Part 35: Three becomes Six.
Right. Last time we saved the world. Hooray!

So because I had to make a different save file, I have to revert back to my Malduke save, literally right before the final boss. Fortunately, the game tells you to do this, unlike a few other games where I've accidentally saved right after the final boss...and couldn't do shit.
So from this point on in the game, we are in Bonus Content! A few of the bonus bosses are the same as the original game, but there are a few extras. However, I'm going to put those off, because we can get a full party now.

Just warp back down to Ka Dingel, use the teleporters there to get back to Filgaia.

In hindsight, I probably should have checked to see if I still had this before I left Malduke. But I have it anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter. First stop is Adlehyde, to check on an old friend.

Drake and Bartholomew are still at it.

Good find.

Obtained Event Item [Broken Helm]!

I'm so glad Bartholomew was in this game to be the comic relief.

We can rebuild her. We have the technology. The Five Thousand Gella Ship.

With the extra Crest Graph Cecilia has, I get Little Boom back yet again. No, why did I name it "Little Boom?" Because the Hope Shard is much more of a Big Boom. That's the kind of explosion that can demolish 90% of a fully loaded cement truck right there.
Krysm like big boom....

While Tom works on the ship, next stop is Court Seim, where I buy a few extra Name Tags for fun, and rename this fellow Namingway. I thought about it sooner, but now I decided it was appropriate We're here to pick up Jane. You can start this the moment you get Hope Shard.
Oh, just so you know, you can rename all six party members, as well as Hanpan. I'll keep the names as is though. NPCs aren't so lucky.

When we stop to see Jane and Magdalen, they seem to be in some kind of argument. (Don't ask me why Jane turns around when we talk to her, if she's talking to Magdalen.)

She leaves, and the music cuts out here.

please bear with me. It is about the Maxwell family.
This next part is all

The Maxwell family was a very well off family: Nicholli, the head of the house and ARMS researcher, his wife Mabel, and their young daughter Jessica. The beginning of their misfortunes came by way of a wanderer who brought a newly discovered ARM from nearby ruins to the town's fair. This particular ARM was placed on display at the fair. It was not broken, yet it would not activate. The ARM was greeted with curiosity and people were amazed by its mystery. Unfortunately, something woke the ARM from its long dormancy. The unexpected awakening of ARM can only be described as chaotic, and it only ended when the ARM self-combusted. The explosion was responsible for many deaths, and an even greater number were wounded. When Nicholli arrived on the scene, he found pieces of the ARM still rumbling. Nicholli disposed of them properly.
But the tragedy did not end there.
Mrs. Maxwell who was at the fair during the incident, came across the responsible wanderer, who had been badly wounded. She knew the town would not look kindly upon him, so Mrs. Maxwell brought him back to the Maxwell residence for treatment. Since they could not find the wanderer, the townspeople held Nicholli accountable, since he was an ARM researcher. Even though the family faced exile, Mrs. Maxwell told her husband that they should take responsibility, in lieu of the wanderer. She knew it would be easer for them to take the blame, because of their family's status; the grieved townspeople would deal harshly with a strange wanderer.
(Interrupting breifly to note that the "easer" is not my fault. Fuck Up Count: 30.)
Nicholli readily agreed. The wounded wanderer accepted their heroic generosity with tears. After taking the blame, the Maxwells knew they had to leave, but they stayed long enough to help with restoration of the town. This whole time, the wanderer stayed with them while he recovered. He swore that he would never forget all that the Maxwell family had done for him. The family spent their savings establishing an orphanage for the children who had lost their parents in the explosion. It was the only other building besides their home. The wanderer helped them with the move. But just as the Maxwells settled into their new home, Mrs. Maxwell collapsed. Mrs. Maxwell was pregnant, and the journey had finally taken its toll, not to mention the injuries she had sustained at the fair.
That night, one life was born while another was lost.
The wanderer owed his life to the Maxwell family, especially Mrs. Maxwell. That very night, he swore to serve the Maxwells, and especially watch over Mrs. Maxwell's baby.
That baby's name was Jane.

She walks in after a moment.

Jane joined the party!
Aww....this scene always gets to me. I really like this scene a lot. Magdalen and Jane get so much more fleshed out in this game, and this scene just shows every single bit of it. Before, it was a hyperactive girl with a gun and her serious this game it's the same, but it at least explains how Magdalen got there before, and why he sticks so close to her.
Anyway, now that Jane's here, she has her final Calamity, I'll Show you!☆ This move is really confusing though...
This move uses up ALL of Jane's MP, gets multiplied by her FP, and then by a variable amount based upon how many times she has successfully stolen something, and then Luck has a large influence in her damage as well.
Now....the thing is I have no idea how much FP plays into this. I haven't tested it too much because, honestly this move kinda sucks. Since it uses up all of her MP, unless you have MP Repair on her, you can't use her for her primary function anymore, stealing. And even then, MP Repair is rather slow. Besides, there's something unique about Jane I haven't mentioned.
You see, Finest Arts are like a super critical hit. I actually haven't had one happen yet (because they are super rare) but I think it'll deal either 4 times as much damage as a normal hit, or 12 times as much. However, Jane does even more. Her damage for Finest Arts is further multiplied by the amount of bullets in her ARM, effectively turning Finest Arts into her Gatling Raid.
Now, the problem is that this is still a very rare. I'll be on the watch for Finest Arts and try to figure out the math behind it. The cool part is, Finest Arts can happen with her What Can You Do?☆, which interrupts enemies by attacking them with a basic attack and canceling their move if it hits. Those hits can Critical (or Blow Out, which is a semi-rare instant kill against normal enemies) and better yet, get upgraded to Finest Arts where she can deal lots of damage. Jane is really the only character in the game who should ever use a basic attack, because everyone else has super-damaging abilities that are way better. And her basic attacks can be incredible.

Right. Now onward to Emma. To get there, you need to enter the Underground Waterway again, using the Shield Badge again. Note that they never actually took the item away from you; and this is why.
The song playing here is a Feeling Wind rearrangement of Ready! Lady Gunner!, which was Virginia's theme from Wild ARMs 3. It's surprisingly dark and meditative, which contrasts against Virginia's typical mood. But the almost sorrowful tone of the song matches the previous scene between Jane and Magdalen, so I'll use this song for a bit here.

There were crates here before, now they are gone, thanks to Grenades. You use the Change Staff to get across, obviously. All it does is take us around to a hidden chest that contains 5000 Gella. Lame!

This is also a secret room that you get across by blowing up a different set of crates further in the dungeon. The bridge there is being held in place by the four sunken pillars. Blow them up, and the bridge flows down, so you can get to the other door. There's a ladder off to the side you can't see, so you can still get out if you don't take the first door.

At the top of this giant pillar that we have to monkey our way up, is a wheel that opens up the door on the other half of the room. The door on this half of the room leads to 2000 Gella. Even though you could start this the moment Ka Dingel rose up (I wonder what would happen if you tried to do it earlier though, since you just need the grenades...), the loot in this dungeon sucks.

That's more like it!

Huh, this floor seems unusually cracked...I wonder what would happen if someone used a few too many bombs here?


Naturally, the party lands in the most uncomfortable way possible...except for Cecilia of course. Then again, Rudy's made of living metal so...who knows?

Ladies and gentlegoons, Rudy's one and only line in this entire game that isn't a multiple choice question.

Legal advice is the least that Emma needs. Maybe a nice white jacket with really long sleeves...

...I don't think that's something you can research.

Lady loves to hear herself talk. Look at all these

Emma joined the party!
Sweet. That's five now. But we can't get out of this room normally since we exploded our way in here. Using the door however brings up this.

We just get warped back to Adlehyde. Now for a quick little shopping spree. I realized I have 3 Alter Parts, so I give Arc Nova another shot, since it only had one before. It's main use is that it can hit everyone, so I want to get more shots out of it. The rest of Rudy's cartridges only hit groups, or random enemies.

We can also go to Emma's shop to improve her Punchy Gun. Each alter part spent increases her ATK by one measly point. Yes, you can boost it up to 999, by why the hell would you? The rest of her stats suck, especially her accuracy! There are only three things about Emma that matter. Her Downloaded skills, her Magic to use those Downloaded skills, and the MP to use those Downloaded skills.

Case in point: Great Booster. What does this spell do? The better question is, what doesn't this spell do? It doubles Attack and Magic, increases Defense and Resistance as if they had Soft and Hard cast on them at the same time (which I think doubles that stat), doubles Reaction, 50% bonus to Evasion and gives some unknown increase to Accuracy. This spell is deadly. In fact, this one spell is probably even better to have than Brave Seal. And combined, these two are deadly, as it can quadruple someone's Attack.
Which brings us to the ultimate combo in this game. Brave Seal + Great Booster + Best Luck (use Small Flowers) + Hocus Pocus (a spell I don't have for Cecilia yet, increases Luck) + Newton's Wrath + Infinity + Lock-On Active + Gatling Raid + Rinse & Repeat. Semi-permanent boosts to all of Rudy's stats, increasing his Luck from Best to Super-Best which sets the random damage multiplier to x1.5-2.0(!!), a near infinite supply of Force, and the game's most powerful attack repeated twice per round.
If you think you've seen devastation, you haven't seen nothing yet.

Speaking of devastation, Saint Centaur. Since Aura appeared a lot in the ending credits, clearly she must be important to the storyline, even though we never saw her since Caging Tower. Time to find out what happened to her.

There is a secret door in the Sheriff's office, with the Jump Boots pressure plate hidden beneath the crate you need to blow up.

And there she is, hidden safely away.

I think she's referring to Rudy here...and I don't think she heard about what I can do with him.

Note the gauntlet there. I think you can do this scene before Rudy gets his upgrade, since you only need the Jump Boots. Yeah, I probably should have done this sooner, except I completely forgot Aura appears in the ending credits.

From this point, you can freely talk to Aura again. Her dialog chances based on who talks to her, like most NPCs.

Wait a second...swordsman...strange but funny, trying to do his best, and overly energetic? Combined with the sneaky orange scarf in the ending credits, we have ourselves a Zed! Glad to see he made it out of the Gate Generator alive.

...I would not compare Zed to laughing gas...but okay?

...I have no idea what's going on here...

He then randomly turns into a purple light and goes back to the statue thing he started by.

The party is in disbelief.

Right. So here is the fight against

Case in point, his first attack: Missile Set. Completely one-shotted Cecilia. And this is his only Magic-based attack, so she should have been able to use her natural high Resistance.

And he counter-attacks everything with Counter-Combo, which is still pretty darn powerful. And to make matters worse, he has the typical Bonus Boss Inflation issue for HP, and has 30000. This can be one long devastating fight.

However, Missile Set is Zed's only magical attack, the rest are physical, meaning a party wide Hamedo is key here. By this point, I just used a Gimel Coin because a bad start with Cecilia dying early can really fuck up a lot of your plans, since 90% of the support buffs come from her.

However, Hamedo goes away once it retaliates once. To make things worse, she's slightly slower than Zed, so I have to risk next turn with her being protected.

God I love Brave Seal.

I switch out Emma for Cecilia to get a Great Booster on Rudy, and Zed decides to use his ultimate move: Ultimate Zed. He turns into a missile.

He aimed it straight at Rudy...who still had Hamedo active.

Here it comes.
EDIT: This should really count as a fuck up, because of the lack of spacing there. Thanks Szurumbur for that. Fuck Up Count: 31

Combined, Brave Seal and Great Booster with Gatling Raid can be enough to take down almost any bonus boss on it's own. And I haven't boosted Rudy's Luck yet.

...riiiiiight. Anyway, he would have given 60k EXP, but I used a Gimel coin so I have to forfeit that. Which works great for me, because Jack still has one last Fast Draw and I don't want him over-leveled. However, I still get the 12k Gella he drops.

So much for his suit of armor saving him.

It cuts to black and then back to this to show the passage of time.

To get up, Zed does a fucking backflip, complete with a few fancy twists. Can this boy be normal at all, or he just cursed to be crazy awesome 100% of the time?

We can talk to him afterward.

Funny you mention that Zed... This is why you need the Defense Unit, because it's a convenient item that reactivates stuff.

And then instead of walking through the door normally, he leaps backwards through the door.

The crystal turns into light which spreads throughout the ruined city.

Rudy walks forward, and extends his hand.

Zed grabs it.

Zed joined the party!
That's right ladies and gentlegoons, the sixth party member, is none other than Zed. Seriously, how many of you saw this coming?
Krysmphoenix (from quite a while back) posted:
You know what? I'll just go ahead and say it since it's practically obvious by this point. We get Jane back, but we will not receive Magdalen as part of the final party. If you notice this update dropped a few hints that Magdalen feels like maybe Jane needs a little time away from him (they elaborate on this more later on). No one else gets a stealing ability, so Jane is the only one who does.
So far our final party is Rudy, Cecilia, Jack, Emma, Jane, and a sixth member. If you've noticed, I have been using normal portraits for NPCs, but switching to their battle portrait when the join. So the sixth member of the final party could be ANYONE in the game, from Tony at Surf Village, Sister Mary at the Abbey, or even King Justin! It's not King Justin.
That said, I'm enacting (kinda already enacted) a strict no-spoiler policy on the identity of the sixth party member. I don't mind lots of guessing long as anyone who already knows keeps their mouth shut.
DarkHamsterlord posted:
It's Armengard, isn't it?
Krysmphoenix posted:
Dammit! Right on the first try!
Ha, I wish.
Tallgeese posted:
It's Boomerang, isn't it.
I mean, he's killed demons before. Maybe he'll join you after you kick his ass enough and he realizes he might get to fight more and more badass dudes if he sticks with you.
Elite posted:
Guessing games where I get to make a fool out of myself? I'm all over that shit!
My top guesses:
Elmina/Lady Harken because mind control is never reliable
Boomerang because dicking over the demons would probably amuse him
Zed because a man can dream can't he? (Isn't going to happen but it'd be awesome if it did)
Azure_Horizon posted:
It's Captain Bartholomew, duh.
Congratulations Elite, your wish comes true. Although Azure brings up a good point, how this game really makes it seem like the sixth character could be Bartholomew. (And Azure already knew who the sixth character was anyway.) Although Boomerang and Elmina were two really good possibilities that I would believe as theoretically possible given the storyline, but sadly isn't the case.

And Zed was not joking about being the strongest of the group, because his Attack is the highest. Rudy CAN get higher if you put all his points into ATT Bonus instead of Bullets, but Zed is just naturally stronger. He uses Piled Shots, which function like Rudy's Cartridges in that you can only use them so many times, and he doesn't have MP either.
Zed's Force Ability is Full Power, which increases his Attack by 75%, but forces him to move last. It also functions like Accelerator in that it can dramatically improve his Piled Shots as well.
Secret Sword targets a single enemy, and has a base tech constant of 4, which is pretty damn impressive on it's own. With Full Power, it increases to 6, which is higher than Gun Claymore's tech constant. However, if Secret Sword is the killing blow on an enemy, Zed will take damage as well. I don't know how much because I don't use it very often, this move shows how Zed works. He is a powerful character, with lots of risks.
Now, you might be wondering, why did I say Piled ShotS when he only has one? Because Zed can gain multiple, but I'll save that for next update.
End of update status:

--ATK Bonus: 45 (Lv. 4)
--Bullets: 14 (Lv. 11)

--Joined the Party!
--Got a couple of new Downloads off camera, the important one is Great Booster.

--Joined the Party!
--Learned I'll Show You! ☆

--Joined the Party!
Gella: 22268
Migrant Seals: 14
Ex. File Keys: 5/25
Fuck-Ups: 31
Version Differences:
Jane, Emma and Zed (!) can join the party permanently. They each get heartwarming scenes to accompany their introduction into the party as well.
A Saying A Day

Next Time:

This is what we like to call Dramatic Irony..