Part 9: And so begins the finding of equipment of asskickery
Chapter 9: And so begins the finding of equipment of asskickery

Shittiest. Dungeon. Ever.

What the....Ow! Why is there a wall? Why can I only see 2 centimeters? Why is there NO LANTERN? Also, NICE FUCKING INVISIBLE MAN. As if everything wasn't hard to see already, those guys will rape you sideways if you don't have the reflex.

I know what to do....

Just follow the wall.....

And it will take me where I need to go.


So follow it the other way!

Is that....a brain?

I think it is. I'm afraid to poke it. What if it goes squish? That would be disgusting.....

Well, at least I got away without poking that....thing.

HP regens here. But...that couldn't have been all that was to that floor!

Nope, I'm going back.

That's more like it. This ring slows down all enemies. Not really useful, especially since it doesn't work on bosses, and the game runs slow enough already.

Time to heal. Again. Sometimes its just a mad dash for whatever exit is closest.

Hokay, what other treasure is in here....wait, why am I in here in the first place? Oh yeah, everyone told me to stay away. Naturally thats a reason to go.


What the hell is that, a number muncher?

......why is this cave so dark, anyway?

YES. LIGHTS. HP REGEN. AND A CHEST!!!! now just to get to it....dammit Adol, why can't you jump?

Dragons!?!?! That's the same sprite that was used for Bahamut in FF1! I'm fucked!

Whyyyy does this dungeon look all the same. And what the hell is that? A naga with a pogo stick? Are these the 'demons' that voice thing was talking about? They look like they're just havin a good time....

Oh. Hell. Yes.

The heal ring gives HP regeneration in dungeons. Double regen in regen areas. Of course, you've gotta be standing still for it to work, so it's best to keep the power or ring mail equipped while moving.

Continuing on.....

What. The hell. How the HELL did I end up back here???? I. HATE. THIS. DUNGEON.

This hallway was infested with dragons. and it isn't big enough to hit them off center. Solution: Mow them down head on, equip heal ring later.

Or use one of these since theres a chest right here and if you don't YOU FUCKING LOSE IT LIKE I JUST DID.

Anyway, continuing on.

ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Now, what did that one guy in Minea want it for? To smoke it? Jeva said something about talking to trees with it, but the flute of light already did that.....

At any rate, time to get the hell out of here.

Awwww yeah, just like the intro.

This. is not. worth it.

AAAnd I have to restock. Limit on one of those at a time as well.

Hokay, let's see if Jeva was right about that talking tree thing.

Hot. Wait, how did you brothers get seperated? Did you get up and walk like that smaller tree? That must've caused an earthquake....

WHOO! This shit here is important.

Not to mention it's fucking badass in general.

Now to go back in there for no apparent reason whatsoever.