Part 47: And the giants go down.
Let's retreat

Down and back to the Bullseye spot.

No way but forward through the giants eh?

Yeeah, hopefully this goes better.

This might be a good idea. Let's hit them with EVERYTHING.

Every bit helps!

Surprised that that actually worked.

Hell yes.

Dangit! They hit back with the party's own arsenal.

But Snake gets a DAMN LUCKY crit. That's fantastic for the party.

Klaus was whittled down little by little, but Frytz going down with a crit was a godsend.

One of the worst level ups yet, but I am not gonna reroll this. The lucky crit was lucky enough, and Tinklee is gonna get rerolled to something else when she hits level 8 anyways.


There may be interesting stuff upstairs.

I would not call nonboss giants interesting though.

This seems promising though.

Oh, joy of joys.

Not yet anyway.

Errr, no. I don't think so.

So let's try to fight it, saying that yes, we are here for the rock.

Impervous to most attacks! That is not good.

Hits hard, too.

And then the game froze up.
I need more and better spells to face this dude thing.