Part 2: U.S Mission 1 - Central Seattle

Viddler /
Medals earned:
Earned for completing the mission.
Earned for completing the secondary objective (repairing the damaged Bradley).
New units commanded:
U.S armoured transport - Bradley IFV:
The Bradley is an armoured infantry fighting vehicle, capable of carrying into battle and protecting a single squad of infantry. Armed with a 25mm autocannon and TOW missiles, it's capable of engaging and defeating light armor, soft vehicles and infantry. For protection it also carries smoke launchers, capable of concealing the vehicle in an emergency.
U.S AT-infantry: These men carry several Carl Gustav anti-tank launchers, making them deadly against all but the heaviest enemy armor. Capable of concealing themselves in buildings or forests, they are far more deadly than appearance suggests. Don't leave them in the open though, as artillery or snipers will quickly decimate them otherwise.
Infantry is capable of sprinting short periods, sacrificing the ability to shoot for a burst of speed