Part 74: The Tombs
One of the fountains refills health and stamina.
The other refills magic. This is POSSIBLY the best grinding spot.
Going down!
There is two doors there. Closed. And a chest. Let's see how that happens.
Nothing to it. It is just some zombies.
And the skeletons taking the hits. Yeah. That works.
Now, for the loot!
Fuuuck, let's try that again.
No! This is bad!
This is not a good situation!
But let's do it again. With one more level on the magic. So this does well.
All of these are neat, but we only want the TOMB KEY.
Oh shit. Ghosts.
That is not the best result.
But due to DETPOPE being great, they do not do much.
The key works.
Hmm! A mausoleum!
Not A buick. By Buick.
Oh shit.
Yeeeah. Let's try that later. Exploration first.
Yeah let's try that later.
It is bad jokes time.
Bad puns!
Marx Bros. reference?
Surely not Mr. Miracle's wife.
Due to DETPOPE being great these dudes are not that dangerous anymore.
A DAMN GREAT level up. But not great enough.
Poison gas sounds a good one.
From alchemist to mage again. Probably to alchemist again afterwards.
Well yeah, that is narcissism.
Insert metal gear joke here.
Well, we probably should rummage through all those bones. And use/abuse those fountains.