Part 1: In which we are unceremoniously dumped in a town
Chapter 1: In which we are unceremoniously dumped in a town
Original, Arrange

Pressing start dumps us at the entrance to Minea, which the game never tells us, unless we play the TurboGrafx or Saturn versions. Let's talk to the townsfolk!

Can't say that I have, I was just rudely dumped here 10 seconds ago. He's probably Mexican.

That's nice to know, if I get pickpocketed and have a burning desire to bring divine retribution.

This here is forshadowing

Cool, monsters drop money when killed. Screw the kids.

That's nice. I don't even know where the mines are. Your brother is a fag anyway.

Time to start raiding people's houses!

Oh. Apparently this is the pub. Oh well, let's talk to people. Pubs and shops have their own Original, Arrange

I just got here. What keeps you from believing I'm not a thief. Asshat.

Roda, eh? Sounds like something I'll be needing in the future. Or not. Why are you telling a total stranger your deepest desire, anyway?

Ah-hah! I found you! Why aren't you working? Because of the ring? wuss.

So if I want to become a furry, that's where I'll go.

Bring a seed back for that other guy. What's with this town and the Roda tree, anyway?

That shouldn't stop me from getting in, dammit!

Hey cool, a door with out a handle. Go in, and......

We get spit out at the other side of town. Not the other side of the wall. Weird. This is important later. These doors are also only present in the famicom version.

Anyway, more houses to rob, because clearly no one thinks I'm a thief.

Oh fuck, it's just an item shop.

Hey, didn't Donis lose this thing?

Sure. Bringing it back to Donis makes.....

I'm cool with that. Pay me an extra 500 gold to walk 30 pixels, whoo!

2 houses to try and rob still. Let's start with this one in the southeast.

Oh. Well then. Hey, this music is sad

This one surely has treasure for the taking.

Gah, it's the weapon shop. Ah, well, pointy sticks make stealing easier, so let's get one! And that Sara chick will pay attention to me, too.

Next door at the armor shop gives us armor to play with.

The major annoying feature of this game is that in the pause screen all music stops. The music is too good to stop.

Equipping sword and armor.....

Makes us kickass.

Time for a shield to completely outfit me for Sara, and.....

Fuck. Maybe Sara will pay attention to me anyway.

Double fuck! Without a full outfit of fighting shit Sara won't put out, and there isn't a enough money for a shield, so......

It's monster killin time!
Next update:Battle mechanics, goblins, and ogres! And a fetch quest!