The Let's Play Archive

Wing Commander III & Standoff

by Ilanin

Part 144: Kilrah System, Kilrah Sector, Mission 2 without wingmen (featuring Jade Star as guest commentator) (Gameplay)

Bonus Update - Kilrah System, Kilrah Sector (Mission 2) - no wingmen run

Again featuring Jade Star as co-commentator. Since, again, the briefing (Polsy) is unchanged and I have kept the same missile loadout, I have not made a new briefing video.

Mission Video (Polsy) (Youtube)

Kills this mission: 29 confirmed, with three Strakhas unaccounted for (there's additionally one collision with a Vaktoth).

So yes, this was actually pretty tricky. This video was my first and only success (I stopped trying after it, but that's got more to do with the fact that as soon as I saw a damage report screen that appears about halfway through I knew this attempt had to go in the LP), and there were three or four failures beforehand. Nowhere near as tricky as Alcor-1 (even sober), but there's not much margin for error here, since each wave of enemies (except the first set of Darkets) is dangerous, and there's two 6-on-1s.

Next time on Let's Play Wing Commander:
Our F-103/A Excalibur is called Enola Gay, right?