Part 3: Telling secrets to total strangers is a good idea
Chapter 3: Telling secrets to total strangers is a good idea

Where we last left our adventurer, he was headed to Zepic taking some crystal to Sara's aunt. Or something.

Heading northeast, getting assaulted by ogres in the process, leads to a bridge...

Contrary to what it looks like, crossing the bridge does not indeed give experience. I went back and killed stuff. Now I can take face goblins and ogres head on without taking damage.

Heading north leads to a cave-river-thing....

And an area that is just screaming "I WILL BE USED LATER."

Heading south leads to yet another bridge.

These guys are wolves. They are worth 1 exp, and they illustrate how this game tells you where you should be pretty well.

They one-shot you.

We're goin through anyway, and hey, another bridge!

This is a Roda tree. Too bad there aren't any seeds, I bet that guy would pay a nice bounty for em.

Navigating through wolf-land further brings us to....

These statues. These are only present in the famicom version of this game. Touching one leads to....

A teleportation scene, and

Getting spat out at the next one. This one leads to

The next one. And this one to

You guessed it! This one, however....

Actually takes us places. And the neighbor?

Completely different.

Nice pond. Wait, wasn't some townsperson going on somewhere about a pond?


In the city? Which city, the one I came from or am going to? Way to be descriptive. If I can find the damn thing, I'm keepin it.

Going back at hitting the statue leads here. Another Roda tree. And hitting this statue again....

Leads back. Whew.

Heading back through wolfville leads to a conspicous path....

Hey hey, finally at Zepic! Now to find that aunt...

Wait I thought thieves were bad. This town likes them? Why hasn't this town and the last town annihilated each other over their ideals about thieves?

What the hell is it with you people and mines.

So did I. It's a fairy, dumbfuck.

And get all my shit stolen, sounds good. Anyway, to the chief's house!

Why yes divulging secrets to random people is an excellent idea.

Stolen bells and secrets! This is a fantastic game already.

This here is finally Jeva's house.

So if I had raped and killed Sara and taken her crystal you would've still given me the key to the tower? SWEET!

Heading up leads to some of the coolest music in the game. Unfortunately, this music is famicom version only, and so is not on the original OST or the arrange album.

The path to the Solomon Shrine. This is where the game can start to kick your ass. At least it has new music.