Part 12: In which Oyster fucks up.
Chapter 12: In which Oyster fucks up.

With recovered silver in hand, it's time to climb more of the tower.

These poles That just means they will be part of some wacky-ass mechanic, doesn't it. Sheesh.

Ah well, time to continue up. enemies? Uh oh.

What the HELL is it with you people teleporting all over the goddamn place!?! And another girl captured? Probably the same way Feena was. Not remembering any of it.

Anyway, time to go up the other staircase...
Original Sorry, no arrange version of this one.

Whoooaaaaaa shit. Just standing in this corridor drains HP. Time to load state and abuse the hell out of the heal ring.

Okay! Mad dash to the right!

A door! Quick, Dive!

Okay....that's cool I guess. But why is the game over music playing here?
Original Arrange

And more importantly, if you can fully restore my HP, why don't you use that ability to simply escape?

Whelp, I knew I found this for a reason.

Aaaaand smash. Now the Devil's Wind music has been replaced by the normal tower music, just in a lower key.

And the magical healing dude is gone.

So let's get outta here.

Yet another short floor with no enemies. Good god how big is this place?

Oh god no not mirrors no no no no no no no. Yknow what this means? MORE GODDAMN TELEPORTING MAZES. And see that mirror off to the right? It looks different than the others. For a reason. A bad one.

I can't even get to any of the mirrors on this floor. Thank god.

Oh god. More floors, more mirrors....

Curiously enough, I can't walk into any of them....oh wait. That rod Dogi was talking about. Shit.

Fuck it, I'm just goin up more floors.

I am going the wrong direction now. Whoops.

But I don't care. Further away from the mirrors is better.

Besides, check out that chest chillin there.

Hell yeah. Even better than the silver armor.

Fuck these hallways that leave no way out. Seriously. Fuck them to hell.

Oh. It won't let me through. Fuck this, I'm going back downstairs.

Back to this split. The other direction leads to this fantastic door.

The Ifrit. Known as Khonsclard in other versions. All he does is jump around and shoot parts of himself everywhere.

Well he's dead now. Let's reap the rewards, shall we?

Oh great.

This I can deal with, though!

To climb the tower, or to suffer with mirrors....which do I choose....Find out next update!