Part 34: Confusion

Let's advance! But first we need to get our bearings! This only gets worse if one does not play often!
Which I honestly should. I would get things done faster!

Here we are!

Damned clouds!

They have spells. But so does the team.

That's not a bad level up! Level 5 eh? And 8 skill points.

New spell.

Okay, STERV's having issues. His piety is pathetic! PATHETIC! But let's make him a better ninja.

His only options right now are being a fighter OR a Thief. Might have to reroll him and savescum more in the future.

MONMOON has slightly better options, BUT nothing special. Nothing.

Damnit TINKLEE. Alchemist is theb est you can do? Gaaah. We need goddamn FAERIE NINJA.
Definitely gonna need to savescum the hell out of things there.

I blame the Karma.

SNAKE's got it better! He'll level up to level 8 soon. But should he be a samurai?


But there is no way to advance through here.

Or this. Damnit!

Oh my! A button!

We have oil! We can fix it! Finally, getting rid of an item!

