This is my first shot at a let's play, but I figured since my favorite RPG was not represented, as far as I can tell, I'd do my best to share it with everyone.
Disc 1
- Chapter 1 - Intro
- Chapter 2 - Lahan
- Chapter 3 - Blackmoon Forest
- Chapter 4 - Dazil
- Chapter 5 - Aveh Sand Cruiser and Stalactite Caverns
- Chapter 6 - Sand Cruiser Yggdrasil and Bart's Lair
- Chapter 7 - Bledavik
- Chapter 8 - Nisan
- Chapter 9 - Mountain Peak
- Chapter 10 - Desert Despair
- Chapter 11 - Nortune Part I
- Chapter 12 - Nortune Part II
- Chapter 13 - Nortune Part III
- Chapter 14 - Goliath Factory
- Chapter 15 - The Thames
- Chapter 16 - Billy & The Wels' Ship
- Chapter 17 - Ethos HQ
- Chapter 18 - Zeboim
- Chapter 19 - Battle with Alkanshel
- Chapter 20 - Bable Tower
- Chapter 21 - Shevat Part I
- Chapter 22 - Shevat Part II
- Chapter 23 - Nisan Again
- Chapter 24 - Gate #1 and Aveh's Freedom
- Chapter 25 - Gate 2
- Chapter 26 - Gate III
- Chapter 27 - Solaris Part I
- Chapter 28 - Solaris Part II
- Chapter 29 - Solaris Part III
Disc 2
- Chapter 1 - Taura's House
- Chapter 2 - Mass-Driver Facility and Soylent Systems
- Chapter 3 - 1st Anima Dungeon
- Chapter 4 - Anima Dungeon II
- Chapter 5 - Mahanon
- Chapter 6 - Elly at Golgoda
- Chapter 7 - Merkava
- Chapter 8 - The Past
- Chapter 9 - The Trusth, The Past
- Chapter 10 - Assault
- Chapter 11 - Snowfield
- Chapter 12 - Taura's House
- Chapter 13 - Duneman Isle
- Chapter 14 - Deus: The End
Perfect Work Scans
Special Thanks to SpazmasterX and TooManyUzukis for the Perfect Works Scans, saves me some upload time.
First a couple formalities
Me and the Project
I'm currently working a part time research job and may be picking up a part time job until fall classes start. If I do get the job I can probably do 3-4 updates a week. If I say fuck it we're looking at closer to 6-7. I'm here to see this through, unless everyone decides it sucks.
I've played Xenogears through at least 3 times and have done way more play-throughs shy of completion. I have pretty complete knowledge of the game, and I also have the official Bradygames guide sitting next to me, so we're aiming to get pretty much everything.
Format *Edited*
This will be made up of stills probably 50-70 on most updates. Images will be small but readable because they look like shit when I resize them with Infranview, if someone has a better free solution let me know. Xenogears uses anime cutscenes and a few traditional cinematics so the look had aged well for these. I am using a mix of images and video when I feel it helps.
I really like Xenogears, and, unlike FFVII or similar titles not everyone has played it. Therefore I'm going to try to do a mix of smartass comments and helpful notes, though I'll freely admit I'm no Leovinus. It also means I'm going to be giving a lot of dialogue shots to try to get the story across.
If I'm an unfunny faggot, say so and I'll reduce the comments to the storyline.
Finally, as mentioned, many people haven't played the game and it's also a game that gets a lot of story discussion, so if you're posting spoilers please tag them like so (this is actually an example spoiler): Fei is ID
Note: It became clear that Xenogears is only a good game for poking fun at if yo ureally know it, so I have kept that to a minimum in interest of sharing what I think is teh best story in any console RPG to date.
About Xenosaga
There's a lot of back-story on the whole reason that Xenosaga was not a Square game, but essentially know that Xenogears was to be
Let's get this going