Part 30: Taura's House
Taura's House

Fei: Things remembered when one is asleep, things forgotten when one is awake where the deepest layers of memories become the outmost layers of one's dreams, which are reality? Which are illusions? One cannot tell until one awakes, or perhaps they are, at the same time, both truth and fiction, a vast nebula with no boundaries, an emptiness equivalent to my own existence. I dreamt such a dream, a long never-ending, dream.
...La ...can...

Fei: In that dream I was called 'Lacan.' I was an artist; I had become recognized as a talented artist and now was painting the portrait of the Nisan Mother, 'Sophia'.

Sophia: Let us finish for today. You look rather tired, are you alright?
Lacan: I am fine, thank you, but, now that you mention it, shall we stop for the day? You must be the one who is tired, 'Mother Sophia'?

Sophia: When it is just the two of us, would you stop calling me that. Just call me 'Elly', as you used to do in the old days. And you don't have to be so stiff and formal.
Lacan: Oh, errh, alright. Very well, no, I mean, yes, let's do that 'Elly'!
Fei: 'Elly.' It was a time when she went by such a name, a time when we had met up with one another, a time when nothing mattered between us.
Fei: It was better that way, just two people, together. It was better to have left it that
Lacan: I think I might go back home, only for a week or so.
Elly: Oh, really? What is the matter?
Lacan: I ran out of paint. So, I, erh, need to go make some more.
Elly: You're going all that way just to do that?
Lacan: If I don't go there, I won't be able to get the right pigments.
Elly: Oh, then how about I have one of my followers, the -Kahal-, take you in one of our Gears? You'll arrive quicker and you'll be much safer.
Fei: I lied, I wasn't out of paint. I just feared I would finish the portrait. I wanted to keep on painting forever. So I wanted to buy time. She'd probably despise me for that.
No, she'd probably just give me her usual smile, She was that kind of woman.
Fei: Dreams, a life of a man named Lacan, and the lives of countless other men, all but dreams. Now that I am awake, those countless numbers of long, heartrending dreams are almost impossible to remember at all. In those dreams, I loved one woman, no matter the day, no matter the era. That did not change, nor did her name.

Fei: That dream changed me. That dream was the catalyst for me to resolve what my purpose was. I think I know now, what I have to do. That long, long memory of a dream, perhaps it was the memory of my soul.

Elly: Those words I was unable to convey, that day, that time, those thoughts I was unable to carry out, words and thoughts, the connection between the two. Without words, thoughts cannot be conveyed. Without thoughts, there are no words. They are both as vital as each other. They can never be divided, like the wings of angels, like a man and a woman, an unchangeable destiny, feelings one wishes one could change, meeting without the person who would change me and watching myself change. I dreamt such a dream, a long, never-ending dream.
Elly has the same Nisan flashback as Sophia
Elly: In that dream, I was called 'Sophia,' Mother Sophia, a symbolic name, crowned upon the person who would be the people's hope. A name I was destined to have whether I wanted it or not.
Sophia: Lacan, What is wrong? Lacan?
Lacan: Huh, no, it is nothing.
Sophia: Let us finish for today. You look rather tired. Are you alright?
Lacan: I am fine, thank you. But, now that you mention it, shall we stop for the day? You must be the one who is tired, 'Mother Sophia'?
Sophia: Enough of that, now. When it is just the two of us, would you stop calling me that. Just call me 'Elly,' as you used to do in the old days. And you don't have to be so stiff and formal.
Lacan: Oh, erh, alright. Very well, no, I mean, yes, let's do that 'Elly'!
Elly: 'Elhaym,' I've always liked that name because, when I first met him, that is what he called me. That is my true name.
Lacan: I think I might go back home, only for a week or so.
Elly: Oh, really? What is the matter?
Lacan: I ran out of paint. So, I, erh, need to go make some more.
Elly: You're going all that way just to do that?
Lacan: If I don't go there, I won't be able to get the right pigments.
Elly: Oh, then how about I have one of my followers, the -Kahal-, take you in one of our Gears? You'll arrive quicker and you'll be much safer.

Elly: Therefore I didn't want them. I wanted the two of us to be ourselves. That is what I wished for. So, I had him paint me, the way I really am.
Elly: Dreams, a life of a woman named Sophia and the lives of countless other women, all but dreams. Now that I am awake, those countless numbers of long, heartrending dreams are almost impossible to remember at all. In those dreams, I loved one man, no matter the day, no matter the era. That did not change, only his name. I think this is the definition of timeless love.

[Elly now sits in front of a portrait of Fei.]

Elly: That dream changed me. That dream was the catalyst for me to resolve what my purpose was. I think I know now, what I have to do. That long, long memory of a dream, that perhaps was the memory of my soul...

Fei: I'm healed...

Fei: Nanoreactor? Who are you? You guys recognize him? Think back to some flashbacks we've seen
Mysterious Old Man: Me? I forgot my name. Liar! Some people call me Taura. You seem to have recovered completely. Those were terrible wounds, but maybe your youth and strength helped, but your friend's wounds are more serious and may take a while longer.
Fei: My friend? Elly! Elly...

But shes my naked girl.
Gasp- I mean Taura leaves, Elly moves
Fei: Elly?
Fei goes to the next room also

Fei: Doc!
Citan: I heard from Taura and hurried over here! Boy, was that lucky. You were fortunate to have come down near Taura's research facility.
Taura: Hm, this is no research facility. It is 'a man's hideaway!' Citan told me about you. I was shocked to see a couple lying down with blood all over them.
Fei: A couple...
Citan: At any rate, you had a narrow escape. Fei, make sure you thank Taura!
Fei: Taura, thank you very much for helping Elly. Both Elly and I were hurt so badly.
What is that machine?
Taura: It's called a nanoreactor. It is a device that can rebuild substances at the molecular level. Not only can it just heal humans, but theoretically it should be able to create many substances.
Fei: Is that the same thing as that guy in Solaris- I mean, is that the same thing Krelian is studying?
Taura: Yes, that's right. I was the one who taught Nanotechnology to him...
Fei: You did?
A buzzer goes off
Taura: We shouldn't waste time talking about such an unimportant subject, looks like her treatment is done.
Taura: Oh, you don't need to come. Just wait there.
Fei: ...
Citan: Fei...
Elly comes in
Fei: Elly!
Elly: Fei, I...
Taura: Ahem! Now, why don't you two go get some fresh air outside? It ought to ease the shock of the change.
[Elly and Fei stand on Taura's roof.]

Elly: Fei?
Fei: When you came in the room just then, I was afraid you may have forgotten about me and everything else.
Elly: What do you mean?
Fei: I mean, because, Elly, you seemed a little different than before.
Elly: Has my face changed?
Fei: No, that's not it. It's more like, I mean your atmosphere or impression is different, just a little, but, I felt something familiar. I felt the same way when I met you for the first time. Some peculiar feeling like we've met before, somewhere...
Elly: Fei...
Fei: Yes?
Elly: I don't remember much of what happened after we were shot down.
Fei: It's better that way...
Elly: But I heard someone calling my name. I felt I was covered with something very warm Oh man the jokes to make here I remember that clearly.
Fei: ...
Elly: Thank you, Fei.
Fei: Elly...
Elly: Fei...
Taura: Hey, it's almost time for you to come back. There's something important we need to talk to you about.
Fei: A-alright, we're coming! Well, Elly, should we go see what's up?
Elly: S-sure.

Taura: The fresh forest air should have refreshed you, somewhat, heh? Anyway, it's about the removal of the seal. I found out it can be released by using the
Nanotechnology that regenerated you two. The Nano-assemblers are enclosed in this pod.
Citan: If only we could scatter them all over the world.
Taura: There's an ancient military installation nearby. We might be able to use
The 'Mass-Driver' located in there to launch this pod into the upper atmosphere.
Once the Nano-assemblers are released up there, the convection currents should spread 'em all over the world! I wish I could go do it, but I am getting much too old for that type of thing. Then again, it's for your future. An old man should not butt in. You young ones must do it for yourselves! Here, and of course, I'm not asking you to do it for free. Try this wrist band on.
Fei: ?
Citan: What is that?
Taura: This is an 'Emotion Control Device' in which nanotechnology is applied.
From this machine shaped as a wristband, nanomachines are infused through your epidermis into your brain.

Fei: ?
Taura: Well, I suppose it's rather difficult for you to understand, but in short, it means that the manifestation of your second personality, 'Id' can be suppressed.
Fei: Id...
Elly: Fei...
Taura: Well, it's all theoretical though. Oh, and I did one more thing as well! I installed the same control device in your Gear.
Citan: You mean, it can release Id at will?
Taura: Yes. I called it 'System Id'. But of course, it should not be over-used.
Use it only as a last resort. Kishin, here I come!

Fei: Elly, doc, I...
Citan: Fei, there was nothing you could do. It will never happen again with Taura's technology though. He is one of the three Shevat sages.
Taura: Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you.
Fei: ...
Knock on door
Taura: Oh? It sounds like we have a guest!
Fei goes into the next room
Shevat Emissary: Fei! We've got problems!

How is that a problem?
Shevat Emissary: But Solaris' mobile weapons are approaching as we speak! Oh... Please, help us!
Taura: That has nothing to do with this young man!
Shevat Emissary: Taura!
Taura: You're getting on my nerves for being so selfish. Citan told me about you. You showed up after finding out that Id is now controllable. Aren't you ashamed? You haven't changed since then. You only care about yourselves. Fei, you don't need to listen to these guys who once tried to kill you!
Fei: But...
Citan: ...
Elly: Please go! I'll go to the Mass-driver.
Fei: Elly?
Elly: No matter what happened before, Shevat needs your help now. Although you may be saving selfish people, there is still the world and its countries with many more innocent people. Please, don't forget that. Bart and his people are fighting to protect those same lives, aren't they? So please go help them!
Fei: Are you sure? What about you?
Elly: Don't worry about me. I'll manage it somehow.
Fei: But, all by yourself?
Citan: I will accompany Elly. You do not need to worry. I have brought along my own Omnigear.

Fei: Your own Omnigear?
Citan: Yes my Omnigear, 'Fenrir'. It is the same one I brought from Solaris. I left it with Gaspar in case of emergencies. I can think of half a dozen emergencies where your ass was in Heimdal, good thing Elly was there to handle things.
Fei: Doc, alright. Please take care of her for me.
Fei: Elly, be careful.
Elly: I will.
Shevat Emissary: We are truly grateful for your kindness, Fei!!
Taura: Hmph! Suit yourselves.
Fei: Ignas, right?
Shevat Emissary: Yes. The goal of the enemy is to destroy the cities in Ignas. They have already destroyed half of Bledavik and will probably reach Nisan in about four hours. Shevat will try to drive them back with all the power it has!
Fei: Four hours, that's cutting it close!
Taura: No need to worry. Balthasar and I fixed your Gear with nanomachines. It's much more powerful than it ever was before. Why, you should get there in half the time. This just gets better and better
Fei: What? Is Old man Bal here?
Citan: Emeralda is here as well.

Fei: This is incredible!

Old Man Bal: The host of the spirit of the slayer of god, I didn't think I would ever work on it again.
Fei: But why are you both helping me? Malchoir is dragging his ass
Taura: There are some things you just can't explain with the word "fate". You're going to have to see it with your own eyes.
Emeralda: Fei... Going?
Fei: Yeah, I'd better hurry! Hey! Where are you going?
Shevat Emissary: Fei, please hurry!!
Fei: A-alright.
Fei flys off
Citan: Are you sure you want to go through with this? You wanted to live quietly away from the battle field, did you not?
Elly: I noticed myself running away from reality

Elly: I thought Fei would understand my feelings. I didn't know if my love for him was real. I might have been desperate after losing my mother and father.
Citan: Elly...
Elly: Despite all that, I may still love him. That's why, I want to see what Fei can do and what I can do. I want us to be apart and think about ourselves again. I want to see how I really feel.
Citan: You have changed a lot Elly. What happened to you in the past three weeks?
Elly: Really? I don't think I've changed.
Citan: Yes, you have. I should say you have matured. Like a mother.
Elly: Excuse me! I'm only 18 years old! I'm no where near the age of being your mother!
Citan: Sorry. You gave me that impression. That is all.
Elly: Anyway Citan, I'm going now.
Citan: Alright. I will follow you as soon as I finish here.
Emeralda climbs up to the roof
Emeralda: I, I go, too.
Elly: What?
Emeralda: I go!
Elly: Emeralda, I can't take anyone else along with me for something like this. I'll be fine on my own.
Emeralda: If Elly go, I go too. Emeralda have to go with you.
Elly: Emeralda?
Emeralda: No! Emeralda go too!
Citan: Why not let her go? I am sure Solaris has a hunch about the Limiter. They may interfere, so you may feel uneasy going it alone. I think Emeralda is cut out for this job. {Besides, she is going to want to go no matter what. Take care of her until I can join you, please?)
Elly: Okay, you win. Let's help each other, alright?
Emeralda: I can do it alone. You just watch.

You can't really see it in the still, but it looks like Gaspar is throttling it here.
Grahf appears
Taura: I thought so. So you were the one who brought Fei and his girl to me. I realized it the minute I saw the two of them. Why, how could I not help but notice. They looked the spitting image of you and her. Yes, just as you yourselves looked back then

Krelian: Yes.
Gazel - Red 4: Ridiculous. Didn't Ramsus shoot him down?
Krelian: She was also on the Gear that Ramsus shot down. I won't have her die.
Gazel - Blue 3: But, there is already a 'mother,' although she may be the 'Antitype', as long as the current mother exists...
Krelian: As far as I see it, that is not complete.
Gazel - Red 2: Quite picky aren't you? Didn't you say you threw away all human emotions?
Krelian: I don't care what you think. Anyway, as far as he is concerned, I will put Ramsus onto him, any objections? Where is he presently?
Gazel - Blue 4: Etrenenk is destroyed, but parts of the memory cube is still active. We should still be able to locate individuals.
Gazel - Blue 1: Wait a moment, he has left the crash site and is heading towards
Krelian: I see. So he has left the area. (That means it is only a matter of time before the seal is broken.)
Gazel - Red 3: Did you say something?
Krelian: It's nothing. Just sit there and wait for the good news.
Gazel - Blue 2: What about retrieving the girl? They key is already beginning to resonate. The time of the resurrection is near.
Krelian: We can get the girl anytime. It doesn't have to be now. Let's take our time.

Fei: once again stood in my way, in his omnigear, 'Vendetta'. It was an unavoidable battle. I released the new function that was added to my Mark II Gear, 'System Id'!

Yeah, straight to attack level infinity, Kishin, Kishin, dead.
Fei: Ramsus' absolute confidence was shattered, leaving only his cry of disbelief and resentment, Ramsus' machine disappeared into a sea of foliage. Why he was so fixated on me? I know not why, but he did say this, "If only you didn't exist..."