Part 7: Chapter 7: The Reflex is an only child; he's waiting in the park!
Chapter 7: The Reflex is an only child; he's waiting in the park!

Oh yeah, Jeva wanted me to get that book of Ys that I never did. What's so important about them, anyway?

"Hey, we're prison bars that magically like to shut all the time." Or maybe Feena was polite enough to close the door on the way out. We'll never know.

Down the sliding splash of color,

And back to the color change.

Now the lyus are actually defeatable, but there are several, several more levels to be gained before this dungeon is finished.

The floating heads are actually weaker than the lyus, but unfortunately they're rarer as well

But sometimes they swarm! Yay experience!

Oh yay. More teleporting statues. This one, however, is not the one I want.

But more important than the statues is this key. Without it, the final boss doors won't open. Unfortunately, there are 2 keys in this dungeon....

But first back to the statue I want to hit. The one on the right.

Leading me to here. And what is here, you ask?

The marble key. The other key needed to access the boss of the dungeon.

Getting back to that original statue, completely ignoring the last one, leads to....


This room is fucking stupid. Lyus's will continually spawn and come through the door.

Making it far too difficult to actually get through the damn thing without getting clobbered in the process.

Finally getting through it, I find the other item Pim buys! Yay money!

Hitting the statue in the next room brings me....

Here. and following the massive one-way path here just leads to.....

The blue knights. The hardest enemy in this dungeon, but worth a whopping 90 exp per kill. Did someone say grind point? I think so!

And a new statue!

Down in the corner of this area is the silver shield. The strongest shield for most of the game, and goddammit how the hell did this shield end up here from the armor shop?

It even looks pretty.

2 statues! Time to take the right one again!

And turn around and hit the same one again! Why the hell did they put such an inane solution in? No fucking clue.

Lone statue, torches.

This place is crawling with blue knights. Which is absolutely fantastic for farming.

Helped by the fact that this hallway is like 4 screens long. Jesus.

Fucking finally.

Oh goddammit.

No blue knights spawn in this area, so at least that's a relief. Still, this game moves pretty slowly. Yay emulator speedup buttons. This is also the door for one of the keys.

And here's the other.

This is the dragon worm, called Nygtilger in other versions. he hurts. He moves twice as fast as Adol. The key is simply conserving movement, as he tends to loop around a lot, and keep on top of the tail. I clearly did not do this.

So I leveled and killed him. I apologize for the missing screens of death, but I was mashing the savestate button and not the screenshot button, and didn't realize it until after he was dead.

That's more like it!

Now to head back to Sara's house. I found the book! Time for her to put out!

And by pretty new armor on the way!

Finally. Let's see her reaction.

At least i can sell the necklace.

So now I've got two books of Ys, and not a goddamn clue what I'm supposed to do with them or what to do next. And Sara's dead. Fan-fucking-tastic.