The Let's Play Archive

World in Conflict

by Erenthal

Part 23: Multiplayer 1 - Space Needle

Oy! What's this all about then?

Well, people expressed an interest in seeing how the multiplayer side of things works in WiC. So, rather than forming some sort of plan as how to accomplish this in a stylish and informative manner, I simply jumped into one of my old server hangouts against a team of randoms and played the game. The result is for you to see, and perhaps, glean some sort of enjoyment from.

I do explain it in the video as well, but this is a replay of a game. That means that I am free to pan around with the camera and observe the battle without the stress of actually commanding my units at the same time as I'm recording. Hopefully this results in a more visually interesting video than me clicking on my units five hundred times a minute.