Part 5: The First Boss
Chapter 5: The First Boss

Where we last left our nameless adventurer (who's name is Adol Christensen) he was looking for a silver bell for a town chief he didn't know and yet trusted him, and for a book of Ys he was hoping to use to get himself laid (for lack of any other reason), and he used a key to make a statue glow that, when touched, teleported him.
Okay then, let's continue.

No enemies in the shrine, just rubies in chests. Right-o.

Locked chests like this normally wouldn't bother me, but Ys moves really fucking slow. This was fixed to an extent in Ys 2, and Ys 3 flies like a bat out of hell. This game, though...Jesus, it took 5 minutes to walk across the goddamn shrine, with no enemies to kill along the way. For a locked chest.

Ah, yes, a red door. Won't open without the key that Jeva gave. This must lead to somewhere important, like, say....

The first boss battle.
Original Arrange

The fire mage. Called Jenocres in other versions. All he does is teleport in and out, making those expanding flame squares. Hitting him without hitting the flames can be...tough.

Yes. He hits hard. That was two hits from the fire. So what do I do?

Come back 5 levels higher.

Yeah. That's what I thought. And bosses refill health once they are dead.

Now to go through that door.

Whoa. Color change. Music change, too.

The spiders really don't pose much of a threat.

Neither do these skeletons.

Unless they hit me oh god I'm getting the fuck out of here.

Yeah. HP regens here, but holy shit it might be time for an armor upgrade. Ow.