Part 32: TF System: Tower S
Before we continue to the nextPuzzle Box #12
Music: How Long Will This Puzzle Box Continue

As you may be able to tell from the map, this puzzle can only be accessed with the help of Asgard, because it's in the area around Tower M, which is behind a large boulder.
The puzzle itself is pretty easy, as long as you don't fall into the trap of pushing the red block onto the red block to the immediate right.
For completing Puzzle Box 12, your reward is an Elder Record, which halves the MP Cost of all Original Commands. Very nice for Greg, since Hi-Blast costs over 80 MP.

The next puzzle box is hidden behind these stalactites, which Asgard makes short work of.
Puzzle Box #13

You have to be careful of where you stand during this puzzle, if a block falls on your head, you fail the puzzle.
For completing Puzzle Box 13, your reward is a Mist Cloak, which causes physical attacks to miss 50% of the time.

The next Puzzle Box is in an area behind a couple of boulders. The Sol Niger for Northeast Filgaia is over here too, but I can't purify it right now.
Puzzle Box #14

With this puzzle, you need to watch out for the tall red block. If you carelessly clear blocks, it will fall off the edge and you'll fail the puzzle.
For completing Puzzle Box 14, you get an Extra Reaction, an alternate costume for Rebecca!

Oh, what is this bullshit? It can't take too much time to recolor a few textures, I'm sure.
While wandering around the Twelbit area before going to Tower S, I ran across a strange treasure chest...

Black Box: Hey there! It's me, the Black Box! Havin' yourselves a good journey? Did you know I can talk to all the treasure chests in the world? Am I cool, or what? wanna know how many chests you've opened? All right, I'll tell you! There's 362 treasure chests in the world, and you've opened 183 of them. Be sure to come back here once you've got 'em all opened!
I've got quite a few chests left to collect, don't I? I haven't found many overworld chests and I haven't backtracked through any dungeons yet, so that's probably why I've opened so few chests. Once we've opened 361 chests, we can come back and open the Black Box.

Red-Cheeked Parrot: I see you've collected 18 medals. In appreciation, allow me to give you this sword, which no human is said to have been able to draw. Humans seem to appreciate it, but it does not serve much purpose to us...
Obtained Airgetlam!
Red-Cheeked Parrot: I'll have another reward for you once you've collected 25 medals.
The Airgetlam (sometimes translated as Argetlahm), is a legendary sword present in many of the Wild Arms games, most notably in Wild Arms 2. In Wild Arms 2, the Argetlahm is the legendary sword wielded by the Sword Magess Anastasia Valeria. Toward the beginning of the game, Ashley Winchester pulls the Argetlahm from the stone it was resting in, releasing the spirit of Lord Blazer which was sealed inside. The Airgetlam also appears in Wild Arms 3, translated as Airget-lamh, it is the name of Jet Enduro's ARM. Some speculate that the Guardian Blade from Wild Arms 1 is the Airgetlam, but it is never referred to as such in Wild Arms or in Alter Code F.
In Wild Arms 5, the Airgetlam is an awesome ARM Part for Avril, with a major drawback of a RES stat of -51.

In order to reach Tower S, we need to use Asgard to wade through the shallow river to the north of Provectas.
I want to take a moment to give an example of how awful the AI is in this game. While crossing this river, I ran into a battle. Asgard casted Slow Down on an empty HEX, walked into that HEX, and then used Hydro Pressure on an enemy that is immune to water damage. What the fuck, Asgard?

To reach the Tower, we have to cross through a cave.

The cave exits to a frozen area where Tower S is located.
Music: If We Act Like Scholars

The entrance room of Tower S is identical to the entrance of Tower M, but blue instead of red. There's even a scene that triggers when we try to go onward to the next room.

After circling around a boring staircase, we end up above the entrance room. We can't stand on these blocks, but we can freeze them with the Freeze Ray, creating a bridge.

Next we come to a room with three sealed doors, three blocks, and two pressure switches. It's currently impossible for us to hold down the northern switch, as it's isolated from all of the blocks.

Putting a block on the southern switch opens the door to the south. After climbing up a room with nothing but a pole, we come to another large room.

This room has an open door and a sealed door. On our way to the open door...

A boss fight already!

In this battle, we're up against two Sea Bishops. Their basic physical attack hurts for about 1500 damage, they can cause Disease and Poison, and they can cast Hydro Pressure for about 1500 damage.
They're not a big threat, unless you're dumb enough to let one onto the water ley point while you have characters on the fire ley point.

The next room has four blocks on a raised bit of floor. The idea is to move the blocks around so that all the eyes on the walls can see a block. You'll likely figure this out and block off all of the eyes, and then get confused when nothing happens.

And then you move the camera around and see that there are eyes above the blocks as well. All you have to do is line the blocks up underneath those eyes, and the puzzle is solved. (That chest has 2 Full Revives in it, by the way.)
Once you solve the puzzle, the room shakes and you hear a sound like shifting stone.

The sealed door in the previous room is now open.

That door takes you to this room. The plaque reads:
*A land of red and a land of white lie separated by a vast river. A solitary tower rises from the riverbank of each land, facing the other. Only when a winter's breath freezes the river will a path between the lands be revealed.

The red gem and the white gem represent the red and white towers, and all the blue gems represent the vast river which separates the two.

Once we solve that puzzle, the water in the switch room freezes. On the way back down to that room, we get another scene.

Now that the water in this room is frozen, we can move two of the blocks to create a bridge for the third and press the switch, opening the northern door.

This room is a bit more complicated than the previous one. We need to somehow move these blocks around while making sure one of them stays on top of another.

I solved this by creating a bridge and using the Power Shot to move the higher one, but in hindsight, it probably would have worked better to just move the blocks around to give me enough room to pull the higher block into position.

Once we get the blocks into this position, the room shakes, and the final sealed door in the previous room opens up.

This door takes us to a room with a bunch of stone blocks and a pressure switch. Stone blocks are too heavy to drag around, so we have to use the Power Shot to move them. When we hit a stone block with the Power Shot, it keeps moving until an obstacle stops it.

We shoot the block directly to the south of Dean, which pushes it into the block to the far south. After that, we shoot the eastern block to the west, and then shoot the northern block to the south, pressing the switch.
This room also contains a Sol Niger, which we purify before moving on.

The next room has two pressure switches, but only one block. We can't reach that spring without using the nearby block as a stool, so I push it onto the switch closest to the spring.

The spring brings us to the top of the room, which has a second block. Pushing it off the edge causes it to land on the remaining switch, opening the door to the next room.

The next room is another stone block puzzle.

I move the eastern-most block to the north, and then to the west, leaving it next to the western-most block. After that, I push the south-west block onto the switch.

The next room is another staircase with puzzles we solved previously.

A Pethamenos awaits us at the top of the stairs.

As soon as the battle begins, Pethamenos uses his preparation attack, Candle in the Wind. (which he uses before I get a single turn.) This drops everyone's HP to 1.
After you recover from that, he's not a big threat. He never deals more than 1500 damage, so he's simple enough to deal with.

Music: Elvis PALB_3106 (: Appearance)

We continue onward into the next room.

All: WHAT?!

Boss: Elvis
Music: Elvis PALB_3106 (: Battle)

Yeah, Elvis is weak to every element but water. Despite his high ATK and MAG stats, he's probably the easiest to defeat of the Four Sentinels.
His basic attack, Rapid Punch, deals about 2000 damage, but he can get a Critical with it, in which case it deals about 2700. He also has React Plus, which adds DP/EP Up status to a HEX.
He also has Hydro Pressure, which can be a serious problem if you let him on the water ley point or if you're on the fire ley point. Since he's weak to everything, you don't have to worry about staying on the fire ley point for Blast, like you did with the water ley point and Persephone. Of course, I'm stupid, so I used the fire ley point anyway.

Like Persephone, Elvis also has a powerful preparation attack. On his next turn after using Ready Yourselves! He'll attack an adjacent HEX with Variant Attack, for high damage. He'll defend if there are no targets in adjacent HEXes.

It's not actually very strong... It did manage to deal over 5000 damage to Dean later in the battle though, so I'm not really sure how it determines damage.
Elvis goes down pretty easily as long as you keep him from the water ley point and hit him with elemental attacks.
Music: Elvis PALB_3106 (: Appearance)

The Duel With Elvis
Music: Elvis PALB_3106 (: Battle)

To prepare Carol for this battle, I equipped her with a Muse Amulet (reduces damage from water attacks), a Mist Cloak (avoids physical attacks 50% of the time.), an Ebony Shadow (increases EVA by 25 when moving between HEXes), and a Laurel Crown (doubles healing effects.)
As you can see, my main strategy here is avoiding Elvis' attacks, since he mostly attacks with Rapid Punch.

Elvis loses Variant Attack for this battle, but he gains Greased Towel, which puts him into Detonation for the next few turns.

I put Carol on the earth ley point and used Hi-Break and Break. When you get Elvis' HP down to 50%, you get some dialogue.

Carol's basic attack only deals about 700 damage, so it takes awhile, but I beat him eventually.

Music: I Still Have Something to Tell You

(This animated a lot faster in Photoshop...)
Music: Elvis PALB_3106 (: Appearance)

Elvis is an inversion of Alvíss, a figure from Norse Mythology.
Alvíss was a dwarf who fell in love with Thor's daughter. Thor did not approve of their love and put Alvíss through a series of tests. In Wild Arms 5, Elvis is clearly not a dwarf, and similar to the story of Alvíss, Elvis' "daughter" Carol is put through a test to gain permission to date Dean.

We grab the elemental circuit and continue on our way.
The Art of Wild Arms