Part 13: In which there is a fake ending
Chapter 13: In which there is a fake ending

Whelp, I guess it's mirror time.

Fucking teleporter puzzles, I swear to god.....

Sometimes I ask myself why the hell I'm playing the famicom version.

None of these teleporter mazes are in the other versions, after all.

No teleporters on the overworld, or in Solomon shrine....

Being able to see in the mine...

Hell, the hardest part of the other versions is the fact that mask of eyes has to be used in the shrine.

And that's a good thing. It shows you what the goddamn item does so you don't forget about it.

And then I remember why I'm doing this.

Because it's the hardest version. And I'm a goddamn masochist. Because it's fun.

Whoa check it out no more mirrors, which means no more pointless rambling.

For a longass time I thought he was just getting pushed back here. For some reason I couldn't reason out that it's an elevator.

Well then, continuing on....

Oh godmotherfucking dammit more mirrors.

Sometimes I ask myself, why do I find painful things like this fun.

I mean, the whole premise doesn't make any sense.

Crystals make statues glow, which then teleport you.

Rods make looking at your own reflection teleport you somewhere else.

It just doesn't make any goddamn sense.

It almost makes me afraid to look in the mirror, for fear of waking up somewhere else.

But of course then I remember I have no rod, and so therefore can't get teleported.

And now I see why the famicom version is the black sheep of the Ys family.

But yknow what? I'm cool with that.

Cause I got my fuckin armor back.

Now, the battle armor is stronger than the silver armor, but let's get back to the task at hand.

There's still that one goddamn mirror that looks different from all the other ones....

And it is here that I make a mistake that will return to bite me in the ass. Hard. Too bad there's no indicator for it.

Anyway, time to go back to that door that was blocked by evil or whatever.

Equipping the blue necklace before the evil ring removes the evil ring's insta-kill power, and allows passage through the door.

Once again, game over music playing here. Walking to meet my doom, perhaps?

No enemies. Prime heal ring exploitation spot.

Oh check it, another chick.

I swear she has 5 lines more dialogue than anyone else in the goddamn game.

In the other versions she gives the spectacles, which can be used to read the books of Ys. No such luck here.

Did I mention she's a goddess of Ys, along with Feena? That tends to get overlooked, too.

For some reason this game is all about poets being mightier than goddesses. Or at least more worth mentioning.

For the love of all things holy HOW TALL IS THIS GODDAMN TOWER?

Well, the tower can be as tall as it wants to be if I keep getting shit like this.

Max attack. hell yes.

So anyway, where the hell does thisfloor go to?

Check it, treasure. From the looks of it, the mask of eyes should show a passage there, right?

It doesn't show shit. It's all about pressin the right spot on the wall and pullin a Dogi.

And this is more powerful than the silver shield....

Stats = Maxed. I'm pimpin, now.

More pillars in a room. Does this mean more devil's wind shit?

Worse. More mirror shit.

This one isn't too bad though....

It's only 3 mirrors long, if you know the right path, after all.

But still, you'd think they could be more original.

Okay I lied it's 4 mirrors long but they're all in the same relative vicinity.

Of course it dumps you in a boss room.

Mask of evil, known as Yogleks & Omulgun in other versions. While the mask is on he's invulnerable. Gotta wait for him to seperate and then run into the eye as much as possible.

Needless to say, his mask hurts.

But so does the flame sword.

In fact, the sword hurts a lot more.

Full health restore for what lies in store next, yay!

Goddamn this better be the top.....


This opened the other goddamn door this better open this one too.

NO. FUCKING. WAY. I hate this part of the game. I fucking hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it. Because I screwed up after Ifrit/Khonsclard, I have to backtrack 9 FUCKING FLOORS.

And talk to this motherfucker. He only says this if you have the Book of Jemma.

In fact, in other versions he only says this if you've read the book of Jemma with the spectacles gotten from Lair.

I fucking hate you.

Now, after going back up 9 floors AGAIN, I can go in this motherfucking door. Blue necklace, blue amulet, they're all the goddamn same! Why won't they do the same goddamn thing?

Whoa. Music change.
Original No Arrange for this one, either

So....ah, I assume this goes somewhere?

Oh holy fuck!
Original Arrange

The name is the same in all versions. Dark Fact. As shown here, I can't do shit to him. But wait, what was that Lair said about his cloak......?

I fuckin' KNEW there was a reason that shit kept running away and ending up in treasure chests!

The silver shit is all Cleria. It's the only thing that will damage this motherfucker.

Yeah. That's what I thought. Cleria goes straight through him.

And brings him to his doom.

So...that's it. That's the game. The end.

Of every version of Ys except this one.