Part 22: Decrepit Path
Today we're going to seek revenge on the man who killed Greg's family, but first...Puzzle Box #2
Music: How Long Will This Puzzle Box Continue

Another easy puzzle, the only concern is to make sure you clear the yellow boxes before you clear the green ones. Also worth noting is the differently shaped boxes introduced in this puzzle. Any box larger than a single square cannot be moved, and will vanish if any part of it comes into contact with another box of the same color. These boxes were introduced in Alter Code: F, and were not present in Wild Arms 3.
The reward for this puzzle is Gella Card x5
Puzzle Box #3

This is the first puzzle where you can block yourself off from the exit. All you have to do is make sure to clear the yellow L block last, and it shouldn't be a problem.
The reward for this puzzle is Mega Berry x5
Puzzle Box #4

The thing to keep in mind with this puzzle is that you cannot move a box if there's another box on top of it. As long as you take care to move the blue and yellow blocks from the tower in the center, it's an easy puzzle.
The reward for this puzzle is Holy Berry x3. Holy Berries fully restore a character's HP.
There's also one more sidequest I want to do before we head for Harmonde. I checked a guide and it was marked as "missable", so I want to get it done as quickly as possible.

Sure, why not?
Handyman: I hired someone to hand out packets of tissues to advertise a finance company, but the rat ran off with the advance pay I'd given him. To make matters worse, the stupid kid took the tissues with him, whether he meant to or not. At this rate I won't be able to do the job I was hired for. They'll sure for breach of contract, and I'll go bankrupt! I gotta do something to find that green-haired guy with the funny scarf, or I'm ruined. If you see a guy like that somewhere, would you haul his sorry butt back to Laila Belle, or at least knock him around until he does his job?
Handyman: Oh?! You'll do it for me? Thanks! Now then, take this with you...
Obtained Ebony Key!
Handyman: This is the key that I received from the client in place of a paper contract. It seems the green-haired guy is afraid of my client, him this, and you might strike some fear into him. All right, I'm counting on you!
The fugitive is hiding out in Mithysmere.

Green-Haired Fugitive: Whaaa...! I, uh...oh, my. Well, let me be blunt with you - I spent all the money already. What's more, I have zero desire to work! Period! I mean, c'mon, besides that, the kids love me here. Don't you think it's important to have at least one solid grown-up around to protect these guys?

Green-Haired Fugitive: Wha-huh?! Coudn't you, I dunno, break that promise for me?

Green-Haired Fugitive: ...Well, if you're gonna be that way, ARMslinger, then how 'bout you take over the job for me, huh? Pass out the tissues yourself? I'll be happy, you'll be happy, I figure the handyman oughta be happy... It'll be like an instant, massive groundswell of happy vibes for everyone!

Haul him back to Laila Belle!
Think about it some more.
Green-Haired Fugitive: Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out!! A fallen youth encounters the innocent eyes of children and finally finds a worthwhile way to spend his life... That's my story, man! It's a real tearjerker! Don't you have a teaspoon of empathy for me?!

Green-Haired Fugitive: S-selfish...and a lazy bum, too... C'mon, kid, haven't you heard the story about the sun and the north wind?!

Green-Haired Fugitive: Hah! This is what! Get ready to experience it for yourself!


Zed flees and hides in various dungeons across the world. First he hides in the Starlit Path. We could have chosen to hand out the tissues ourselves, but we would miss out on some items if we did.

Green-Haired Fugitive: But I don't wanna! I've changed classes from Company Serf to Free Man!
He disappears in a cloud of smoke.

After that, he's hiding out in the Hillside Ruins, the tutorial dungeon.

Green-Haired Fugitive: H-h-hey... L-look over th-th-there...! S-s-see ya!
He disappears again.

Obtained Blank Medium!

While we're here, we can light those torches and go a bit deeper into the dungeon. We find Nectar x5, and a pit which requires the Detector to cross. On the other side of that pit is a mysterious door...

*It seems that you do not possess the same value as the four wanted youths...
This door will only open if we meet a certain requirement. We could meet that requirement and open it now, but I won't be doing it for awhile. This is one of the more difficult puzzles in the game, so I would like to see if anyone in the thread who hasn't played this game before can solve it. Go ahead and post your guesses in the thread.
We can ignore this door and go a bit deeper in the dungeon, but we can't proceed very far without the next ARM Cartridge. Back to hunting down Zed, then. Next stop: Lightless Shaft.

Green-Haired Fugitive: Shh! Quiet! ...Don't you hear that?

Green-Haired Fugitive: No. This is a quieter, more urgent call... Almost like a mother's whimpering... ... Ah-hah! I've got it - it's my cell! My cell phone's ringing! Well, I'd better take this call - see ya!
He vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

Next we get to go all the way back to Celestial Peak. Zed's a real asshole, because we had to go through the Abandoned Path four times for this quest. Twice to get to and from the Hillside Ruins, and twice to get to and from Celestial Peak.

Green-Haired Fugitive: I know just how hip and attractive I am, so I can't blame you for wanting to follow me around...but isn't it about time you got past that? I mean, seriously?

Green-Haired Fugitive: What I'm past is working as a drone for the man! I'm sick and tired of being used by people!

Green-Haired Fugitive: Uuu... Well, if you put it that way...

Green-Haired Fugitive: Argh...

Green-Haired Fugitive: Heh heh heh... You know what this reminds me of? A crime drama! The striking young man, his back to a cliff... And well, whaddya know? We've got a cliff right here! So I guess that makes you the rookie cop, out to prove himself, huh? ...Hey, ARMslinger. I'll give you this, so just let me go this time, okay?
Obtained Doom Bringer!
The Doom Bringer is a powerful ARM Part for Chuck. In Wild Arms 1, Doom Bringer was a weapon for Jack, obtained by defeating the optional boss Monster Zed. It's one of Jack's better swords, but it lowered his luck stat to 'worst' when equipped.

Green-Haired Fugitive: *Sigh* My last, best trump card, defeated by an ARMslinger more fearsome than a loan shark, or even the whirlpool of a Gate Generator... Well, I guess that's that, then... I'll just have to head back to Laila Belle...

Green-Haired Fugitive: ...Hey! I said I'll go to Laila Belle! Don't look like you're at a funeral or something! Sheesh... Anyway, see ya!
One last time, he vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Handyman: Eh? What happened to the good-for-nothing green-haired boy, you say? The owner of the Ebony Key, the red-eyed Guildmaster, got hold of him, and I shiver when I think about what they're making him do now. Come to think of it, he was yelling something about his blood being made of mercury when he was getting dragged off... I guess when it comes to it, humans will come up with some pretty unusual excuses for their own laziness...
The Red-Eyed Receptionist, Marivel, is a Crimson Noble (vampire) in Wild Arms 2. It looks like Zed expects her to feed on him.
Handyman: Anyway, you saved my skin! Take this as a small token of my gratitude!
Obtained Blank Medium!
I chased Zed around for an hour, and all you give me is a Blank Medium?! What a dick.

Anyway, in order to get to Harmonde, we have to go through another underground pathway. The Decrepit Path isn't marked on the map, but it's pretty easy to find, directly to the east of Mirapulse.
Music: A Dark World Looming Behind

To keep us out of this dungeon before we're supposed to go through, they put Detector platforms here. By the time you get the Detector Cartridge, it's impossible to backtrack to this point until you get the Class A License.

You're expected to visit Lady Diana before coming here, so we're a bit underleveled. Dean is currently level 33, so I'm at quite the disadvantage. Because of this, I remove the obsolete costumes I picked up last time in favor of armor with some decent stat boosts.
While I'm on the subject of the monsters here, these Dust Men are assholes. Their max HP is 1342 (the one in the above screenshot has been damaged.) and they have an attack that fully restores their HP by draining it from their target. In other words, they can do 1342 damage at will.

This dungeon introduces spring boards. When you step on one of these, they launch you ridiculously high into the air. Later on we'll be doing more complicated platforming with them, but for now we're just jumping over fences and stuff.

That's kind of an irresponsible tradition, giving a gun to every single 12 year old in the village.

The Speed Queen badge is printed with a picture of Kanon, who was the fastest party member in Wild Arms 2.

This dungeon has three Imitators, each of which give 17,500 EXP. I used Lucky Cards on these, getting 35,000 EXP from each battle. I entered this dungeon at level 33, and almost entirely thanks to Imitators, I left at level 41.

These torches go out nearly immediately after you light them. The solution is to line yourself up so that a single bullet lights them both.

A couple of rooms later, we hit the miniboss. I would show more of this dungeon, but it's really not much different from all the other pathway dungeons we've been through.

For a character in the mid-30's, these guys can be a serious problem. Their basic physical attack dealt about 900 damage to me and Hi-Crush dealt about 1,200 damage. If all three of them were to focus on a single character, that character would be screwed.

I had to bring Chuck in to use Protect on everyone so the enemy's damage would be more manageable. In addition to this, Avril had to spend every one of her turns casting Hi-Heal. Wild Arms 5 is a pretty easy game, so going through this dungeon at a low level was a lot of fun.
After fortifying my defenses, I brought in Greg to hammer at them with Blast while Dean used physicals and Avril kept everyone alive. It took a little while, but they went down soon enough.

Later, after a few generic rooms that we've seen several times before...

Music: I Still Have Something to Tell You

Carol and Chuck walk out of frame. I'm glad the game didn't feel the need to show me someone explain Avril's lost memory for the hundredth time.

Now that we have a full party, sometimes we'll get hit with back attacks.
Back attacks take your inactive party members and put them in battle. This is why you should always keep your whole party in the latest equipment, even characters you don't use.

I tried to move my active party back in, but as you can see, it did terrible things to the turn order and got me a game over.

It's not much longer before we hit the boss of this dungeon.

This guy is durable as hell, and he reflects magic attacks. He's not terribly dangerous, it just takes ages to kill him. (Well, it takes ages for characters that are five levels below him.)

I went with the strategy of backing him into a corner and casting Fragile, then spamming Sonic Vision.
Music: A Rusted Scar

We can take a right here to go straight out to Harmonde, or we can keep going to reach to Sol Niger.

The Duplicator chest contains a Castle Wall badge. A character wearing a Castle Wall blocks the first attack targeted at them in each battle. The Imitator chest contains a Hard Jumper, armor for Chuck. The Sol Niger is holding a Hen Badge, so I made sure to steal it.
After opening the chests and purifying the Sol Niger, I leave the Decrepit Path. Next time... REVENGE!
The Art of Wild Arms

Zed was a recurring boss in the original Wild Arms, and (Alter Code F spoilers) a secret party member in Alter Code F. He's a pretty likeable guy, and his battle theme is awesome.