Part 14: In which there is an ending. A real one. As much as it can be.
Chapter 14: In which there is an ending. A real one. As much as it can be.

With Dark Fact defeated, there isn't much left to do. Investigate that laugh, I guess...which means back through the mirror maze.

Thankfully this top mirror maze is pretty small, but....what am I supposed to do with this Mirror of Fact thing I just got?

......oh yeah. There's a mirror that doesn't look like the rest of them. You know what that means: Down 7 floors!

I really gotta wonder how Adol ever looked into a mirror again after this.

It seriously has to be traumatizing, if at least disorienting. I mean, this is actually his 10th mirror this update.

Oh hey the elevator again. Halfway there!

Just a couple more....

Yknow, all told, is it really worth it? No real 'secret' of Ys has been discovered as far as I can tell, despite what Dark Fact said.

Which leaves me with the same goddamn question I've had all game. What exactly are we trying to accomplish here?

Whoop, put those thoughts on hold. Finally made it to the mirror.

If I didn't have the Mirror of Fact this would have just said it glitters ominously. Instead, to the outside we go!

That was one hell of a long ladder.

Oh god no.

I WAS JUST SAYING I DON'T KNOW ANY SECRETS! Maybe that Feena and Lair are goddesses? But he only told me Lair was! And he told me that!

Wait, so now there's Dark Fact and normal Fact? Whaaaaat.

Wait shit he's trying to kill me. Slow down, buddy!

Whoops, forgot I de-equipped the silver equipment. Load state!

Fact suffers from the same gimmick Dark Fact did. If you didn't equip the silver shit before the battle, there is no way to win.

Now, let's try this again.

Much better. Basically, he's the same as Dark Fact, only he leaves a trail of fire as well.

Still though, he really isn't any harder than any other boss.

This is how the other incarnations of Ys end, except this happens with Dark Fact. Fact alone does not exist.

One last teleporter to take....

How kind of them to put me back here. No more mirrors! Yay!

And now for a history lesson on Ys. Maybe we'll find the meaning of this game!

Okay then, easy enough to understand so far.

I assume that's the blue amulet that Luta Jemma gave me that allowed passage to the final floor of Darm Tower. Still, the whole demon thing, where'd that come from?

Ah. That makes sense, sort of. But I've been wearing Cleria for most of the game...why has disaster not struck yet?

Another easy enough one to understand.

What they aren't saying here is that Fact is a priest of Ys who tried to sieze power by capturing the goddesses.

One last one to read.

Damn skippy it will, I went through mirror hell to get it.

So now Adol holds a lot of power. Okay. What's interesting to note is the next song that plays is entitled "The Morning Grow". I am positive that is a mistranslation of "the morning glow", namely because of this book, but of all the re-releases of the song they never fixed it.
Speaking of which, here it is: Original Arrange Vocal SSH Remix

Feena is a goddess. If she got her memory back with all the shit that happened, she knows. Everything.

I assume that is Darm Tower.

With the floating continent of Ys.

Wait, this is it?'re kidding, right?

Hell, Final Fantasy has more exposition than this!

This guy sounds controlling. Maybe it's his fault.

But...the game didn't make any sense!

Whelp, that's it. That's the game. It ends on this screen.
All in all, I really do love this game. The battle system is incredibly simplistic, and yet still manages to be difficult. Granted, this is the hardest of all versions of Ys. The story continues in Ys 2, which is really like Ys 1: Continued. I may LP Ys 2 in the future, but for now, this finished.