Part 6: In which someone forgets how they ended up in a jail cell. wait, what?
Chapter 6: In which someone forgets how they ended up in a jail cell. wait, what?

Back in town, time to upgrade some weapons and whatnot.

With an attack power of 20, this kicks the shit out of the short sword I had.

You suck. I need armor for those spiders!


This I can do. Too bad I can't sell the weapons and armor I have that are now outdated.

Gah. Why must I lose all the time? And I can't afford reflex.

Over here is the clinic. I never went there earlier because I honestly forgot about it.

This gives a potion that can be equipped and used whenever to restore health to max. Too bad it doesn't work during boss battles.

Thanks for being worthless, Pim.

Or not. This will teleport you back to here from anywhere except the final dungeon. Handy.

Anyway, now time to allllll the way back to.....


Outfitted with at least a new shield and sword, things are actually killable now.

I wonder what made them go with blue. I was rather fond of the purple upstairs.

These guys are fire beetles. Usually the first enemy to pop up that people simply can't damage at first. Cure: Level up more and get better equipment. Then maybe you can scratch them. As is, as long as you hit them where you'd normally damage them, they simply bounce back.

Hey, check it. A prison cell.

With a chick inside! sweet, time to find the key!

Not this one, dammit. Take a guess as to what this is for.

Finally, a splash of color in this mono-blue place.

At least these statues aren't glowing.

Yes! Now time to get back to that cell.

But first.....

Hell yes. Now I can be scary to the monsters!

Equipping it brings...

Sweet, everything is gray-scale. I feel like I'm playing the Game Boy again.

Except then this shit happens. While wearing the mask of eyes, it's impossible to see enemies.

Enough of that. I like the color.

What else is over here, anyway.

Heres another one I haven't gotten....

Oh sweet, this is what the village chief was lookin for. And to the south of here....

Awesome, another floor, and it's back to purple! Hey, what are those, sphinx things?

They're called Lyus. And I can't even damage them yet. Screw this, back to the cell!

Key works like a charm.

"You go on ahead. I've grown fond of this cell, and am gonna chill back here for a couple more years." At least thats what she's acting like. Feena is supposed to be Adol's love interest or something, but in this game it's impossible to tell. And she's supposed to be a goddess of Ys or something, too. The other supposed goddess of Ys, Lair, doesn't even make an appearance in this version of the game. Oh, and in the PC and PS2 versions of the game, Feena follows you out of the dungeon. And all the enemies make a beeline for her. And if she dies it's game over.

I'd leave if that GODDAMN SPIDER WOULD GET OUT OF THE WAY. Seriously took about 5 minutes to get him into a position where I wouldn't die running into him.

Finally back into HP regen land.

This is what the treasure chest key was for. there are 4 different rings in this game. This one doubles defense, effectively halving damage taken. Incredibly handy, and usually what I wear.

It even looks snazzy.

Finally back in Zepic, time to give this guy his bell back.

Hell yes, two rings in one update!

This ring doubles attack power, effectively doubling the damage you deal. While handy, I prefer the defense of the ring mail. Anyway, off to Jeva's house, for no apparent reason!

How did she get here? She never left the cell! Whatever, talk to Jeva time.

What. You're crazy, what's Feena got to say?

Fantastic. I'm sure you two crazies will live awesomely together.

Now what do I do?