miniboss!

Chaos looks pretty tough, but he's really not much of a threat.

He can use Hi-Blast and Hi-Crush though, which can cause some serious damage. It's easy enough to recover with Hi-Heal though.

As is usually the case with minibosses, he goes down quickly with a combination of Sonic Vision and Hi-Blast from the earth ley point.

The Power Shot cartridge fires small rockets, which can destroy large boulders and open chained chests. There's also a door back here by the chest, which leads to...

Finally, the Sol Niger! Now that we can turn encounters off, I ran back through the whole dungeon and opened all the chained chests. I found a Gella Card, a Princess Saber, (ARM Part for Avril) 5 Potion Berries, an Arctic Blade, a Lock-On Beat (ARM Part for Rebecca) and 10,000 gella.

I also found another one of those crystals. We still can't do anything with these, though.
After all that backtracking, I run back to the Sol Niger and continue deeper into the dungeon.

This room works the same way as the room from before, we can't touch the yellow panels or the exit will be shut off.

Before long, we make it back to the room with the cages.

Music: rebel assault

Worker: Thanks! I can't tell you how grateful I am!
Farmer: I won't forget this!

Farmer from Honeysday: Aren't you... Chuck?!

Kent: Yeah, barely... I came here on Nightburn's orders, and they've been working me day and night. I'd half given up hope of ever getting out of here. But to be saved by you, Chuck... Thanks!

Kent: Yeah. Don't you die either, Chuck!

Music: Nightburn Acklund (: Appearance)


Boss: Nightburn Acklund
Music: Nightburn Acklund (: Battle)

Now we're up against Nightburn and two Veruni Infantrymen. There's no fire ley point, so we need to use Ley Change to create one.

Nightburn has a pretty strong physical attack. Combined with the Veruni who do about 500 damage with their attacks, it can be a problem.

Nightburn can also get Criticals. It doesn't look like a lot of damage, but Avril was defending here, so it does some serious damage.

He also has Blocker. Sometimes he'll just decide to negate physical attacks directed to his HEX.

He can also use Dual Impulse, which can do some serious damage.

It's not an easy battle, but he goes down soon enough with someone blasting at him from the fire ley point.

The Duel With Nightburn

It's time for a duel, Dean vs Nightburn, one on one! His stats have been significantly lowered so that Dean stands a chance against him. He has a pretty good ARM Part on him, but it's not worth putting the Luck Medium on Dean.

Dean starts by a fire ley point, so it's pretty easy to deal damage to him.

Of course, it's pretty easy for Nightburn to deal tons of damage to Dean as well, as he still has Dual Impulse.

Potion Berries are very necessary to survive this battle.

Unfortunately, Nightburn can heal himself as well.

After a few Heavy Crushes and a Sonic Vision or two, Nightburn goes down.

Cutscene: The Fallen Idol
Music: Nightburn Acklund (ver. Farewell)

Nightburn: Not bad...boy!
Dean: Don't call me "boy"! My name is Dean!
Nightburn: So what do you think of your hero now, boy? The Nightburn that used to be your idol, he's a fake. The real thing can't even stand up to a kid like you. I'm an act, a facade. People see me on TV with the Veruni, they think there's somebody looking out for them. But behind the scenes, it's business as usual.
Dean: ...
Nightburn: Used to be just like you, boy. Used to think I could get over the wall... I swore I'd prove that humans and Veruni could live together. Take a good look - this is how I ended up. And if you continue to follow in my footsteps, then this is how you will end up, too! Can you honestly look at me and tell me you still dream of overcoming that wall?
Dean: No, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna dream.
Nightburn: ...What did you say?
Chuck: Dean! Don't tell me you're giving up?! Come on, you can't let him scare you off like that! What happened to all that stuff you said about resolving myself? Now you're just gonna back off and run?!
Dean: All I said was that I'm not gonna dream anymore. There's no dreaming involved - just doing. I'm gonna do it, no matter what the cost! I'm not gonna stop and I'm not gonna give up! Not until I'm over the wall!
Nightburn: ... Hah hah hah hah hah... Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!

Dean: -!

Nightburn: If you had said that you were going to turn and run away, I never would've let you walk out of here.
He points at the ceiling and fires his pistol.
Nightburn: The Veruni won't take this lying down. You sure you're ready for that?
Dean: Of course! I'm not gonna let them stop me!
Nightburn: ... Listen, boy. You told me that you wanted to go over that wall that divides us, right? But if you want to help the people around you, you're on the wrong track.
Dean: What? What are you saying?!
Nightburn: Keep listening, kid. If you've over that wall, does it help anybody else? No, of course not! If you really want to help, you've got to break the whole thing down, so everyone can cross!
Dean: ...You mean, break down the whole wall, instead of-?
Nightburn: Exactly. That's the only way humans will ever be able to break free from the Veruni. There's not much you can do if you're alone on the other side. So tear all of it down, and we'll pick up the pieces together.
Dean: Nightburn... You're right. That's what I've got to do. I'll take everyone to the other side with me!
Nightburn: Hah, I'm counting on you,, Dean! This belongs to you now. Go on, take it.

Nightburn: That'll earn you free passage on the trains. For what you're about to do, you're gonna need it.
It has Nightburn's name and picture on it. There's no way that'll work, anyone would think it's counterfeit!
Dean: Thanks, Nightburn, I owe you one. ...But hey, what about you? You could've done this all yourself. I don't understand... What happened to you? Why let the Veruni just use you like that?
Nightburn: There was once a woman...a long time ago. With her, I knew that I could've accomplished anything at all. But...she died. This planet wouldn't accept her. Without her, I just couldn't find the... I couldn't find the strength...the strength to do anything on my own. That experience showed me how helpless a man can be when he's all alone. But you... I know that you're different, Dean. You're got friends to back you up. You're not alone here. Am I right?
Dean: ...Yeah. I don't have to do this alone. And besi-
The cave starts to shake violently, and rocks fall from the ceiling.
Rebecca: -! It's collapsing!
Nightburn: Must've been the blast... Guess we dug a little too quick there. Never thought it would come down so soon, though...
Greg: Let's move it, Dean! C'mon!

Carol: Aah! Dean, look out!

Dean is pushed to the ground, and a huge boulder lands behind him.
Dean: -?!
Music: One Day I'll Have to Let You Go

Nightburn: Urrrrgh! Get outta here, boy!
Greg: Dean! C'mon!
Dean: But what about Nightburn?!
Nightburn: Forget me and GO!

Nightburn: I know you can do this, Dean! Don't you dare disappoint me!
Dean: Nightburn! I'm never gonna forget you! I promise!!

No really, it has Nightburn's face on it. How is this going to get us on any trains?
We can get Dean's thoughts on what just happened if we go to a nearby save point and pick the Hint option.

Just keep telling yourself that, Dean.
Also, if we go back into the mine, we can get the items out of the jail cells now. They're Hi-Devastate, Hi-Break, and a Revive Fruit.
The Art of Wild Arms

I would have posted a picture of Nightburn, but there isn't a single picture of him in the art book.