Part 5: Treasures!

It's a damn shame. I actually do like this theme, and it is quite readable. That door was closed. TINKLEE opened it.

So yeah. There was nothing on that room. Fortunately, there are other rooms! Also I fucked it up here. Also, notice how THIS map screen is over 10 times as big in a png as the OTHERS. Yeah. I like this one, but it is a)Not as readable, b)Way way way larger in PNG form.

TINKLEE is gonna be our goddamn doorpusher until we get SNAKE or STERV a couple more points into Skulduggery so we can actually PICK the goddamn doors.

Nothing! Oh well. It was worth trying!

Here we have a treasure, though!

When chests are there, we need to INSPECT IT because it will very very likely be trapped. This one is.

Sin? What?

And it was. Hooray.

Hooray! That is a good thing! No one died, and everyone got a bunch of xp.

I don't know why I gave this to MONMOON, but I did so there it is.

So, every race can use the Book of Directions, but only mages, bishops, bards and... Uh, samurai? can use it. Not priests, not fighters, not Lords.

Let's give it to DETPOPE.

The Dirk is a thrown weapon. Bah! It cannot be used by priests, bishops or... Uh, I forget what the second M is. Bah.

SNAKE has no points in thrown, last I checked, but he is a ninja, how bad can he be with them?

DETPOPE gets the book.

Uuuh. Okay. I am gonna assume that this one is a single use spell.

SNAKE gets the cloak though, since MONMOON cannot use it.

There it was.

So let's use one of the pro features in Grid Cartographer! NOTES! You can add several! This was our first treasure. So let us mark it. Also that door on the right is supposed to be on the wall. Should fix that. Eventually.


This was probably supposed to be the FIRST though.

"A cure but twice, and healing thrice, one life for thee times seven."

We get three potions of light healing, one cure light condition, one poison cure and an amulet of life. Which if the poem it came with was right, will work to revive a character seven times.

So DETPOPE gets the amulet of Life.

A mysterious fountain! Let's see if anything horrible happens!

Behind it we have a door, and two sets of stairs going up.

"Perched high above the room has log turned sour, as it sits condemned to languish in its own final sentence. If there is any last judgement to be decreed upon this fallen chamber and tarnished throne, it must be gleaned from the decay that it laps upon its own dais as itself festers and rots, bearing witness to emptiness, filth and stench, silently weeping tears of its own despoiled substance."

So let's see what is in the southern door.

Yeah, this one.

Yeah, so far, we have seen a couple of rat variants, and some vines. Flesh eating vines.

But apparently quite empty. Except that in this corner, if one utilices the "Search" function...

Wait what.

To the north we have...

Unknown, eh? Those unknown things sound rather gross!

Here you find the gross residue.

Directly across the first chest, we have another thing. Also I might've fucked up the map. Damnit, I am bad at this! I will fix it on the next one.


Huh, nice!

Aaand here we have a slight issue.
The sword of striking is a very good weapon. But no one in the party can use it. Faeries cannot even hold it, it is a big sword.
The only classes that can make us of it are Fighters, Valkyries, and Lords. Oh well.
Next: God damn I hate you, why vote for the EGA theme. Why.
Damnit why must the Sci Fi theme melt my computer.