Part 30: The Darkness Tear

The Mayflower starts to shake violently.

Navigator: It looks like...the Darkness Tear!

Operator: Another one, incoming!
Cutscene: The Darkness Tear
Music: Bitter Tears of Purification

Back in the Cradle, the stasis pods start lighting up.

A hand reaches for the glass, then loses strength and slides off.

Another Veruni's body starts to convulse violently.

A Veruni screams as fire pours from their eyes and mouth, and then...

...Their entire body bursts into flame!

Energy gathers at this castle, and a beam is fired.

The beam just barely misses the Mayflower.
Music: deep-seated grudge

Music: I'll Never Lose Because I Don't Want to Lose

The Darkness Tear orginally appeared in Wild Arms 1, used by the Metal Demons as a weapon, by the way.
Navigator: Captain! It looks like Volsung's starting a global transmission!

Operator: I can't! The system's got a security lock on it that'll take time to break through!

Music: A Boy meets a Girl and ARMS

Crewman: No, Captain! It's not your fault! It's a question of the morals of all of us who use technology. There's no reason for you to take the blame!

Obtained Teleport Orb!

Dean & Rebecca: Old man Tony?!


Dean and the others run into frame.

Tony: I know, I know! Just joking.

Tony: But seriously, Dean, you definitely seem to have grown up. It looks like you've made some friends, too.

Tony: Hah hah hah! Looks like you found Johnny Appleseed after all, didn't you? Excellent!
Music: A Small Step Towards a Big Dream

Tony: I know. You don't have to tell me.

Tony: He gained a lot of power in a short time, and used it to climb straight to the top of the radicals and expand their influence. Even I've heard about it here in the countryside. And he doesn't care about eliminating anything or anyone that gets in the way of his goals.

Tony: Indeed. It looks like you've resolved yourself, Dean.

Tony: I see. Well then, I suppose I could lend you a hand.

Wait a minute! Asgard had two arms until he ejected his left arm when rescuing Avril from the radicals.
Why does he only have one arm on his blueprints???
Tony: Thought I'd power it up a bit.

Tony: If you come across any command pieces, bring them to me - I'll plug them right in. And remember that golem part you brought back? I used it to make a new power unit for Asgard. Here.
Obtained Power Saber!

Tony: Don't rush, Dean. I thought I'd make use of that bolt of yours as well.

Tony: Yes. It's full of your memories, so I thought I'd attach it to Asgard. That should help build a new bond between you two.

Tony: But it seems that all is due to fate. When coincidences become necessities, one can feel a great power as well. It seems as though your meeting with Dean was the beginning of everything. Don't you agree?

Tony: Dean... As I'm always telling you, don't give up until you're done.

Tony: Well then, let's see what we can do with Asgard.
Music: The Place I'll Return to Someday

In order to change Asgard's equipment, we have to bring parts to Tony and get him to install them.

We can also set up the algorithm Asgard will follow in battle. Each Command Piece has a unique size and shape, and we have to fit them together to maximize on space.
Of course, just because we can fit all of our Command Pieces, that doesn't mean we want to use all of them. The more Commands Asgard has to choose from, the more often he'll just cast Quicken or something on a random HEX instead of attacking because the AI in this game is terrible.
We can also talk with Tony.
Tony: Back when the last Johnny Appleseed was around, when the moderates were controlling the Veruni government, there was a movement then to teach us humans about Veruni technology. Johnny Appleseed himself searched the planet for candidates, and took me and several others to the Mayflower to study that technology. But the wall between the races was just too high. I couldn't understand the Veruni, and I resented them for it. That's why I left the ship. Not only did I fail to break the wall, but I actually helped to create it...
Now, we COULD go deactivate the TF System and save the lives of like, at least 30 humans (Filgaia has a pretty tiny population, now that I think about it...) or we could go help random people with their minor problems!

Removed the Nightburn Poster from the wall.
While we're here, the Strong-Willed Shopmistress has another quest for us.
Strong-Willed Shopmistress: Dean, thanks for comin' by! To be honest, I've got a little favor to ask of you. I'm worried that my Drifter husband is off runnin' himself ragged again. I want you to find my husband, wherever he's gone off to, and bring him a bottle of my special energy drink. What do you think? Will you do it?
Strong-Willed Shopmistress: Great, thanks so much! Try to find him before it spoils, okay?
Obtained Energy Drink!
Strong-Willed Shopmistress: Dean, Rebecca, I know you know him, but just in case you forgot... My husband's a tough-lookin' Drifter, with a mustache and a bandage on his nose. I'm countin' on you!

We can use the Teleport Orb to completely trivialize the time limit on this quest. The Teleport Orb is awesome in this game, because it lets you teleport to any location on Filgaia (No Locus Solus, unfortunately.), even dungeons. The Strong-Willed Shopmistress' Husband is in Orsaeos.

Strong-Willed Shopmistress's Husband: ...Hmm? A package for me? What is it?
Handed over the Energy Drink!
Strong-Willed Shopmistress's Husband: Ohh! My wife's homemade energy booster! Thanks a million, man! All right! I can't wait to get hopped up on this sucker! Gwah hah hah hah!
Returning to Capo Bronco, the Strong-Willed Shopmistress gives us a Wing Amulet.
Next we go to Harmonde.

Amateur Rocketeer: If I'd only had a Wing of Podarge and a Gold Nightingale, then my research into ARMs and explosives might have made a leap forward... The more I think about it, the more I regret the whole business...
We already have a Gold Nightingale, but we don't have the Podarge Wing he wants.
While I'm here, I give Anastasia five Tents, netting us a Second Flash, a key item we'll be using soon.

Black-Nosed (and Tailed) Cat: Meow! Meow! Meow!

How the hell did this cat get from Honeysday (Southeast Filgaia) all the way to Harmonde?! (Northeast Filgaia)
Next stop: Twelbit!

Rising Screenwriter: So here's where you come in! Yes, you! It would really help me clear my head if you could find some tea for me. High-class tea, mind you. With lots of caffeine. For your reward... Well, how about I give you all roles in the script for my latest drama? "A world divided... A world of masters and slaves, of fear, hatred, and despair. An ordinary boy from the countryside set out to bring change to that desolate world. His courage inspired all, paving the way to true independence. This is his story-" ...That sort of thing! Say, you there! That's some pretty good stuff you're carrying! Just what I was hoping for, in fact! Now hand that Second Flash over nice and easy!
She snatched the Second Flash from your hands!
Obtained Canned Peaches!
Rising Screenwriter: It's not right to receive without giving in return, though, so here, take this. It's a can of peaches in syrup. The brain runs on sugar, they say, so I always make sure to have plenty of sweet things around! ...Well, now that I've got some tea in hand, I can write my new stormy love drama, one that'll hold both human and Veruni on the edge of their seats!
While we're here, we talk with Lilka.
Little Sorceress with an Umbrella: *Sigh* How come I keep teleporting to the wrong place...? I wonder if it's this second-hand orb... Maybe it was broken when I bought it? I tried giving it a good solid knock, but it doesn't seem to have helped... At this rate, I'm going to run my sister's divery service right into the ground...
*Offer a helping hand to the distraught girl?
Little Sorceress with an Umbrella: Huh? What?

Little Sorceress with an Umbrella: But...but I couldn't give you a broken orb like this...

Little Sorceress with an Umbrella: ...Are you sure you don't mind? It really is broken, you know...

Little Sorceress with an Umbrella: ...Thanks. You're really nice, you know? Here!
Traded Teleport Orb with the distraught girl!
If we use this Teleport Orb in specific places, we'll end up in otherwise inaccesible areas. We won't be doing that until later, though.
Off to Mithysmere!

Child with Grown-Up Eyes: Both the badge itself and the materials required to make it are exceptionally rare, so I've never laid eyes on one in person... If you ever manage to acquire a Chick Badge, I hope you will take the time to let me examine it. You've readied a Chick Badge for me, I see. Thank you so much! Can I borrow it for a moment? Hmm... Ah, yes... The power flow works like that, so then you direct it like so... ... ...Thank you so much. This has built up my knowledge considerably. You can have your Chick Badge back now...along with a modest token of my gratitude.
Obtained Sacred Boy!
Child with Grown-Up Eyes: And have another favor to ask of you. I'd like you to take the Crystal Tear we found in that mountain of trash and deliver it to the Baskar research facility. When the Professor came through town, I turned over a full report on my analysis to him... But he's infamous for...well, misplacing things, to put it I'd prefer not to entrust him with something as valuable as the Crystal Tear. I'd feel much more secure with your party transporting it for me.
Obtained Crystal Tear!
Child with Grown-Up Eyes: I'll tell my companion in Gounon - the one with the sunglasses - to return to the research facility and receive the item into his custody. I'm glad I can count on you for this! Feel free to carry out the delivery any time you have a spare moment.

This Badge is awesome for Greg.
While in Mithysmere, I delivered that poster to the Future Golem Hunter by the well.
Future Golem Hunter: Whoa, what've you got there...? Hey, is that a Nightburn poster?! Lemme see it for a sec! Oh...oh, wow, Nightburn... Man, I can't get enough of him!
Let him keep it.

Handed over the Nightburn Poster!
Future Golem Hunter: Are...are you sure...?! Wowowowow!! It's really, really, really Nightburn! Thank you so, so, so, so much! Here, I gotta give you something back. How 'bout these? I picked 'em up from the monster lair in the middle of Mithysmere. Pretty nice, huh? I figured they'd be worth a whole lot if I sold them!
Obtained Blank Medium x2!
Obtained Duplicator x2!
Future Golem Hunter: Take good care of those okay?
There's one more person I want to talk to here.
Flower-Growing Girl: Oh! Hey, uh, I need some help, actually... Do you have some free time? To tell the truth, I'd like to raise more flowers than I have...but I don't have anywhere to plant any more seeds. You're Drifter's aren't you? Could you go to some other town and get something I could use to plant flowers in?
No sweat!
Flower-Growing Girl: Oh, is it really all right? Thank you! I bet if there was a village that farmed vegetables or something, they'd have a bunch to spare.
Kent in Honeysday is the man to talk to for this.
Kent: Yo, Chuck! Hey, and Dean, too! What brings you here today? ...Huh? You're looking for something to plant flowers with? Well, I got plenty of extra planters here, so take all you need!
Obtained Flower Planter x6!
Flower-Growing Girl: ...Ah! Hey, are those...
Handed over the Flower Planters!
Flower-Growing Girl: Wow, you got some planters! Thank you so much! Now I can plant my mom's seeds! Here, you can have this in return... I picked it up in Laila Belle, but there's not much I can do with it here, so go ahead, take it!
Obtained Blank Medium x2!

Rascally Youth: After her brother passed away, she was completely alone in the world...and yet, she keeps devoting herself to her flowers. Pretty silly, I think. I mean, if you could grow canned peaches by spraying some syrup on the ground, then maybe I'd care. But you can't get the canned stuff out of what she's growing, so I just wouldn't have the energy for it.

Give him the can of peaches.
Rascally Youth: Whoa, a can of peaches...?! What, you're just gonna give that to me? Just like that? ...Really? You're serious?

Handed over the Canned Peaches!
Rascally Youth: Well, I mean... I didn't think there was anyone who'd just give a can of peaches to a random Drifter he met on the street... Oooh...but I can't resist taking it. I better reward you for this, somehow.
Obtained Werewolf Fang!
Rascally Youth: I swiped this from an enemy I defeated in a dank, narrow underground tunnel. I've been using it as kind of a lucky charm... But I heard that there's an even stronger wolf out there, somewhere in the world. I figured I'd defeat it and use one of its fangs as my new charm... So, you know, I don't need this anymore.
Rascally Youth: Thanks again for the peaches! I'll eat 'em after I put 'em in the fridge for a little bit. I tried talking to the girl in the field for a bit, once...but she said it'd take three years for a peach tree to bear fruit. Three years... I just can't decide it that's worth waiting for or not... But either way, thanks for the can. I'm definitely gonna enjoy it.
I'm seriously craving some peaches after all that.
Well, might as well talk with Mariel while I'm here.
Flower-Tending Girl: Umm... Listen, everyone... There's something I want to ask of you... ... Could you take this letter...and give it to the Drifter with the blue hair and the red bandana around his head...?
Flower-Tending Girl: Oh, really?! I... Thank you... Please, I'm counting on you!
Obtained Flowery Letter!
I also delivered Jude's Cat while I was in Honeysday.
Bowtie Boy: Wow! That's it! You got him! Oh, thanks a bunch!
Obtained XERD_003SS!
Bowtie Boy: That's your reward! I used it back when I was out on a journey in search of my mother. I don't need it anymore, though. The type of battle I'm about to fight isn't the kind where you use a weapon. ...I customized it a fair bit, so it might be a little difficult for you to handle, but I'm sure you can manage!
The XERD_003SS was the ARM Jude used in Wild Arms 4. It's an awesome ARM Part for Dean, with a major drawback of a RES stat of -54. I equipped it anyway.
To Mirapulse!

Obtained Podarge Wing!
After getting that, we head straight for Harmonde and give it to Clive.
Amateur Rocketeer: The spring hidden inside a Gold Nightingale... And the catalyst within a Podarge Wing... They're both here...and with that, my research is complete! Oh, never in my dreams could I have ever imagined this! Please...! Let me have those two pieces - I'll go anything for them! All right... I must admit, I'm feeling a bit giddy right now, but let's give this a shot! Heh heh heh... It's finally complete! My ultra-high-performance rocket, the "Hob & Nob"! I always knew I was an engineering genius! I got the name from some characters in this children's book my daughter read. It's done up rather cute, if I do say so myself. Still, I am but a lone, humble researcher. I lack the brute strength required to wield my new weapon effectively. Knowing that, I would like to give the Hob & Nob to you, for all of the wonderful support you've provided.
Obtained Hob & Nob!
Amateur Rocketeer: Oh, there's no need to thank me. Besides, I owe you so much for helping me rebuild confidence in myself. Come back to Harmonde soon, all right? If I can get my wife to deal with my terminal pyromania, I'll treat you to a taste of her stew.
Hob & Nob was the name of Marivel Armitage's weapon in Wild Arms 2. In Wild Arms 3, you could collect story books to read to Clive's daughter, in which Marivel appeared as a character. Hob & Nob was never mentioned in that book, though.
In Wild Arms 5, Hob & Nob is an awesome ARM Part for Carol, with a major drawback of a DEF stat of -47. I equipped it anyway.

Guitar-Strumming Youth: Looks like you got the Crystal Tear for me. You just made my day, let me tell you!
Handed over the Crystal Tear!
Guitar-Strumming Youth: If I can analyze this high-energy body, we'll be able to resurrect Baskar tech from the Age of Lost Technology...and that includes the Ark Scepter. We might be able to get our hands on all sorts of ancient legendary items, including the Holy Root and the Kishum Flame! Thanks a bunch. Here's a reward for you. I've tinkered with it plenty, so it may be a tad difficult to use, but I'm sure you'll be able to get something out of it.
Obtained Coyote M18F!
Guitar-Strumming Youth: Surprised that we're carrying weapons? Baskars have a reputation for being super geniuses, but there's a few like me who fight with ARMs, too. Let's just say that in order to protect the independence of my research, I've had to use the power at my disposal once or twice.
The Coyote M18F was Gallows' ARM in Wild Arms 3. It's an awesome ARM Part for Greg, with a major drawback of an ATK stat of 24. I equipped it anyway, because it has a MAG stat of 147!
The Ark Scepter was a plot item in Wild Arms 3, the Holy Root was an item in Wild Arms 3 which cured all status ailments, and the Kishum Flame was a key item in Wild Arms 3, but it was translated as Kizim Fire at the time.
edit: Thanks to Krysmphoenix for reminding me that the Kishum Flame originally appeared in Wild Arms 1 as a key item required to activate the Elw Pyramids.

Golden-Haried Noble: I wonder if, perhaps, we have a Drifter acquaintance in common? He wears a red bandana over blue hair, and travels alone through the wilds. We sat together on the train here. Although he knew I was Veruni, he did not seem uncomfortable, and he cared for me when I was coughing from the VR Factor. It was the first time I had ever met anyone like that, and I would like to get to know him better. Travelers, please help me. Would you deliver this letter to him for me?
Golden-Haried Noble: Oh, thank you so much! I hope that great fortune awaits you all.
Obtained Fragrant Letter!

Up-and-Coming Businesslady: My butler was giving me a hard time about it, so I broke down and wrote a letter of thanks to the Drifter with the red headband who helped me out. W-well...there were a few things that I wanted to tell him besides just thanking him, so you might say it was good timing... He's a Drifter who travels the world. I'm a businesswoman who works in the city. So we don't have too many opportunities to cross paths. Hey. You're a Drifter too, right? Would you mind giving the letter I wrote to him?
Why yes, I would mind.
Up-and-Coming Businesslady: Thanks. This is the letter... I appreviate it, but don't read what I wrote!
Wait, what? (Yeah, even though her sentence makes it seem like "No" is the answer you should pick to accept, "Yes" is the correct answer.)
Up-and-Coming Businesslady: ...Maybe it's rude of me to tell you something like that when you're doing me a favor? I'm sorry, it's just...this has me all flustered. This really isn't like me at all, either...
Obtained Simple Letter!
Up-and-Coming Businesslady: The Drifter I wrote the letter to is quite the elusive character indeed. As soon as I think I've spotted him, he disappears somewhere the moment I turn away! Drifters are difficult people to deal with...
Middle-Aged Butler: Please do what you can to deliver the young mistress' letter to the blue-haired Drifter boy, all right? The mistress is not too experienced at simply showing thanks for selfless acts of kindness. In my experience, this is the first time that the mistress has ever managed to scale that wall. I'm terribly sorry to be asking so much of you.
Okay! We're assholes, so we're only going to give Rudy one of the letters. Whose letter should we deliver, Mariel's (Flower-Tending Girl), Cecilia's (Golden-Haired Noble), or Jane's (Up-and-Coming Businesslady)?
The Art of Wild Arms