Part 41: Black Box (First Half)
Music: A Castle Entangled in Thorns
We find ourselves back where we first met Asgard.

Welcome to the final dungeon, Locus Solus: Black Box. There are Cordyceps and a Full Revive hidden in the rubble, and there's a save point and a shop box in this room as well.

We can also leave through this hole in the wall to access the Locus Solus overworld.

We're now on the northern side of the Locus Solus. There's nothing interesting to see here, but you can find 2 Cordyceps, an Ambrosia, and a Gella Card with the Search System. The Teleport Orb does not function here, so we can't return to the Mayflower or the Pilgrim's Cradle.
When we're done exploring, we go back inside and enter the door by the shop box.

This room has two sealed doors, three pressure switches, and four explosive crates. The stone blocks cannot be moved, they're just there to get in your way

All we have to do is freeze three crates and blow the fourth up, and then we're able to move the crates onto the switches, opening the door to the south.

There are two hallways of prison cells on the other side of the door. If we look in the cells we can find a Lucky Card, a Holy Berry, and a LS Amethyst P.

At the end of the second hallway, we hit a cracked stone wall. If Zelda has taught me anything, it's to use explosives on all cracked objects. The Power Shot breaks the wall, revealing a door.

This room has a pressure switch and a doorway that's blocked by a gate.

When we press the switch, the gate raises, but a door shuts behind it.

If we push a crate onto the switch, we can stand behind the raised gate and shoot the box.

The gate drops and the door opens, letting us proceed deeper into the dungeon.


Music: A Shallow Dream

Ominous Voice: Heh heh heh... Indeed, it is still too early to give up...

Ominous Voice: I have waited long for this day...for the arrival of one who can at last fulfill my desires! I am the one who will give you power... You are the only one who can fathom my despair... The time has come... Take my power-!

Ominous Voice: That is the power I have given you. I am the souls of those who attempted to destroy the wall between the Veruni and human races, as you have.
From this point on, Volsung's mouth animates when the Ominous Voice speaks.

Ominous Voice: Yes... Many have tried, and failed. Many more will undoubtedly try, and fail as well.

Ominous Voice: Be honest with yourself. The harder you try, the greater will be the shock when you are betrayed. We, too, believed that the wall should be destroyed, must be destroyed, but all our efforts were in vain... A different approach must be taken in order to eliminate that wall.

Ominous Voice: It is a simple matter. You need only view the matter from the opposite direction. Indeed, the only way left is to destroy the two races that have created the wall!

Ominous Voice: And what is wrong with that? Both races rejected us, did they not? What right to existence do they have? Even you have seen that they will never come to understand each other.

Ominous Voice: Admit your true feelings to yourself. There is no need for you to continue forcing such hopeless goals upon yourself. Recall your purpose for existence. There is only one path open to you!

Ominous Voice: Hah hah hah hah! Come, open your heart to me. Then I will show you true power!

That was really dumb.

Music: A Castle Entangled in Thorns

Aside from the door we came in through, there's a sealed door in this room, and an open door at the top of the nearby staircase.

The next hallway introduces a special mechanic for this dungeon.

When we get close to these floating objects, we're forced into a battle. We can avoid this by shooting the objects out of the air from a distance.

The next room is identical to the previous one, but we entered where the sealed door would have been. First we take the lower door.

There's a sealed door at the bottom of the stairs, which opens when we shoot the switch in the corner.

It leads back to the room with the boxes, so we can go back and save or shop if we want.

We return to the previous room and take the higher door.

Upon entering the next room, we're immediately forced into a boss battle.

Titanius is a really easy boss. He never deals more than 3000 damage at a time, and goes down really quickly when you blast him from the wind ley point.

And with that, we're about halfway through the dungeon. Tune in next time for the most tedious puzzle in the game!
The Art of Wild Arms

More art from the Development Material Collection.