Part 11: Goddammit, all the silver vanished AGAIN!
Chapter 11: Goddammit, all the silver vanished AGAIN!

Well, now that I'm out of that goddamn dungeon, time to see Jeva. She seems to be the fetch quest master.


This is the book found on Sara's corpse.

Don't have this one.

This is the book gotten from the vampire.

And this is the book gotten from the dragon worm. Funny how little the goddesses are mentioned. They are, yknow, goddesses. That could probably turn everyone into pigs with a thought. And yet there's still all this trouble to be solved by running into things!

Anyway, where to go next?

Why not pay the leader of the thieves a visit?

Who the fuck saw that coming? Seriously, NO POINTERS going to here.

And of course he then teleports us to Darm tower, the final dungeon.

Damn good thing I found that key in the mines. Otherwise there's no getting in.
Original Arrange

Zombies are pretty slow, but man will they fuck your shit up.

The hardest part about this place is that it's fucking huge.

Even though it's all clearly visible, it's really easy to get lost.

But it's worth it to explore the whole place. Treasure!

Oh. I have one of those already.


Sounds ominous.


Yeah, equipping the evil ring instantly kills you. Fun stuff.

Hey, a new floor finally.

Check that out. Seems like there should be a door there.

Hey, this thing actually has a use.

It's actually impossible to go through the door without equipping the mask. Even from the other side. How the hell did they expect anyone to figure that out?

Hey, no enemies.

........okay then. Weirdo.

Gotta equip that damn mask again to walk back through....

Aaaaand up another level!

These green knight things are usually a problem. But note how my exp is maxed. Yeah.

I can even take them head on without too much trouble, with the ring mail.

Okay that many of them is a problem.

And up another floor!

Christ, how tall is this building?

And why did I have to go through the leader of the thieve's den to get to it?

And why is Jeva his mother?

Hell, Why am I here, anyway?

Oh right, I'm killing demons for books.

You better believe I used that heal potion I had before getting this one.

Hell. Yes.

WHOOOAAA! Looking at slimes makes me black out!



Time to see what's missing.

Everything made of silver is gone.

First from the shops, now from me. This is why I bought out the shops before coming here.

Hey, weren't people looking for this guy? And vanished into the wall? Sounds like that old man I was talkin to earlier.

Well, what now?

HOLY FUCK DOGI!! This guy is in every other Ys game as well. And he never gets tired of bursting through walls.

Heellllll yes! Wait, how'd Dogi know I was in there in the first place? ....Whatever, back to that old guy!

This shit's gettin weirder every second.

Whelp, I'm runnin low on HP again......

Oh wait no I'm not nevermind.

Time to try this again. With the blue necklace equipped, this time.

Huh. Just some slimes dancing. No crazy zappy powers. Note that if you don't equip the blue necklace you'll just get sent back to a prison cell with a gaping hole in it.

Man. One more floor down. Really fucking short one, too.

What the hell are these hovercraft things. Went from demons to mechas. This game, I swear.....

Well. That was a short floor, too!


"Hey there, I'm Dogi. I like randomly chilling on the 15th floor of towers filled with demons and known to kill people. Come see me for advice!"

Well well, look what we have here. However, there's a split path I passed....

Now doesn't this look ominous.

Great Mantis. Called Pictimos in other versions. His claws follow you along the X axis and can for a time along the Y axis as well. He's a giant pain in the ass.

If this shit happens you're basically fucked.

Nevertheless, I emerge victorious! (after about 50 savestates gettin out of that previous situation as shown in the last gif)

Oh sweet.

.......And what am I supposed to do with this?

Whatever. To continue climbing the tower!