Part 6: U.S Mission 4 - Cascade mountains

Viddler /
(Sorry about the brief flickering in the opening cinematic. It just wouldn't cooperate, despite re-recording it twice.)
Medals earned:
Earned for completing the mission.
Earned for completing the various secondary objectives.
New units commanded:
U.S Medium tank - M60: The M60 was, prior to the introduction of the superior M1A1, the U.S main battle tank. Now it is relegated to a supporting role, but is still a potent vehicle under the right circumstances.
It's not as tough as the heavy tank, nor as fast as the light tank, striking a weird balance in between. It is however a far more effective infantry-killer than the heavy tank, a trait improved even more by the fact that as a special weapon it can fire canisters of white phosphorus at enemy personel.

Not getting their National Guard pay, and freezing their asses off. Still no batteries.