Part 10: Finafuckingly, this goddamn dungeon is finished
Chapter 10: Finafuckingly, this goddamn dungeon is finished

Not this. Again.

This was on the first floor. I knew it was there, but gave up searching the first time around. Following the walls will not lead you to it, it's on an island of sorts. It's needed. Oh god is it needed.

Back here. Again.

Fucking limited sight......

Don't know where the hell anything is......

....This is a longass corridor. Hinting at HP regening, perhaps?

I'm cutting out like 7 rooms cause they're all the fucking same. That and theres a goddamn loop that goes back to the nut room that I got caught in for an hour.

Holy shit water gogogogogogo I'm actually getting somewhere.

Jesus christ its a fucking blaziken kill it kill it kill it

Oh god it's a blaziken that glitches out even worse RUN

Hey gigantic water sweet.

Now, who the hell would fucking build a goddamn bridge down here. Whhhaaaaat.

Well, at least there were no enemies on it.

This is what we're here for. Why is it down here? Why is anything down here? I don't fucking get it!

Maybe because number muncher extreme version here brought it down as a snack and decided that a treasure chest was as good a cabinet as any.

Now how the hell do I get out of here.....

Whoa hello treasure chest, gotta get over there first....

At least this time I used it beforehand. Sheesh.

Follow the wall and water road.....

Why hello there mr. door that I haven't seen before. I think.

The vampire. Called Vagullion in other versions. The most obnoxious boss in the game, suitable for the most obnoxious dungeon.

The bats swarm, and eventually form together for that brick.

Here is how not to beat him. Stand too close when the bats form, and they just break apart. Stay further away from him, and he'll go solid.

here's how to beat him. If he wasn't already near death I would've just kept cruising off the corner, similar to fire mage. This is also why you go get the silver sword before you fight this guy. Helps. Tons.

Whoo! Full heal!

Oh. There was a reason besides the Darm Key after all.

Now to walk all the way back out. Why not use the wing, you ask? ....I forgot I had it.

That took far too long. Most annoying dungeon, complete! All that remains is the final!