Part 7: U.S.S.R Mission 3 - Eatonville / Viddler
Medals earned:
Earned for completing the mission.
Earned for completing the various secondary objectives.
New units commanded:
Soviet sniper: This marksman is equipped with an SVD rifle, allowing him to reach out and touch someone at extreme range. Deadly against infantry, a lone sniper can wreak complete havoc on enemy personel in the open, especially if operating from a concealed position. However, the sniper is extremely fragile, and his weapons are completely ineffective against vehicles.
Soviet paratroopers: These elite troopers can be brought in at any point on the map, and are excellent scouts and harassers. They are highly stealthy until they reveal themselves by firing, and they are effective against enemy infantry. Their main use, however, is in providing reconissaince, often locating enemy artillery or staging points. They have the ability to call in a pin-point artillery strike for free, though with a hefty recharge time.
Not strictly a regular unit per se, since you buy them for support points rather than from the regular points pool.
Soviet medium tank - T-62: An upgrade to the famous (or infamous) T-55, the T-62 was not very successful, serving for a modest period before being replaced by the more advanced T-64 and T-72 tanks, and was relegated to training units and reserve formations.
The T-62, like the U.S M60, is best used against light vehicles and infantry in particular. Equipped with HE-FRAG shells, a single shot of this special weapon can completely obliterate a tightly packed infantry squad.